
We create tabular models. Work creating tabular models Studying new material

Table structure and design rules

To describe a number of objects that have the same sets of properties, tables consisting of columns and rows are most often used.

You are well aware of the tabular presentation of the lesson schedule; the schedules of buses, planes, trains and much more are presented in tabular form.

The information presented in the table is clear, compact and easy to see.

The table may contain information about various properties of objects, about objects of the same class and different classes, about individual objects and groups of objects.

A correctly formatted table has the structure:

The following rules for formatting tables must be observed.

  1. The title of the table should give an idea of ​​the information contained in it.
  2. Headings of columns and lines should be short, not contain unnecessary words and, if possible, abbreviations.
  3. The table must indicate the units of measurement. If they are common to the entire table, then they are indicated in the table title (either in parentheses or separated by a comma after the title). If the units of measurement differ, they are indicated in the row or column headings.
  4. It is advisable that all table cells be filled in. If necessary, the following symbols are entered in them:
  • \(?\) - data unknown;
  • × - data is not possible;
  • ↓ - data must be taken from the overlying cell.

In order to create a tabular model based on the information presented in text form, you must:

  1. Highlight in the text the names of objects, the names of object properties and the values ​​of object properties;
  2. Clarify the table structure;
  3. “Populate” the table by transferring information from the text into it.

When highlighting object names, property names and their values ​​in the text, it is convenient to underline them with different lines. Let's agree to underline object names with a straight line, property names with a double line, and property values ​​with a dotted line.

Conventionally, the entire set of tables can be divided into simple and complex.

Simple tables

Table of type "objects-properties" (OS)

Table of type "objects-properties" is a table containing information about the properties of individual objects belonging to the same class.

General view of OS type tables:

The number of rows in the table depends on the number of objects present, and the number of columns depends on the number of properties being considered.

This table provides information about some ancient Russian cities that preserve unique monuments of our culture and history and form the world-famous Golden Ring of Russia. This information is reflected in the table header.

The table shows the following objects: “Vladimir”, “Kostroma”, Pereslavl-Zalessky” and “Gus - Khrustalny”, belonging to the “city” class. For each object, the values ​​of the properties “year of foundation”, “founder” and “landmark” are given, expressed in numbers and words.

In small tables (of \(3 - 4\) rows), objects can be listed in any order. If there are a lot of objects in the table, then they need to be arranged in some meaningful order, according to some rule. For example, in table \(2.2\) cities can be listed in alphabetical order, in ascending or descending order of the year of their founding.

If there are more properties than objects in an OS-type table, then it can be “turned on its side”: rows can be turned into graphs, and graphs into rows.

Table of type "objects - objects - one" is a table containing information about a certain property of pairs of objects, most often belonging to different classes.

In this table, the head (top heading) has a complex (two-tier) structure.

An LLC type table can be “turned on its side”; rows can be turned into columns, and columns into rows.

An OOO type table records one property of a pair of objects, so its cells always contain values ​​of the same type: either numbers, or words, or graphic images.

Complex tables

Table of the type "objects - objects - several" (UN)

Table type "objects - objects - several" is a table containing information about several properties of pairs of objects belonging to different classes.

General view of UN type tables:

In this table, the head (top heading) has a three-tier structure.

Practical work No. 6 Create tabular models, for 7th grade students studying according to Bosova’s teaching materials (Work 11 for 6th grade students of the Federal State Educational Standard).

The work includes 9 tasks, after completing which students should be able to: add rows and columns to a table; delete rows and columns from a table; merge table cells; split table cells; create simple and complex tables; build tabular models.

Task 1. Giants

1. Create a 4x4 table (tab Insert group Tables). For the entire table, set the font size to 11 pt. Fill the table with the following information about the tallest people:

2. Center the rows of the table, highlight the first row of the heading in bold.

3. Modify the table to add additional rows. For this:
1) call context menu by right-clicking in any cell of the row above or below which you want to add a row;
2) select the command in the context menu Insert, and then - Insert Rows at Top or Insert rows below.

4. Modify the table by adding a column (column).

5. Sort the table in descending order of the values ​​in the “Age” column. For this:
1) place the cursor in an arbitrary table cell;
2) using a button Sorting (Home — Paragraph — Sorting) call the dialog box Sorting;
3) set the necessary sorting parameters:

6. Remove the row “Jacob Loll” from the table (his height is said to have been exaggerated). For this:
1) select the line you want to delete;
2) right-click and select from the context menu ( Table) command Delete rows.

7. Delete the “Age” column (column).

8. Sort the information in the table by ascending values ​​in the “Growth” column.

9. Format the table as follows:

Working with tables - Designer - Table styles - (Select any style you like).

10. Save the document in its own folder under the name Giants1.

Task 2. Nature of Russia

1. Write a colorful inscription:

2. Create a table based on the sample. For this:
1) create a table of size 10 x 3;
2) merge cells 2-6 of the first column (select these cells, call the context menu (Table menu) and give the command Merge Cells);
3) merge cells 7-9 of the first column.

3. Fill out the table based on the information contained in the .

4. Save the table in its own folder under the name Mammals2.

Task 3. Golden Ring of Russia

1. Based on the information contained in tables 1 and 2 of § 2.5 (§ 11 textbook of the 6th grade of the Federal State Educational Standard) of your computer science textbook, make a table that looks like:

2. Enter information about 3-4 ancient Russian cities into the table.

3. Change the page orientation to landscape. For this:
1) open a tab Page layout;
2) in a group Page settings click on the button Orientation;
3) select an option Landscape.

4. Modify the table by adding a Coat of Arms column to the right of the Founder column.

5. Insert images of the coats of arms of the cities of the Golden Ring from the archive into the appropriate cells of the table.

6. Change the table by adding a column “Distance from Moscow” to the right of the “Attraction” column.

7. Save the table in its own folder under the name Ring.

Task 4. Performance forecast

1. Create a table with the following structure:

2. Enter in the first column the names of all subjects studied in 7th grade.

3. Enter your existing quarter grades into the table.

4. Think about what subjects you can improve your performance in. Enter your estimated grades by quarter and year into the table.

5. Save the table in its own folder under the name Forecast.

Task 5. Climate

1. Present the following text in the form of a table (information is given for 2004):

In Mari-El, the amount of precipitation in July was 179 mm. In the Perm region, the average temperature in July was +18 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the average temperature in January was -18 degrees. In the Moscow region, the amount of precipitation in January was 45 mm. In the Orenburg region, the average temperature in January was -11 degrees. In Udmurtia, the amount of precipitation in July was 61 mm. In Mari-El, the amount of precipitation in January was 26 mm. In the Orenburg region, the average temperature in July was +21 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the amount of precipitation in July was 55 mm. In the Orenburg region, the amount of precipitation in January was 35 mm. In the Perm region, the amount of precipitation in January was 52 mm. In Mari-El, the average temperature in January was -10 degrees. In the Orenburg region, the amount of precipitation in July was 89 mm. In the Moscow region, the average temperature in July was +20 degrees. In Udmurtia, the average temperature in January was -13 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the amount of precipitation in January was 36 mm. In Udmurtia, the average temperature in July was +19 degrees. In the Moscow region, the amount of precipitation in July was 66 mm. In Udmurtia, the amount of precipitation in January was 41 mm. In the Perm region, the amount of precipitation in July was 45 mm. In Mari-El the average temperature in July was +20 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the average temperature in July was +17 degrees. In the Perm region, the average temperature in January was -14 degrees. In the Moscow region, the average temperature in January was -8 degrees.

The table may have the following structure:

2. Save the table in its own folder under the name Climate.

Task 6. Paper production

1. Based on this text, build a table with the same structure as in the previous task.

In 1970, the USSR produced a total of 4.2 million tons of paper. In 1970, the USSR produced 17 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, Belgium produced 81 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, a total of 0.2 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1980, a total of 0.3 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1980, a total of 5.3 million tons of paper was produced in the USSR. In 1970 In Belgium, 68 kg of paper were produced per capita. In 1980, Bulgaria produced 36 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, the UK produced a total of 3.6 million tonnes of paper. In 1970, the UK produced 65 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, Belgium produced a total of 0.8 million tons of paper. In 1970, Bulgaria produced 24 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, the UK produced a total of 3.0 million tons of paper. In 1980, the USSR produced 20 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, a total of 0.7 million tons of paper was produced in Belgium. In 1980, in Great Britain per capita
population produced 54 kg of paper. In 1980, Belgium produced a total of 0.8 million tons of paper.

2. Try to change the table to show Additional information:

In 1989, a total of 0.4 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1989, 112 kg of paper was produced per capita in Belgium. In 1989, the USSR produced a total of 6.3 million tons of paper. In 1989, a total of 1.1 million tons of paper was produced in Belgium. In 1989, a total of 3.6 million tons of paper was produced in Great Britain. In 1989 In the USSR, 22 kg of paper was produced per capita. In 1989, the UK produced 63kg of paper per capita. In 1989, Bulgaria produced 42 kg of paper per capita.

3. Save the table in its own folder under the name Paper.

Task 7. Logic problem

1. Think about the structure and create a table to solve the following logical problem.

Vanya, Petya, Sasha and Kolya have surnames beginning with the letters V, P, S and K. It is known that:
1) Vanya and S are excellent students;
2) Petya and V are C students;
3) He is taller than P;
4) Kolya is shorter than P;
5) Sasha and Petya have the same height.
What letter does each boy's last name begin with?

2. Record the solution to the problem in the table.

3. Under the table, write down the answer to the problem.

4. Save the created document in a file named Logics.

Task 8. The very best

In reference books and encyclopedias, find information to fill out one of the following tables.

a) Largest lakes

b) The longest rivers

2. Create a table in word processor.

3. Save the document in its own folder under the name The most.

Task 9. Creative task

Come up with an example of objects, information about which can be conveniently presented in the form of a table. Create the appropriate table. Save it in its own folder in a file named Idea2.

22. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 8. Getting to know spreadsheets.doc
23. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 9. Creating charts and graphs.doc
24. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grades inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/List of educational, methodological and software in computer science and ICT for grades 5-7.doc
25. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/Explanatory note.doc
26. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/Thematic and final tests.doc
27. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/Forms of control and possible options for its implementation.doc
28. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/methods and forms of solving assigned problems.doc
29. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/work program grade 7.doc
30. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/7klassBosova/7-ready/tso7.doc
31. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/~$explanatory note.doc
32. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 1. We work with the main objects of the operating system.doc
33. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/.doc
34. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 11. Graphic models.doc
35. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 12. Final work.doc
36. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 2. Working with file system objects.doc
37. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 3. Create text objects.doc
38. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 4. Creating verbal models.doc
39. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade info/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 5. Multi-level lists.doc
40. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 6. Creating tabular models.doc
41. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 7. Create calculation tables.doc
42. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade inf/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 8. Getting to know spreadsheets.doc
43. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7th grade info/Computer workshop 7th grade/Work 9. Creating charts and graphs.doc
44. /INFORMATICS 7-11/7 grade inf/Explanatory note.doc
45. /INFORMATICS 7-11/8 grade inf/8 grade program/8 grade explanation.docx
46. ​​/INFORMATICS 7-11/8 grade inf/8th grade information work program/work program 8 grade inf.docx
47. /INFORMATICS 7-11/9 grade inf/9 grade program/9 grade explanation.doc
48. /INFORMATICS 7-11/9 grade inf/9th grade program/9th grade work program.inf.docx
49. /INFORMATICS 7-11/informatics cap.docx

Work program in computer science, grade 10 (textbook Computer Science and ICT. Basic level textbook for grades 10-11 / I. G. Semakin. E. K. Heckner)
Course program "Informatics and information and communication technologies" general education course (basic level)
Work program in computer science for grades 10-11 for the 2010-2011 academic year Author-compiler: Yaroslavtsev Viktor Leonidovich
Calendar and thematic planning No. Lesson topic Number of hours Date Notes Plan Fact
Literature Gataullin R. M. Computer science: Tatar urta gomumi belem birү mәktabe өchen uku yardәmlege. Kazan: Magarif, 2006
Explanatory note This work program in computer science and information and communication technologies is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education
Work 10. Schemes, graphs and trees
Work 11. Graphic models
Work 12. Final work

Working with Multi-Level Lists

Textbook for 7th grade. M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010. Bosova L. L. Informatics: workbook for 7th grade. M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007
Thematic and final tests
Forms of control and possible options for its implementation
Methods and forms of solving problems
Calendar-thematic planning 7th grade
Name of the program section
Work We work with the main objects of the operating system
Work 10. Schemes, graphs and trees
Work 11. Graphic models
Work 12. Final work
Work Working with file system objects
Work: Creating text objects
Work: Creating verbal models
Working with Multi-Level Lists
Work: Creating tabular models
Work: Creating calculation tables
Work Getting to know spreadsheets
Work Creating charts and graphs
Explanatory note The modern period of social development is characterized by new requirements for general education schools, which imply the orientation of education not only on students’ assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge,
Explanatory note This work program in computer science and information and communication technologies is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education
Explanatory note This work program in computer science and information and communication technologies is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education
Thematic plan No. Lesson topic Number of hours
Work program in computer science and ICT for grade 7 teacher Ibragimova A. V. 2012-2013 academic year

Work 6. Creating tabular models

Task 1. Giants

1. Create a 4x4 table ([ Table-Add-Table]). For the entire table, set the font size to 11 pt. Fill the table with the following information about the tallest people:

    1. Center the table rows and make the first header row bold.

    2. Modify the table to add additional rows. For this:

      1. select the line above/below which a new line should be added;

      2. give the command[Table-Add-Rows above (Rows below)].


Years of life

A country

Height, cm

John William Rogan




John F. Carroll




Jacob Loll




Vaino Myllyrinne




Don Koehler



4. Modify the table by adding a column (column).


Years of life


A country

Height, cm

John William Rogan





John F. Carroll





Jacob Loll





Vaino Myllyrinne





Don Koehler





5. Sort the table in descending order of the values ​​in the “Age” column.


Years of life


A country

Height, cm

Don Koehler





Vaino Myllyrinne





Jacob Loll





John F. Carroll





John William Rogan





        1. Using the command [Table-U&alit-Rows] remove the row "Jacob Loll" from the table (his height is said to have been exaggerated).

        2. Delete the “Age” column (column).

        3. Sort the information in the table by ascending values ​​in the “Growth” column.

        4. Format the table using AutoFormat Modern.


Years of life

A country

Height, cm

John William Rogan

1871 - 1905



John F. Carroll

1932- 1969



Vaino Myllyrinne

1909- 1963



Don Koehler

1925- 1981



10. Save the document in its own folder under the name Giants1.

Task 2. Nature of Russia

1. Write a colorful inscription:

2. Create a table according to the example. For this:

          1. create a table measuring 10 x 3;

          2. combine cells 2-6 of the first column (select these cells and give the command [Table-Merge Cells]);

          3. Combine cells 7-9 of the first column.




            1. Fill out the table based on the information contained in the file Nature of Russia from the Blanks folder.

            2. Save the table in its own folder named Mammals2.

Task 3. Type table OS. gold ring of Russia

1. Based on the information contained in tables 1 and 2 of § 2.5 of your computer science textbook, create a table that looks like:


Year of foundation



              1. Enter information about 3-4 ancient Russian cities into the table.

              2. Change the page orientation to landscape [File - Page Setup - Paper Size - Landscape].

              3. Change the table by adding the column “Coat of Arms” to the right of the “Founder” column.

              4. Insert into the appropriate cells of the table images of the coats of arms of the cities of the Golden Ring from the Coat of Arms folder, nested in the Blanks folder.

              5. Change the table by adding to the right of the “Attraction” column the “Distance from Moscow” column.

              6. Save the table in its own folder under the name Ring.

Task 4. Type table OO . Performance forecast

1. Create a table with the following structure:


Academic performance

By quarter

In a year





Russian language



                1. Enter in the first column the names of all subjects studied in 7th grade.

                2. Enter your existing quarter grades into the table.

                3. Think about what subjects you can improve your performance in. Enter your estimated grades by quarter and year into the table.

                4. Save the table in its own folder under the name Forecast.

Task 5. UN type table. Climate

1. Present the following text in the form of a table (information is given for 2004):

In Mari-El, the amount of precipitation in July was 79 mm. In the Perm region, the average temperature in July was +18 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the average temperature in January was -18 degrees. In the Moscow region, the amount of precipitation in January was 45 mm. In the Orenburg region, the average temperature in January was -11 degrees. In Udmurtia, the amount of precipitation in July was 61 mm. In Mari-El, the amount of precipitation in January was 26 mm. In the Orenburg region, the average temperature in July was +21 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the amount of precipitation in July was 55 mm. In the Orenburg region, the amount of precipitation in January was 35 mm. In the Perm region, the amount of precipitation in January was 52 mm. In Mari-El, the average temperature in January was -10 degrees. In the Orenburg region, the amount of precipitation in July was 89 mm. In the Moscow region, the average temperature in July was +20 degrees. In Udmurtia, the average temperature in January was -13 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the amount of precipitation in January was 36 mm. In Udmurtia, the average temperature in July was +19 degrees. In the Moscow region, the amount of precipitation in July was 66 mm. In Udmurtia, the amount of precipitation in January was 41 mm. In the Perm region, the amount of precipitation in July was 45 mm. In Mari-El the average temperature in July was +20 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the average temperature in July was +17 degrees. In the Perm region, the average temperature in January was -14 degrees. In the Moscow region, the average temperature in January was -8 degrees.

The table may have the following structure:

2. Save the table in its own folder under the name Climate.

Task 6. UN type table. Paper production

1. Based on the given text, build a table with the same structure as V previous task.

In 1970, the USSR produced a total of 4.2 million tons of paper. In 1970, the USSR produced 17 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, Belgium produced 81 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, a total of 0.2 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1980, a total of 0.3 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1980, a total of 5.3 million tons of paper was produced in the USSR. In 1970 In Belgium, 68 kg of paper were produced per capita. In 1980, Bulgaria produced 36 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, the UK produced a total of 3.6 million tonnes of paper. In 1970, the UK produced 65 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, Belgium produced a total of 0.8 million tons of paper. In 1970, Bulgaria produced 24 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, the UK produced a total of 3.0 million tons of paper. In 1980, the USSR produced 20 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, Belgium produced a total of 0.7 million tons of paper. In 1980, the UK produced 54 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, Belgium produced a total of 0.8 million tons of paper.

2. Try changing the table to provide additional information:

In 1989, a total of 0.4 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1989, 112 kg of paper was produced per capita in Belgium. In 1989, the USSR produced a total of 6.3 million tons of paper. In 1989, a total of 1.1 million tons of paper was produced in Belgium. In 1989, a total of 3.6 million tons of paper was produced in Great Britain. In 1989 In the USSR, 22 kg of paper was produced per capita. In 1989, the UK produced 63kg of paper per capita. In 1989, Bulgaria produced 42 kg of paper per capita.

3. Save the spreadsheet in its own folder named Paper.

Task 7. Logic problem

  1. Think about the structure and create a table to solve the following logic problem.
Vanya, Petya, Sasha and Kolya have surnames beginning with the letters V, P, S and K. It is known that:

    1. Vanya and S are excellent students;

    2. Petya and V are C students;

    3. He is taller than P;

    4. Kolya is shorter than P;

    5. Sasha and Petya are the same height.
What letter does each boy's last name begin with?

  1. Record the solution to the problem in the table.

  2. Below the table, write down the answer to the problem.

  3. Save the created document in a file named Logic.

Task 8. The very best

1. In reference books and encyclopedias, find information to fill out one of the following tables,

A) The largest lakes



Area, km 2


Caspian Sea










Aral Sea






Big Bear


Nuaza (Malawi)

b) The longest rivers



Length, km










Ob - Irtysh


Yenisei - Angara


Yellow River (Yellow River)


Cupid - Shilka - Onon





  1. Create a table in text Word processor.

  2. Save the document in its own folder named Most.

Task 9. Creative task

Come up with an example of objects, information about which can be conveniently presented in the form of a table. Create the appropriate table. Save it in its own folder in a file called Idea2.

The work includes 9 tasks, after completing which students should be able to: add rows and columns to a table; delete rows and columns from a table; merge table cells; split table cells; create simple and complex tables; build tabular models.

Task 1. Giants

1. Create a 4x4 table (tab Insert group Tables). For the entire table, set the font size to 11 pt. Fill the table with the following information about the tallest people:

2. Center the rows of the table, highlight the first row of the heading in bold.

3. Modify the table to add additional rows. For this:
1) call the context menu by right-clicking in any cell of the line above or below which you want to add a line;
2) select the command in the context menu Insert, and then - Insert Rows at Top or Insert rows below.

4. Modify the table by adding a column (column).

5. Sort the table in descending order of the values ​​in the “Age” column. For this:
1) place the cursor in an arbitrary table cell;
2) using a button Sorting (Home - Paragraph - Sorting) call the dialog box Sorting;
3) set the necessary sorting parameters:

6. Remove the row “Jacob Loll” from the table (his height is said to have been exaggerated). For this:
1) select the line you want to delete;
2) right-click and select from the context menu ( Table) command Delete rows.

7. Delete the “Age” column (column).

8. Sort the information in the table by ascending values ​​in the “Growth” column.

9. Format the table as follows:

Working with tables - Designer - Table styles - (Select any style you like).

10. Save the document in its own folder under the name Giants1.

Task 2. Nature of Russia

1. Write a colorful inscription:

2. Create a table based on the sample. For this:
1) create a table of size 10 x 3;
2) merge cells 2-6 of the first column (select these cells, call the context menu (Table menu) and give the command Merge Cells);
3) merge cells 7-9 of the first column.

3. Fill out the table based on the information contained in the file Nature of Russia.doc.

4. Save the table in its own folder under the name Mammals2.

Task 3. Golden Ring of Russia

1. Based on the information contained in tables 1 and 2 of § 2.5 (§ 11 textbook of the 6th grade of the Federal State Educational Standard) of your computer science textbook, make a table that looks like:

2. Enter information about 3-4 ancient Russian cities into the table.

3. Change the page orientation to landscape. For this:
1) open a tab Page layout;
2) in a group Page settings click on the button Orientation;
3) select an option Landscape.

4. Modify the table by adding a Coat of Arms column to the right of the Founder column.

5. Insert images of the coats of arms of the cities of the Golden Ring from the Coat of Arms.rar archive into the appropriate cells of the table.

6. Change the table by adding a column “Distance from Moscow” to the right of the “Attraction” column.

7. Save the table in its own folder under the name Ring.

Task 4. Performance forecast

1. Create a table with the following structure:

2. Enter in the first column the names of all subjects studied in 7th grade.

3. Enter your existing quarter grades into the table.

4. Think about what subjects you can improve your performance in. Enter your estimated grades by quarter and year into the table.

5. Save the table in its own folder under the name Forecast.

Task 5. Climate

1. Present the following text in the form of a table (information is given for 2004):

In Mari-El, the amount of precipitation in July was 179 mm. In the Perm region, the average temperature in July was +18 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the average temperature in January was -18 degrees. In the Moscow region, the amount of precipitation in January was 45 mm. In the Orenburg region, the average temperature in January was -11 degrees. In Udmurtia, the amount of precipitation in July was 61 mm. In Mari-El, the amount of precipitation in January was 26 mm. In the Orenburg region, the average temperature in July was +21 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the amount of precipitation in July was 55 mm. In the Orenburg region, the amount of precipitation in January was 35 mm. In the Perm region, the amount of precipitation in January was 52 mm. In Mari-El, the average temperature in January was -10 degrees. In the Orenburg region, the amount of precipitation in July was 89 mm. In the Moscow region, the average temperature in July was +20 degrees. In Udmurtia, the average temperature in January was -13 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the amount of precipitation in January was 36 mm. In Udmurtia, the average temperature in July was +19 degrees. In the Moscow region, the amount of precipitation in July was 66 mm. In Udmurtia, the amount of precipitation in January was 41 mm. In the Perm region, the amount of precipitation in July was 45 mm. In Mari-El the average temperature in July was +20 degrees. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the average temperature in July was +17 degrees. In the Perm region, the average temperature in January was -14 degrees. In the Moscow region, the average temperature in January was -8 degrees.

The table may have the following structure:

2. Save the table in its own folder under the name Climate.

Task 6. Paper production

1. Based on this text, build a table with the same structure as in the previous task.

In 1970, the USSR produced a total of 4.2 million tons of paper. In 1970, the USSR produced 17 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, Belgium produced 81 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, a total of 0.2 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1980, a total of 0.3 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1980, a total of 5.3 million tons of paper was produced in the USSR. In 1970 In Belgium, 68 kg of paper were produced per capita. In 1980, Bulgaria produced 36 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, the UK produced a total of 3.6 million tonnes of paper. In 1970, the UK produced 65 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, Belgium produced a total of 0.8 million tons of paper. In 1970, Bulgaria produced 24 kg of paper per capita. In 1980, the UK produced a total of 3.0 million tons of paper. In 1980, the USSR produced 20 kg of paper per capita. In 1970, a total of 0.7 million tons of paper was produced in Belgium. In 1980, in Great Britain per capita
population produced 54 kg of paper. In 1980, Belgium produced a total of 0.8 million tons of paper.

2. Try changing the table to provide additional information:

In 1989, a total of 0.4 million tons of paper was produced in Bulgaria. In 1989, 112 kg of paper was produced per capita in Belgium. In 1989, the USSR produced a total of 6.3 million tons of paper. In 1989, a total of 1.1 million tons of paper was produced in Belgium. In 1989, a total of 3.6 million tons of paper was produced in Great Britain. In 1989 In the USSR, 22 kg of paper was produced per capita. In 1989, the UK produced 63kg of paper per capita. In 1989, Bulgaria produced 42 kg of paper per capita.

3. Save the table in its own folder under the name Paper.

Task 7. Logic problem

1. Think about the structure and create a table to solve the following logical problem.

Vanya, Petya, Sasha and Kolya have surnames beginning with the letters V, P, S and K. It is known that:
1) Vanya and S are excellent students;
2) Petya and V are C students;
3) He is taller than P;
4) Kolya is shorter than P;
5) Sasha and Petya have the same height.
What letter does each boy's last name begin with?

2. Record the solution to the problem in the table.

3. Under the table, write down the answer to the problem.

4. Save the created document in a file named Logics.

Task 8. The very best

In reference books and encyclopedias, find information to fill out one of the following tables.

a) Largest lakes

b) The longest rivers

2. Create a table in a word processor.

3. Save the document in its own folder under the name The most.

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