
Download 32-bit system emulator

Network and server administrators are often faced with the need to test hardware, software, and certain parameters and settings on real servers. But testing something on a running server is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to data loss and operational failures.

In this situation, a specialized specialist comes to the rescue software. Capable of emulating a real computer and doing everything with it necessary actions. The most popular program in this case is VirtualBox from Oracle.

How to use virtualbox?

virtualbox 32/64 bit for windows 7 and 8 must be installed on a work computer running an operating system Windows systems. In the future, VirtualBox allows you to create any number of virtual machines with selected parameters, and install any operating systems on them for testing. In this case, the real physical computer will be the host computer, and the operating system on it will be the host computer.

When installing an operating system on a virtual machine, you should pay attention to the fact that it must be configured properly and comply with minimum requirements. In this case, the operating system installed on virtual computer, called guest.

Thanks to the use of virtual machines, testing of hardware, software and necessary settings is greatly simplified. With all this, the virtual and physical machines communicate with each other via network connection. In addition, a virtual machine can seize control of any equipment installed on a physical computer.

The program is also available for operating systems such as MacOS and Linux (popular for Ubuntu and Mint).

The emergence of 64-bit Windows raised many questions. Support for 32-bit applications, drivers and everything that is designed for the x86 architecture. Installation and features of using programs. Introduced restrictions for 32-bit applications. Support for old modes and much more. All this could not be left aside. After all, the layer of 32-bit heritage is too large, and in a 64-bit environment there is little that can replace it, even now.

This article provides an overview of the Windows Subsystem on Windows 64 (WOW64) and its techniques that allow Windows to support 32-bit applications on a 64-bit system.

Note: The first attempt to introduce 64-bit systems was quite a failure. Strict restrictions and the lack of real advantages made themselves felt. At that time, even drivers for 64-bit systems were quite difficult to find. Not to mention programs in which the difference would be at least somehow noticeable. Removing the 3GB RAM limit is certainly a strong advantage today, but at that time it was more like a beautiful slogan.

Device support for 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows

Windows 32 to Windows 64 (WOW64)

WOW64 emulates 32-bit Windows

On Windows 64, 32-bit applications run on an emulated 32-bit operating system called Windows 32 on Windows 64, or WOW64 for short. The main task of WOW64 is to intercept and process all system calls from 32-bit applications.

For each intercepted system call, WOW64 creates a 64-bit system call, turning 32-bit data structures into suitable 64-bit ones. Subsequently, the 64-bit system call is passed to the operating system kernel for processing. Any 64-bit call output received will be converted and transmitted in the format that the application expected. In other words, real requests to the system kernel are always 64-bit. The WOW64 subsystem only acts as an intermediary, converting data into suitable formats.

Like 32-bit applications, WOW64 runs as the user, so errors that may occur during system call conversion will occur at the user level. And the 64-bit operating system kernel will not be affected in any way.

The fact that WOW64, like a 32-bit application, runs in user mode explains the reason for the lack of support for 32-bit drivers. In other words, to run correctly, drivers require kernel mode, which WOW64 cannot provide. Therefore, if you have 64-bit Windows, then all drivers must be 64-bit.

The WOW64 emulator consists of the following 64-bit libraries:

Note: These are the only 64-bit libraries that are loaded into a 32-bit process.

  • Wow64.dll is the core infrastructure of the emulation system. Links calls to Ntoskrnl.exe entry points
  • Wow64Win.dll - links calls to Win32k.sys entry points
  • Wow64Cpu.dll - switches the processor between 32-bit and 64-bit mode
  • Ntdll.dll is a 64-bit version of Wow64.

Wow64.dll loads the 32-bit (x86) version of Ntdll.dll and all the necessary 32-bit libraries, which remain largely unchanged. However, some of these 32-bit libraries have been modified to run correctly in WOW64. Typically, such changes were made due to the fact that they share RAM with 64-bit system components

Managing files and registry settings in WOW64

In addition to the functionality of intercepting and processing system calls, the WOW64 interface must also ensure that the files and registry settings of 32-bit applications are stored separately from the files and registry keys of 64-bit programs. To achieve this goal, WOW64 uses two mechanisms. Redirection of files and registry, as well as duplication of registry keys. Redirection maintains a logical view of data and displays it as if the application were running on 32-bit Windows. Duplicating registry keys ensures that changes to a number of parameters that do not depend on bitness will be available to both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

File redirection

File redirection helps ensure that files and directories of 32- and 64-bit applications are kept separate and do not interfere with each other.

By default, 32-bit application files are installed in:

  • C:\Program Files(x86)

32-bit system files installed in:


For 64-bit applications, the files are installed in:

  • C:\Program Files

The WOW64 redirection mechanism ensures that requests from 32-bit applications to the "C:\Program Files" and "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32" directories are redirected to the appropriate directories for the 32-bit versions.

However, there is one problem with file redirection. Users and developers should be aware of this feature.

Many 64-bit applications still use 32-bit mode and procedures. And they do not take this into account when creating the installer. To ensure that the application is installed correctly. those. in "C:\Program Files", the installer must make a system call to the operating system so that the system will suspend the Wow64 file redirection mechanism. And after installation, make another system call to enable redirection again. If you install without stopping the redirection, the program will be installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)". A classic example of this bug is the 64-bit version of FireFox 3.5, codenamed "Shiretoko", which is installed in "C:\Program Files(x86)\Shiretoko". Of course, Firefox will still function normally. The only thing you won't be able to do is change the application icon.

Note: This bug may have already been fixed in Shiretoko. However, in earlier versions it was exactly like that.

Registry redirection

Registry keys specific to 32-bit applications will be redirected from the branch:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node

Also, sometimes you can find registry entries in another branch (although this is unusual):

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WOW6432Node

This approach allows 32- and 64-bit applications to coexist normally, without problems with overwriting each other’s settings.

Registry duplication

Some redirected registry keys and values ​​need to be duplicated. This means that if a 32-bit application makes changes to a redirected registry key, those changes must also be applied to the 64-bit application branches. In this case, the principle “who is last is right” applies. For example, if you install three applications that associate themselves with the same file extension, then the file extension association should be with the last application.

  1. Install a 32-bit application that associates itself with the XYZ extension
  2. Install a 64-bit version of the application that associates itself with the XYZ file extension
  3. Install another 32-bit application that associates the XYZ extension with itself

As a result of these actions, double-click on the file with the XYZ extension in Windows Explorer The application that was installed in step 3 should open. After all, it was the latter that associated itself with expansion.

All this happens transparently for 32-bit applications in Wow64, which independently intercepts calls and duplicates the necessary parameters and registry keys. In other words, 32-bit applications can be executed in a standard way; the necessary changes will be made for them by Wow64.

There are a number of limitations of the WOW64 subsystem

Some, but not all, 64-bit features are available to 32-bit applications

Wow64 allows 32-bit applications to take advantage of some of the features and capabilities of 64-bit systems. For example, when correct setting, such applications will be able to use up to 4GB of RAM. Access to other functions is limited due to the design of 64-bit systems. For example, 64-bit Windows OS supports 64-bit logical operations. However, 32-bit applications will not have access to them, they will only be able to use 32-bit logical operations.

Note: The main reason for the limitations is the difference in data presentation between 32- and 64-bit applications. A 32-bit application is simply not designed for 64-bit data types.

You cannot mix code (Code Injection) of 32-bit and 64-bit applications

On a 64-bit Windows OS, you cannot run 32-bit code in a 64-bit process, just as you cannot run 64-bit code in a 32-bit process. Applications that use Code Injection to add functionality to existing applications, as a rule, will produce errors.

This fact explains why most 32-bit Windows shell extensions do not run under 64-bit Windows. Most of these extensions use Code Injection to embed themselves in Windows Explorer

WOW64 does not support 16-bit installers

WOW64 provides support for 16-bit Microsoft installers by replacing the installer with a compatible 32-bit version. However, this support does not extend to third party products. So if you need to use old program, then most likely you will have to look for an emulator or a portable version.

Additional options for running 32-bit applications on Windows 64

Windows Virtual PC

Windows Virtual PC is free software that allows you to run multiple operating systems on one computer. Virtual PC provides a special runtime environment that supports legacy hardware and software that will not be detected and run by Windows 7. All operating systems running under Virtual PC will run in virtual machine. This means that the running operating systems will not know that they are running on another system.

System requirements and functionality vary significantly between Virtual PC versions and Windows versions. So, before you try to use Virtual PC, you need to check that the program supports both your operating system and the OS that will be running on it. For example, one of latest versions no longer supports Windows versions below Windows XP SP3.

Windows XP Mode (XPM)

Windows XP Mode is a specific and stripped-down implementation of Windows Virtual PC that comes pre-installed a copy of Windows XP Professional SP3. This mode is only available in Enterprise, Ultimate and Professional versions of Windows 7 64-bit.

Despite the capabilities this mode should provide, many who have used XPM strongly advise using this mode only as a last resort. Compared to other virtualization products, performance is disappointing and the default configuration raises a number of security issues.

Note: Some more detailed compatibility mode settings can still be accessed. More detailed information you can find in the review How to run old programs on Windows 7/Vista? (See Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit).

Multiboot Windows OS

You can install more than one version of Windows on the same computer using a multibooter. For example, install 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows next to each other. Each operating system is installed on a separate disk partition, and the boot manager is installed on the default partition. Boot Manager allows you to select and launch the operating system you want to use now.

Although you cannot use more than one operating system at the same time, this functionality is quite useful. Compared with virtual machines, this method does not have any compatibility problems and such systems are much easier to configure and maintain. Among other things, by installing the 32-bit version next to the 64-bit version, you will retain the ability to run 16-bit applications.

To summarize what has been said about 32-bit support on 64-bit Windows

Most 32-bit applications will be quite happy on Windows 64. The main exceptions will be:

  1. 32-bit device drivers
  2. Applications that cannot function without the 32-bit device drivers they use. Antiviruses and other security programs are prime examples.
  3. Extensions that use Code injection. For example, shells for Windows Explorer

Some applications may run with restrictions. This also applies to uninstallers, registry cleaners and tuning programs, since they only have access to that part of the registry that Wow64 shows them.

If you just can’t run a 32-bit application, then consider the option of virtualization or multi-booting multiple operating systems.

Which applications are faster, 32-bit or 64-bit?

This question comes up quite often. But, there is no general rule or multiplication factor, since everything depends on the tasks and processor functions used.

When comparing 32-bit and 64-bit applications in their native environments, a 32-bit application typically uses less memory than an equivalent 64-bit application. This is because the 64-bit versions use 64-bit data structures, which take up twice the space. The additional size directly affects the time it takes to start and close the program, as well as other types of operations related to accessing disk drives. Typically, this means that 32-bit applications will run faster. However, 64-bit programs' use of the features of a 64-bit processor potentially allows an application to run up to 25% faster than 32-bit programs.

Also, keep in mind that running a 32-bit application on 64-bit Windows means running Wow64, so performance analysis on a 32-bit processor can be set aside. Running Wow64 means not only the cost of converting calls, but also accounting for redirection and duplication mechanisms, which require not only CPU time, but also RAM. So it's possible that a 32-bit application will run faster than a 64-bit one, but it will definitely run slower than an equivalent run on a 32-bit processor.

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It often happens that after purchasing a gamepad it is not possible to configure it properly. The d-pad and left stick are accepted by the game as one element, without allowing them to be given unique values. But most modern games require their distinction. The problem lies in the confusion between X-Input and Direct-Input technologies. A real Xbox 360 joystick automatically switches between technologies while Chinese copies by default they work exclusively with Direct-Input. To correct the situation, there is a program Tocaedit xbox 360 controller emulator(abbreviated), which is an Xbox 360 joystick emulator. On this site you can download x360ce in Russian 32 bit for Win 7, which can work with 32-bit games.

How to use

Installing the program is quick; you just need to unpack the archive into any folder (preferably free).

Actually, regarding the identification of the gamepad - when you first start it, a window appears asking you to connect to the network and identify the device.

Click on " several times Next (Further)", searches for drivers and settings, and finally installs them. If another gamepad is connected in the future, you will be prompted to find and download new settings.

In the main window of the emulator there are tabs " Controller 1», « Controller 2», « Controller 3" And " Controller 4" You can simultaneously connect several different joysticks with different settings.

These tabs allow you to directly configure the values ​​of each controller button. In the center of the tab is an Xbox 360 gamepad. If it lights up grey colour, this means that the gamepad is not connected to the PC. Green– connected and working correctly. Red- there are problems. Unchecking the “ Pass» from the « tab Advanced».

The keys on the joystick are configured as follows: select the desired button in the program, click " Record" When the custom button on the gamepad image starts to light up, press the desired button on your gamepad to bind it.

The crosspiece can be configured in two ways. Click iPad 1 > DPads > DPad 1 and the program will set the directions itself. If this fails, then similarly to the buttons, we configure each direction separately. To do this you need to select " D-Pad Up(Up)/ Left(Left)/ Right(Right)/ Down(Down)" and press the corresponding arrows on the joystick.

Setting up analog sticks is a little different. Select " Axis 1" and begin to move the stick in the directions that the program will show. If the sticks on your gamepad are not pressure sensitive, then everything is configured in the same way as the D-pad and buttons.

In the " Force Feedback» You can turn on joystick vibration. First you need to check the box “ Enable Force Feedback" You can select the selection type from the drop-down menu. The sliders on the left are used to adjust the vibration intensity.

In the tabs " Right Thumb" And " Left Thumb"You can adjust the sensitivity of the sticks for more comfortable and accurate aiming in shooters.

After completing the setup, the joystick emulator needs to be connected to the game. In the main menu of the program, select “ Add"and find the exe file of the game:

Most modern games such as Overwatch, Hurtworld or Subnautica can only run on 64-bit operating systems. It is simply not profitable for the creators of these programs to make different versions of applications for 32- and 64-bit. Although both versions are quite common. Of course, switching to x64 is quite easy. But what if you are not going to change the OS and still want to watch a popular game? Find out how on a 32-bit system run Subnautica and other 64-bit programs.

To do this, the computer must meet the requirements necessary for the normal operation of the application. The processor must initially have x64 architecture.

Why can’t programs designed for 64 bit be opened in 32 bit? Why are these versions so different, since they do not run the same applications? And if Overwatch can be played on x64, why can't it be played on the same computer, but with x32?

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Working with 64-bit applications on a 32-bit system is quite possible. But you need to install additional software or, in general, switch to a remote server. This is quite difficult to do. If you want to fully play Overwatch, Hurtword and others popular games, it is better to install x64 OS. This way there will be no compatibility problems. And you won't have to configure anything.

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