
Russian anonymous proxy server. The fastest free anonymous web proxy in the world

Currently, in Russia the issue of censorship and anonymity of users has become quite acute, both in any media and on the Internet in general. Politicians want to control everyone all the time. So, if you speak out against the authorities on forums, blogs, or comments, then you can be found by your IP address. Using big words (such as extremism or terrorism), officials are increasingly tightening censorship. And ordinary citizens suffer from this. But there are still ways to protect your anonymity and freedom of speech from the encroachments of officials, one of them is proxy servers.

What is a proxy

A proxy server is remote computer, a kind of intermediary between the subscriber and the Internet. If you connect to the network through a proxy, then all your requests and responses to them go through the proxy server, where the data is cached.

This is what an Internet connection through a proxy server looks like

All computers connected to the Internet receive a unique IP address. It is through IP addresses that all site ratings, counters, statistics, etc. work. After all, you can get information about how many unique users access the Network from a specific region, city, what information they are looking for, where a specific computer is located, and much more. This is why many Internet users today talk about anonymity and are looking for ways to protect personal information. One way to do this is to connect using a proxy server.

What are proxies for?

Proxy servers are used to:

  1. connect computers local network to the Internet;
  2. anonymously connect to Network resources - some proxies partially hide information about the user, others completely hide data, others distort information and provide false data;
  3. bypass access restrictions - in some cases, a user is banned on a specific resource - he can access the site or unsubscribe through a proxy server, because they are usually banned by IP address. In some countries, users are legally restricted, so they can freely surf the Internet only through a proxy. There are also other restrictions that can be circumvented by using a proxy server;
  4. reduce traffic consumption - when connecting through a proxy, data is cached, so the user downloads information (movies, software, music, even just visiting websites) not from the Internet, but from the cache. Therefore, no traffic is consumed. It's the same as downloading information from another PC;
  5. increase the download speed - thanks to the same caching, the web user receives data faster, since there is not a complete download, but only rewriting from one computer to another;
  6. protect the local network from external users - in the proxy settings you can specify that local network computers connect to the Internet only through a proxy server, and external computers they do not see individual network users at all, but only the proxy server itself.

This is what it looks like to connect several computers to the Internet via a proxy server

The most popular reasons for using proxy servers are using a local network and the need to bypass restrictions. In the case of local networks, consumers benefit from connecting through a proxy, because it provides protection, higher speed, and cheap traffic. But connecting to a proxy while limiting users gives them almost the only opportunity to use necessary information. Many non-free countries have filters that restrict citizens' surfing, so they have to use foreign proxies. There is also a slightly different limitation when resources (mostly foreign) block access of IP addresses from developing countries to their information partially or completely. Those. Only users from the USA, a number of European countries, etc. can access the site or some of its sections. Filters are based on IP address. You can bypass this restriction by connecting to a foreign proxy server, whose IP will be filtered.

How to use an anonymous proxy server

To connect, you need to go to the “Tools” – “Internet Options” menu in your browser. Next, find the “Connection” tab and click the “Network Settings” button. A window will open where in the “Proxy server” area, select “Use Proxy server”, fill in the “Address” and “Port” fields. For example, for proxy we specify the address, port 80.

After this, you can safely save the data and work.

Top 10 best free anonymous proxies

There are a number of companies that provide access to proxy servers (paid or free). When connected, you can customize everything to suit any requirements. But if you want to minimize costs, then use one of the free anonymous proxy servers.

In order to help you navigate this issue, we provide lists of Russian and foreign free anonymous proxy servers.

The best free anonymous proxies in Russia: (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (HTTP proxy, hides the IP address, but allows you to detect the use of a proxy) (HTTP proxy, hides the IP address, but allows you to detect the use of a proxy)

The best free anonymous proxies in the world: (USA, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (USA, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (USA, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (Germany, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (UK, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity) (UK, HTTP proxy, provides complete anonymity)

When you use the Internet normally, your device connects directly to application and website servers. As a result, these servers recognize your location, location and other data, which means you lose your anonymity on the Internet. In addition, the owners of applications and sites or the provider may block your access to the servers.

Fortunately, instead of a direct connection, you can use a proxy - an intermediary server that ensures data exchange between the device and Internet resource servers. It masks your data from the owners of the apps and websites you visit, stopping them from blocking you by IP. In addition, an indirect connection allows you to bypass blocks imposed by the provider itself.

Proxy servers provide only relative anonymity on the Internet.

With special equipment and skills, interested parties will be able to track you. However, using a proxy you can access many blocked sites and hide your IP from them.

How does a proxy differ from a VPN?

Both technologies help bypass and protect user privacy. But it is more advanced in technical terms.

If you don’t mind installing additional software and are willing to pay more for high speed and anonymity, and also want to protect the transmitted data as much as possible, choose a VPN.

If you only need a way to access blocked sites and a simple anonymizer without reliable protection data, then it will be enough to configure a proxy. They don't require special software. Plus, in most cases, paid proxies are cheaper than paid VPNs (if you need a high-quality service without restrictions, then in both cases you will have to pay).

Main types of proxy servers

  • CGI- simple proxies for web surfing. Unlike the others, this type does not require any settings: you go to a special website, enter the desired URL - and the proxy opens this address in the browser. At the same time, CGI often displays pages incorrectly and only works within the limits open tab, which is not always convenient.
  • HTTP- proxies designed to work with the hypertext transfer protocol. Simply put, they are suitable for full browsing of websites. If you connect such a proxy in the settings operating system, it will be active for all browsers at once until you disable it.
  • SHTTP- proxy with SSL encryption support. They differ from the previous type in that they allow you to view secure sites (their addresses begin with https).
  • SOCKS4, SOCKS5- support additional data transfer protocols. May be needed if you want to set up a proxy not only for the browser, but also .

CGI proxies are available for free on sites such as Hidester,, ProxySite. As stated above, you won't need any settings.

But to use any other type of proxy, it must first be associated with a device. To do this, just find out the IP address and port of the proxy server, and then enter this data into the operating system settings.

Lists of proxies with their addresses and ports can be found on sites like, FoxTools and FineProxy. Many servers are available for free, but some of them will be slow and completely non-functional - be prepared for this. If you don’t want to waste time, pay for a high-quality and stable proxy. For example, on the same FineProxy.

When choosing a proxy from the list, pay attention to the “Anonymity” parameter. The higher its value, the more chances you have to hide your real IP.

After selecting a server from any country from the list, copy its IP address and port. Then simply insert this data according to one of the instructions.

  1. Open the “Start” section → “Settings” (gear icon) → “Network and Internet” → “Proxies”.
  2. Find the “Manually setting up a proxy” block and activate the “Use a proxy manually” option in it.
  3. Enter the address and port, then click “Save”.
  4. To disable the proxy, simply deactivate the “Use a proxy server” option.

  1. Go to Control Panel and open the Internet Options menu. Or use Win + R, enter the command Inetcpl.cpl and press Enter.
  2. In the menu that opens, go to the “Connections” tab and click “Network Settings”.
  3. Check the “Use a proxy server...” option.
  4. Enter the server address and port, then click OK.
  5. To disable the proxy, uncheck “Use a proxy server...”.

  1. Pull down the Apple menu and go to " System Settings» → “Network”.
  2. Highlight the active connection and click Advanced.
  3. Open the "Proxies" tab and check in the left pane one or more types of proxies that you intend to use.
  4. Enter the server address and port for each selected type and click OK.
  5. To disable proxies, uncheck the proxy types.

The Android interface is different different devices, but the approximate procedure for most of them will be as follows:

  1. Open Wi-Fi settings and click on the active connection to bring up the context menu. You may have to hold your finger over the connection name.
  2. By using context menu open advanced network settings.
  3. Find the item related to the proxy server and select manual settings mode.
  4. Enter the server address and port, then save the changes.
  5. To undo the changes, go into settings again, find the proxy-related item and disable it.

  1. Open Wi-Fi settings and click on the round icon next to the active connection.
  2. Click "Proxy Settings" and select "Manual".
  3. Enter the server address and port, then click “Save”.
  4. To disable the proxy, look again for the Proxy Settings item and select Off.

Most likely, a proxy enabled at the OS level will only work for browsers. If you want to use it for another application, look for setup instructions on the Internet or directly on the program’s official website. For example, you can configure a SOCKS5 proxy to bypass Telegram blocking.

What is a proxy server and what is it for? Let's look into this issue together.

Proxy server is a computer or program that redirects your requests through itself. As a result, you receive the result from the proxy, which is an intermediary between you and the server where the necessary information is located.

What is a proxy for?

Imagine that you are wearing a mask. You can see, hear and talk, but no one will recognize you behind the mask. The mask covers your identity. A proxy server works the same way - it’s a mask behind which you are. If you are prohibited from entering a party, then wearing a mask you can enter it; the guards will not be able to identify you.

Let's say you want to visit a site that is blocked for your country. This problem can be encountered when watching videos on YouTube, where the copyright holder has set video viewing restrictions by country. To solve this problem, you need a proxy server located in a country where such restrictions do not apply.

There are other proxy functions: traffic filtering, caching, logging work on the Internet and others, but we do not consider them within the scope of the site.

Proxy classification

Let's talk about proxies in more detail. Let's find out how they are classified and which proxies are best to use.

According to the level of anonymity, the proxy server is:

  • transparent- does not hide the client’s real IP address,
  • anonymous- hides the real IP address of the client, but indicates that a proxy is being used,
  • elite- hides the real IP address of the client and does not indicate that a proxy server is used.

By requesting data through an anonymous or elite proxy, you are hiding your real IP address. Your IP will be the same as that of the proxy server - this will allow you to bypass restrictions if your real IP address is blocked.

Proxies are divided into:

  • HTTP proxy- supports HTTP protocol and allows you to view http:// websites,
  • HTTPS/SSL proxy - support secure HTTPS protocol and allow you to view https:// websites
  • SOCKS proxy- unlike HTTP/HTTPS proxy servers, SOCKS transfers all data from the client, without adding anything from itself and by default.

List of proxy servers

We create a proxy list only from anonymous or elite proxies, so you can be sure that your IP address will be hidden. The list is updated every 5 minutes. The list is also available as json file.

As you navigate through web pages, you leave traces—the IP address of your computer, which can be used to determine its location. Even if you are not worried about the intelligence services watching you, sometimes a real IP address still causes inconvenience. Sites are blocked for residents of specific countries, so until you change your computer address, you will not be able to open such pages.

The easiest way to change the address is to use proxy servers. Let us immediately note that the question of where to get good and free proxies does not arise now not among seekers of prohibited content, but among all users. Website owners set geoblocks, decent pages are blocked along with real violators simply because they have the same IP address, and the blocking technology is imperfect.

Where to get good and free proxies

Proxy lists

Free servers quickly become unavailable due to excessive load or are banned, so you have to constantly look for new points. Here are a few sites that provide proxy lists:


In any search engine you can easily find a dozen more similar resources. Somewhere you can buy a proxy: several thousand addresses at once or one IP, which only you will have. There are a lot of options, so within a second search query you will have the “left” IP address on hand.

Adding a proxy

So, the address is there, all that remains is to add it to the connection settings in order to deceive the provider. I'll show you how it's done at Google example Chrome:

If you are using to access the network local connection(that is, you have a router), then click the “Network Settings” button. If you are connected remote access, then click on the “Settings” button above. In the window that appears, uncheck automatic detection and check the “Use proxy server” checkbox. Enter the found address and click OK.

Close your browser settings and go to the website to make sure that your location is now determined incorrectly. If you see the correct data (provider, location), try setting up a different server in the settings.

friGate app

At some point, I got tired of manually registering proxies, and I thought about how I could automate this process. There are different options: set up a VPN network and forget about the fact that some sites may be blocked, or use other projects that work based on onion routing.

But then I found a convenient one free way Continue to use your usual browser and access web resources that for some reason were closed to users from Russia - installed the friGate extension. The supplement is available in stores Chrome extensions, Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

The main advantage of friGate is that this extension independently determines the accessibility of the site. If it is not possible to access the page, the application automatically selects a proxy, and this happens much faster than I explain.

As for performance, unlike free public servers, friGate uses dedicated proxies, the load between which is evenly distributed. Accordingly, there are no malfunctions, and you do not have to urgently look for new addresses in order to open a blocked page.

The extension does not determine the availability of all sites in a row, but only those that are in its list. The preset list of web pages, which already includes 181 portals, is enough for me. If you want to add pages where friGate should run, create a new list:

The added site will appear below in the list. You can manage it: change the add-on’s operating mode, disable it or remove it from the list. You can create multiple lists or post required addresses in one list there are no restrictions. In addition to friGate, there are other extensions that offer similar functionality: Zenmate, Browsec, Hola.

It is also recommended to register Google DNS server information on your computer. This will help avoid operational failures that Russian providers (especially small companies) suffer from and will allow you to bypass primitive blocking. Google provides access to public servers for free.

Many users who want to surf the Internet safely are puzzled by the question “How to find out your proxy server?” The importance and non-triviality of the issue raised is explained by the purpose of the proxy. Its main task is to hide the user's personal IP by replacing it with another address.

More often, this service in demand in the field of SMM, where you need to log in under different accounts in in social networks from one computer. This reduces the risk of account blocking to zero and does not arouse suspicion on the part of moderators. Sometimes they use . To illustrate the problem raised, remember the cases when you went to a foreign website with the desire to watch a video or use services, but a warning appeared that viewing was limited to your region. Such situations arise all the time, but due to the lack of knowledge in the question of how to find out your proxy server and port, these problems may seem unsolvable. Moreover, this significantly impairs the user’s ability to obtain useful information, which could be obtained with the appropriate knowledge.

Many people use dedicated proxies. The goals can be very different: from individual use and viewing blocked web resources, to the corporate segment, where the use of a huge number of proxies is considered the norm. But, at the same time, not everyone can find the answer: how to find out the proxy server that is currently in use. Let's try to consider the most effective options with which you can easily find out all the necessary information.

How to find out the proxy server address - the first method

Second way

To put it figuratively, you don’t always have to “climb a mountain” to get to your desired destination. Sometimes you need to be smart and tactfully get around the “mountain”. The answer to how to find out the proxy address can be obtained by in a simple way. All you need to do is contact the system administrator who maintains the local network. He has enough competence to look at the proxy and pass it on to you. The difficulty is that not everyone can find out how to contact system administrator. To solve this problem, we recommend contacting more knowledgeable people. They will tell you where to call to contact the administrator.

Third way

In your computer's control panel, find and open Network Neighborhood. In it, click “display network connections" and then "Local Area Connections". Right-click on it and select properties. In the window that opens, you need to find the Internet protocol TPC\IP. Select “properties” again. If there is a checkmark next to “automatically obtain an IP address,” then no dedicated proxy is used; if there are numbers there (for example,, then this will be the address of the required proxy.

How to find out the proxy port

In addition to the address and password, many users may be interested in the question of how to find out the proxy port. This is another parameter that is used when working with your . As a rule, standard values ​​for the port are used: 8080, 80, etc. Only in rare cases does the value differ. The port address can be viewed in the browser by following the steps described above. Its value is written next to the IP address. The working port through which your proxy is actually connected must correspond to the declared value in the system or browser settings, otherwise your connection to the Internet will not work.

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