
List of professional publications in which you can place your publication. Scientific journal "Student" Placement of an article in the journal

We invite you to publish an article in our pedagogical journal and receive publication documents for free! Certification of a teacher for a qualification category involves the creation of a pedagogical portfolio, which contains information about his achievements over a certain period of time. The teacher must fill the portfolio with documents confirming his competence: certificates and diplomas for participation in competitions, olympiads, certificates of publications in magazines and newspapers.

How to publish an article in a pedagogical journal for free?

The live journal Methodichka was created to help teachers with certification issues. As part of our scientific and methodological project, users are invited to post materials related to the education industry in the magazine and receive certificate of publication free . However, a number of requirements must be met.

Accepted for publication ONLY original materials (no copy-paste!): informational and methodological articles, scientific works (by students, teachers), compositions, essays, event scenarios, professional experience in teaching, class hours, pedagogical advice, various explanatory and informational publications, author's work programs, etc.

Requirements for the content and design of the work

  1. The work must have a clear title;
  2. The work to be sent is attached to the information letter as a Microsoft Office Word text file;
  3. The author of the material provides the following information about himself and agrees that it will be posted on the page with the publication: full name (full name), position, place of work;
  4. The published material must be original (not downloaded from the Internet), neatly formatted (readable text, no extra spaces, manual hyphens, continuous hyphens).
  5. Each development is checked for plagiarism through the service. If more than 30% plagiarism is detected, the material is not published on the site.

We 100% WILL NOT PUBLISH: copy-paste (this is everything that you downloaded from other sites on the Internet), works without attribution, lesson notes, lesson maps, presentations, etc. at the discretion of the project administration.

Moderation (checking and publishing submitted works) on our project is carried out as quickly as possible, so a user can post an article and receive the coveted publication certificate for free in a few hours (depending on the workload of the administrators). The document about the publication of the article is sent to the user’s email only after the material is posted on the site.

An example of a certificate of publication (screenshot) is located on the right. The certificate template was made by professional designers: a beautiful, strict background goes well with the original fonts of the document. The certificate must indicate the full name of the teacher (abbreviated), the name of his development and the address where the materials will be posted in the journal - the URL of the website page. Due to the fact that standard URLs are quite long, the link shortening method is used; a short link is indicated in the document. Each document is marked with its series, as well as a unique number. In the certificate of publications in the magazine indicates the fact of the public examination of the submitted materials, the number and date of the protocol of the Methodological Council of the scientific and methodological project "", the signature and seal of the chief administrator of the Live Journal Methodichka is affixed.

Why is it worth paying attention to our magazine?

- Scientific and methodological project Live Journal Methodology - Your guide to the world of knowledge. We make the process of obtaining a certificate as easy as possible for you in the shortest possible time.
- Publishing articles with us is absolutely free! You can also receive a certificate of publication for free!
To be published in a pedagogical journal for free with us means to receive the most complete list of services in this area + gain a lot of positive emotions from working with professionals!
- The team of our magazine employs only professionals who can answer all questions that arise. Publishing pedagogical developments in our magazine is as easy as 1-2-3!

Our project is valued among colleagues for its friendly and polite communication with clients. If you decide to place your works with us, you will not be disappointed. We offer only the best services!

Do you want to do external content marketing, but don’t yet know in which media you can publish your brilliant articles? We did the initial selection for you. The best media open for publishing guest materials are in our selection.

For many, when they hear the word “media”, an image of traditional media comes to mind, from which an abyss separates mere mortals, and which is considered difficult to get into with publication. Actually, to think like that means to be deeply mistaken, but that’s not the point now.

Let’s talk better about the fact that it’s time to broaden your horizons and pay attention to the so-called new media, which are shaping the market today: niche media, corporate blogs. All of these are resources where you could post your articles, and completely free of charge.

Just keep in mind that while paper will endure everything, external content marketing will not. You will have to prepare really high-quality content. But the result is worth it.

We strongly recommend that before contacting the editors with your undoubtedly outstanding ideas and articles, you familiarize yourself with the rules of publication and requirements for texts. Everyone has them in one form or another. You will save time and nerves, and also understand in advance what is expected of you, and you will be able to assess whether you have something to offer this particular resource.

So, let's go.

Media outlets where you can post an article yourself


The former site “Zuckerberg will call” is included in the Publishing House “Committee”, as is the second resource from our selection. As they write about themselves, “the largest platform in RuNet for entrepreneurs of the new generation. We write about startups, growing businesses, new earning models, extraordinary heroes from around the world, and growth technologies."

Since last year he has been actively using UGC. There is a section “Blogs”, where anyone can start their own blog and publish materials. The Vc editors display the best of them on the main page of the resource. The most resonant publications receive thousands of views and hundreds of comments.

Instructions from the site's editor-in-chief Konstantin Panfilov will help you.

There are periodic publication competitions that are worth keeping an eye on. For example, there is now a competition for the best interview with an entrepreneur, which will last until June 15. Take an interview with any entrepreneur, post it on blogs, get a publication and, possibly, a prize if you win the competition.

2. TJournal

Attendance - 8.9 million.

A technological publication about internet heroes, social networks, blogs and gadgets.

Just like on Vc, there is a “Blogs” section. Access to it is paid, but the amount is symbolic - 75 rubles per month. Start a blog and post publications. Views and comments depend on whether you hit the nerve of the audience. Everything is as usual.

3. Spark

Attendance - 845 thousand.

A blog platform for communication of small businesses from the technology segment.

At one time, the site was somewhat deflated - no one was promoting it, and as a result, the authors who kept their blogs here gradually abandoned them. But in November 2018, the Publishing House “Committee” sold the resource to the software developer “Intelligent Cloud Solutions”. A new team was hired for the project, and now Spark is slowly being revived, the authors are returning. We at Pressfeed, for example, also launched our blog here.

Media looking for expert writers

5. Rusbase

Attendance - 2.9 million.

Here's what they write about themselves: “Our audience is entrepreneurs who are developing a business using new technologies or are just thinking about launching a project, as well as those who are looking for potential for their growth within the company.”

Content should be sent to UGC editor Polina Konstantinova. To begin with, you can and should get acquainted with the rules for columnists, as well as look at examples of good author’s columns from the editorial point of view.

6. Cossa

Attendance - 865 thousand.

Industry publication about marketing and communications in the digital field.

We provide a separate excerpt from the article, since everything said here can be applied to publication on almost any resource:

“Cossa can be used to promote your company without paying any money. Here you can publish an interesting article mentioning your company, and a lot of people will read this article.

The bad news is that most PR people can't do it.

You only need to fulfill two conditions. But this is precisely where most PR people cut themselves.

Condition one: the article must be useful. Contain useful information and/or awaken thought, encourage reflection.

Condition two: the article must be written in simple, understandable and easy language.”

7. Executive

Attendance - 760 thousand.

A publication that was initially aimed at those interested in education, career growth, and the HR industry. Now this is a community of managers who communicate on various topics related to management, marketing, finance, business education, personnel management, etc.

To publish an article, you first need to join the community. Requirements for publication are in the article by editor-in-chief Andrey Semerkin “How to prepare publications for”. There is also a business case format where you describe a problem your company is facing and present it to the community for discussion. That is, you turn to the collective mind for help. Rules for publishing a business case - .


Attendance - 530 thousand.

An industry publication dedicated to search engine promotion and making money on the Internet.

10. "Business World"

Attendance - 340 thousand.

A publication about management, marketing, finance, personnel management, and career.

Publishing rules and many potential ideas for articles -.

11. “Invest Foresight”

Attendance - 280 thousand.

Magazine about investments, innovations and finance. They write about themselves: “The publication covers promising areas of investment, “advanced” startups, financial technologies and the latest trends in the financial market.”


Attendance - 220 thousand.

As the name suggests, everything is about retail and for retail.

You can register on the site and post press releases yourself in the hope that someone will read them. But it’s better to contact the editors and offer an interesting article on the topic of the resource. This can be done.

13. Biz360

Attendance - 180 thousand.

Business portal about small businesses, owned by the 1C company.

As they say about themselves, “we see our mission as creating high-quality content for entrepreneurs and managers of small businesses about effective entrepreneurial and management practices, know-how and promising business ideas, additional growth points and new technologies; We also consider the important objectives of the project to be the popularization of entrepreneurship as an important social institution and the creation of a platform for the exchange of experience and communication on topics important to the community.”

17. Unisender

Attendance - 800 thousand (data for the main site).

A blog for an email and SMS marketing service, so the topic is generally clear.

Among the authors are email marketers, copywriters, journalists, and businessmen. If you also want to join them, write to the chief editor of the blog, Alexander Saraev.


Attendance - 70 thousand.

Well, where would we be without the cozy blog of our journalistic query service Pressfeed.

We are interested in everything about communications in general and PR in particular, content marketing and journalism. If you know how to promote your company and you have something to tell people, then welcome. Apart from us, by the way, there are almost no niche media that focus on the PR industry on the RuNet. And in terms of audience size, we are the first in this segment.

As for the publication rules, they are simple - fewer opinions a la “akynstvo”, more “case-based” and “take it and do it” benefits. That is, a practice that you can read about and then apply to yourself here and now.

This is not a catalog of articles, it is not an exchange or a system for posting articles. This is a thematic beginner's help site dedicated to an expanded topic called "Internet Safety"

Post an article on the Internet for free and receive an eternal link to the site

Author's works in the field of content creation, articles, photos, video materials are accepted and can be posted on this resource after careful moderation. Your works will be published on a separate Internet page of this site and will have one indexed link in the context and the signature of the author.

Details below.

Why post articles on third-party resources?

Even the best article written for your own websites cannot give the author all the preferences he deserves.

Publishing your article on this site will allow you to receive an additional influx of visitors to you, via a link that will be forever fixed in the text you propose. All sites offering the service of publishing material for free with a link to the author write about this bullshit.

But some modestly keep silent about the fact that the link may well not be indexed Indexing in search engines (web indexing) - the process of adding information (about a site) by a search engine robot to a database, which is subsequently used for (full-text) search for information on indexed sites.
© Wikipedia
and besides the herd of idle spectators increasing failure rate Bounce rate- a term in web analytics that denotes the percentage of visitors who left the site directly from the login page or viewed no more than one page of the site.
© Wikipedia
, does not carry any payload.

And your unique material will only work for the owners of sites who “hosted” an article by an unknown author.

Our capabilities allow you to publish an article with direct links among diverse materials, and with a high probability you will find your niche in the nooks and crannies of this site. The article will definitely correspond to the topic of the category where it will take root (we will try).

Main! You have already found a resource that easily accepts articles for publication and you can get a “bold” link. No donation backlinks or payments required.

Posting an article or offering us news is simple, or rather, you don’t have to do anything (except for writing the article itself, of course).

The material is sent to the administration email (address at the very bottom of the text) of this site, after checking and clarifying negotiations (and where would we be without this), the text either appears on a separate page with its own unique address on the Internet, or does not appear.

It is guaranteed that all materials not accepted for publication will be immediately forgotten and authors will have many chances to propose these opuses to other publications while remaining the owner of the unique content.

You can post your article forever in all categories offered on the pages of our resource. A blog, forum, bulletin board and even photo albums will open their doors, waiting.

Works of journalism, on any topic that takes place here, are considered as a priority. Interesting articles that do not fit into any category of the site will be awarded to be the first in a new category.

What articles are accepted for permanent publication?

  • Analytical articles solving a specific problem
  • Only useful content.
  • What types of articles are rejected?

    The following materials will not be published without trial or investigation:

  • Religious nature
  • With a political slant
  • Contrary to the laws of at least one country on planet Earth
  • Advertising articles (not fact. Separate price list)
  • Announcing press releases (Tricky, but short)
  • Reviews of goods, companies and services, sporting events.
  • With uniqueness below 90%
  • Categorically do not fit into the format of this site. (The site is still thematic)
  • Less than 2000 characters
  • An over-optimized article will be subject to merciless trimming
  • Article with affiliate link (Ugh, disgusting)
  • Why can you trust us to publish an article?

  • (12893033519 bytes) Free disk space. Not much, but increasing every day.
  • Hosting tariff paid until 2021-03-04
  • The domain name was paid until 03/04/2021 (according to the laws of the Russian Federation, payment is accepted only for one year)
  • None noindex to your links.
  • TCI above zero
  • Free and no backlink
  • Articles published on the site are carefully checked for the accuracy of the information, web links are checked for the quality of the site.
  • We will correct grammatical or spelling, stylistic and other errors ourselves.
  • The number and quality of advertising blocks on the site will not change.
  • The text is carefully moderated.
  • A detailed explanation of the reasons for the refusal (that we are non-humans or something)
    • you get another high-quality link to your site, increasing the link mass, and receiving additional traffic and more trust from search engines;
    • if the article is interesting and expert– gain wide popularity in narrow circles, this is especially true for independent authors;
    • With your material you can convey information about your company or products to a wide audience;
    • if the selected site has an audience interested in your product, you can get traffic to your site, which can be converted into sales.

    You can publish articles on other sites for a fee - for example, through Miralinks. You can agree with another site to exchange articles with links if your goal is just a link. But if you want to promote yourself, this option will not work. And, of course, everyone wants to save money.

    We hasten to please you: in fact, there are resources on the Internet where you can post articles absolutely free. But you need to prepare well: find such sites and write really good material.

    Where to publish an article - selection of platforms

    How to find such sites?

    The most primitive and simplest way is to search for “publish an article for free” and find such sites directly in Google search:

    You can also collect a pool of search queries on the topic you want to write an article on (using Yandex.Wordstat or Google Keyword Planner), dilute them with queries that your audience uses (can be viewed in Metrica - Standard Reports - Traffic Sources - Search Queries).

    Next, use these queries to analyze the search results and find suitable sites. Or use platforms likeBuzzSumo – it will help you find popular publications on different platforms. Go to the site itself and see if you can post your post here.

    In principle, every field has its own industry online magazine (or even several), which accepts articles from third-party authors. And you should know about such resources.Another option is to analyze the link mass of competitors (for example, through the service Ahrefs or

    Among their links you can find sites where they posted their articles. Why are you worse?

    What to look for when choosing sites so that the publication of an article will be useful?

    1. How much site traffic is high. It is clear that the more the better. If there are few visitors to the site, then your idea will be of no use (especially if your goal is PR or traffic).
    2. How much site audience is active– how many views do you have, how many likes and reposts does the article receive on social networks, do the articles have ratings and how many are there.
    3. How much contenton the site is relevant to your topic. There is no point in choosing sites for content marketing or SEO purposes that do not have your target audience.
    4. Look at website visibility in search– if it is not in the TOP 20 of Google or Yandex for the queries you are interested in, no one will see your article. In this case, there is no point in writing and posting it.

    What you don’t need to look at is the so-called “bellies”: TIC and PR. This is completely unimportant in modern realities. What is important to you is traffic, popularity of the resource, and how your article will look against the background of the rest of the content here.

    What exactly do you need? doesn't fitfor PR, content marketing or getting a link:

    • blog platforms such as LiveJournal (links from them are often closed from indexing);
    • sites that publish only press releases;
    • sites with low traffic;
    • sites that copy other people's content.

    When you have chosen a list of sites, contact the editors, owner or administrator of the site and discuss the possibility of publishing your article.

    Examples of sites where you can publish articles on internet marketing

    Let's move from theory to practice. Let's say we need to get a link to this page: We want to publish the article on another thematic resource.

    Logically, we need to find sites on our topic - SEO, Internet marketing - with good traffic. And the main thing is that they accept articles for free. Suitable for us:

    A publication about marketing and digital communications. The audience is businessmen, marketers, freelancers. You can send an article with a link to your website (you can either agree on the topic in advance or send ready-made material). The main requirement is that the material is not advertising, but useful for the reader. Cases are accepted with pleasure.

    I published an article here in response to another reader’s publication. Accepted without any problems along with the link. The topic was agreed upon in advance with the editor-in-chief.


    Blog of a large online agency with more than 450 thousand visitors per month. Here you can send interesting articles and cases on Internet marketing. There is a format for publications “for PR” - you can place the necessary link in the article.


    Here you can also send an expert article, longread, interview or review of tools. The main requirement is the usefulness and uniqueness of the material.

    All articles are published free of charge.

    This is the largest site in RuNet dedicated to business, technology, marketing and everything connected with it. The audience is businessmen, startupers, IT specialists of all stripes.

    You can write a column here - and it will be a great way to talk about yourself. The site has post-moderation.

    What to write about: everything that has practical benefit for the reader.


    The largest and oldest resource for IT specialists. The audience is programmers, administrators, businessmen, analysts, copywriters and other representatives of IT professions.

    On all these sites we can post our article with a link. The main task is to write material that is good in every sense.

    How to prepare material for publication

    For your article to be accepted, it must be of value to the site you choose. In other words, your article should become another pearl in the collection of content of the donor site, and should be at least as good as what they publish.

    First of all, select a topic. Browse the website, blog - check if articles on the topics you want to offer have been published here before.

    Agree on a topic. Many editors accept ready-made material, but I would recommend first discussing the topic and plan of the article.

    Discuss the presence of a link in the article. A link to your site (if your goal is to receive a link) should look natural in the text and be useful, without keywords with the words “buy”, “order” and the like.

    Think about than you can write vividly, with a sparkle, and something that can really hook the audience of the resource. This is the only way they will remember you (if you want to promote yourself) and want to follow your link (traffic). Obvious topics, overtly advertising articles, and watery articles “from Captain Obvious” will not work.

    How to track results

    First of all, the link in the article should be noted: provide it with a UTM tag. Now you can track conversions in Google Analytics reports(“Traffic sources” - “Referrals”) or Yandex.Metrics.

    There is also nothing wrong with requesting statistics from the site owner.

    Periodically visit the sites where your articles are posted. See the number of ratings, reposts; analyze how the article went on social networks (if it was broadcast there). Read the comments and respond to them - this is another chance to earn points for your karma.

    In fact, it is not so difficult to find a platform for publishing an article as to prepare good material that will be accepted 100%. Be prepared for rejections or lengthy editing of the text. But whoever knocks, the door is opened. Try it, write good articles – and everything will work out!

    Frequently asked question. I already answered this a little in the article about promoting information sites. But it was more about where you can promote a site that consists of articles.

    But not only informational sites are promoted with articles; you can also make an article about a product or brand and promote a corporate website.

    You can post on other people's sites:

    1) as announcements of those articles that are on your website,
    2) completely unique articles (not duplicating your articles) with links to any pages of your site.

    1) promote the content itself, brand, idea - educate people, inform, improve awareness, make touches
    2) use article promotion only for the sake of links within relevant content.

    Entirely large articles(often with a link in words) can be posted on the following types of sites:

    This is NOT a prioritized list - just a list.

    Article directories
    It seems to be the first thing that comes to mind. But they were created primarily for SEO purposes, so they are spammed with materials with obvious SEO links; search engines determine all this. I recommend them very little, except very selectively and as a last resort.

    Blogging systems
    This is already better. Most often this is to “create a blog” on some portal. In the TOP Database they are hidden inside the “Social Networks and Blogging Systems” section. Often in Social Networks there are some opportunities that I have not tracked for posting full-fledged material on a blog, and sometimes I duplicate - I put some site in the “Social Networks” category, and its “blogs” section in the “Blog Systems” category. in the TOP Database.

    Social news services(if the material is entertaining)
    These are options like Pikabu and others. Usually it is really some kind of entertaining and social, political nature. An article about what types of plastic windows there are is not suitable here.

    Press release sites(if your material has at least a little news character).
    Well, at least some news reason. At least the release of a new product and its detailed description, with information about the company - it may pass, not everywhere, but in some places. But again, an article about the advantages of plastic windows - no. For more information, see the guide to posting press releases and .

    Stories, reports
    This primarily concerns the tourist destination. Sports, automotive goods and services are also suitable here. For example, in the “Diaries” section on a travel portal, make a report with photographs about how you went to Mongolia in a car of some brand and there, in between, a small, very true-to-life story about how a salon helped you in a difficult situation or something else, with a link.

    Review services
    The article is needed of a certain nature - only specific practical feedback on the use of the product. It’s good to have upgraded accounts on well-known review sites. But there are quite a lot of review services.

    What is important (!):

    It is advisable to post completely unique articles, NOT to take them from your site.

    These should be interesting, normal, human articles. Forget about generators or use them carefully and efficiently. Uninteresting ones will be deleted in many places, for example, by admins on forums. You will do a seemingly large-scale job and then you yourself will be disappointed, first in article promotion and in general in free promotion, and then completely in SEO and website promotion.

    It is advisable to make links within articles as natural as possible. The minimum of commercial anchors is 20 percent maximum of the total volume. More variety of anchors - a link to the company name, a link to a URL in a variety of options, keys + URLs, all kinds of “more details”, etc.

    Mikhail Shakin shows the variety of link anchors well with practical examples in his article “My scheme for composing link texts. v 2"

    Short announcements of articles, news(mostly citing detailed source):

    It is advisable to make unique announcements for the articles that are on your website.

    For social networks, these can be just some announcements, even advertising, no one will delete your accounts. There are a variety of social networks - general, thematic, regional. Closed, open. there are hundreds of them in the TOP Database of all topics and regions.

    There are links with indexed search engines that are not indexed. With active links, without active ones. But in those social networks that are relevant to your topic (and your region, if regionality is important to you), it is best to post as actively as possible in any case. In many social networks, effective posting involves adding friends, creating and promoting your own group or page. The leadership was higher.

    You can also simply make announcements of your articles. I do this in the “Blogosphere News” sections, and simply in suitable sections on SEO forums. If I were more active, I could post my articles about travel on tourist sites, articles about self-development on psychological, women's, men's and other forums. And so on. The link to the manual and case was above.

    I could also make different titles for announcements on forums or different texts altogether. Most often I do everything quickly according to one template. .

    Here is the number of people who viewed my topic in 20 days on Maultok (520 people):

    Here is my post, what it looks like from the inside:

    Notice boards
    Rarely used, but can give a good return if your thematic or regional market is important to you. “Shared” boards will provide much less benefit.

    Social news services
    Also, only announcements are allowed if it is entertainment, political, social news - I wrote about this above.

    Bookmark services
    You can post any link with an announcement, but they hardly provide any benefit.

    Questions and Answers Services
    You can place something like an announcement of your article in response to a question related to what you are talking about in the article.

    Review services
    On some review services you can post a short review, with a link to a detailed one on your website or on a large review site (small link pyramid).

    TOP Base as a tool to facilitate placement:

    The kit with Allsubmitter speeds up the work even more. But the program only copes with about 70% of sites and practically does not help at all with forums. But if you plan to have a lot of different placements, especially company catalogs, press releases, bulletin boards, it will save you valuable time. Also on Black SEO Friday.

    I give a lot of instructions and guides and always help if you have questions.

    If you have any questions, write in the comments!

    All my projects except this SEO blog:

    TOP Base- a high-quality base for semi-automatic registration with Allsubmitter or for completely manual placement - for independent free promotion of any site, attracting targeted visitors to the site, increasing sales, natural dilution of the link profile. I have been collecting and updating the database for 10 years. There are all types of sites, all topics and regions.

    SEO-Topshop- SEO software with DISCOUNTS, on favorable terms, news of SEO services, databases, manuals. Including Xrumer on the most favorable terms and with free training, Zennoposter, Zebroid and various others.

    My free comprehensive SEO courses- 20 detailed lessons in PDF format.
    - catalogs of sites, articles, press release sites, bulletin boards, company directories, forums, social networks, blog systems, etc.

    "Approaching.."- my blog on the topic of self-development, psychology, relationships, personal effectiveness

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