
Text information. Document model Text formats. Text information Text information definition in computer science

Any text created using a text editor, together with non-text materials included in it, is called document.

Text editor (TR) is a program for creating, editing (changing) and printing text documents. Purpose text editors- make working with text information more convenient and high-quality, less labor-intensive than when using conventional typewriters.

There are many text editors. The simplest TRs allow you to perform basic standard text editing. More powerful TRs, called word processors (TP), make it much easier to type and edit texts, improve the quality of document design, allow you to insert graphs, charts, tables, drawings and photographs into a document, and also improve the quality of documents printed on paper.

The basic text editing standard includes the following operations:

Entering alphanumeric information;

Move through typed text;

Removing and inserting characters;

Deleting and inserting rows.

Basic objects of text editors

Symbol- number, letter, punctuation mark, etc.

Word- a sequence of characters limited on both sides by service characters (space, period, comma, hyphen, etc.).

Line- an arbitrary sequence of characters between the left and right borders of the document.

Offer- a sequence of words limited on both sides by end-of-sentence marks (period, exclamation or question marks followed by a space).

Paragraph- in a text editor this is a sequence of words. The first line of the paragraph begins with new line. At the end of the paragraph, press the enter key.

Fragment - arbitrary sequence of characters. A fragment could be separate word, line, paragraph, page and even all entered text.

The concept of the Notepad text editor. Notepad is a simple text editor used to create simple documents. Start the program. Window elements. Call for help. To start working in the program you need to open the editor. The program is launched via the Start button on the taskbar. (Start\Programs\Accessories\Notepad)

In the Standard program group there is text Word processor Pad.

Window word processor has the following form:

Header Line– on the left side there are the file name and the name of the editor, and on the right side there are three window control buttons: minimize, restore, close. (Find the three window control buttons. Minimize the window. Where is your document minimized? To expand it, you need to move the cursor over the document in the Taskbar and left-click. Expand the document.)

The next line is Menu line– it contains commands – File, Edit, Format, Help. Each of these commands has its own function. For example: the File command allows you to create, open, save, print a document, set page parameters, and exit the document. The Edit command allows you to edit a document, the Format command allows you to format it, and the Help command allows you to access help. For example: If, while sitting next to your PC, you accidentally forget how to work with it, then you can find out from Notepad itself. To do this, you need to call a hint using the Help command. (Find Help in the Menu bar. Click on it with LMB (Left mouse button), in the menu that opens, select the Call Help command.) A help window will appear on the screen. It occupies the middle of the screen, not erasing the text that has been written down by this time, but only overlapping it. The Help window contains sections that provide information about certain operations. In order to view them, you need to move the cursor to the desired section and click the left mouse button. (LMB on the Contents tab, then on the word Notepad. In the window that opens, you will see on the left - the contents of the sections, on the right - a description of the section that is in this moment

active (i.e. highlighted with a cursor frame). Click LMB on the Enable word wrap section. What appeared on the right side? (technology for enabling word wrapping)) The hint can be removed at any time by left-clicking on the close button. (LMB-click the Close button.) In the center of the window is working field . On the right side of the window there is a vertical

scroll bar. Text information

Text as a form of information presentation Text documents The computer is the main tool for preparing texts Entering text Editing text Formatting text Keywords

Text as a form of presenting information! Text is any verbal statement printed, written or spoken. Information presented in the form of written text is called textual information.

Amazing fact Omitting, replacing or rearranging at least one character in the text sometimes changes its meaning:

Text documents A document is any text created using a text editor, along with non-text materials included in it. Text document Article Invitation Announcement Report Story Poem

Objects of a text document The main objects of a text document are: q symbol q word q line q paragraph qpage q fragment

Stages of document preparation Preparing a document on a computer consists of several stages: entering (typing) text, editing, formatting and printing.

Entering text When entering text, adhere to the following rules: 1. Where necessary, use capital letters. 2. Place all punctuation marks, except dashes, immediately after the last letter of the word; After any punctuation mark, press Spacebar. Emphasize dashes with spaces on both sides. 3. Avoid entering two or more spaces in a row; Don't use white space to line paragraph boundaries. 4. Don't watch the end of the line: once it is reached, the cursor will automatically move to the beginning of the next line. 5. To proceed to entering a new paragraph, press the Enter key.

Text editing Editing is the next stage of document preparation, which begins after entering information, as a result of which the document is checked for its correctness and detected errors are corrected, as well as necessary changes are made. Basic Editing Operations

Text formatting Formatting is one of the stages of document preparation, during which various operations are performed to format the document. Formatting Operations

Printing a document Printer Matrix Inkjet Laser To output a document onto paper, a printing device – a printer – is connected to the computer.

Most importantly Text is any verbal statement, printed, written or existing in oral form. Information presented in the form of written text is called textual information. Designed for processing text information special programs- text editors. Any text created using a word processor, along with the non-text materials included in it, is called a document. Preparing a document on a computer consists of steps such as input (typing), editing and formatting.

Questions and assignments? 2. Specify algorithms for eliminating the following errors. Extra symbol 1. Place the cursor at the place where the symbol was inserted. 2. Press the key with the desired symbol. Missing character 1. Place the cursor behind the erroneous character. 2. Press the Back key. Space. 3. Press the key with the correct symbol. Invalid character 1. Place the cursor in front of the extra character. 2. Press the Delete key.

      • text
      • Text Document
      • text editor
      • text entry rules
      • editing
      • formatting

Text as a form of information presentation

Every written text is a certain sequence of symbols. Omission, replacement or rearrangement of at least one character in the text sometimes changes its meaning. Consider two phrases that differ from each other by a single, last character:

Who came to us!

Who came to us?

The meaning of the first sequence of symbols is that the person who entered was seen and recognized. The second sequence of symbols is a question emphasizing the unknown and uncertainty of the situation.

For thousands of years, people have been recording information. During this time, both what information was written on (stone, clay, wood, papyrus, parchment, paper) and what it was used to do it (sharp stone, bone stick, bird feather, fountain pens, fountain pens, etc.) changed. At the end of the 19th century, a typewriter began to be used to perform written work). But the main thing did not change: in order to make changes to the text, it had to be rewritten. And this is a very long and labor-intensive process.

The advent of computers radically changed writing technology. Using special computer programs, you can type any text, make changes to it if necessary, write the text into the computer memory for long-term storage, print any number of copies of the text without re-entering it, or send the text using Email to other computers.

You will find additional information about the history of the creation of text documents in the electronic appendix to the textbook.

Text documents

A text document can be an article, a report, a story, a poem, an invitation, an announcement, greeting card. When working online, parts of one complex document may be stored on different computers, located far from each other.

Hypertext is a way of organizing a document that allows you to quickly find necessary information. It is often used in the construction of online help systems and computer versions of large reference books and encyclopedias. The transition from one place in hypertext to another is carried out using links. For example, let's say you're reading an encyclopedia about animals and you're especially interested in information about dogs. Let's assume that the word "bulldog" is underlined - this indicates a link within the hypertext. If you click on this word, you will be taken to another encyclopedia article that talks about this dog breed.

The main objects of a text document are: character, word, line, paragraph, page, fragment.

Symbol- number, letter, punctuation mark, etc.

Word- an arbitrary sequence of characters (letters, numbers, etc.), limited on both sides by service characters (such as space, comma, parentheses, etc.).

Line- an arbitrary sequence of characters between the left and right borders of the document.

Paragraph- an arbitrary sequence of characters limited by special characters at the end of a paragraph. Blank paragraphs are allowed.

Fragment- arbitrary sequence of characters. A fragment can be a single word, line, paragraph, page, or even the entire input text.

The computer is the main tool for preparing texts

Text preparation is one of the most common uses of computers. Any computer has special programs installed for creating texts - text editors.

You've already worked with a simple text editor. With it you can create simple texts, consisting of letters, numbers, punctuation, and special characters that can be entered using the keyboard.

To create and design stories, reports, articles for a school newspaper containing inscriptions, tables, diagrams, drawings, photographs, more powerful text editors are used. They are also called word processors.

The window of one of the simple word processors is shown in Fig. 24.

Rice. 24

Preparing a document on a computer consists of steps such as entering (typing), editing, formatting and printing.

Entering text

Entering (typing) text is usually done using the keyboard. The place for entering the next text character is indicated on the monitor screen using a flashing vertical line - the cursor.

When entering text, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use capital letters where necessary.
  2. Place all punctuation marks, except dashes, immediately after the last letter of the word; After any punctuation mark, press Spacebar. Emphasize dashes with spaces on both sides.
  3. Avoid entering two or more spaces in a row; Don't use white space to line paragraph boundaries.
  4. Don't watch the end of the line: once it is reached, the cursor will automatically move to the beginning of the next line.
  5. To proceed to entering a new paragraph (or line of a poem), press the Enter key.

It will be much easier to monitor compliance with typing rules if you set the display mode for non-printable characters.

Editing text

Editing is the next stage of preparing a document on a computer. When you edit text, you review it to make sure everything is correct, correct any errors you find (such as spelling), and make changes as needed.

If the text is large, then only part of it will be visible on the screen, and all of it will be stored in the computer's memory.

Using the cursor arrows, you can move the cursor around the entire screen and move it to any character. To navigate throughout the document, there are special keys or key combinations:

In addition, there is a scrolling mode that allows you to quickly display parts of the text that are outside the screen.

When editing, you can work not only with individual characters, but also with entire fragments of text. The fragment must first be selected. To do this, you need to place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the desired fragment and, keeping the mouse button pressed, drag the pointer to its end.

The selection of a fragment can be canceled by clicking anywhere in the working area of ​​the window.

The selected fragment can be removed from the text and erased from memory, or it can be deleted from the text but placed in a special section of memory called a buffer. In this case, the deleted fragment can either be returned to its original place, or placed in another, more suitable place in the text (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25

Sometimes you have to enter texts in which individual lines, or even groups of lines, are repeated several times (remember S. Marshak’s poem “Baggage” or some song with a chorus). A repeating fragment is typed only once, then it is selected and copied using a special button - the fragment itself remains in its original place, and its exact copy is placed in the buffer. After that, you continue typing and, having reached the place where the repeating fragment should be, paste it from the buffer. This procedure can be repeated many times.

Word processors allow you to find a given word in a text and, if necessary, automatically replace one word with another throughout the text.

Modern word processors can also be tasked with detecting and correcting spelling errors.

Text formatting

At the formatting stage, various operations are performed to design the document.

First, paragraphs of text are aligned.

When text is aligned left, the left border of the paragraph forms a straight line. In this case, all lines have the same indents from the edge of the page. This paragraph is aligned left.

When text is aligned to the right, the right paragraph border forms a straight line. Each line of a paragraph ends at the same distance from the edge of the page. This paragraph is right aligned.

Center-aligned, or centered, text is positioned like this: on both sides of each line the width free space is the same. The edges of the paragraph appear uneven on both sides. This paragraph is center aligned.

Many text editors “can” automatically break text into pages and number them. They can monitor the size of the margins and adjust the distance between lines, and offer a variety of font options to choose from.

A font is a complete set of letters of the alphabet with the general style of their image.

A normal font doesn't stand out at all.

  • Bold font is darker and more visible.
  • Italic font is slanted.
  • Underlined font.

Font size, or point, is the height of a font, measured from the bottom edge of the lowest letter (such as "p" or "y") to the top edge of the tallest letter (such as "b"). Font size is measured in points. One point is a very small unit equal to 1/72 of an inch 1 (0.3 mm), meaning 72 point type is 1 inch high. In most books, the font size that is most commonly used is 10-12 point.

    1 Inch is a unit of length in the English system of measures, equal to 2.54 cm.

You will find additional information about fonts in the electronic appendix to the textbook.

To output a document onto paper, a printing device - a printer - is connected to the computer. Exist Various types printers.

A dot matrix printer prints using metal needles that press an ink ribbon onto the paper. By hitting the tape, they leave a pattern of dots on the paper - a matrix of letters.

An inkjet printer applies letters to paper by spraying droplets of liquid ink over it.

IN laser printer A laser beam is used to print characters. This allows you to obtain typographic print quality.

Important information about creating text documents on a computer is presented in the video lecture “Techniques for working with text”, posted in the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources (

The most important

Text is any verbal statement, printed, written, or spoken.

Information presented in the form of written text is called textual information.

Special programs - text editors - are designed for processing text information.

Any text created using a word processor, along with the non-text materials included in it, is called a document.

Preparing a document on a computer consists of steps such as input (typing), editing and formatting.

Questions and tasks

  1. Tell us about the text form of presenting information. What other forms of presenting information do you know? Explain the advantages or disadvantages of presenting the information as text compared to what you described.
  2. For what purpose do you create texts? Give two or three examples.
  3. Give examples of texts that differ in size, design, and purpose.
  4. What fundamental changes has the computer made to the process of creating text?
  5. How do you understand the meaning of the saying: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe”? Do you agree with this?
  6. What are the similarities and differences between the capabilities of a word processor and a text editor?
  7. What do you understand by text document?
  8. List the main stages of preparing a text document on a computer.
  9. What rules must be followed when typing (entering) text?
  10. How can you transform text at the editing stage?
  11. What are the ways to “move” in large text document do you know?
  12. Why is it necessary to format text? How can you convert the text at this stage?
  13. What is the name of the device for printing documents on paper?
  14. Which method of creating text - computer or handwritten - do you prefer? Justify your choice.
  15. One of the meanings of the word “editor” is a person who corrects a manuscript with the consent of the author. Try to use this information to explain why computer programs for creating texts were called text editors.

Computer workshop

Work 5 “Entering text”
Work 6 “Editing text”
Work 7 “Working with text fragments”
Work 8 “Format text”

The basis of most electronic publications, as well as printed publications, is text material. It is the text that bears the main semantic load . Text material for electronic publications can be prepared in text editors or software packages layout and formatted in accordance with the requirements for printed publications. In preparing the publication, each specified programs prepares text files in its format, however, subsequent printing on hard media provides the same capabilities for perceiving text and graphic information.

The situation is different in electronic publications. Here, the perception of textual information is carried out on the basis of the presentation of any publication on the monitor screen. Since such publications can be prepared in different software environments, to reproduce an electronic document, this particular environment or another, but software and information compatible with it, is necessary. Thus, all the most likely software reading electronic publications.

One way to avoid this situation is to use standard text formats. But today there are standards (legal) only for character encoding methods. Therefore, publications and publications in electronic publications and hypertext electronic HTML documents use ASCII codes ASNI or two-byte UNICOD code. The same approach was chosen when preparing electronic documents on Help technologies.

Adobe Systems has proposed its own approach to solving the problem of software and information compatibility of electronic publications. As a standard (de facto) text format markup format selected PDF text . This is explained by the fact that almost every text editor program or layout package has translators of the document format created in a particular program into PDF format. Therefore, any electronic document can be presented in a single form (in the de facto PDF standard) and viewed in Adobe Acrobat.

In a number of electronic documents text material is used as commentary to graphic or animated elements of electronic publications. Such electronic publications include hypergraphic and multimedia publications.

Source text material electronic edition can be prepared traditional ways: using the keyboard; scanning text blocks of the source document with subsequent character recognition in the environment of corresponding text recognition programs; transferred to a computer using magnetic media; transmitted over the network, etc.

In electronic documents, text plays a dual role. First of all, it carries the main semantic load in most types of electronic publications. As a rule, this text material appears in the form of text blocks or sections, which will later be combined into something whole when viewing or navigating the electronic publication.

On the other side text information is a system-forming element electronic publications, since it is used for navigation purposes in the electronic publication. This text information is entered directly during the formation of navigation elements.

A number of special programs have been created to automate the preparation of electronic documents.

Before looking at any of the basics of digital graphics, it is worth first understanding what graphic information is. Nowadays, this concept is actively used in various fields of human activity, but many do not even understand what this term is and what it means.

What it is?

Graphic information today is used in most areas of visual communication, ranging from various works of fine art, which should awaken emotions in a person and evoke a sense of admiration for beauty, and ending with all kinds of symbols intended solely to convey certain information to a person. In particular, such symbols include road signs, which in experienced drivers sometimes do not even reach the area of ​​conscious perception.

Today, graphic information and images represent the basis of the thinking of most specialists, and a special place is given here to people who have a visual-figurative mindset. Proficiency in computer technology when visualizing any ideas is very useful, but requires thorough preparation, as well as an understanding of specific graphic information from the point of view of translating it into a computer format.


Graphic information is a complete set of data printed on a wide variety of media, including tracing paper, paper, canvas, glass, walls and much more. To a certain extent, we can say that even you and I, at which the lens of a camera or camera is directed, also represents graphic information.

The widest variety of graphic media, as well as types of images available to modern people, is, in principle, difficult to take into account, and this happens not because they are presented in infinite quantities, but because there are a lot of different intermediate options. After all, we cannot simply add them together and construct a kind of alphabet, and this is what distinguishes such concepts as graphic information and text information. However, there are certain exceptions here too.

Considering what constitutes graphic information and text information, it is worth noting that the set of text characters has long been brought into a certain system called the alphabet. At the same time, in European countries the alphabet is phonetic, while among the Far Eastern peoples the alphabet does not record phonemes or sounds, but represents a whole concept and consists of hieroglyphs, which translates it into the category of not textual, but graphic information.

Useful examples

Not everyone understands that modern European languages ​​also use a unique principle of hieroglyphs, which are represented in our country by numbers. Despite the fact that numbers may be written exactly the same in different languages, in reality they are named and pronounced completely differently in each individual language, which is the typical principle of the hieroglyph.

In this regard, all the elements that are required to implement the coding procedure have long been isolated over a long period of time historical period. Elements that are separate and independent from each other can be represented in the form of a defined list, in which there is a finite and clearly defined number of lines.

The time when a person studies graphic information in the most detail is 9th grade, but many may not even remember this. At the same time, even then we were taught that if we turn to graphic data, including paintings, photographs, drawings or any other visual objects, then in this case it will no longer be possible to find in them such natural and universal elements that could operate in exactly the same way as with letters.


It is worth noting that there have been attempts to form unified system images. In particular, William Hogarth, an English painter and art theorist, tried to do this. In this case, his example is interesting not for the reason that he is a master of the satirical everyday genre, the main goal of which was to expose the vices of the aristocracy, but because it was he who tried to invent a universal graphic alphabet, which he failed. However, the curve, which the artist was able to identify as a reference back in the 18th century, is somewhat reminiscent of the Bezier curve in appearance.

Why can't I create an alphabet?

In fact, it is simply impossible to invent a graphic alphabet, and this is precisely the difference that separates standard writing and modern visual activity. This is also mentioned in the subject that studies graphical information - computer science. These areas are quite close in essence, but the alphabet is a universal tool that, having a limited number of elements, allows you to form unlimited amount texts, while in the field of visual activity such a strict list of elements simply cannot exist.

It is for this reason that the ability to encode is based on a different approach compared to standard elements like numbers and letters, and is primarily learned in the process of how to perform various tasks. Graphic information is a more complex concept than textual information, therefore its development should be approached more thoroughly.

What do you need to understand?

Since in the field of visual activity there cannot be a strict list of elements, compiling a list of them is impossible, and here a serious task arises - to determine how all kinds of digital codes or images can be converted if they can only be worked with computer devices. In particular, this task is specified by the fact that it is necessary to invent a method that would allow modern computer technologies to operate not only with text.

What are the differences between computer and human perception?

Obviously, there are a lot of differences between how a computer and a person perceive graphic and audio information. For a person, each image, which may be far from a realistic photograph, represents a meaningful structure, because every person can distinguish, for example, a landscape from a portrait.

This becomes possible for the reason that visual perception is not the result of the work of the visual organs alone, but is also the result of a powerful intellect that has amazing recognition abilities. For example, thanks to this, a person can easily recognize another person, even if he has not seen him for several decades, but the latter has already aged a little and his appearance has become different.

Technical systems, in the process of which even the most modern computing power is used, cannot yet implement such tasks.

Test on graphical information in computer science

The final stage by which schools complete the study of what graphic information represents is a test that varies depending on the educational institution and its focus. However, in most cases, all questions are standard and quite simple. Among the most common, it is worth noting the following:

  • What happens to the file size as it increases in size
  • What are the tools for? graphic editor Paint?
  • What is the smallest image element on a graphics screen?
  • What's happened
  • Why do you need a graphics editor?

And many others.

In other words, in the process of compiling this test the main objective- this is to determine how much the student has mastered the basic concepts of the graphic information course and how much he has mastered working with traditional graphic editors.

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