
Network IP address of the router. How can I access the configuration settings of a D-Link router? How can I access my personal account d link

D-Link routers are quite popular. Their line of models is quite long. There are very budget D-links, and there are those with super characteristics. No matter what device a person purchases from this company, it is impossible to do without initial installation and debugging, so you need to know how to enter the D-Link settings.

Literally every article has to answer the question of how to get into the router settings. It's actually quite simple.

Device installation

The first thing to start with is installation. It lies in the fact that before going into the settings D-Link router, the device first needs to find a suitable place, so as not to move it a million times later. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a place:

  1. The location must be close to the nearest desktop computer so that you can join via LAN at any time. It’s better if this connection is permanent. Or you just need to have a long network cable.
  2. The place should be at approximately the same distance from all far walls and corners of the house or apartment. Even if there are antennas, it often happens that the signal does not work the same everywhere. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this nuance.
  3. The place where the router will be located should be close to the Internet cable. This is the cord that is provided by the Internet provider or some private company. If there is an ordinary network cable, then it’s not so bad, because you can always buy a longer one. And if a non-standard cable is used, then extending it is problematic.

After the place has been successfully or unsuccessfully chosen, we need to insert everything required cables in their places. There is nothing complicated about it, just connect the power, then connect the Internet to the corresponding WLAN port, and connect the PC to the router through one of the 4 LAN ports.

For D-Link, before going into the settings, you need to make sure that the computer works correctly over the local network. There are a number of different indicators for this on the router.

Login to the device control panel

The step of logging into the D-Link router is very simple. To enter the settings you need:

  • Log into the browser through the device that is connected to the router. If there is none, you need to connect it.
  • After that, in the address bar, instead of the site, we write “” or “”. It is necessary to configure the modem; in the modem this site is built-in, local. Which of these addresses will work is checked by trial method. Come in one by one.

  • When you get to the desired address, you will see a page to enter the settings, here we are asked for a login and password. They are standard for almost all routers with factory settings. Simply enter the word “admin” in both the name and password fields.

At this point, logging into the panel is complete; if you still cannot log into the control panel, it means that some item was completed incorrectly. Here you can change and configure everything, you just need to go to the menu and find the item that interests us. In the menu we can see the status of certain characteristics.

With the widespread penetration of the Internet into every home, the number of network devices, including routers, is increasing. The series from D-Link is also expanding with new models. With such diversity, it is sometimes very difficult to figure out how to configure it correctly, go into the settings of the D-Link router and what better parameters apply. Over the course of this article we will look at a couple simple ways Login to the administrative panel of routers from D-Link.

A little theory

The latest device models, when turned on for the first time, immediately activate the so-called basic wireless network. It allows you to conveniently configure primary parameters without the use of cables. Older versions or revisions require the use of a wire for initial setup, which is usually included in the kit.

Video instructions for setting up D-Link routers:

Before going into the settings of the router from D-Link we will need: Personal Computer with network card and Wi-Fi module, network cable and the router itself.

Connection via cable

Usually back panel D-Link products have several LAN ports and one for the Internet. LAN ports are most often marked in blue and numbered. And the port for the cable from the provider has a corresponding inscription, for example, internet. Less commonly, it may be referred to as WAN. It is worth noting that in some new models the role of WAN can be played by one of the LAN ports.

So, the cable from the provider must be inserted into the port labeled Internet, and the short cable that comes with the router into any of the LAN ports. Its second end is connected to the computer's network card. The LEDs on the network card and on the front of the router will indicate that a connection has emerged between the two devices.

Connection using Wi-Fi

You can also use Wi-Fi to log into the router. As a rule, the network starts automatically by default and has a “speaking” name, for example, it may reflect the model name - “DIR 300”. Having opened the list of available wireless networks on your computer, you need to select the one that matches the model of your D-Link device.

It is worth noting that in some models the network may be open, that is, you can enter the settings without a password. But if, nevertheless, it turns out to be closed, then it is worth turning the device over and on the bottom panel, on the sticker, the default network name should be indicated, as well as the login password.

Login to the admin panel

Almost all settings are made using any browser available on your computer. But for this we need to find out the IP address of our device. Therefore, you need to turn the router over again and on the same sticker or next to it, the default address will be indicated. This will also contain the values ​​of the login and password fields set by the developers to enter the router menu.

The specified address must be entered directly into the address bar of the browser. D-Link products have the address After pressing the Enter key, the system will ask you to enter your login and password. You need to enter data from the bottom of the device. Typically the default is a combination of admin and admin in both fields. After pressing the Enter key, you will find yourself in the router’s web interface.

It must be said that after logging into the router, you should change the default password to your own, more strong and reliable one. On many modern firmware, the system itself will offer to do this. To do this, go to the “System” tab, then select “Administrator Password”, and enter a new value in the fields.

Possible connection problems

Sometimes it’s not immediately possible to get into the router settings. Possible reasons there may be several:

  • The IP address for the network card can be set manually in the operating system settings. It is worth checking this parameter in the network control panel and switching it to the “obtain an IP address automatically” mode;
  • Before entering the default IP address, you should make sure that it is actually equal to the one indicated on the bottom of the device;
  • Often the browser does not enter the settings due to an incorrectly crimped cable. Therefore, it is recommended to use the special one supplied with the router. As mentioned earlier, the main indicator of network connection at the first stage will be the blinking LEDs of the network card and light bulbs on the router.

Video of additional problems connecting the router:


As you can see from the article, setting up home network equipment to obtain a wireless network is not that difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, and then everyone will be able to cope with the connection.

Today we will talk about how to go into the router settings. Sometimes you need to enter the settings, but many people forget how to do this after connecting and configuring the router. In this article I will tell you how to enter various models. If you know how to enter the settings of your router but cannot do it, here is an article that describes. This article is designed for the fact that your router is already connected to the computer (if the router is not connected to the computer, read the article ““). Let's get started with the instructions.

General instructions for entry.

You can enter the settings using any browser. You need to enter the router address into the address bar and enter your username and password.

First, let's figure out where to get the router address. On many models, the address is written at the bottom of the label, and the login and password are also indicated there.

If you don’t have a label or don’t have access to it, you can also look in the network card settings.

On Windows XP here>>

On Windows 7 here>>

You can find out more about how to determine the router address.

Once you have determined the address of your router, enter the address into the address bar in your browser and press Enter. An Authorization window will appear in front of you, asking for Login (Username) and Password. On many models, the following settings are set by default: Login - admin, password - admin. Also look carefully at the authorization window; they sometimes write the default login and password, for example, the Zyxel company (below I will show what it looks like). After entering the data, press “Enter” and go to the settings of your router.

Let's apply this scheme on some models. The main thing that you must understand is that further we will consider the case when the router is already connected and has standard input settings. If this is not the case, then the scheme is simple: we determine the address of the router, if we changed the password and login, we remember and enter it. Also, if you couldn’t remember the changes, reset to standard settings (how to do this is described in the article “How to connect a router”), and then simply reconfigure it.

Login to router d link dir 300

This entry method is also suitable for models d link dir 615, d link dir 320, d link dir 620. Enter into the address bar of the browser (you can go to the settings of the d link dsl 2640u router at In the window that appears, enter your login and password. If the window looks like the picture below, enter only the login-admin, leaving the password blank. :

Then click on the button. That's it, login is complete.

If, after entering the address, any of these windows opens in front of you:

in this case, the Username is admin, the password is admin. Click on the “Login” button. And you will immediately be taken to the Dlink configuration interface. If you are interested in setting up a Dlink router, then on the left side of the page in the menu, select the d link section. In it you will find a description of the setup of any model of Dlink companies.

We use this method for asus rt n10

This option is also suitable for asus rt n12, asus rt g32, asus rt n10p, asus dsl n10 routers. Open the browser and enter in the address bar. The name is the same as on other routers, the default is admin, the password is the same. See picture below:

Once all fields have been filled in, click the “Submit” button. And you will be taken to the router settings. By selecting the ASUS section in the left column, you will find a description of the settings for various Asus models.

It’s also easy to log into the tp link tl wr741nd router

Also suitable for tp link tl wr841nd, tp link tl wr740n. Let's carry out the same steps as described above. Open the browser and enter In the authorization window we will indicate the login and password admin and admin.

Bottom line

This scheme for entering the router settings is suitable for all models, the most important thing is to find out the login and password that you specified when setting up the router. If you haven't changed anything, then everything remains standard. Also on our website you will find many instructions and settings various models routers.

Video: What to do if you can’t access,


This article is an overview and step-by-step recommendations on setup Dir-300 router from D-Link, which is on this moment is one of the most popular models that combines many advantages - acceptable price plus ease of setup and operation. In case you want to customize your local network from several computers and provide them with Internet access using a wifi connection, then using this device is the most justified and convenient. First, you need to make sure that the device comes with a complete set:

  • a small black box is the device itself,
  • power unit,
  • cable that is used to connect to a computer device.
What is first necessary for work:
  • cable internet,
  • router,
  • settings from the provider,
  • some amount of patience.
Stage 1. Preparatory You need to remove the device from the box and connect one end of the cable included in the kit (usually blue) with one end to the network card on the computer (previously the cable from the Internet was connected there), and the other to the LAN 1 port on the device. The Internet cable itself must be connected to the WAN port. Turn on the router.
If you have already attempted to configure the router and they were unsuccessful, you should definitely reset the settings and start all over again. For these purposes, there is a recessed button behind it, which is pressed using a sharp object (for example, a toothpick). After pressing, you need to wait 1-2 minutes to reboot. Stage 2. Login to the control panel and make computer settings Currently, in the network connection settings you need to set “Obtain an IP address automatically”. In this regard, you can consider two options: 1. If the connection is made using blue network cable connected to the network card, then in the properties of this connection you must check “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.” To do this, click the Start menu, then Control Panel, then Network connections. Right-click on the Local Area Connection item, select Properties, and in the TCP/IP Internet Protocol properties, select the necessary items.
2. If the connection is made using wifi, then after loading the router in the wireless networks should appear new network dlink. The next item is to select this network and in the properties of the TCP/IP protocol connection set “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically”.
It should be noted that the configuration features of devices are completely identical in different operating systems Windows family. This also applies to routers - from the manufacturer D-Link they are all similar and, thus, these instructions can be used for the whole model class (DIR-100, 120, 300, 320, 400, 615, 650). Open the Explorer window and enter the following information in the address bar After this, a window opens where we enter admin as the user name; there is no need to enter a password. Click on Log In and go to the main administration and settings menu.
Stage 3. Setup After entering the required information, home page The control panel loads, in which the section menus are displayed on the left, and the sections themselves at the top:
Basic settings are carried out in the section Setup.
Advanced options are installed in the section Advanced.
Items related to device support are displayed in the section Maintenance.
The status and current state are displayed in the section Status. Before starting the device setup process, the manufacturer strongly recommends updating its firmware. You can download it at: In order to update the device firmware, go to the Maintenance section, select the Firmware Update subsection, select the required file and click on Upload.
After a few minutes the browser will return to home page device administration. Now you need to reset all settings of the router. For this we use the section Maintenance, subsection Save and Restore. Click on Restore Device.
3.1 Setting up a router to connect to the Internet Now we move on to the stage of setting up the router to connect to the Internet. It can be noted that, depending on the company providing Internet services, there may be several connection types, so it is very important to obtain the appropriate settings from the provider. Now, starting the setup process, go to the section Setup, then Internet Setup and click on Manual Internet Connection Setup. Other parameters: OnEnable Access Point Mode There is no need to put a birdie. On the menuMy Internet Connection is select from the list " Russia PPPoE (Dual Access)". In the next paragraph " Russia PPPoE (Dual Access)" We set the following values: Be careful! At this stage, it is important that the user has at his disposal the settings offered by the provider! Set the switch to the parameter Static IP. We check with the company providing the Internet about our IP address and enter it in the field IP Address. In field Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask parameter. In parameter Gateway enter the default gateway (a number similar to an IP address, but starting with 10). To point DNS you need to enter DNS; Field MAC Address Clone MAC Address). In the Server IP/Name (VPN) field, you must enter the VPN address. In the PPTP Account field, enter your username. You must enter a password in the PPTP Password field. In the PPTP Confirm Password field, the previous password combination must be repeated. Parameter Maximum Idle Time = 5 min. Parameter MTU = 1400. Parameter Connect mode select determines the mode in which the connection to the network occurs. The user has the following options: Always-on permanent connection mode. Connect on Demand – network connection mode as needed. It means that when the user wants to connect to the network, the router will perform the procedure, but if there is no activity during the time specified in the Maximum Idle Time parameter, it will automatically turn off. Manual – Both connection/disconnection modes are performed manually. Click on Save Settings. After this, an active network connection should appear. Set the parameter on the switch Dynamic IP. Field MAC Address do not fill in (if there is a binding in the network for this parameter, you must click on Clone MAC Address). In the Server IP/Name (VPN) field, you must enter the VPN address. In the PPTP Account field, enter your username. You must enter a password in the PPTP Password field. In the PPTP Confirm Password field, the previous password combination must be repeated. The Connect mode select mode was mentioned above. Click on Save Settings. After this the connection will appear. 3.2 WiFi setup To set up a wireless network, go to the section Setup and click on Manual Wireless Connection Setup.
After this action, the following window opens: In the very top section of Wi-fi protected setup, you need to uncheck the box, since this technology is not supported by all router models. Further in the section Wireless network settings We perform the following manipulations:
  • you need to check the box in the parameter Enable Wireless,
  • enter your name (usually the default network is called d-link) - Wireless Network Name,
  • in this section we do not use the bird - Enable Auto Channel Selection,
  • this is the channel number - Wireless Channel,
  • paragraph Transmission Rate- we don’t change,
  • paragraph WMM Enable– we don’t change either, there shouldn’t be a bird,
  • at the point Enable Hidden Wireless It is better not to check the box, since not all devices have the option of connecting to hidden networks.
The next section is setting up network security - Wireless Security Mode. First you need to select the encryption mode Enable WPA/WPA2 Wireless Security (enhanced) and then start setting it up:
  • Cipher Type – TKIP,
  • PSK/EAP – PSK,
  • Network Key – at this point you need to come up with a password for authorization, which usually consists of a sequence of eight letters and/or numbers.
Save all settings - click on Save Sattings. 3.3. Setting up a local network and DHCP server In order to configure the DHCP server, you need to go to Setup section, then to LAN Settings. Router Settings:
  • to point Router IP Address you need to enter the IP address of the router (,
  • in point Default Subnet Mask you can leave the factory settings,
  • paragraph Local Domain Name must be left blank
  • in point Enable DNS Relay I need to put the bird down.
DHCP server settings (DHCP Server Settings):
  • if you need the router to automatically distribute addresses to all devices connected to the network, then at the point Enable DHCP Server I need to put the bird down. If the setting will be done manually, then the bird is not needed,
  • in point DHCP IP Address Range you can leave the default parameters,
  • in point DHCP Release Time the lease time of the received address is determined,
  • in point DHCP Client List a list of devices that have received an address from the configured router is displayed.
25- DHCP Reservation defines a list of addresses that are reserved. This setting is only relevant for cases where you need to assign some network cards specific addresses linked by MAC address.
3.4. Setting Time and Zone Settings To configure the time and date parameters, go to the Setup section, then Time and Date and see the following configurable parameters: 1. Setting the time zone and time Time and Date Configuration:
  • Time– displays the current device time.
  • Time Zone– displays the time zone.
  • Enable Daylight Saving– changeover to summer/winter time, if necessary.
  • Sync/ your computer's time settings– synchronization with computer settings, if necessary.
2. Configuring automatic synchronization of the router with the time server - Automatic Time and Date Configuration:
  • On parameter Automatically synchronize with D-Link's Internet time server If you want to automatically synchronize with a time server, you need to check the box.
  • In point NTP Server Used– select the required time server.
3. In paragraphSet the Time and Date Manuallysettings are made manually
Having performed all the above manipulations, save by clicking on Save Settings. If the Internet connection is implemented via cable, then creating an access point would be quite justified. It implies that there is a router that can be used to create a local network that will connect everything necessary devices in an office or home and provide them with the ability to connect to the Internet.
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