
Solving problems with launching AutoCAD. "AutoCAD" does not start: possible reasons, deleting problematic files, fatal errors and problem solving Autocad does not start windows 7 64

AutoCAD is now the most popular drafting program in the world. Dozens of users install it on their computers every day. However, not everyone can immediately proceed to interact with this software. Sometimes there are problems with launching AutoCAD, which is associated with various factors. Next, we want to demonstrate known methods for solving this problem, which have been tested to work.

There are a number of reasons why startup problems may occur. They are all resolved different ways, so the user needs to find the method that suits him by searching through the options. However, the task will be significantly simplified if the user knows the error code or has read the notification that appears on the screen, if, of course, it is present.

Startup Error Code Tool

When installing AutoCAD, the user receives on his computer a large number of additional utilities, which will come in handy when interacting with the software. This includes a tool that allows you to monitor program behavior and identify existing problems. You can use it like this:

If the error is known for the utility being used, it will definitely be indicated in the file. Based on this, you already need to select optimal solution. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following methods to find a suitable option. When the file is empty, simply start looking for a fix by executing each option presented sequentially.

Method 1: Configure User Account Control settings

In the operating room Windows system There is a built-in tool that allows you to control all changes made. It also acts as a security mechanism that prevents any files from being changed without the administrator's knowledge. AutoCAD developers also talk about conflicts with this tool, recommending disabling it if any problems arise with the functionality of the software. This is what we will do now.

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Select a category there "Security and Service Center".
  3. Use the menu on the left to navigate to the menu "Change User Account Control settings".
  4. Slide the switch to "Never notify".
  5. Confirm your changes by clicking on "OK".

At the same time, make sure that all actions are performed under the administrator account. If this is not the case, log in with this profile. Read more about this in our other material by clicking on the link below.

Method 2: Delete the Cascadeinfo.cas file

As you know, in the AutoCAD program, licensing is checked via the Internet. The document responsible for this is called "Cascadeinfo.cas". It may be damaged due to an unexpected PC shutdown or some other action. This leads to problems with launching the software, as even the developers themselves claim. This problem can be solved by simply deleting this document (the next time you start the application, it will be successfully restored).

Method 3: Delete the contents of the FLEXnet folder and check the service

FLEXnet is another tool associated with Autodesk products. It also performs a license check function at startup software. If the license cannot be verified, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen, indicating that you need to clear the contents of the directory and check the licensing service, which happens like this:

Method 4: Cleaning the Temp folder

System Windows folder entitled "Temp" stores temporary files that accumulate throughout the entire period of use of the PC. Over time, the contents of this directory can take up a large amount of hard drive space. Because of this, AutoCAD sometimes simply refuses to start. This situation can be corrected by simply cleaning the folder. You can do this either independently or using software. More detailed information You will find information on this topic in our other material by clicking on the link below.

Method 5: Installing additional system libraries

If, when you try to launch AutoCAD, you receive a notification that a DLL file is missing, this means that additional libraries in which these objects are present were not installed. Typically, DLL format elements store certain parameters and are periodically accessed by software, which is why the stability of applications depends so much on them. We recommend downloading latest version, all Vusial C++ and .NET Framework assemblies to accurately resolve the issue of missing DLLs. This will also come in handy when working with other software. You will find all the necessary links to download libraries below.

Method 6: Settings for restricted users

This solution to the problem is aimed only at system administrators who encountered difficulties launching AutoCAD on other users' computers local network. In most cases, the cooperative network involves the use of accounts with limited rights. This is what leads to the problem in question. The developers point out that this can only be fixed by granting rights to the following files:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2015
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2015

After this, you should restart the PC and try to launch the software again.

Method 7: Reinstall the program

You should resort to using the current method only when the above options have not brought any results. AutoCAD, like any other software, could not be installed on the PC quite correctly, which caused launch problems. In such cases, only a simple reinstallation will help. However, you should uninstall the software correctly to ensure that you get rid of all residual files.

Even a novice user can figure out the re-installation, but we still recommend reading additional guidance on this topic in order to repeat all the steps exactly and not get the same startup problems.

After you have successfully completed the task, you can safely move on to the full use of AutoCAD. It will be useful for novice users to study training materials on this topic in order to quickly understand the workflow and master the interaction with basic tools and functions.

It's no secret that AutoCAD can be run different ways. The most popular seem to be two: double click on the dwg file, launch the AutoCAD shortcut with predefined keys. I’m generally silent about the software launch option.

Personally, I prefer not to launch AutoCAD by double-clicking on dwg: it’s fraught. The fact is that AutoCAD starts with the version that was last opened. It is open, not closed! The information is stored in the registry, branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD, key CurVer. If you go further, then in the branch, for example, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R17.2\ACAD-7004:409\Profiles the name of the last AutoCAD profile with which it was launched will be indicated.

Considering that I have a dozen profiles “hung” on one AutoCAD, this state of affairs does not suit me: it is not always possible to remember which version of AutoCAD and with which profile I last launched. So I launch AutoCAD first, and only then open the dwg.

There is one more point: I have a feeling that AutoCAD completely ignores the launch keys (except \p) when called in this way, and these keys can have a very serious meaning.

Below I have actually duplicated the official documentation. My notes are in italics

/b Script file name Indicates a script that runs after the program starts (b indicates a process batch processing). Scripts can configure settings for a new drawing. The file must have an SCR extension.
/t Template file name A new drawing is created based on a template or prototype drawing. The file must have a DWT extension.
/c Configuration folder Specifies the path to the hardware configuration file to be used. You can specify a folder or a specific file name here. The file must have a CFG extension.
If the /c switch is not specified, the application folder is searched and the environment variables ACADCFGW or ACADCFG are used to determine the configuration file and its path.
/v View name Sets the drawing view displayed at startup. This means named
view. Naturally, this view must exist in the drawing.
/ld ARX ​​or DBX application The ARX or DBX application is loading. You need to use the following format:


If the file name or path contains spaces, you must enclose them in double quotes. If the path is not specified, the program path is used for searching.

/s Support File Folders Supporting file folders other than the current one are specified. Support files store text fonts, menus, AutoLISP programs, linetypes, and hatch patterns used in drawings. Maximum amount The number of folders that can be specified in the path is 15. Folder names are separated by semicolons.
/r System default pointing device Recovery system device default instructions. Created new file configurations (settings) (acad2010.cfg), and previous file the name is assigned acad2010.bak .
/nologo Disabling the AutoCAD Logo Screen The program starts without displaying the logo screen. Extremely
interesting key, highly recommend.
/p User-specified registry profile profile for program startup Sets a user-defined registry profile for running the program. The specified profile is valid only in the current program session. In this session, you can set a different current profile in the Setup dialog box.

This is the Profiles tab in the Setup dialog where you can create and import profile files. The /p parameter can be used to specify the name of the profile listed in the Customize dialog box or the name of the exported profile file (ARG). If the specified profile does not exist, the current profile is used.
Actually, not quite like that: if you specify a non-existent profile name, then the new
the profile will be created based on the standard settings, and not based on the current one

/nohardware Disables hardware acceleration Disables hardware acceleration at startup.
/nossm Without the Sheet Set Manager window Suppresses the Sheet Set Manager dialog box from displaying when the program starts.
/set Binder The specified binder is loaded when the program starts. You need to use the following format:

If the path or binder name contains spaces, the path must be enclosed in double

/w Default workspace Determines which workspace of loaded CUIx files should be restored at startup.
/pl Background printing/publishing Publishes a drawing set definition (DSD) file in the background. You need to use the following format:

<путь>\<файл описаний наборов чертежей>.DSD

Such a very unpleasant problem occurs quite often and is often not accompanied by anything, neither lags nor errors.

Below we will describe the causes and ways to eliminate the situation when AutoCAD does not start.

This is precisely the situation in which no accompanying information appears (no errors and the system log is empty).

The problem lies in a file called “CascadeInfo.cas”, which you simply need to delete so that it can be recreated upon startup.

Depending on the version of the operating system, its location will depend.

On Windows XP it is located in “Autodesk\Adlm”, “Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data” directory.

In Windows 7 in the "ProgramData" directory.

You can also use the “Search” functionality; to do this, enter the name “CascadeInfo.cas” in the search bar and click “Find”.

Upon completion, the desired object will appear in the list, and the address of its location will be indicated next to it.

Incorrect operation of the protection system

AutoCAD does not start and an error appears with the text: “The security system (software license manager) is not responding or is not installed correctly.”

The main and most common solution is to manipulate the Flexnet service.

As an addition, it is worth mentioning one more point that such a problem can also arise due to the use of an outdated component operating system"IE". Check for current updates, if any are found, carry out all the suggested actions.

Parallel configuration

The error text looks like this: “The application could not be started due to an incorrect parallel configuration».

“Parallel configuration” is the cause of many problems, and not only with the AutoCAD program, but the solutions to this error are the same.

The reason is Visual C++

Due to the fact that the Microsoft® Visual C++ component does not work correctly, you need to reinstall it, to do this you will need the following:

  1. Open the “Programs and Features” section, then “Add or Remove Programs”.
  2. In the list, find all the lines starting with “Microsoft Visual C++” and delete them.
  3. After uninstallation, restart your computer.
  4. Reinstall all “C++” components, having first downloaded them according to the bitness of your system, and after installation, restart your computer again.

Alternatively, go to the folder where AutoCAD is installed, find the “VCRedist” folder and run “vcredist.msi”.

Using sxstrace.exe

"Sxstrace.exe" is a diagnostic tool that allows you to determine which module the parallel configuration is causing the error with.

User with limited access rights

To check if the problem really lies in the configuration local politics, create a new user account or temporarily assign local administrator rights to an existing one.

If the user successfully launched the program and the remaining components start without any errors, then the problem is in access rights.

It is worth considering that for AutoCAD to launch correctly and work, the user must have access to the following folders and registry keys:

  • C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2015,
  • C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2015,
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R20.0\ACAD-E001,
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R20.0\ACAD-E001:409.

AutoCAD does not open when double clicking on dwg

If, after double-clicking on an object created in the AutoCAD program with the “.dwg” extension, nothing starts, try the following:

To conclude, it is worth saying that the situations when Autocad 2017 does not start (there may be other versions) are different and the reasons may not only be those described above, but they may also be associated with other factors. For example, incompatible operating system components or updates were installed that prevent the software from working correctly. And also: interference of third-party components, antiviruses, firewalls; Incorrect uninstallation of AutoDesk products followed by reinstallation.

The solution to this problem can be a simple reinstallation of the program and restarting the computer.

In this article we will look at the most common license errors that may occur when using Autocad CAD software.

So, we are considering the situation when you are using a licensed version of Autocad; according to our observations, it is with such versions that, strangely enough, problems arise. greatest number errors. At the same time, if you use illegal versions, there are no problems with the license (but there are problems with the law), again, strange as it may seem, it would seem to be the other way around)))

The most common error that occurs (often occurs when using temporary licenses) is characterized by the following symptoms - Autocad starts, tries to check the license, then the following window is shown:

When you click retry, nothing happens, and if you click Finish, the program starts, but then a window appears with the message The license is incorrect. Contact an authorized AutoCAD dealer and the program closes.

Ways to solve the problem:

0.If you have a licensed Autocad, the easiest way is to immediately contact the seller and find out everything from him, because you paid a lot of money. But if this is not possible, try the following tips.

1.If you have a temporary license (for example, an annual one), make sure that personal account on the website you have allowed access to licenses for all devices, because by default, immediately after purchasing a license or after renewal, when a new one is issued, access is not allowed.

2. Delete license information, it is stored in the FLEXNet folder, which is located in system disk in the ProgramData folder (this folder is hidden by default) if you have Windows 7 and later, or in Documents and Settings\All Users\Aplication Data\FLEXNet/ if you have Windows XP. The same folder also stores information about other programs that use the FLEXnet system to check licenses, so be careful not to delete anything unnecessary. After deleting, Autocad will ask you to re-activate at startup (need serial number) and will work fine again.

3. If you have Autocad 2014 or Autocad 2015 and a temporary license, a situation may well arise when you delete the folder, but no reactivation occurs and the program still cannot connect to the license server. In this case, a hotfix released by Autodesk specifically to solve this situation will help; it can be downloaded from here. After installation, everything should work and the license will be verified correctly.

4.If all these methods do not help, try rearranging the entire program, making sure to clear traces in the ProgramData and Appdata folders in the user profile.

The information was obtained in the process of solving similar problems with licensed versions of software from our clients, we hope it will be useful.

Attention! We DO NOT perform installation/activation or other illegal activities with unlicensed software versions!! For your information, the use of activators is Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the punishment for individuals is from 2 to 4 years in prison.

Also, for information, an annual subscription to Autocad LT (two-dimensional design) costs 20 thousand/year, in our opinion this is a prohibitive cost for the organization. Also, there is a free replacement (although, like everything free, it works worse than its analogue) this is the Russian software Nanocad.

The AutoCAD software package, created by Autodesk, is designed for the production of drawings of parts, buildings, diagrams and other engineering documents. Sometimes problems arise when using this program, namely, AutoCAD does not start.

Autocad installation problems

The first thing you encounter New user of this software package - installation. In most cases, it goes unnoticed, but sometimes the AutoCAD installation does not start or unexpectedly ends. Often this event is accompanied by the appearance of a small window with a message containing an error code and other information necessary for diagnosis.

Error 1603

This issue is due to the Microsoft MSI installer not working correctly. It appears for the following reasons:

  • In the Temp folder located on the system partition hard drive, there are too many files. Solution: delete the folder.
  • Insufficient free space on the hard disk partition containing the system. Temporary files necessary for installing AutoCAD are extracted there. Solution: remove unused programs, clean the folders located in the "Libraries", "Downloads" section and the desktop in Windows 7,8,10. Clearing your browser cache will also help free up space.
  • Program conflict. Solution: disable all applications running in the background during installation (located in the notification panel next to the clock) and close all active programs.

To speed up the search for the cause of the installation failure, you can use a tool from Autodesk called AIDA.

Error ".NET Platform is not installed"

Another "AutoCAD" problem is the absence or disabling of the FrameWork .NET package versions 4.5 and 4.6. Most often it appears on versions of AutoCAD 2016 and 2017 after updating Windows components.

There are two solutions to this problem:

  • Check for updates KB3081452, KB3081448, KB3081449 in Windows 10. If they are missing, use the Update Center or manually download and install them.
  • Check the presence of the required component in the system. To do this, in the "Control Panel" you need to go to the "Programs and Features" section. If the framework is installed, then you need to go to the “Turn Windows components on or off” subsection and select the required component. Otherwise, download it from the Microsoft website and perform the above described manipulations.

Error 1606 or 1317

It appears if there are traces left on the hard drive or in the registry from the installation of another version of AutoCAD. The problem is solved in the following ways.

Method 1: Checking the registry. To do this, you need to launch its editor, called by the regedit command in the "Run" window (called from the "Start" menu or using the key combination Win (checkbox on the keyboard) and R). In the key tree on the left side of the window you need to find the Common Documents key, located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Explorer>Shell Folders. Its type should be REG_SZ and its data should be C:\Users\Public\Documents. If the key is missing, then you need to add it: “Edit”> “Create”> “String parameter”. After creating a new key, you need to check whether the folder specified in the key exists.

Method 2. Removal unnecessary files using the Microsoft Fix It utility. You can download it on the official website.

Error "The system cannot open the specified device or file"

The next reason why AutoCAD does not start is the lack of required file or it is blocked by an antivirus. Therefore, to resolve the problem you need to:

  • Disable antivirus software.
  • Run the installer with administrator rights or disable User Account Control in the Control Panel.
  • Clear TEMP folder and re-run the installer.

If these measures turned out to be useless, then you need to re-download the installer from the official website or torrent tracker.

Problems at first start and during use

Sometimes after installation AutoCAD does not start. Just as during the installation process, while loading its components and interface, a window may appear indicating a specific error. But this doesn't always happen. For example, when a loading indicator window appears and disappears, and then nothing happens.

Error: "The application could not start due to an incorrect parallel configuration"

This malfunction occurs for two reasons: incorrect installation of the program itself and the absence, damage, or conflict between components of the Microsoft Visual C++ libraries. In the first case you will need complete removal"AutoCAD" followed by reinstallation.

To solve the second problem you need:

  1. Reinstall C++ libraries. Information on how to do this and where to download the necessary materials can be found in the Autodesk knowledge base by searching "How to remove and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libraries".
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. In the "Programs and Features" section, find the installed CAD system, select it and click the "Change/Delete" button. In the window that opens, you need to check the box next to “Restore” and start the process.
  4. After the recovery is complete, launch AutoCAD.

Error: "The program cannot start because the MSVCR110.dll file is missing from your computer"

The appearance of the problem is associated with the disappearance specified file from the Visual C++ library. The component name in some cases may change to "MSVCP110.dll". There are 3 ways to resolve the error:

Method 1. If you have a computer with identical software, you can copy the required file from it to the problematic PC.

Method 2. Use the recovery tool included in the 2012 version of the C++ library installer for 32 and 64-bit systems.

Method 3: Reinstall all Microsoft Visual C++ libraries.

Problem "AutoCAD starts and closes immediately"

Most often, this error appears after the program freezes and is forced to close it through the task manager. In this case, sometimes the license file becomes damaged, which prevents the program from starting. To fix the problem, you need to clear the Flexnet folder of all files. It is located on the system partition of the hard drive in the ProgramData directory. After this the program should work.

The second reason for this problem is an outdated video card driver. You can download them from the manufacturers' websites. If the update does not bring results, then you need to disable hardware graphics acceleration. This is done as follows:

  • Right click to call context menu shortcut that launches "AutoCAD" and select "Properties".
  • At the end of the line "Object" add "/nohardware".
  • Run the program.

If the above measures did not have any effect, then you need to reinstall software package. How to completely remove it can be found in the Autodesk Knowledge Base by searching "performing a complete uninstall."

There are many reasons why AutoCAD does not start, but all of them can be successfully resolved by specialists technical support Autodesk company.

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