
Samsung galaxy s5 screen problems. Samsung Galaxy S5 camera failure - solution to the problem. My Galaxy S5 camera crashes

Phandroid columnist Chris Chavez writes that his mother often tells him that he will never find the perfect woman, only the perfect one for himself. This is how he began his sad story about the Galaxy S5. Since Android is at the peak of its popularity now, manufacturers are spending a lot of time on customizing it. And these modified versions operating system Not everyone likes it. Within a week of ownership Samsung Galaxy S5 Chris Chavez came to the conclusion that this smartphone is not for him.

He wanted and tried to “make friends” with him. Friends and family warned him that buying a Galaxy S5 would be a disappointment, but he ignored their advice and bought the phone anyway. Why did he act against all advice? He was attracted by two features of this device: the SAMOLED display and the high-resolution ISOCELL camera.

Samsung Galaxy S5 is nothing but praise. Especially for . It is sometimes noted that the plastic body of a dream smartphone does not evoke warm emotions. But it so happened that one of the users of this phone counted as many as eight features of the device that they hated.

And after convincing himself that TouchWiz was not as annoying an add-on as before, he made the mistake of buying this phone. And he counted as many as eight shortcomings in him that he not only didn’t like. Chris hates them!

Chris considers himself a patient person. But his patience extends to children and animals. He doesn't tend to be patient with electronics. Since he had HTC One(M7), Nexus 5 and LG G2, then he was accustomed to the absence of delays in operation.

He is annoyed by the fact that the smartphone, which is based on the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor and a well-optimized Android KitKat operating system, still produces lag.

When you wake up your phone from sleep mode, you have to wait for the keyboard to appear. And this is just one example. Delay after delay, and Chris is not ready to accept them. At night, in nightmares, he dreamed that the phone was giving out more and more more delays, and he would wake up in a cold sweat.

But the question immediately arises: is a delay of 0.8 seconds really capable of upsetting a person so much? Of course not! But there is no pleasure in paying huge amounts of money for a phone that behaves in such a manner unworthy of its premium positioning.

2. Limited internal storage capacity

The ability to insert a memory card into the phone is quite attractive. Provided that the applications support external storage. Are there really that many apps other than games that can be moved to a memory card? Without rooting it will not work, but the smartphone . You may have a 128 GB microSD card in a smartphone, but 16 gigabytes of built-in storage will remain sixteen gigabytes.

3. Touch screen too sensitive

This is, of course, not to say that the Galaxy S5 display does not respond to touches at all. On the contrary, he is too sensitive. Yes, at first glance, the reason for the discontent is unclear. But when Chris slowly types on the keyboard, the phone recognizes his touches as long presses. And he had no intention of doing this at all.

And also these newfangled contactless “air” gestures “Air gesture”. This means the phone can recognize your taps even if you're wearing gloves. Sounds attractive? But it causes misunderstandings when working with the device. Fortunately, this “contactless misunderstanding” can be turned off. Chris did this from the very first day he used his new smartphone and believes that it was “a great idea that would have been better left on paper.” But even with touchless gestures disabled, the Galaxy S5's screen remains overly sensitive.

4. Has the camera been overpraised?

Yes, Galaxy camera S5 is great! What it is is what it is... if you shoot on a nice day. But the camera problem lies on a slightly different plane. If you shoot indoors or on a cloudy day or in a romantic, that is, dimly lit restaurant, then the pictures turn out... almost impossible.

5. S Emoji

KitKat's OS-wide emoji support is excellent new feature, but look at what Samsung did with it! The most terrifying emoji known to iPhone users. And why can’t the user do anything about it, even change them? Why were the default emoticons on Android not enough?

6. Chrome trim

On this issue, Chris is ready to agree that it is a matter of taste. He has an aversion to chrome. And he doesn’t want to see it in his electronics. When he looks at the chrome rim of his smartphone, he remembers those ideas about the future that existed in the fifties of the last century. Chris considers it to be an example of truly modern smartphone design.

The chrome bezel reminds him of his lips, from which the phone screen sticks out. At the same time, the Nexus 4 deserves high praise for its beveled bezel. And something similar is implemented in HTC Sensation.

7. USB port plug and lack of wireless charging

Before USB 3.1 became the new standard, it was not easy to insert a USB cable into a smartphone. It took a lot of concentration and thinking about how to do it right. Even if this was annoying, then the need to remove the plastic plug from the port every time cannot be considered a convenience. Everyone understands why it is needed. To ensure that Galaxy S5 meets IP67 dust and water resistance certification requirements. All this is true, but using the phone does not become more convenient from understanding the reasons why the designers took such a step. People with short nails find it difficult to remove this plug.

It's a pity that Samsung didn't provide wireless charging his flagship smartphone. Yes, of course, you can spend another $30 and order it directly from Samsung. But why is it not included in the standard phone package?

8. Home button that scans your fingerprint

When Apple integrated a fingerprint scanner into its iPhone 5S, the feature was implemented well. The function provides a medium level of security. The user can press the button as usual. But the phone will only allow it on the home screen if it recognizes a fingerprint. This, of course, is not complete protection, but it protects against the fact that someone will peep into your phone.

But in the Galaxy S5, the fingerprint scanner is in Home button. It would seem that everything is wonderful! But using the function is difficult. You'll have to swipe the button with your finger instead of just pressing it. Chris wonders why such difficulties?

As a result, every time you need to unlock your phone, you have to use both hands. Is there any reason for dissatisfaction? At first glance, this is nothing. But one of your hands is often busy. Maybe you hold on to a handrail in a vehicle, or hold a drink or food in it. Require two free hands to easily unlock your phone! Is this too much precaution?

Concluding his critical narrative, Chris reminds us that this is just the personal opinion of one of the bloggers. And there are things he likes about the Galaxy S5. This includes a long battery life without recharging, a Super AMOLED display with saturation control, a camera (if you shoot with it on a clear day), ultra-fast 2A charging, and the fact that the phone’s battery is removable, and the phone itself is quite resistant to various weather conditions . All these excellent qualities of the smartphone, alas, are outweighed by its “disadvantages”. Galaxy S5, no doubt, but not all users are ready to accept it for what it is.

Do you agree with Chris Chavez's opinion that these eight shortcomings of the Samsung Galaxy S5 spoil the smartphone experience as much as he believes? And are these shortcomings or just minor annoying little things that make no sense to think about?

Samsung Galaxy S5 has been released for exactly a year now and we can already see the difference in performance when comparing it with the new one Galaxy flagship S6. Yes, new smartphone technically more advanced, but this does not mean that it is time to get rid of its predecessor if you want to get a phone faster.

Co time Galaxy The S5 may be slower and usually requires a factory reset. However, you can still find ways to improve the performance of your Galaxy S5. Below you will see some pretty simple tips and choose something that suits you.

Get rid of TouchWiz

One of the main reasons why Samsung smartphones are slow is that TouchWiz is overloaded with features. Please note that installing a custom launcher may solve the problem with slow work and lags, but this will mean that you will be forced to give up many features that are only available in TouchWiz. You can find a compromise if you find a decent alternative launcher, which Google Play many: Apex, Buzz, Action, Nova, Next and many others.

Disabling startup apps

As soon as you received the Galaxy S5 after purchasing it, some applications were already running on it. They often require quite a lot of smartphone resources and, as you can imagine, this slows down the device. If you already have root rights, then you can configure the system yourself and freeze the operation of almost any application that you do not need when starting your smartphone. Advanced Task Manager will best help you with this. You don't even need root rights for it to work.

Another option is to allow App Manager to access your system so you can disable any apps you don't use. In addition, you should make sure that everything Google apps are not configured for automatic synchronization. This also slows down the device a lot, especially if many applications are trying to sync at the same time. And don’t forget about updates - if one application asks for updates, then that’s not so bad. But if there are 20 of them? Think about this: is it worth allowing programs to download updates on their own without your knowledge?

Forget about widgets

If you still have Samsung's default widgets on your Galaxy S5 screen, you might want to get rid of them, especially if they keep updating information. Widgets such as Geo News, S Health, Galaxy Gifts, My Magazine and Galaxy Essentials play a huge role in the “brakes” of the smartphone interface, as they often require synchronization. You can remove almost all widgets without any inconvenience. You can leave the essentials and see how the home screen will become more responsive.

Remove pre-installed apps

You can go even further and get rid of some pre-installed apps. But for this you will definitely need root rights on the Galaxy S5. Calculate for yourself how many pre-installed programs the S5 has that are constantly synchronized, run in the background, and monitor various parameters of the smartphone. All this requires the processor to work with additional load. A huge number of background processes will turn any flagship into a slow smartphone. With root rights, you can uninstall almost any application that you definitely don't need. You can install it back if you suddenly need it. You will notice that the S5 will work faster, but be careful - if you delete something wrong, you can damage the system.

Galaxy S5 added a row useful features, in particular the latest interface from Google - Material Design. However, along with many convenient innovations, the update also brought some problems. For example, many users note a deterioration in the performance of their smartphone according to some indicators. Despite the inconvenience for most owners Android smartphones I like 5.0: productivity has increased, the interface has become more convenient, new functions have appeared. In most cases, there are no problems, but for some users there are still some things that leave much to be desired.

Solving battery life issues on Galaxy S5 with Lollipop

First of all, among the advantages of the new operating shell is improved performance relative to Android 4.4 KitKat. However, there are many reports from the public that the autonomy of the smartphone has deteriorated - the battery is draining faster. Apparently, the accelerated discharge is associated with the operation of third-party applications. To eliminate this unpleasant effect, it is recommended to switch to Safe Mode. In this mode third party applications are turned off, making it possible to identify the most voracious of them. Of course, it is unpleasant to part with a program that is convenient at first glance, but this will have to be done in order to achieve a longer battery life devices without recharging.

Switching your smartphone to "Safe Mode":
1. You need to turn off the gadget, then hold down the key combination for a few seconds: power + volume down button.
2. After the phone boots up, you can release the power key, but you should continue to hold the volume button.
3. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear on the screen in the lower left part.

Experienced users recommend installing app updates as soon as they are released, as they contain fixes for problems with previous versions and improvements to performance and energy efficiency.
You should also restart your smartphone from time to time, due to which some running services will be stopped. To save battery power, you should not keep Bluetooth and NFC services constantly turned on, and also refrain from installing power-hungry “live wallpapers”. This beautiful, but non-functional screensaver can consume quite a lot of battery power.

Wi-Fi problems on Galaxy S5 with Lollipop. Solution methods.

Many users have reported problems with their Wi-Fi wireless connection. Unfortunately, during updates, developers often do not notice some of the shortcomings of the new software. In particular, complaints are received not only about the low speed of downloading and uploading data, but also about frequent disconnections of the device from active wireless networks. There are a number of methods to improve Wi-Fi stability.

First of all, you need to perform a normal reboot of your Galaxy S5. Rebooting the local router may also help. To do this, turn off the router for half a minute, and then start it again. Similar operations are performed with modems. In a situation where such actions did not lead to the desired result, you need to check for firmware updates for the router. Often these measures do not give any noticeable effect - in this case you need to try to properly configure the smartphone itself.
To begin with, it is recommended to delete problematic Wi-Fi networks using the option (“Forget network”). It is available in the connection settings. To restore the network, just connect to it again and enter the correct password.

You should also definitely pay attention to the Power Saving Mode, which has settings that are responsible for imposing a number of restrictions on wireless Wi-Fi connections. To change these settings, you need to go to the corresponding item in the device settings menu. Very often, problems with the normal functionality of wireless connections are caused precisely by incorrectly setting the energy-saving mode.

If the tips above did not help you establish communication, it’s worth updating installed applications. Another method: go to safe mode, where you can easily determine which applications are having a negative effect on Wi-Fi or other functions. Sometimes the cause of connection instability is a low-quality router. In this case, you should try connecting to another router that uses alternative software and hardware.

How to troubleshoot Bluetooth on Samsung Galaxy S5 with Lollipop?

The performance of Bluetooth is often affected by critical Android OS updates. Unfortunately, this statement is also true for Lollipop on Galaxy smartphones S5. After receiving an excellent update in many respects, users noticed that Bluetooth connections began to drop from time to time. There are a number of recommendations that give a chance to eliminate this unpleasant effect.
If the Bluetooth connection periodically freezes, users should first turn this type of connection off and on. This can be done from the settings menu by going to the "Bluetooth" section. There you need to disable the service for a few seconds, and then start it again. If instability continues, you need to delete already established connections, and then restore the previous connections.

Problems often arise when connecting to a car's Bluetooth. Each car has its own communication algorithm, so you should first read the instructions for the car. After rebooting the connection and temporarily deleting existing pairings, you should try establishing a Bluetooth connection again.

On flagship models Smartphones from any manufacturer always have high expectations. They must certainly be a “breakthrough” in all respects. Another thing is that these expectations do not always turn out to be reality. This happened with the Samsung Galaxy S5. The new product does not look unconditionally cool compared to the Galaxy S4. Nevertheless, the device has a number of extremely interesting features, which will be discussed below.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for smartphone developers to surprise consumers. The point is that the list technical characteristics, which can be improved indefinitely, is already exhausted or almost exhausted. Displays cannot be larger, higher pixel density of the screen is no longer visible to the eye, more powerful processors are increasingly running at half their capacity, etc. The list goes on. And if in mid-price models you can still play games with features and price, then in flagship devices everything is already to the maximum. More and better things have not yet been invented.

Before the announcement of the Galaxy S5, there were many rumors that Apple had run out of steam, and now Samsung would show its power and knock out the Americans with theirs. In fact, the new product turned out to be an improved version of last year. The device received a higher quality camera with very fast focus, a 2.5 mm larger screen diagonal, a fingerprint scanner, a fresh Android version with updated TouchWiz interface. In addition, the model was endowed with water resistance according to class IP67 (protection against short-term immersions, you cannot swim with it). By and large, that's all... Apple fans experienced similar emotions when the company introduced, which turned out to be a clone with a slightly best camera and a fingerprint sensor. There was no breakthrough or revolution, no matter how small.

It’s time to admit that manufacturers have been experiencing a crisis of ideas and technologies for the second year in a row. And this applies to all companies, not just Samsung or Apple.

Well, now on to the point - about the Samsung Galaxy S5.

Dimensions. Contents of delivery


In general, the dimensions of the new product are not much different from last year’s flagship. The device lengthened a little, became thicker and gained weight. The dimensions of the device are 142x72.5x8.1 mm, weight - 145 grams versus 136.6x69.8x7.9 mm, 130 grams.

However, you can carry the device in the pockets of tight clothes without any problems. I didn't notice any inconvenience here. But you won’t be able to operate your smartphone with one hand. It is impossible to reach the corners of the display with the thumb of one hand. You will have to use your second hand and intercept the device.

The scope of delivery includes:

  • Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5 phone
  • Battery 2800 mAh, lithium-ion
  • Charger adapter USB devices
  • Cable for synchronization with computer
  • Stereo headset with miniJack 3.5 mm
  • Set of earplugs of different sizes
  • Instructions

Design and appearance


The design of the “five” has changed compared to previous models. But I can’t call the appearance radically different. This is a kind of mix of and. The body still has the same smoothed shapes. There is a lot of gloss on the front. The silver trim on the sides is very similar to metal, but it is plastic. She looks just terrible. All vendors in the world stopped using this decorative element 2-3 years ago. But the Koreans know better. The company thinks it's beautiful.

Samsung has always been criticized for the lack of metal in the body of its flagships. The situation has not changed even now. It's also all plastic. The back cover has a dotted texture. It reminded me of the roof lining in Soviet cars. It all looks somehow cheap and stingy. In my opinion, a device with a price tag of 30 thousand rubles should have a more presentable appearance, but Koreans have a different opinion on this matter.

But the assembly of the device is perfect. There was no feeling that there was a rattle toy in front of me. Quite the contrary. Everything is very high quality, reliable and tightly fitted.

The case of the model complies with the IP67 standard, which makes it protected from dust and moisture. At the same time, Samsung earnestly asked not to throw the phone into water. It seems to be able to withstand immersion according to the IP67 standard, but not tightly closed lid will lead to leaks. The company believes that this will not be a warranty case. Among the visible protection elements you can see a plug for the microUSB connector, and a rubberized material that prevents water from penetrating inside the case on back cover. But I didn’t find any visible protection for the audio jack.

Another characteristic feature is warnings that you need to tightly close the charging connector cover; this appears after each charge. Also, after opening the case, you are asked to check its tightness. It feels like your phone is spying on you. In fact, such notifications are automatically programmed into it.

Samsung Galaxy S5 is available in four options: dark gray, almost black, white and blue.

The entire front part of the device is occupied by a large 5.1-inch touchscreen display. Above it is a speaker. To the right and left of it there is a camera for video calls (2 megapixels) and various sensors: motion sensor, light sensor, G-sensor, infrared port. On the left there is an LED indicator that lights up when charging, missed calls and SMS.

Below the screen there is a menu button (it has a built-in fingerprint scanner) and two touch keys. Everything is standard here.

The location of controls and other elements on the smartphone body has not changed compared to.

On the right side there is a button to turn on, turn off and lock the phone. On the left you can see the volume key. There is no camera button here; the camera app for shooting can only be launched from the menu or lock mode.

At the bottom end there is a standard microUSB connector for charging and connecting to a computer. At the top end there is a 3.5 mm headphone output, as well as an infrared port.

On the back you can see a 16 megapixel camera lens with autofocus and LED flash. At the bottom there is a speaker for external calls and audio playback. I would rate the sound a four. Even at an average level, you can clearly hear the call, even if the phone is in your clothes. But in terms of sound quality, the Galaxy S5 is completely inferior to sound.

The lithium-ion battery is located under the plastic battery cover. There is also a holder for a microSIM card and a memory card. In addition, there is a built-in memory of 16 GB.

The build quality of the Galaxy S5 is excellent. During the test I did not find any external defects. The impressions are extremely positive. The smartphone is assembled at the company's plant in Vietnam.

Screen. Graphics capabilities


The Super AMOLED screen in the Galaxy S5 is good in all respects. Firstly, it has a 5.1-inch diagonal, and secondly, a resolution of 1080x1920 pixels, 432 ppi (Galaxy S4 has 441 ppi). Crystal clear images, traditionally large viewing angles and a small frame - all this has a positive effect on the perception of the device as a whole.

The display resolution allows you to comfortably view websites in their original form. Watching the video is a pleasure. Overall, without a doubt, this is one of the best screens on the market on this moment from what I've seen.

I should also note that I'm not a fan of Super AMOLED screens due to their excessive brightness. However, thanks to the Optimize Display option, the user can significantly reduce the strain on their eyes. The device analyzes the level of lighting around and, depending on the conditions, sets the contrast and brightness, plus adjusts the colors on the screen.

The display is protected by Gorilla Glass 3. The screen looks good in the sun. I did not notice any problems with reading the information.

The Galaxy S5, like its predecessor, recognizes the touch of gloved fingers. To do this, in the settings you need to check the box next to auto-adjust screen sensitivity. Subjectively, the function began to work much better than in .

Fingerprint scanner


The fingerprint scanner was the most notable hardware innovation of the Galaxy S5 and a response to similar functionality in the iPhone 5S. Unlike Apple, in the S5, to identify, you need to swipe your finger in the center of the screen and touch the center key. In the settings you can register up to 3 fingerprints.

In 70% of cases the scanner works correctly. The process of unlocking the screen, for example, occurs in a couple of seconds. If problems arise, the smartphone displays messages asking, for example, to wipe the surface of the scanner due to high humidity, etc. Apparently, this uses a sensor that is already present in the S5 and measures the ambient temperature and humidity.

Subjective, fingerprint samsung scanner works a little worse than Apple. But I cannot claim the truth in the first instance.

Menu. Interface and navigation


Samsung Galaxy S5 runs under operating system Android systems 4.4. Software You can “update over the air”.

External changes compared to previous version TouchWiz a bit. The only thing that catches your eye is the redesigned settings menu, made in the form of shortcuts, appearance which brings back memories of the deceased Symbian. In the main menu, application icons look familiar.

Most programs and features have moved from, although there have been some innovations.

The Galaxy S5 has a multi-window mode, where you can place two windows on one screen at once, for example, a browser or web browser, as well as a photo gallery below it. However, I note that the 5-inch screen is small for simultaneous work with several applications in this form. It works much more convincingly on tablets.

The Galaxy S5 has a feature for accelerated loading of content. Its essence is as follows: the system begins to download large files on two networks at once - via Wi-Fi and LTE, having previously split them into several packages.

"Intelligent Wait" function. If activated, the device will not go into sleep mode as long as the user is looking at it. For face recognition it is used front-camera. The manufacturer honestly warns that “Intelligent Waiting” may not work in the dark. However, under normal conditions the function also does not always work correctly. It seems that an eye icon appears on the notification panel (that is, the camera recognizes that the screen is currently being looked at), but sometimes the display backlight still turns off after a specified period of time.

The function, which in the Russian version of the firmware was called “Attach to ear,” turned out to be very useful and, most importantly, well implemented. Its essence is as follows: if someone’s contact or message is open on the display, then you can call the subscriber by simply raising the smartphone to your ear, without even touching the screen.

Ability to turn off sound when incoming call By turning the phone screen down, it is difficult to call it new. More interesting is the notification function for missed calls and messages. To do this, you need to take the smartphone in your hand, in response it will vibrate and give a signal through the light indicator if the user missed a call or SMS.

The set of Smart functions of the new product is even more impressive. Instant Preview lets you interact with the display without touching it. This function is familiar from Samsung smartphones Galaxy Note II, but there she only worked with electronic pen S Pen, and now it will respond to fingers.

With Instant Preview, you can preview videos, photos, emails, and appointments scheduled in S Planner without having to launch the corresponding apps. To do this, just bring your finger closer to the screen.

I tested this function for a long time. The processing quality of such “finger touching the screen” is about 90%, which, in my opinion, is very good.

Gesture Control lets you control gallery or web page content with a wave of your hand. No less interesting is the “Smart Pause” function, thanks to which you can control video playback with your eyes. The video plays while you watch. We turned away and it automatically paused. Turned around again and looked at the screen, playback resumed.

There's Smart Scroll, which lets you scroll through lists, web pages, or lengthy emails simply by moving your eyes and tilting your smartphone slightly away from you. Triggering the last two functions showed a 40% result. Here you need to somehow get used to it.

Other useful features include the WatchON app, which turns your smartphone into a universal remote control remote control, ChatON messenger. Young people may be interested in the Group Play feature, which allows you to share music, photos and games with others Samsung smartphones Galaxy S5.

Travel lovers will love the S Translator application, which will become an indispensable assistant. It provides instant translation of words, letters, messages and chats in different languages, and also supports voice input.

In addition, Samsung took care of the security of the new smartphone by offering a proprietary solution for dividing one device into work and personal space - KNOX technology. However, copying data from one space to another is impossible.

In S Health you can measure your pulse, start a pedometer, enter data on the food you eat and admire the number of calories consumed, build a training program for running, walking, cycling or hiking with setting the final goal. Detailed statistics are displayed for all parameters; you can add photos of the area during training or pictures of the food you consume.

For anyone who monitors their health, this application will be extremely useful. It completely replaces all paid analogues from third-party manufacturers. Interestingly, Samsung has removed the ability to measure temperature and humidity levels from S Health.

The Galaxy S5 has a “Children” mode as a separate program. You can set a password and have full control over what your child does with the smartphone, including specific applications and when they are active. You can add specific albums and programs that your child can access.

Analyzing all the presented functions and new features, I realized that for the most part they are tied by the ears by Samsung marketing. Among the few really necessary functions, I would include gesture control and a preview function. The rest is just air. But as soon as you show the store clerks a couple of these tricks, the client is ready.

Telephone features


First of all, these include “Phone”, “Contacts”, “Messages”. They're all located at the bottom of the Galaxy S5's home screen.

The People app stores detailed information O telephone numbers and subscribers. A specific record can have two dozen fields, be it last name, first name, patronymic, mobile number, home phone number, address Email, date of birth or personal ID, Skype, etc. The search in contacts occurs immediately across all fields of the client, that is, you can dial the number, first name, last name, etc. Each subscriber’s profile can now be linked to his social media accounts.

During incoming call The screen displays the photo and number of the subscriber from the phone book.

Text and multimedia messages are grouped by subscriber. By clicking on a specific contact, you can view the history of correspondence with this person.

Internet and Google services


The standard browser has become faster thanks to the use of updated Webkit and JavaScript. In addition, the browser supports Adobe Flash and does everything a progressive browser is supposed to do.

The device is fully integrated with Google services, such as Gmail, Picasa, Google Talk, Google Maps, YouTube and, of course, Google search. The user only needs to provide his/her details account Google and that's it.

Multimedia capabilities


The “Music” item is a music audio player. You can view and listen to audio tracks. The following file formats are supported: MP3, AMR, AAC, AAC+, e-AAC+. There is support for OMA DRM. There is sorting by artists, albums, genres, composers.

The standard headset is included in the package. Thanks to the 3.5 mm jack, you can choose any headphones.

The “Video” item displays videos made both by the device’s camera and downloaded from the Internet.

A unique thematic browser for photo and video files is the “Gallery” item. All files are divided into folders: photos and video clips, music.

Camera. Photo and video capabilities


The Galaxy S5 has a 16 megapixel camera, which boasts high-speed focusing (0.3 sec), stabilization, video recording with 4K resolution, a BSI sensor, continuous shooting and a whole bunch of necessary and not so necessary settings.

The following image resolutions are supported: 5312x2988, 3984x2988, 2976x2976, 3564x2448, 3264x1836, 2048x1152 pixels. The volume buttons are responsible for zooming in/out of the image.

The device takes excellent photographs, the quality of which is quite comparable to those taken by some not-so-cheap digital point-and-shoot camera. There are no striking differences.

The functionality of the smartphone camera has been expanded with the introduction of many new options. For example, “Two-way shooting” allows you to take photos using both cameras at the same time. The “Photo with Sound” function allows you to take a photo, along with which the sound will be saved, and the “Motion Photo” function allows you to take a series of photos in a row and combine them into one image. Also worth noting is the camera's Live Photo mode, which allows you to create an animated GIF from a selected piece of footage.

As for the other settings, automatic contrast allows you to achieve good quality pictures. In manual ISO settings, the available values ​​are 50, 100, 200, 400, 800. The following shooting modes are available: single shot, smile detection, continuous, panorama, vintage, portrait, landscape, night mode, sports, indoors, beach/snow, sunset, dawn, autumn colors, fireworks, text, dusk, against the light.

The phone supports video recording in mpeg4 format for maximum resolution, and in the settings you can specify whether the video will be recorded with or without sound. All settings are comparable to those for photographs, but the video resolutions are different, plus effects are supported. The camera can shoot videos with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, there are also 1280x720, 720x480 pixels (30 frames), or a resolution of 640x480 pixels (30 frames). Two additional resolutions - 320x240 and 176x144 pixels.

The recorded video is not bad. It looks great on a phone screen and looks good on a computer too.

Memory and speed


From a technical point of view, the Galaxy S5 differs little. The “Five” is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8974AC chip, also called Snapdragon 801. This is the fastest chipset from Qualcomm at the moment - four cores, maximum frequency 2.45 GHz, graphics coprocessor has a frequency of 578 MHz. In addition, the device has 2 GB of RAM. There is enough RAM to ensure that no application feels left out. Built-in memory is 16 GB, which can be expanded using microSD cards.

It is very easy for the average user to evaluate the performance of a smartphone: the device runs any content without any lag, be it a 1080p video or a modern game like Max Payne.

Communication capabilities


In addition to the standard connection to a computer via microUSB, the Galaxy S5 supports Bluetooth 4.0. Bluetooth provides wireless connection peripherals: for example, A2DP/AVRCP stereo headsets. When connected via USB, the device is recharged.

When connected to a USB port, there are several connection options: Media, “Charge only”, MTP. In MTP mode, the device is picked up perfectly without additional drivers, you can copy the necessary data.

"Five" works great in Wi-Fi networks standards a/ac/b/g/n (2.4/5 GHz) and can distribute Wi-Fi. The smartphone works without problems in networks mobile communications GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900, HSPA+ 850/900/1900/2100. Samsung Galaxy S5 also works in 4G networks. The maximum data transfer rate in LTE is 150 Mbit/s.

Among the additional options, it is worth noting NFC and IR (transmitter only), which is needed to control the TV (mobile control panel).

Duration of work


The battery, with an impressive 2800mAh capacity, promised long battery life from charge to charge. However, the Galaxy S5 is average in this regard.

Under testing conditions, with 40 minutes of calls per day, browsing the Internet for about 1.5 hours, and listening to an mp3 player through a headset for about 3 hours, the device worked for about a day. This means that the phone will have to be charged every evening. The battery charges in three hours.

If you experiment with energy saving and disabling sensors, the Galaxy S5 can be made to work for a day and a half, even two - with a moderate daily load.

A button has appeared in the phone settings quick start energy saving modes. There is a regular power saving mode in which you can limit the background operation of applications and enable gray colors for the screen (for AMOLED screens, gray color consumes almost no energy).

Maximum mode reduces energy consumption by 80%. For example, at 35 percent battery charge, the phone will be able to work in standby mode for at least 4 days. Thus, by activating this mode, you can calmly live until the evening - SMS and voice will be available to you.



I don’t know about you, but the Samsung Galaxy S5 seemed too ordinary to me compared to last year’s model. No one argues that this is a great device, but, in essence, it is a Galaxy S4 only with a slightly better camera, a fingerprint scanner and pseudo-sweat protection. Taking into account the difference with last year’s model of 10 thousand rubles, buying a “five” looks irrational. It’s better to buy a Galaxy S4 for 19 thousand rubles and save money. If you already use Samsung, then change it to new model it makes no sense. Wait another year, maybe the company will announce something more interesting. I had similar recommendations after the announcement. I recommended and still recommend buying , not 5S.

Among the disadvantages of the Samsung Galaxy S5, I will highlight its inexpressive appearance. The device looks like 10 thousand rubles, but is sold for 30 thousand. Fly, Alcatel and Huawei models for 10 thousand rubles look many times more interesting and attractive.

As for my opinion, from the flagships of 2014 and Sony Xperia Z2 turned out to be more interesting. They have more charisma, although fewer chips. last year was much more interesting than competitors.


  • Great display
  • High speed
  • Great camera
  • Lots of software features
  • Availability of interesting accessories


  • Periodic glitches in the operation of intelligent interfaces
  • Short battery life
  • Inexpressive appearance (terrible edging on the sides of the body)

We tried to select the 5 most famous Samsung problems Galaxy S5 that owners of this smartphone have encountered. In addition to this, we will show you how and what to do in such cases, without going to the service, where you will always have time to take your phone.

  1. Let's start with the first problem: the Samsung Galaxy S5 is not charging (or very slowly).

Use the original Galaxy S5 charger. Try to exclude all possibilities: change the socket, connect to the PC via USB.

If nothing has changed, there are 2 options left: the battery is dead or the charging port. At this point you will have to go to the service center.

  1. Galaxy S5 screen does not respond to touch at all

We will not discuss water ingress or film that would interfere with pressing on the screen. From a system perspective, you can try maximizing the screen sensitivity (Settings > Display). There is also a small probability of a similar problem occurring due to some application, although it will be extremely difficult to find out only by deleting all of them one by one. The last resort is to do a reset.

If after this there is nothing, the problem is on the hardware side - contact the service.

  1. Poor Wi-Fi or no Wi-Fi at all

The easiest thing to do here is to restart your phone or router. IN Lately There is a problem with the statistical IP, try registering it manually. For the rest, just look at the settings, maybe there are restrictions, or energy saving.

  1. Slows down and delays loading applications

It has already been proven on the forums that the Galaxy S5 often slows down. But it’s not the games or applications that slow down especially, but the wait for something to launch or turn on. We agreed that the reason: TouchWiz interface. The only solution is to play around in the settings, remove animation, effects, and so on. Although some advise changing the launcher, for example to Google Now.

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