
Guide to registering a Google account for Play Market. Registering a Google account on Android Creating a new Google account

Although many people associate the word “google” only with a search engine, in reality this is far from the case.

In addition to the fact that you can use an advanced search engine, you also have access to many other useful services such as mail, cloud storage, social network Google+, maps and many other useful solutions.

That is why in our time, any successful person is simply obliged to have an account on Google. Today I’ll tell you exactly how to create it on your Android device.

How to create a google account on android?

There's nothing too new here. Besides, in android system There is a well-thought-out device for creating and adding any accounts. So, in order for you to have new account on Google, you should:

1. Go to the settings of your Android device, select the Accounts section. Afterwards, scroll down all your existing accounts and click on the “Add account” link. The type of new account you need to select is "Google".

Note: in a manner similar to that described below, you can create any account by simply selecting the one you need at this point.

2. Next, follow the link "Or create a new account." In addition, you can also simply log into an existing account or find an existing account using your first and last names (you will also need to confirm that it is yours using phone or email).

3. But let's return to creating a new account. You need to enter your first and last name and other personal data. Everything is as in the picture below.

4. Now indicate what your nickname will be in the address Email. And only after all this you will be asked to enter your login password. (be careful).

5. Next, in order to be able to influence all emergency situations (such as, for example, losing a password), you need to attach your phone to your account. Select your country's anagram from the drop-down list and enter your phone number. Confirm your choice.

The SMS will arrive instantly, and the code will be automatically entered into the field. Now all you have to do is accept the privacy terms: scroll down and click “I Accept.”

Note: you can also skip this point by simply moving on to the next one - click "Skip".

6. Now simply login to your account by clicking “Next”. If you want to use your account to make payment transactions, be sure to add your payment card details, as shown in the figure below.

7. You can also create an account exclusively through the browser. Follow this link. Then follow the steps similar to those described above (only in a different interface). It even seemed to me that it was more convenient to do it here - you can see for yourself.

Brief summary

Judging by my experience, I will say that the Google service is very convenient and necessary. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, you should have mail in this service. IN this moment, the presence of an email account for this particular service is considered the first and most important characteristic of a serious and successful person or company.

Also, if you decide to delete your Google account for some reason, I recommend reading this .

Google account– this is what will allow you to fully use all the services and products of this company. Starting from mail and ending with a YouTube channel. If you want to use Gmail, then you need a Google account, to synchronize the browser or for the Blogun blog engine, for a calendar or some other services from Google we only need an account.

By creating a Google account once, we get access to all its developments. And since YouTube also belongs to Google, we also need an account here in order to fully use this video hosting, subscribe to other channels and have our own. In general, we create one Google account and use a username, in the form of a mailbox, and a password to log in to any Google services!

Let's create a Google account!

As you probably guessed, create an account on Google, no more difficult than registering on some website, and now we can handle it in a few minutes. Follow this link to the Google website.

On the right side of the window, click on the red button “ Register».

In the window that opens, fill in the fields: initials, come up with a username and password, enter your date of birth and gender, mobile number is optional, enter the captcha and click the “Next” button.

Hmm.. It didn’t work, and we are still asked to enter a mobile phone number to confirm the account. Select your country and enter your work number. Then click “Continue”.

An SMS message with a code will be sent to your phone, which you must enter in a special form on the next page and press the “Continue” button again.

In the next step, we can immediately upload a photo for our main profile in our account. Click the “Next” button.

Congratulations, Sergey! These are the welcome words we see from Google immediately after registration. We are reminded of our address, also known as login, and thanked for choosing Google.

To start using the search giant's services, click "Forward".

We are redirected to the main page of the site. Here, through the menu items in the upper right corner, we can go to our profile.

And so with all services from Google, you can find this list on their website. This includes Google documents, calendar, YouTube, maps and others.

Now about how to log into your google account, from another computer, or after reinstalling the system. And everything is very simple, go to the address and click the “Login" button in the upper right corner.

In the form that appears, enter your username (email address) and password that you used during registration.

And here we are again in the account.

That's all for me, I hope my instructions for creating a Google account will be useful to you. Thanks for reading!

The word account comes from the English account, which translates as “account” or “personal account”. And it means its own space in some system. For example, in Odnoklassniki, on the Google website, in Yandex. In fact, this is a personal page with a unique login and password.

An account is a personal place on some website on the Internet. You receive it after registration and to enter it, you need to enter your username and password. These data are assigned by the user himself when registering.

You can do whatever you want in your account. True, only depending on the purpose of the service in which it was created. For example, write a letter if it is a letter service. Or view saved sites, if this is a database of Internet pages.

Why do you need an account?

You need it to fully use some system. For example, email or social network. And you need to get this same account in any Internet service you want to access.

For example, if you want to use Facebook, you need to register in this system - on the website

What is login and password

Login and password are something that must be specified when registering in any system. This is unique user data, with the help of which the site understands who is who.

This is necessary so that people can communicate freely and not disturb anyone. For example, I have my own account, which I log in with a unique name (login) and a password hidden from prying eyes. My neighbor also has his own name and password. And the other neighbor too.

All users of some service, for example, mail, have their own names and passwords. The organizers of the service know these names if it is small. But no one knows the passwords except those who own them.

This ensures the security of the connection. True, the name is entered openly - for example, andrey. And the password is hidden. For example, 65Rnm74Qv

Let me remind you that these data are assigned during registration. They can only use letters of the English alphabet and numbers. You can find out more about logins and passwords in this article.

How to create an account

To create an account in some system, you need to register there. The process is simple: just answer a few questions, choose a username and password.

Registration in one system or another is the procedure for obtaining an account there.

The most difficult thing in this matter is choosing a login. After all, it must be unique, something that does not yet exist in the system. Let's look at how this is done in practice - using Google as an example.

Google account

A Google account gives you access to all the hidden Google goodies. Besides the fact that you get your personal mail in this system, there is also access to Documents, Sheets, Disk, Calendar. You also become a full-fledged YouTube user with the ability to create your own channel and upload videos to it.

1 . Open the website and click on the “Login” button in the upper right corner.

3. Fill out the form on the right side. It is better to indicate your real data.

In the “Create a username” field, you must write the login that you would like to receive in the system. You just need to invent it. This name must consist of English letters, without spaces. You can use numbers.

Usually you can’t come up with a login the first time - that’s all simple names busy. But you can try adding a couple of letters or numbers to it. Or you can rely on the system - it will offer free options (provided that the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields are filled in).

You also need to come up with a password yourself. The requirements for it are as follows: at least 8 characters, letters must be only English and big size(lowercase) and small, and must contain at least one digit. Then you will need to type this password again in the next field.

Be sure to write down your chosen username and password in a safe place! After all, this is your access to your account.

That's all! Your Google account has been created.

Registration in other systems

I just briefly talked about how to get an account in Google system. In other Internet services, everything happens approximately the same way: you need to click on the “Registration” button and fill out something like a small questionnaire. The main thing is to write down the assigned login and password in a safe place.

But if you're afraid of doing something wrong, here are instructions for registering with popular systems.

To register an account, you need to go to the Google home page. On the main page we see the following.

In the upper right corner, click on the “Login” button and go to the next page.

On this page, at the bottom of the screen, click on “Create an account.”

On the next page we see many fields to fill out.

You need to indicate your first and last name and come up with a unique nickname. This nickname will be used as an email address. Create a password of at least 8 characters. It is advisable that it consist of uppercase and lowercase letters and also contain numbers, this will make it more difficult to hack the account. Indicate date of birth, gender and mobile phone number if desired. Mobile phone needed to restore access to your account, for example, if you forgot your password, an SMS with recovery data will be sent to your mobile phone.

Next comes the item “ Home page default" you can check the box if you want to make the main page The home page is the page that appears in the browser window immediately after it is launched.

On the next page, click “Create Profile”.

With this click we create a profile on google+. This profile is required to access all google services, for example, such as: youtube, play market, google map, etc.

To register with Google for free, you can use one of two options: create a new Google mail (that is, create a Google account), or use your existing email, for example, Mail ru or Yandex.Mail.

Before moving on to these options, it should be noted that Google is not only search system, but also a whole set of services, which include:

  • search;
  • YouTube();
  • Google play (Google Play);
  • news;
  • cards;
  • mail (;
  • disk;
  • calendar;
  • Google wallet ( Google Pay)
  • and etc.

Registering with Google for free means creating a new Google email (in other words, creating a Google account), or linking your existing email in order to use all Google services. In other words, by registering with Google, you thereby create a Google account on your computer, and also at the same time create a Google mail, register in Google play, in the Google play market, in social network Google Plus, in Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Documents and you get access to other Google services and features.

Thus, if you register with Google for free, then as a result you will have a universal key - an email and password, which gives access to all Google services.

In order to use these services, you must register with Google. There are two options for this:

  1. create a new Google account,
  2. or use any email.

Let's look at each of them.

I Create a Google account to register with Google for free

Step 1. Open any browser (Yandex, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, etc.).

Step 3. The “Create” window will open. Google account", in which you must fill in at least the required fields:

Rice. 2. Create a new account in Google (that is, open a new mail

8 in Fig. 2 – you can select from the drop-down menu desired language, for example, Russian, if you have a different language option on your screen.

1 in Fig. 2 – Enter your first and last name.

2 in Fig. 2 – Now we need “Username”. Let's make it up. This can be either your name or some fictitious nickname. You can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and dots. The main thing is that the username must be unique, one and only on the entire Internet.

3 in Fig. 2 – By the way, Google tells you which available usernames you can choose for your e-mail address. But you can ignore these tips and come up with your own name for Google mail (or Google account).

4 fig. 2 – Let’s consider the “Use current email address” option. In the meantime, we don’t pay attention to this link, because it is not needed to create a new Google account.

  • What data do we use?
  • Why do we need data
  • Data control

By clicking “Other options” (Fig. 4), you can first read, and then you can quickly configure the following points by checking the box next to one of the proposed options:

Application and web history:

  1. Save and web searches in your Google account,
  2. Or don't save
  1. Show personalized ads
  2. Don't show personalized ads

YouTube search history

  1. Save my YouTube search history to Google Account
  2. Don't save

Story YouTube viewing

  1. Save my YouTube browsing history to Google Account
  2. Don't save

Location history

  1. Save my location history to Google Account
  2. Don't save
  1. Save my history to Google account
  2. Don't save

You can check the box next to “Send me occasional reminders about these settings.”

All these settings can be made after registering a Google account, but few people remember about them later, and if they remember, it is already too late to configure or change anything.

At the end, click on the blue “I Accept” button (Fig. 4).

Great, Google account has been created:

Rice. 5. Google congratulates you on your new Google account

Google will congratulate you on creating your account. You can check your security account settings. Let's move on to Gmail service and take advantage of its capabilities.

Thus, you can create a Google account (aka Google account, aka Google mail and this at the same time gives access to Google services).

II Register a Google account using your current email address

When there are many different mailboxes, it’s easy to get confused in the string e-mail addresses and passwords for them. You can register on Google with your loved one by mailbox, For example, .

But we must keep in mind that when registering on foreign sites, including foreign online stores, letters to confirm registration, for example, to Mail ru ( may simply not arrive.

To register with Google using the email you already have, follow the link

and click “Use current email address” (Fig. 2). The “Create a Google Account” window will appear:

Rice. 6. To register with Google, you can use any email address

6 in Fig. 6 – you can immediately select the “Russian” language, if necessary.

1 in Fig. 6 – Enter your first and last name.

2 – We indicate your existing email – without errors, because a letter with a code will be sent there to confirm that this email is yours.

4 – Come up with a password of at least eight characters. It may be the same as the password for your existing email, but from a security point of view, the same password for your email and Google account is bad.

The “Confirm your email address” window will open (the address that was indicated in Fig. 6):

Rice. 7. Enter the confirmation code to register with Google with your email

To confirm your email address, go to your mail and look for the letter there. If it's not there, it may have ended up in your Spam folder. In Mail ru mail, a letter from Google to confirm the address looks like this:

Rice. 8. Email confirmation required

Open the letter, find the code there and enter it in the “Confirm your email address” window (Fig. 7).

After the email is confirmed, we get to the “Welcome to Google” window:

Rice. 9. To register with Google, you must indicate your date of birth and gender. If desired, you can provide a phone number.

1 in Fig. 9 – it is not necessary to enter your phone number, but it is still advisable to do so for the security of your account, including for the ease of restoring it.

2 – when entering age, you need to take into account Google’s age restrictions, about which see in more detail above after Fig. 3.

3 in Fig. 9 – select gender from the menu from four options: female, male, not specified, additional.

Rice. 10. You must accept Google's privacy policy

As you can see in Fig. 10, you can immediately set security settings for your Google account. See more about them, immediately after Fig. 4.

How to log out of Google and then log in

You only need to register with Google once, and then you can log out of Google and log in again. You need to log out of your Google account, for example, in order to log into another Google account. In addition, you should always log out of your Google account if you logged in from someone else’s device.

In order to log out of your Google account, you should click on the icon with your name in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 11), and then click “Sign out” (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Logout from Google account (or logout from Google mail)

To log into your Google account, go to.

Enter your username and password. If you have created a new Google mail, then enter its address and password (which you entered during registration - Fig. 2).

If another mail was used (for example, [email protected]), then to log into your Google account you need to enter her email (for example, [email protected]) and password for Google account (entered during registration - Fig. 6).

Google account on Android phone

Today, Google email on the site is created very often, because it is necessary for those who use electronic devices on the base operating system Android.

You can create a new account on your smartphone by following steps similar to those described above.

Perhaps it will be easier for someone to register with Google first on a computer, and then use this Google account on an Android smartphone, for example, as account.

Safety regulations

You can make security settings in your Google account. Perhaps more important than these settings are the basic safety rules that every user should use to avoid unpleasant surprises:

  • it is important to create complex passwords for logging into the system;
  • for greater security, the password can be changed periodically (once a week, or once a month, or at least once a year);
  • You should not include dates of birth and the names of your loved ones, as well as your own, in your passwords;
  • Do not share your account login information with anyone;
  • if an account is necessary to perform your work or for financial transactions, it is better to create a separate one;
  • Log in to your account from new devices and in unfamiliar places as little as possible.
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