
Extensions for safari ios. Extensions for the Safari browser on macOS and iOS. Notifications for GitHub

Nowadays, you can choose any of the many browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, etc.
Each browser has its own advantages and features, for example, Firefox differs very favorably from others by the ability to fully adapt to the user's conditions through the use of additional software modules and extensions.
This property is especially important for Mac OS X users who decide which of the most functional browsers to prefer - Firefox or Safari.
However, Safari also supports additional modules. Although the choice of plugins is not at all as wide as for Firefox, among them it is quite possible to find something suitable.

We offer you a selection of 20 useful plugins for Safari for OS X.

Note that many plug-ins are connected via SIMBL (Simple InputManager Bundle Loader), which is essentially a compact mechanism to help developers apply their programs as plug-ins to various OS X applications.

You can for free. If any of the modules described below run through this mechanism, simply install SIMBL by placing the module file in your "~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/" folder, and be sure to read the instructions for using each such additional module.

Firefox used a very famous module called Foxmarks. It still works, but has now been renamed Xmarks, and with the name change its scope has expanded - it is now also used for Internet browsers Explorer and Safari.
Xmarks will help you synchronize your bookmarks on many computers, eliminating data discrepancies, and you can also view them online.
If you use multiple computers and want to easily save your bookmarks across all your PCs, Xmarks is what you need.

2. Pith Helmet

PithHelmet is a blocker that, however, serves as a barrier not only for web advertising. PithHelmet allows you to block the playback of Flash movies, Shockwave objects and annoying midi signals. Customize the filter as you wish. This module does not yet work in the Safari 4 beta browser.

3.DeliciousSafari is a service that allows you to combine your bookmarks into a separate online array and send them.
You can also tag your bookmarks for easier viewing. The additional DeliciousSafari module is fully integrated into the structure of the service, helping you bookmark the sites you need without opening the web page itself.

4. Safari Tidy

This module will be very useful to you when certifying the program. When in running mode, it displays an icon in the status bar along with the total number of warnings or error messages on that page. If you are viewing the source page through the Safari browser, any lines containing errors or inaccuracies will be highlighted and a brief summary will be given at the bottom.


The default settings for displaying the original page in the Safari browser clearly leave much to be desired. This simple module provides syntax highlighting, which makes checking the source code of programs much easier.
You can set the color and font style in the settings panel that this module includes in the user settings window Safari browser.

6. SafariStand

SafariStand is a compact but powerful module for adding a collapsed sidebar and bookmarks bar to your page. With the help of the latter, it is easy to resume saved browsing sessions with one click of a button.
Other features of the module include changing the design of the site (for example, assigning a new size to the small print on a specific site, the use of a style sheet with custom settings or other interface elements), as well as easy access to various components of the site structure, such as javascript, CSS and cookies, through the Operations Menu.

7. Saft

The Saft is functional like a Swiss Army knife, with a handle that can be used to extract tools for all occasions. Its possibilities are almost limitless. WITH full list Its functions can be found by following the link.
Of these, the most interesting are the following: ad blocking, automatic opening of tabs in new windows, animation blocking, the ability to cancel an operation when closing tabs, side panel, Growl alert system support, autonomous operation in "kiosk" mode and viewing pages in full screen.

8. Cooliris

Cooliris is an excellent add-on for viewing video and photo galleries, for example those that open through Google search image search, Facebook, YouTube or Flickr.
With one click of a button, the gallery web page expands to full screen so that you can see a selection of photo and video files of this resource in full, as well as change the scale of images and view panoramas through the Cooliris interface. This interface is good in itself, and besides, it displays smooth animations and video transitions, which makes it more attractive to the user.

9. Inquisitor

Inquisitor (Finder) is an excellent tool for increasing the efficiency of search engines. Google service(Google search).
This module enables search when you are just entering a query, and displays the results in a small window that pops up under the line search query. Search results and options for interpreting a query can be displayed on the screen in the form of lists, the number of items in which you can set through the settings.
This is such a good development that it was recently purchased by Yahoo Corporation, which is now preparing to release a version of this module for Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.
Please note that Yahoo's acquisition of this software product involved the replacement of the previous (Google) Inquisitor search engine with a new (Yahoo) search engine, which is worth taking into account when planning to install this additional module.

10. Safari140

11. 1Password

1Password (1 password) is not just an additional module, but an entire password management service built into the browser structure.
The benefit of using 1Password is that it allows you to automatically generate valid strong passwords, which will later be saved and automatically entered by the service itself, relieving you of this concern. It costs $39.95, but you can get a free trial copy.

12. TabExpose

OS X has a great tool called Expose, which manages windows on your desktop and allows you to view all the windows you have open with the click of a button.
The TabExpose add-on opens tabs in the Safari browser in the same way.

13. GreaseKit

Powerful Firefox users widely use the Greasemonkey add-on to adjust the display of any website in their browser using a few javascript codes.
This greatly improves your work experience since you can, for example, vary the font size and color of the sites you visit most to make the text easier to read.
GreaseKit performs the same function in the Safari browser, just like other WebKit apps for OS X.

14. SafariStretch

Window management in OS X and Windows differs mainly in the function of the maximize window button.
On Windows, it stretches the window to fill the entire screen, while on OS X, the window's size is limited by the format of its contents.
SafariStretch allows you to stretch a window to the full screen in Safari, just like in Windows.

15. Glims

Glims is a module that significantly increases the functionality and equipment of Safari, and is a serious competitor to Saft.
A full list of its features is published on the Glims website, but the most notable of them are the following: displaying search results in Google systems and Yahoo in minimized form, viewing pages in full screen, displaying page icons on tab bars, auto-closing loading window, support for new tab links in open form, closing tabs by clicking the middle mouse button and dating boot folders.

16. CosmoPod

With CosmoPod, you can download and reformat Flash, DivX, WMV, and Real Media video files from the Internet to Mac, iPod/iPhone, and AppleTV devices. CosmoPod connects to most sites and automatically recognizes any video files suitable for formatting.
You can then add this video to your iTunes library with the click of a button. A license that gives unlimited rights to use this product costs $10.


CutX is a module for blocking individual sites by creating filters.
A convenient tool for preventing your children from accessing sites with dubious content, as well as for filtering data sent by employees from work computers to avoid information leakage.
CutX allows individual configuration of site filtering for each user, and you can enter the settings switching mode only if you know the master password.


DownloadComment is a simple module that works by accessing the Spotlight comment section through the file properties in the OS X menu.
As you download each file, DownloadComment will add its URL in the comments section so you can later identify where the file was downloaded from.

19. Safarilicious

Unlike the DeliciousSafari module, the standalone Safarilicious app hands over your Safari bookmarks to the popular service.
Safarilicious can also create tags using data from your bookmark folder structure, or use ones you assign yourself.
In addition, you can limit the export of folders if you want to make not all of your bookmarks available to external resources.

20. Safari Microformats

A set of data formats designed to facilitate the exchange of information online.
For example, hCards and hCalendars contain contact information and a calendar, as their names suggest, and are formatted so that various applications can read the data.
The Safari Microformats add-on module recognizes any hCards or hCalendars objects on a web page and notifies you of their presence with a symbol - an icon in the address bar.
By clicking on this Microformats icon, you can add the found addresses or calendar information to your address book(Address Book) and calendar (iCal).

If you are trying to install an old extension for the Safari browser, you will probably receive an error with a warning that the Apple Internet browser now only works with trusted Apple apps. But what if you need the old version?

How to get around the error: "Safari no longer supports unsafe extensions" on Mac

1. Find the desired Safari extension and change its name from .safariext to .zip.

For example: With "savefrom.safariext" on "".

2. Open the zip file using The Unarchiver. You will now have a folder called "[application name].safariextension".

Note: if after extracting you have a file with the extension .cpgz, rename the .zip to .xap and extract it.

3. Open Safari (if you haven't already) and go to developer mode. If it's not already activated in your Safari, in the menu bar, click Safari → Preferences → Add-ons → Show Develop menu in menu bar ().

4. From the menu bar, select Development, then → Show Extension Builder.

5. Click on the “+” icon in the lower left corner and select the item in the menu that appears Add extension.

6. Click the button Launch in the upper right corner, to activate the extension in Safari, confirm its “trustworthiness” with the administrator password.

7. Done! Now the “untrusted” extension with a flick of the wrist has become reliable and already works in Safari (also available in Settings Safari in a tab Extensions).

In the future, if you suddenly want to disable or remove untrusted extensions, just go to Extension Builder, as shown below, and disable/delete everything unnecessary.

The capabilities of modern Internet browsing programs can be expanded with the help of special add-ons. Today we want to introduce you to the best extensions for the Safari browser, as well as talk about methods for installing them.

We want to start by describing the methods for installing browser add-ons. Since they differ for MacOS and iOS, we will consider them separately.


Apple computers running macOS support two ways to install extensions - official, via App Store, and manual, when the add-on is installed bypassing the store. Let's start with the first one.

App Store
For some time, add-ons for Safari were installed through a separate service, but in macOS High Sierra and newer, the extensions migrated to the App Store.

  1. Open your browser and use the toolbar - go to the menu "Safari""Extensions for Safari".
  2. The App Store will be launched with an open add-ons section. Unfortunately, there are no search options in the list - you must search for the desired extension manually by scrolling through the list.
  3. If you click on one or another position, the product page will open, from where you can install it.

    Installation directly from the list is also supported - use the button "Download" under the name of the supplement. Then click "Install".

    You will be required to enter your Apple ID details
  4. Wait for the extension to install, then return to Safari. Open item "Settings".

    Go to the tab "Extensions" and enable the recently installed addon by checking the box next to its name.
  5. Safari extensions are in most cases standalone applications, so you can access them through the menu "Programs" or Launchpad tool.

    From here they can be removed if the need for use is no longer necessary.

Manual installation
Some add-ons are not moderated in the App Store, which is why they are not available in the extension store. However, no one forbids downloading a package with an addon from the developer’s website and installing it manually. The process is quite labor intensive, so keep that in mind.

  1. Download the file in SAFARIEXTZ format from the resource of the add-on creators. Next you will need to change the file extension to ZIP - just select the document, call context menu(right mouse button or two-finger tap on the touchpad) and select "Rename".

    Next, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the cursor to the end of the file name, erase the old extension and enter it instead zip.

    Confirm your desire to change the document format.

  2. To work with ZIP archives we will need a separate application. You can download any suitable one from the App Store - for example, iZip Unarchiver.

    After installing the application, select the compressed folder, call the context menu and select the items "Open in program""iZip Unarchiver".

  3. Unzip the ZIP file to any convenient location.
  4. Now let's move on to Safari. Open the application, then call "Settings".

    Next go to the tab "Extras" and activate developer options.
  5. Open menu "Development" and select the option "Show Extension Builder".

    The browser will ask for confirmation, click "Continue".
  6. There is a button in the lower left corner «+» , click on it and select "Add extension".

    Using Finder, find the previously unpacked directory with addon files. Open it, find a directory inside called *.safariextension, highlight it and click "Choose".
  7. An add window will appear containing technical information about expansion. To make the added plugin work, click on the button "Run".

    Confirmation may be required - enter the password for the current account.

The extension manager can be closed, the add-on is installed and functional. However, there is one caveat: an add-on added using this method will only work until the browser is restarted. There is a way you can make it work constantly - create a special script. This is done as follows:

  1. Launch the application "Script editor", the easiest way to do this is from the Launchpad tool - the tool we need is in the folder "Other".
  2. Paste the following text into the editor window:

    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Safari"
    set frontmost to true
    click menu item "Show Extension Builder" of menu "Development" of menu bar 1
    delay 0.5
    click button "Run" of splitter group 1 of window "Extension Builder"
    click button 1 of window "Extension Builder"
    end tell
    end tell

    Then use the points "File""Save".

    Save the script to any suitable place, the name must be in Latin.

  3. Open Finder and use the tool to navigate to a folder, enter ~/Libraries/ .

    Create a new directory and name it Scripts. Inside this directory, create another one, call it Safari. Then open it and place the script you created in the previous step inside.
  4. Now, every time you start Safari, a command to launch the added extensions will start. Please note that on weaker devices this may affect the speed at which the program opens.


Things are somewhat different with extensions for the mobile version of Safari. On iOS they behave a little differently than what users are used to on a PC or Mac. The thing is that they are not downloaded and installed as standalone components, as in the desktop environment - add-ons for mobile Safari are integrated with the corresponding applications. Accordingly, installing an add-on for Safari is the same as installing any other third-party program.

There are also nuances to using extensions. In most cases, these components are initially disabled, but there is an easy way to view all the add-ons available for Safari and turn them on or off.

Interaction with any other component is implemented in a similar way, so this algorithm can be used not only for Pocket.

Useful extensions

Now let's move on to a short review of extensions for Safari that may be useful to most users.


Due to the features of the version, the option for desktop computers Apple's available selection of add-ons is quite extensive.

The most famous ad blocker also exists in a version for Safari. The operating principle and capabilities of this extension do not differ from versions for other browsers: updating content filtering lists, creating white lists of resources on which advertising is allowed, the option to enable unobtrusive advertising. There is also an extended version of the add-on with advanced features, but it is available for a fee.

Ghostery Lite
Another multi-platform extension focused on security, Ghostery Lite allows you to disable tracking trackers on certain sites, remove resource-intensive ads or advertising pop-ups from the page. According to the developers, it is best used in conjunction with a full-fledged ad blocker.

The problem of Internet security also concerns protection against data theft. A small TrafficLight extension from the eminent developer BitDefender will help protect against theft personal information. There are not many settings - a white list of sites and scan severity parameters.

Right Click
Some sites (particularly educational ones) often do not allow you to copy text or even just highlight it. Thanks to the Right Click extension, the problem is completely eliminated. The app will allow you to copy text or right-click on all sites where it is disabled by default - just click on the extension icon near the address bar when you are on the page you want to select text from and use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+C.

Tab Lister
An extension that will be useful to users who are accustomed to working with big amount tabs at the same time. Tab Lister creates a list of all pages open in your browser with one click on the add-on icon. Open Tabs can be saved for viewing later - useful if you need to restart the system for some reason, but lose open pages I do not want.


Since the OS for mobile devices from the Cupertino company does not fully support extensions, in this section we will look at programs that provide such functionality.

Client application of the service, which allows you to save the page in cloud service for later reading on your computer. A multi-platform solution for which it is not necessary to have an Apple computer.

A program that will be useful for web designers. The extension of this application allows you to determine the characteristics of fonts on a page opened in Safari: type, size, style.

Awesome Screenshot
The standard iOS screenshot is not always user-friendly, especially when working in the built-in browser. Awesome Screenshot comes to the rescue. The capabilities of this application are quite extensive: in addition to taking “long” screenshots, it is possible to annotate and export the image to PDF format.

Translate for Safari
A small module that can translate websites from one language to another on the fly. It uses the Google Translate engine as a basis, which is why the extension has a fairly extensive database of languages ​​and produces a very high-quality translation. Updated regularly.


We introduced you to the best extensions for the Safari browser in versions for macOS and iOS, and also suggested options for installing additional modules in this browser. As you can see, extensions can increase the functionality and productivity of Apple's web browser.

Every MacBook user (and other Macs too) sooner or later comes to Safari. Yes, this browser in some places is not as convenient as Chrome, and not as customizable as Mozilla, and maybe some people like Opera... but it is damn energy efficient and runs very quickly/smoothly. Yes, and integration with services can be a decisive factor. It's a matter of small things - slightly upgrade Safari with extensions.

In this material, I have collected 5 useful add-ons for Safari that I personally tested in daily use.

1. Minimal Status Bar(v.1.17)

An absolute must-have for every advanced Internet user. A tiny and invisible add-on that causes the Status Bar to appear when you hover the cursor over active element and hide as soon as the need for it disappears. Chrome users They will rightly note that the status bar in their browser behaves this way initially. That’s right, but since Apple didn’t bother to do it well (reserving a good chunk of the screen for the Status Bar), we’ll correct this oversight ourselves.

The extension has only one setting - you can allow shortened links to be expanded. I recommend turning it on.

2. ClickToFlash(v.3.1.5)

No less, if not a more necessary addition. Prevents the browser from automatically playing Flash content (if installed at all) Flash Player) and also knows how to use HTML5 instead of Flash. The latter is especially true for various network audio and video players.

After installation, the add-on is scary with a scary settings menu, but before any problems arise with playing content, you can close it. It's worth taking a look at the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.

3. (v.2.3.1)

The addition saves the nerves of Mac users. Especially those of us who are not lucky enough to have a computer with a fast SSD and who can do without a power-hungry one. When enabled, NoMoreiTunes prevents iTunes from opening automatically when you go to the Apple Store page in your browser. Instead of a redirect, a panel with an "Open in iTunes" button is shown. The only bad thing is that you can’t force hide the panel.

4. (

An extension that upgrades the YouTube website interface with a very useful “Download” menu. Obviously, now you have the opportunity to download video - streaming files with sound and picture resolution up to 720p, or separately video (up to 2k) and audio (128kbps). But in addition, FastestTube can block ads and disable autoplay.

5. AdBlock

I'll tell you straight - AdBlock and its brothers in the shop are hated by the entire web industry. They block advertising, which also feeds resources. On the other hand, there are many sites on the Internet that are absolutely impossible to be on without such an extension - pages full of banners, throwing out pop-ups and other extremely intrusive advertising crap will drive the most persistent and patient person crazy . So it’s still worth installing AdBlock. And then go to the extension settings and add to the exclusion list those sites that you are ready to support with your attention. For example, UiP =)

There are many benefits to using a browser VPN, but you need to choose a service first. When looking for the best VPN for Safari on Mac OS and iOS, here are some features to consider:

  • Support you need operating system or even several
  • High speed - because it will already slow down when using the service.
  • Strong encryption and zero logs

VPN for Safari does not protect the rest of the connection - only web traffic goes through it.

Best VPNs for Safari 2020

There are frankly few offers, so it is more convenient and profitable to use general VPNs for Mac. But there are still options:


ExpressVPN is our top recommendation. It is the only major service that is available as a Safari VPN extension that includes all of the app's security features, including DNS leak protection. But - to work, you will still need a full-fledged client installed on your laptop.

  • OpenVPN 256-bit AES encryption;
  • 4096-bit RSA encryption for connection establishment;
  • Maximum speeds in all conditions.

ExpressVPN is available for all operating systems that the browser runs on: Mac OS X, macOS and iOS, as well as Linux and Windows. You get three simultaneous connections, so you can use multiple devices at the same time, as well as the browser itself.

The application is not always supported: at some points during technical work it is disabled. But you can still use the Express VPN client for Safari by setting it to run in only one browser in the program's settings.


You get access to servers in 61 countries with NordVPN, and the app is great for security, complete privacy, and access to any resource. You can install the NordVPN app for Mac OS X, macOS and iOS, an app is also available for Windows and Android, and you can install the system manually on Linux computers and devices.

  • Zero Logs Policy;
  • Unique solutions for increased security;
  • Connect up to 6 devices per license.

NordVPN does not offer a separate browser extension. However they have additional service, called an HTTP proxy, which you can configure in your browser. A tutorial on the website explains how to enable VPN in Safari on Mac. A web proxy is not as good as a VPN because it doesn't give you any additional settings encryption or other security measures, it simply changes your virtual location.

You can always configure a VPN only for Safari in the program settings, if everything else works that way.


PureVPN is fast and reliable, loaded with features, and at a great price. This is one of the largest services when it comes to the number of countries it offers. More than 2,000 servers are available in 141 countries. This is a self-managed network owned by the company itself. However, the service keeps track of connections and bandwidth for optimal control by your servers.

  • KillSwitch function.
  • Split tunneling.
  • PureVPN is compatible with over 20 devices.

There is no separate Pure VPN application for Safari - users are asked to install the program on a computer or laptop, and then, if desired, they can set up split tunneling to allow only traffic from Safari to pass through the VPN. This is quite convenient, because if necessary, you can use a VPN for games, instant messengers, and various other tasks, and when there are no problems and you just need to change the IP, there is no need to overload the system.

There is a 31-day money-back guarantee and live chat support available 24/7.

This VPN offers great value for money. You can connect to five devices at the same time, there is a more budget version for 3 devices (unless you are traveling to China, in which case you need a premium account with the Chameleon protocol).

  • 3 days of free testing.
  • Wide range of protocols.
  • 100% zero logs.

With over 700 servers available in over 70 countries, you can connect to them quickly and easily. There is also a KillSwitch and excellent mobile applications, but there is no separate browser extension.

The Chameleon protocol scrambles metadata, making the service one of the best for countries with strict Internet control policies.

Free VPNs for Safari

It's best to avoid free VPN services. You won't find anything that will provide you full protection privacy. Some free services are fraudulent programs that actually collect information from your traffic to sell to advertisers. There are many free VPNs that don't include encryption at all. These services provide a false sense of security since all traffic passing through the connection is available to any eavesdropper. Many companies offer a free version to attract new customers. It is obvious that these free versions are not as good as the paid ones offered by the same company, otherwise these providers will never be able to convince anyone to pay for the service. Usually these free VPNs there are limitations for Safari Mac OS:

  • the number of servers you can access;
  • throughput;
  • the amount of data you can use each month.

If you understand that you really need a VPN, buy large packages for a year, two or three, and this way you can save money.

How to enable VPN in Safari

The installation is simple, and even those who have never used a VPN before can handle it. Development technologies have come a long way, and now you don’t need to configure anything manually. No, you can do this if you feel like a computer geek and like to tinker with the settings, but in most cases it is much more convenient to install the program in just a couple of clicks and launch a beautiful application with the press of one button.

  • Go to the provider’s official website and download the program for your operating system from there. Everyone works with Windows and Mac, only a few work with Linux, but there is definitely a choice.
  • Double click to install the application. Everything is intuitive.
  • Open the application after installation.
  • Enter your registration details.
  • Go to the settings and find the split tunneling item if you want to enable VPN in one separate Safari browser.
  • Select the connection country or server type of the desired type.
  • Launch your browser and test changing your IP address.
  • If something goes wrong, contact technical support (you can use Google Translate), they will tell you how to enable VPN in Safari.

Paid services may cost you less - check out our review of discounts and promotions 2020 to find out how you can save.

Take advantage of the cash back periods offered by the services on our site to test them without any risk. VPN for Safari or for the entire laptop is safe, reliable and convenient.

FAQ about VPN services for Safari

How to enable VPN in Safari on Mac?

In any case, you first need to decide on a specific service, because you will have to enter settings if the connection is configured manually. How to enable VPN in Safari is usually written on the provider’s website. If you install the Express VPN extension, everything will turn on automatically.

Is there a VPN for Safari on iOS?

Most services that offer apps for Mac also support iOS. You need to find out specifically, but in any case, you can find and enable VPN in Safari on iPhone.

Where to download VPN for Safari iPad for free?

We do not recommend downloading programs that will gain access to your traffic from dubious sites. Or search in the AppStore, or go to the official websites of providers from our website.
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