
Expand drive d to include drive c. Instructions for increasing disk memory capacity. Operating system tools

Incorrect markup hard drive during installation operating system can cause drive C to fill up quickly and your computer's performance to deteriorate. This problem solved by increasing the Windows C partition. This does not require special knowledge. You can add disk C memory using special programs with a convenient graphical interface.

Acronis Disk Director

Acronis Disk Director is considered the unrivaled leader among disk utilities. It allows you to split and move partitions, as well as perform many other operations on them. You can download Acronis Disk Director on the manufacturer’s website (paid) or (free).


The increase in the system partition (usually C) is carried out by reducing the adjacent partition (usually D) and attaching the freed volume to drive C. Therefore, before starting work on partitioning, it is necessary to free up the space required for attachment on the donor disk (preferably with a reserve).


To enlarge drive C at the expense of a neighboring drive (usually D), you must:

  1. run the utility as administrator;
  2. Click once on the adjacent disk (D);
  3. in the window that opens, enter in the “Unallocated space in front of volume” field the amount of free memory that you want to transfer to drive C (in bytes);
  4. press the “OK” button;
  5. Click once on the system drive (C);
  6. Click on the “Operations” panel (on the left) on the line “Resize volume”;
  7. in the window that opens, click on the arrow next to the “Volume size” field (attaches all unallocated space after the partition);
  8. press the “OK” button;
  9. Click on the “Apply scheduled operations (2)” button (top panel of the program).

The speed of the operation depends on the power of the specific computer, the amount of disk space used, and the amount of free space planned for the move. For successful repartitioning, it is recommended to disable all unused programs and not use the computer until the work is completed.

Additional information on using disks can be found in our article.

It happens that when installing an operating system, at the stage breaking down hard disk into partitions, the user is short-sightedly greedy, allocating system files 30 gigabytes of disk space. Particularly greedy individuals allocate even less - they were the ones who read this article first. But no matter why it happened that there are no places system disk(usually drive C) is missing. What matters is what to do about it. Here's what you can do: delete unnecessary programs and clean your desktop. But practice shows that this measure is temporary and tangible relief will not last long - a month or two - at best. The cardinal solution is to format C and repartition physical disk again, without repeating the mistakes made in the past. But as a rule, this process is labor-intensive, this is one, and labor-intensive is two. And three. You will have to restore everything that was installed on drive C (many users unwisely store personal data and have difficulty collected information on the desktop, or in the “my documents” folder), search for drivers again, configure the system...

It is better to go the third way, choosing the golden mean. We will tell you how to increase the volume of the system disk using free space on other disks without reinstalling the system or deleting information. Moreover, this operation can be carried out system means without resorting to third party programs.

For this we need an external HDD, to which it will be necessary to transfer (temporarily) all information from the disk on which we decided to take away free space. But first things first:

The question of how to enlarge drive C is solved identically in two operating systems - Windows7 and Windows8.

First, we transfer all the information from volume D to another medium, then open Disk Management. For this

in Windows7: click “Start” and enter in the search bar diskmgmt.msc, then click ok. Or: on the desktop, right-click on “Computer”, select “Management” then “Disk Management”.

In Windows8: in the search we write diskmgmt.msc, then ok. Or: on the desktop, right-click on “Computer”, select “Manage” then “Disk Management”.

2 Right-click on volume D and select “Delete Volume”.

3. Confirm the deletion.

4. Select volume C with the right key, and select “Extend volume” from the drop-down menu.

5. The “Volume Expansion Wizard” starts, click “Next”.

6. In the dialog box that opens, indicate the capacity by which we want to increase the system disk. Click “Next”.

7. Click the “Finish” button.

8. Done, the system disk has been enlarged. Now you need to use the unallocated space to create disk D (otherwise the system simply won’t see free space and it will be impossible to use it). Click on unallocated space and select “Create simple volume” from the drop-down menu.

9. Open the wizard again and click the “Next” button.

10. In the dialog box that appears, leave the default settings and click “Next” again.

11. We leave the letter proposed for the new volume (Letter D).

13. To complete the work, click “Finish”.

The process is complete. We have an enlarged partition C, and a new smaller volume D. All that remains is to transfer the old information to the new section D.

Question from a user

Hello. Not long ago I ran out of space on my Windows disk - and the error “Insufficient space on the system partition of the disk, this may be the reason...” began to appear in the tray next to the clock. The fact is that the C:\ drive actually has little space - only 30 GB, but the other D:\ drive has 420 GB (about 200 GB free). Is it possible to increase the size of drive C at the expense of drive D without losing data?

PS Acer laptop Aspire 5550, Windows system 8, 500 GB hard drive (Seagate, if I'm not confused).


Most often, you have to change the disk size when, when installing Windows OS, you incorrectly calculated the required size of the system disk (also when buying a PC - often the disk is not very conveniently divided: either there is only one partition with Windows, or the size of the system partition is very small).

In general, a similar operation to resize partitions can be done even without installing additional programs, if you have Windows 7, 8, 10 installed (if XP - use the link to special software for formatting, partitioning hard drives, link below).

I’ll show you with a specific example where and how to press ☺.

Programs for working with hard drives (partitioning, formatting, defragmentation, etc.) -

Increasing the capacity of the C:\ drive

(Relevant for Windows 7,8, 10. Without loss of data and additional programs)

Important: To increase the size of the C:\ drive - you must have free space

on some other partition of the disk (part of which we will take)

1) Disk management

Modern Windows operating systems have a built-in utility program for formatting and partitioning disks. It's called - disk management . Of course, the first thing you need to do is open it.

To do this, press the button combination Win+R.

Then the required utility should start...

Disk management

2) Separate part of the free space

Now we need to select a disk partition that has free space and “take away” it to subsequently attach the taken space to the “C:\” drive.

To do this, right-click on the selected partition and select the option (in my example below, I decided to shrink volume H:).

Now you need to specify how much free space you want to take on the disk. In my example below, I took the figure to be 5000 MB (i.e. 5 GB).

After the partition is compressed, you should see unallocated disk space appear (a rectangle with a black stripe on top, see screenshot below). This is the place that can now be attached to another disk partition.

Unallocated area

3) Attach unallocated space to the “C:\” drive

We right-click on the drive to which we want to attach unallocated disk space (in the current example, we attach it to the “C:\” drive), and select the option from the menu "Expand volume" .

Note! If the “Extend volume” option is not active and is grayed out (you cannot click it), read a couple of suggested solutions at the bottom of the article.

Basically, the last step is to agree to the operation by clicking on the “Done” button.

All! Your system disk is now 5000 MB larger. This is Good!

4) What if the expand volume tab on the “C:\” drive is not active?

In some cases, when trying to expand a volume, this option in disk management may not be active (it is simply grayed out and cannot be clicked, example below).

There are two solutions:

  1. Try removing unnecessary partitions used for recovery. As a rule, this is observed more often on laptops where there are special sections from the manufacturer. In my example below, I'll show you how to remove them so that the Extend Volume feature becomes active. Important! In this case, you will disable the ability to restore on your laptop (however, this function is not all that effective and reliable, and rarely helps, but still...).
  2. Another option is to use special. programs for resizing HDD partitions from this article:

So, let me consider the first case...

You must first run command line from the administrator: to do this, open the task manager (button combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc), then click File/new task , enter CMD and press Enter (example below).

  • enter the command and press Enter ;
  • next command list disk(all disks in the system will appear, in the example below there is one disk in the system with the identifier "0");
  • select disk 0- indicate which disk you need to select. In your case, perhaps instead of “0” you need to indicate the disk identifier that you need (screen with an example below).

Next steps:

  • - look at all the partitions that are on this disk;
  • select partition 6- select a specific partition on the disk. Please note that instead of “6” you need to indicate your number (make sure that the message “Section X is selected” appears).

List partition (in my case, it was necessary to delete partitions 6 and 8 (used for recovery) in order for the "Extend volume" tab to become active).

And the last command to delete the selected partition is delete partition override. Important! Be careful, this command will delete the selected section, all information from it will be lost!

To delete the next partition, you need to select it again (for example, select partition 8 and then use the command again to remove delete partition overrid ).

Actually, that's all - the problem is solved.

The editors of our portal have more than once received questions like how to increase the space on disk c or how to increase the volume of disk c at the expense of d and so on. In today’s article, we will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible and make some instructions for you, with the help of which everyone can painlessly and without losing data increase the size of the desired local disk.

Why am I running out of disk space?

Operating systems family Microsoft Windows have one unpleasant property: over time, the size they occupy grows and increases, thereby filling up the free space on the disk. Both temporary and system files can take up space, and they grow depending on the needs of the system. Sooner or later, there comes a time when there is simply not enough space on the system disk and the operating system begins to “glitch” and work slowly. You can clean and remove unnecessary files, configure the paging file, but what to do when there is nothing left to delete. In this article we will tell you how to increase the space of the System disk at the expense of other logical volumes.

Two methods to painlessly transfer free space from one drive to another

  • Method 1- if you are using an operating system Windows 7 or 8 , then you have the opportunity to use a standard utility to view and change hard drive partitions.
  • Method 2- otherwise you will have to use programs such as Acronis Disk Director or Partition Magic.

How to increase the size of the system disk with Windows 7 or another OS - Method 1

We need the utility “To launch this utility, right-click on the “Computer” icon and select “Manage.”

In the window that opens, find and launch the Disk Management utility. This component of the operating system allows you to manage all storage devices, be it a hard drive, flash memory or disk.

In order to increase the space on drive C at the expense of local drive D or any other, we need to transfer the available free space from one local drive to the system drive (that is, the one where the Windows 7 or other operating system is installed). Before doing this, check your local disk for free space and calculate how much you would like to transfer.

To free up space, right-click on it and select “Shrink Volume”.

In the next window we will need to specify the size of the space that we want to transfer to another volume. Set it to the “Size of compressed space (MB)” field.

After completing the steps, free space should appear on our hard drive, which we can transfer to the system drive.

In order to add free space to the system disk, right-click on it and context menu select "Extend volume".

After this, a wizard will launch that will help you resize our volume. In the wizard window, you will need to select the volume to expand and the amount of space to add.

Having done this, click “Next” and after a short wait you will receive a system disk with a large amount of free space. After this, you should restart your computer.

Increasing space on drive C using Acronis Disk Director - Method 2

Acronis Disk Director is a very powerful product for work with hard and local disks computer. You should read the system messages very carefully so as not to accidentally make a mistake and destroy data.

When entering the program, we are greeted by an intuitive interface in which we can select disks and perform operations with it. To increase the volume size, select the disk and click “Change Volume Size”.

In the window that opens, check the boxes next to “Add unallocated space to a volume” and “Take free space from other volumes.” By clicking on the button next to the percentage window, select how much space you want to take from other drives. Once you have freed up space, change the Volume Size.

After making all the changes, click “Ok” and apply the actions. The system will ask you to reboot and after reboot you will have a disk with a large amount of free space.

Sometimes there is a need to increase the size of drive C at the expense of another partition. Most likely you need this because there is almost no space on it, but you need to expand it. In this article I will analyze two programs that will help you do this and some instructions.

We will talk specifically about increasing drive C at the expense of another partition, for example, drive D, and they must be on the same hard drive or SSD. If you have Windows 7, 8 or 10, then these instructions will suit you.

It would be possible to do this using standard means, but, unfortunately, this will not be possible without losing data. Therefore, we will use third-party software.

How to increase the capacity of C drive using Aomei Partition Assistant

A wonderful program that will allow you to expand the C partition of your hard drive or solid state drive is called Aomei Partition Assistant. This program It does not install various garbage along with it, which some programs are famous for. Also, the program is in Russian with a completely understandable interface. Works on all operating systems starting from Windows 7.

The most important thing to pay attention to: do not correct work with partitions can lead to data loss. If they are important to you, I recommend keeping them in a safe place.

Download and install the program, I think there will be no problems with this. After launch, you will see a nice interface, although it depends on who you are. All your disks and partitions are displayed there.

In our case, as I said, we will increase section C at the expense of section D. Now let's do this.

Right-click on drive D and select "Resize partition".

A window will open where we can use the slider and thereby change the size, or enter it manually. You need to make sure that the unallocated space of the partition after selecting the size is in front of it, as shown in the screenshot. Then click OK.

Now, in the same way, we change section C, only now we increase the size on the right. It will increase due to the free space that we took from drive D. Click OK again.

After the work has been done, at the top of the program, on the left, there is a button "Apply", press it.

Now the computer should be restarted, usually you need to do two of them. As a result, the size of the C drive will increase.

This is not the only function of the program. With her help we can. Also, you can create a bootable flash drive in the program and resize the partitions there.

How to Enlarge C Drive Using MiniTool Partition Wizard Free

So there's another one bad program called MiniTool Partition Wizard Free. It is free, does not install third-party software, but its disadvantage is that it is not in Russian, it may be difficult for some, but thanks to this article you will understand everything.

The program interface is somewhat similar to the previous one. In principle, there are almost no differences from the first option. We will enlarge the system disk in the same way.

First, click on drive D, and then click "Move/Resize Partition" up. Now take the desired size of disk D, highlight it on the left and click OK.

That's all, after the completed operation in Explorer you can already see the increased size of the system partition. Now you know how to do it.

You can download the program from here.

How to increase the size of the system disk as standard

Standard means using standard means Windows. You can do this, fortunately, like Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, there is such a function. But there is this method disadvantage: the data on drive D will be erased, so you will need to first transfer it somewhere. Perhaps you have decided to use this method, then first press the combination Win+R, a window will open in which you need to enter the command:


This will open the tool "Disk Management". There you will see all connected disks and partitions. If there are additional sections, also called hidden, then I do not recommend touching them.

So, right click on partition D and select "Delete volume". Subsequently, the data on the disk will be deleted, and free, unpartitioned space will be created to the right of the C drive.

To increase the volume of the system disk, right-click on it and select "Extend Volume". Next, the volume expansion wizard will open, where we need to specify the volume by which we will expand the disk. You don't need to choose too much if you still need section D.

We have enlarged the system disk, now we need to use the unoccupied space that we have left. To do this, click on what is not distributed with the right mouse button and click "Create Simple Volume". The drive will be assigned the letter you selected and will be formatted. That's all.

Now you can return all your important data back to the D drive.

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