
Word processor Microsoft Word. Plan. Creating and editing text documents tools for working with text documents entering, editing and formatting texts Editing and formatting Microsoft Excel worksheet

Tools for canceling and returning actions. All operations of entering, editing and formatting text are logged by the word processor, and therefore the required number recent actions can be cancelled. The last action can be canceled with the key combination CTRL+Z. This command has a cumulative effect: a series of commands undoes a series of recent actions. Other similar tools are the Edit command, Undo Action and the Undo Action button on the Standard toolbar. Long sequences of actions can also be canceled using the action list (the button that expands the list is attached to the Cancel action button).

After canceling a series of actions, it is possible to return to the state before the cancellation. To do this, use the Edit, Redo Action command or the Redo Action button on the Standard toolbar. It also has a button attached to it that reveals a list of actions that can be returned.

Autotext. Autotext is a mode for automatically entering text fragments. It is represented by two functions: auto-completion and actually autotext. Their operating principle is as follows.

The text editor stores an AutoText dictionary consisting of words and phrases that appear quite often in documents. When you enter the first four characters of a dictionary item, a tooltip appears on the screen with the full text of the word or phrase. If this is what the user had in mind, they complete the entire entry by pressing the Enter key—this is how autocompletion works.

However, the user can independently select the required text element from the list with hierarchical structure- This is an AutoText feature. The list of AutoText elements is opened using the AutoText toolbar (View, Toolbars, AutoText).

The AutoText dictionary is configured in the AutoCorrect dialog box (Tools, AutoCorrect, AutoText). The simplest way filling the dictionary with new content - select the text on the screen, click the AutoText button on the AutoText toolbar and use the Add button in the dialog box that opens.

Using the product autocorrect when entering. It allows you to replace the input of long sequences of characters with an arbitrary (preferably short) combination of other characters. For example, if the phrase “dialog box” appears very often in the text, it can be replaced with the short combination “.to”. The dot before the symbols is placed specifically to distinguish them from two-letter prepositions or conjunctions.

The AutoCorrect tool is configured in the Tools, AutoCorrect dialog box. To do this, you need to check the Replace as you type box, enter the combination to be replaced in the Replace field, and the replacement combination in the To field, and then add to the autocorrect list by clicking on the add button.

Means automatic replacement characters when entering is also used to enter special characters. For example, having made the appropriate settings, you can enter the Greek letters π, ρ in ordinary Russian text: “pi” or “ro”.

Entering special and arbitrary characters . When entering text, there is often a need to enter special characters that do not have a corresponding key in the keyboard layout, as well as arbitrary characters for which the layout is unknown. The main tool for entering special and arbitrary characters, as well as for assigning them to favorite keys, is the Symbol dialog box (Insert, Symbol). This dialog box has two tabs: Symbols and Special Characters.

A single cell can contain one of three types of data: text, number or formula - and also remain empty. When saving a workbook, Excel writes to a file only the rectangular area of ​​worksheet adjacent to the upper left corner (cell A1) and containing all filled cells.

The type of data placed in the cell is determined automatically as you enter it. If the data can be interpreted as a number, Excel will do so. Otherwise, the data is treated as text. Entering a formula always begins with the “=” symbol (equal sign).

Entering text and numbers. Data is entered directly into the current cell or formula line, located at the top of the program window directly below the toolbars (see Fig. 12.2). The input location is marked with a text cursor. If you start typing by pressing the alphanumeric keys, the data in the current cell is replaced with the text you type. If you click on the formula bar or double-click on the current cell, the old contents of the cell are not deleted and you can edit it. In any case, the entered data is displayed both in the cell and in the formula bar.

To complete the entry and save the entered data, use the Enter button in the formula bar or the ENTER key. To cancel changes made and restore the cell to its previous value, use the Cancel button in the formula bar or the ESC key. The easiest way to clear the current cell or selected range is to use the DELETE key.

Formatting cell contents. By default, text data is aligned to the left edge of the cell, and numbers are aligned to the right. To change the display format of data in the current cell or selected range, use the Format command > Cells. The tabs of this dialog box allow you to select the format for recording data (the number of decimal places, indicating the monetary unit, how the date is written, etc.), set the direction of the text and the method of its alignment, define the font and style of characters, control the display and appearance of frames, and set the background color.

Spreadsheet calculations

Formulas. Calculations in Excel tables are carried out using formulas The formula can contain numeric constants, links into cells and functions Excel connected by symbols of mathematical operations. Parentheses allow you to change the standard order of actions. If a cell contains a formula, the worksheet displays the current result of that formula. If you make a cell current, the formula itself is displayed in the formula bar.

The rule for using formulas in Excel is that if the cell value really depends on other table cells, Always a formula should be used even if the operation can be easily performed in the mind. This guarantees


  • spreadsheets
  • table processor
  • column
  • line
  • cell
  • cell range
  • book

For hundreds of years, tables have been used in business to perform cumbersome, similar calculations. With their help, wages are calculated, various systems of accounting for material assets are maintained, the cost of new goods and services is calculated, the amount of profit is predicted, etc. Until the end of the last century, many specialists performed such calculations using calculators, manually entering the results into the appropriate columns of tables . Such work required a lot of time; It took weeks and even months to correct a minor error made by the calculator.

The situation changed dramatically with the advent of electronic tables, which made it possible to quickly solve problems by changing the source data. a large number of typical calculation problems.

Nowadays, spreadsheets are one of the software products most widely used in practice. With their help, users, without special knowledge in programming, have the opportunity to determine the sequence of computational operations, perform various transformations of source data, and present the results obtained in graphical form.

5.1.1. Spreadsheet Interface

The most common table processors are Microsoft Excel and Calc. When you launch any of them, a window is displayed on the screen, many of the elements of which are well known to you from experience with other programs (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Calc spreadsheet interface

Title bar contains the document name, program name and window control buttons.

Menu bar contains the names of groups of spreadsheet control commands, united by functionality.

Toolbars contain icons for calling the most frequently executed commands.

Work area spreadsheet is a rectangular space divided into columns and rows. Each column and each row has designations (headings, names). Columns are designated from left to right in Latin letters in alphabetical order; One-letter, two-letter and three-letter names can be used (A, B, C, etc.; after the 26th column, two-letter combinations AA, AB, etc. begin). Lines are numbered from top to bottom. The number of rows and columns varies among different table processors.

At the intersection of columns and rows, cells (cells) are formed into which data or operations performed on them can be written. A cell is the smallest structural unit of a spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet cell has a name made up of the letter name of the column and the row number at the intersection of which it is located. The following cell names are possible: El, K12, AB125 1. Thus, the cell name determines its address in the table.

    1 In modern versions of Microsoft Excel, the position of a cell may be indicated by the letter R followed by the row number and the letter C followed by the column number, for example R1C1.

A cell is the smallest structural unit of a spreadsheet, formed at the intersection of a column and a row.

Table cursor- a selected rectangle that can be placed in any cell. The table cell that is in this moment occupies the cursor, called the current cell. You can enter or edit data only in the current cell. In Fig. 5.1, the current cell is C4.

The address of the current cell and the data entered into it are reflected in the input line. In the input line you can edit the information stored in the current cell.

Consecutive cells in a row, column, or rectangle form a range. When specifying a range, its starting and ending cells are indicated; in a rectangular range, the cells of the upper left and lower right corners are indicated. The largest range is represented by the entire table, the smallest is represented by one cell. Examples of ranges: A1:A10, B2:C2, B2:D10.

The work area of ​​a spreadsheet processor is otherwise called a sheet. A document created and saved in a spreadsheet processor is called a book; it may consist of several sheets. Similar to ledger sheets, you can flip through them by clicking on the labels located at the bottom of the window. The user can assign a name to each sheet of the book based on the contents of this sheet.

The status bar displays messages about the current operating mode of the table and possible user actions.

5.1.2. Data in table cells

The contents of the cell can be:

  • text;
  • number;
  • formula.

Text is a sequence of any characters from the computer alphabet. Texts (labels, headings, explanations) are needed to design the table; the characteristics of the objects in question can be presented in text form. You can change the contents of a cell with text only by editing the cell. By default, text in a cell is aligned to the left, similar to left-to-right writing.

Using numbers, the quantitative characteristics of the objects under consideration are specified. In this case, various number formats are used (Table 5.1). The default number format is two decimal places. To record numbers containing a large number of digits that do not fit in a cell, the exponential (scientific) format is used.

Table 5.1
Some number formats

The numerical data entered into the table cells is the initial data for the calculations. You can change numeric data by editing it. By default, numbers are right-aligned in a cell, which ensures that all numbers in a column are aligned by place value (ones under ones, tens under tens, etc.).

The integer and fractional parts of a real number are separated by a comma in spreadsheets. When a dot is used in writing a number (as a separator between its integer and fractional parts), the number is interpreted as a date. For example, 9.05 is perceived as May 9, and 5.25 is perceived as May 2025.

Formula is an expression (arithmetic, logical) that specifies a certain sequence of data transformation actions. A formula always begins with an equal sign (=) and can include references (cell names), operation signs (Table 5.2), functions, and numbers.

Table 5.2
Arithmetic operations,
used in formulas

When writing formulas, rules similar to those adopted in programming languages ​​apply. Examples of formulas:

To enter a cell name into a formula, simply place the table cursor in the appropriate cell.

As you enter a formula, it is displayed both in the cell itself and in the input line. After completing the input (pressing the Enter key), the result of calculations using this formula is displayed in the cell (Fig. 5.2). To view and edit a specific formula, just select the corresponding cell and edit it in the input line.

Rice. 5.2.
Calculations using the formula

When the source data in the cells whose names are included in the formula changes, the value of the expression is immediately recalculated, and the resulting result is displayed in the cell with this formula.

5.1.3. Basic modes of operation of spreadsheets

The following operating modes of spreadsheets can be distinguished:

  • table generation modes;
  • table display modes;
  • calculation execution modes.

Spreadsheet generation modes. When working with spreadsheet processors, documents are created that can be viewed, modified, and written to media external memory for storage, print on a printer.

Generating spreadsheets involves filling out and editing a document. In this case, commands are used that change the contents of cells (clear, edit, copy), and commands that change the structure of the table (delete, paste, move).

Cell contents can be formatted using standard means text design: changing the font design, its size, style and alignment relative to the cell, writing direction. In addition, the user has access to design tools for the table itself: merging cells, various ways drawing boundaries between cells for printing.

Data, data format and cell design parameters (font, fill color, border type, etc.) can be copied from one cells (cell ranges) to other cells (cell ranges) of the spreadsheet.

Table display modes. The spreadsheet can be set to display formulas or display values. By default, value display mode is enabled, and the screen displays values ​​calculated based on the contents of the cells. You can specifically set the formula display mode, in which the formulas themselves will be displayed in the cells instead of the calculation results (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3.
Table fragment in formula display mode

To set the formula display mode in Calc, you should:

  1. run the command Calc-View;
  2. In the Show area, select the Formulas checkbox and click OK.

Find out for yourself how to set the display mode of formulas in the spreadsheet processor at your disposal.

Calculation execution modes. All calculations begin with the cell located at the intersection of the first row and first column of the spreadsheet. Calculations are carried out in a natural manner; If the next cell contains a formula that includes the address of a cell that has not yet been calculated, then calculations using this formula are postponed until the value in the cell on which the formula depends is determined.

Each time a new value is entered into a cell, the document is recalculated anew - automatic recalculation of those formulas that include new data is performed. In most table processors, it is possible to set a manual recalculation: the table is recalculated only when a special command is issued.

In Calc, the calculation mode is selected using the Tools-Cell Contents-Recalculate-Calculate Automatically command.

Find out for yourself how the calculation mode is set in the spreadsheet processor at your disposal.

The most important

Spreadsheets (table processor) is an application program designed to organize spreadsheet calculations on a computer.

A cell is the smallest structural unit of a spreadsheet, formed at the intersection of a column and a row. The content of a cell can be text, a number, or a formula.

Texts (labels, headings, explanations) are needed to design the table. The numerical data entered into the table cells is the initial data for the calculations. Cells with formulas display the results of calculations.

Generating spreadsheets involves filling out, editing, and formatting a document.

When you enter a new value into a cell, the document is recalculated automatically, but manual recalculation mode can also be set.

The spreadsheet can be set to display formulas or display values.

Questions and tasks

Creating and editing text documents

Tools for working with text documents

Entering, editing and formatting texts

Most documents intended to be printed on paper, as well as many electronic documents, are text, that is, they are blocks of text consisting of ordinary words typed in ordinary characters (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and others). When working with text documents, the computer turns into something like a very powerful and “intelligent” typewriter.

When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used. Operations input allow you to translate the source text from its external form in electronic form, that is, in a file stored on a computer. Typing does not necessarily mean typing using a keyboard. There is hardware that allows you to enter text by scanning a paper original, and pattern recognition software that converts a document from an image format to a text format.

Operations editing(edits) allow you to change an existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files into one or, conversely, splitting single document into several smaller ones. When working on text, input and editing are often performed in parallel.

When entering and editing, it is formed content text document. Decor documents are specified by operations formatting. Formatting commands allow you to determine exactly how text will appear on a monitor screen or on paper after printing on a printer.

Text editors and word processors

All electronic text documents require typing and usually editing, but document formatting is not always necessary. For example, when writing text computer program no formatting is required, since the source text is not intended for printing, but for subsequent processing by the program -compiler.

Moreover, formatting a text document in many cases is harmful, since formatting information is entered into the text in the form of invisible codes. The presence of such codes may prevent certain programs from working with texts. For example, the Notepad text editor is not able to display on the screen a text file created in the Word Pad word processor, although both programs belong to the same group of standard Windows 9x programs and both are designed to work with texts.

Thus, historically, some documents require formatting and some do not. It turned out to be convenient to have different programs: some of them are used only for entering and editing text, while others also allow you to format it. The first programs are called text editors, and the second - word processors.

All text editors save “pure” text in a file and thanks to this compatible together. Different word processors write formatting information to a file differently and therefore incompatible together. However, many word processors have the ability to convert text from one format to another.

Windows 9x includes the standard text editor Notepad and the simple word processor WordPad. Unformatted text files on Windows systems have the extension. TXT, and WordPad files have the extension . DOC.

Word processor Word 9x

The standard WordPad program, familiar to us from the Windows 9x operating system, is in fact a very simplified version of the professional word processor Word. This program is produced by Microsoft and has come a long way in development over the years. Latest version The program is called Word 97, but versions of Word 95 and even more are also in use early version Word 6.0. Hereinafter we will talk about the general features of these programs, like Word 9x.

Window Word programs

The Word 9x window structure is typical for Windows applications. It includes the elements necessary for editing and formatting texts. At the top of the window there are command bars, which include menu bar And toolbars. After installing the program, by default there are two toolbars - Standard and Formatting. However, if during work the need arises for other toolbars, they can also be opened and positioned along any window border or separately.

Below the toolbars is located ruler, graduated in centimeters or inches. It helps you control the placement of page elements and manage formatting operations.

The main part of the window is occupied Workspace, containing the window of the document being edited. If the document window is expanded to cover the entire work area, then it coincides with the program window. Therefore, the window contains two sets of size control buttons. The top buttons relate to the program, and the bottom buttons to the document, and there is no need to confuse them.

The vertical scroll bar in Word 9x has a special feature. Below it are three additional jump buttons:

up and down the page or to a selected object, which can be a page, section, table, footnote, heading, picture, etc.

At the very bottom of the window there is status bar. It contains background information about the document and indicators indicating the current operating mode.

Document presentation modes

You should start learning Word 9x by downloading the finished document. Such a document must have an extension. DOC. After loading an arbitrary document, you can experiment with the modes of presenting the document on the screen. There are several such modes:

1. To the left of the horizontal scroll bar there are four buttons that allow you to select the type of display of the document in the work area.

2. The first button turns on normal mode. This mode is used for simple text input and editing. This mode does not display special page elements, graphics, or columns of text. This mode is intended only for working with text.

3. Electronic document mode(In this mode, buttons for selecting a document presentation method are not displayed on the screen, so this mode It’s easy to get in, but you can’t immediately figure out how to get out of it. You need to use the View menu. It contains necessary elements controls) is most convenient if we are talking not about editing, but about viewing the finished document. An additional panel with the contents of the document opens on the left. It gives a clear idea of ​​the structure of the document and provides a convenient transition to any section.

4. B markup mode The document appears on the screen exactly as it will appear when printed on paper. This mode is most convenient for formatting operations.

5. The last button opens the document in structure mode. This mode is convenient for working on a document plan (drawing, viewing, editing).

Working with multiple documents

Unlike its simplified counterpart, the WordPad processor, the Word 9x word processor allows you to work with several documents simultaneously. Each of them opens in its own window. These windows do not extend beyond the general program window, but may overlap each other. Word processor tools allow you to control the convenient placement of these windows on the screen and switch between them.

The active document window has its own buttons: collapsing: C, expanding: [E and closing: I - After collapsing, the document window is displayed as a small panel in the lower left corner of the work area. When maximized, the window occupies the entire working area of ​​the application window. The name of the current file is moved to the application title bar, and the window size control buttons are moved to the menu bar.

Individual document windows can be resized using the drag-and-drop method. This is done in the same way as resizing regular application windows.

To switch to the window of the desired document, you can click the mouse button anywhere in this window. If the desired window is completely covered by windows of other documents, then you can use the Window menu to switch. It contains items corresponding to each of the open documents.

Consistently switch between open windows documents using keyboard shortcuts. Use the combination CTRL+F6 to sort through windows in direct order, and CTRL+SHIFT+F6 - in reverse order.

Window command > Arrange All allows you to see all document windows in the workspace at once. In this case, the windows are located one above the other. They all take the same size, and their total height corresponds to the height of the work area. In this mode it is convenient to work only on monitors big size. On small monitors, a convenient trick is to fold out the windows cascade, but it is done manually.

Basic operations for entering and editing (editing) text are standard for all text editors and word processors, so getting to know such standard programs Windows 9x, like Notepad and WordPad, is already enough to learn how to use the same tools in the Word 9x processor.

1. The current document window always contains a blinking vertical bar - cursor. Text input is carried out by typing from the keyboard. The characters you type appear at the cursor location. The cursor moves to the right as you type (To ensure that the text you enter replaces, rather than shifts, previously existing text, include replacement mode. Switching the replacement mode is done by pressing the INSERT key or double-clicking on the ZAM indicator in the status bar).

3. When the right edge of the page is reached, the text automatically wraps to new line. To force a line to end and start a new paragraph, press ENTER.

Moving the cursor

4. The easiest way to place the cursor in the desired place in the document is to click the mouse at the desired point. The same can be done with the cursor keys. Other available keyboard shortcuts are shown in the accompanying table.

Working with text fragments

5. To delete, copy and move text fragments, the corresponding fragment must first be selected. A fragment is selected by dragging the mouse or any command to move the cursor while holding down the SHIFT key.

6. The selection is deleted by pressing the DELETE key or simply by typing the replacement text. Moving a fragment can be done by dragging and dropping, although it is much more convenient to use the clipboard.

Find and replace tools

When you work with long documents, you sometimes have to make repetitive changes to them. Word 9x has special tools for search And replacements. These tools allow you to find a fragment in the text specified in the form text string, and replace the specified line with new text. The search command is useful when you know what the paragraph you want is talking about, but you don't know where in the document it is located.

1. The Find and Replace dialog box is opened with the Edit command. > Find or use the combination CTRL+F. You can also click on the Select transition object button and select the Find icon in the panel that opens.

2. In the Find field, enter a fragment of the text you are looking for.

3. To set Extra options search, click on the More button.

4. Additional buttons Format and Special allow you to search for text formatted in a specified way and special “non-printing” characters. The search begins after clicking the Find Next button.

5. To automatically replace the found text, use the controls on the Replace tab.

6. The replacement string is entered in the Replace with field. The standard search and replace technique is that by clicking on the Find Next button, the next place where the specified string occurs in the document is searched, and then by clicking on the Replace button, the replacement is performed (if necessary). If you know in advance that the replacement should be made throughout the document and in all cases, you can immediately click on the Replace all button.

7. Use the Go tab controls to jump to specific text or an object, such as a specified page, footnote, or picture.

8. Select the object type in the Transition object drop-down list, and then specify its absolute or relative number in the Enter number field.

9. The transition is performed by clicking on one of the Next, Previous or Go buttons.

Canceling erroneous commands

As we know, it is human nature to make mistakes, and working in a word processor is no exception. Errors that lead to the loss of large fragments of text may require considerable time to correct, and if the original text has not been preserved, then the difficulties may be insurmountable.

The Word 9x word processor provides a kind of “insurance” against such errors. It allows you to undo erroneous commands and restore the document to a state prior to incorrect operations.

The last executed command can be canceled using the Edit - Undo command, the Undo button on the toolbar, or the keyboard shortcut CTRL+Z. Undo Series allows you to undo several previous commands.

You can also undo the last few commands by clicking the drop-down button next to the Undo button on the toolbar. This opens a list of commands that can be undone.

Cancellation involves restoring the state of the document to the way it was before the corresponding command was executed. Therefore, as you move down this list, cancelable commands are automatically selected. The selected commands are highlighted in color and the bottom line indicates total number cancelable commands. A group of commands can be canceled by clicking on the last command to be canceled.

If the operation was canceled by mistake, you can repeat it immediately after using the Edit-Redo command, the Redo button, or the CTRL+Y key combination. Performing this operation sequentially allows you to repeat a number of canceled commands. The Redo button, like the Undo button, has a drop-down list that allows you to repeat a group of commands.

Repetition of operations is possible only immediately after their cancellation. If you perform another operation, such as typing, instead, the list of repeated commands is cleared and the Redo button becomes inactive.

Determining the type and style of font

One of the simplest and, at the same time, most expressive ways of changing appearance text consists of changing the font in which it is written. True, application programs do not manage fonts installed on the computer - this is handled by the Windows operating system itself. Application programs in this matter they only rely on operating system, although they may create some additional special effects.

1. In Word 9x, by default, all font changes are applied to the selected text fragment or, if there is no selection, to the word on which the cursor is located. For simple operations on changing the type and style of the font, use the Formatting toolbar.

In the Font drop-down list, select the typeface, in the Font Size list, determine the size of the characters, and use the Bold, Italic and Underline buttons to change their style.

2. Effects that are not available from the Formatting toolbar can be created in the Font dialog box, which is opened with the format command > Font or point Font in context menu. At the bottom of all tabs in this dialog box is an example of text written according to the specified font settings.

3. The controls on the Font tab correspond to the controls on the Formatting toolbar. The Underline drop-down list provides custom options for underlining text (for example, a double line or a dotted line). The text display color can be changed in the Color drop-down list. This operation makes sense only for electronic documents and documents that will be printed on a color printer. Non-standard text design effects are created by checking the boxes in the Effects panel.

4. The Spacing tab controls allow you to change the spacing between characters. Thanks to this, the text can be condensed or sparse, which is often used in headings.

5. The Animation tab tools are used for dynamic text design, but only in electronic documents.

Paragraph alignment

The main semantic unit of a text is usually paragraph. Therefore, alignment commands and formatting operations are designed to change the appearance of individual paragraphs.

Alignment A paragraph is the arrangement of its text in accordance with given rules. Most often we are talking about horizontal text alignment, that is, its location between the right and left margins of the page.

1. When left aligned All lines of a paragraph begin at the same position, that is, the left edge of the paragraph forms a vertical line.

2. When right aligned the same can be said about the right border of a paragraph.

3. When width alignment Both the left and right borders are equal.

4. In case center alignment the lines are arranged symmetrically relative to the vertical axis passing through the middle of the page. This alignment is often used for headings.

5. Books, magazines and other printed publications and documents in Russian are traditionally formatted using width alignment. In English-language documents, only left alignment is used.

6. In Word, alignment is set by clicking on the corresponding button on the Formatting toolbar. Of the four buttons (Left, Center, Right, and Justify), only one can be enabled.

Formatting with a ruler

The ruler not only provides information about the layout of the document, but also powerful tool formatting. It allows you to control the side margins and tab stops of the current paragraph. Paragraph boundaries are set by moving (dragging) special markers.

1. The triangular marker located at the bottom left (pointing up) sets the left border for all lines of the paragraph except the first.

2. An inverted triangular marker at the top left sets the beginning line of the first line of a paragraph and allows you to create a paragraph indent.

3. The square marker under the ruler is a control that is always located directly below the triangular marker for the left paragraph border. When you drag it, both left border handles move together, maintaining their relative position. This special paragraph design can be used when formatting epigraphs, especially important fragments of text, quotes, and so on.

4. The triangular marker located on the right sets the right border of the current paragraph.

5. A ruler is also used to define tab stops. Tab stops are used when a row consists of several fields, for example in a simple table. By default, tab stops are spaced every half inch and are marked on the ruler with short vertical ticks.

6. The symbol indicating the tab stop is located on the ruler on the left. It looks like a “corner”. By clicking on it, you can change the appearance of the tab character and, accordingly, the method of displaying the text.

The selected tab character is set by clicking on the ruler. You can later change its position by dragging it. To remove a tab character, drag it outside the ruler. When you manually set a tab stop, all default tab stops that came before it are removed.

Automation of formatting.

In long documents, most paragraphs are formatted the same. More precisely, there are usually several paragraph formatting options that are reused within a document.

It's inconvenient to manually format a paragraph every time you change text, especially since you most likely already have a paragraph formatted the way you want. Word solves this problem by allowing you to create formatting according to the example, and also by applying predetermined formatting styles.

Formatting as a pattern

To perform formatting using a painter, you need to place the cursor on the paragraph that has the desired formatting method and click on the Format Painter button. You can then click on the paragraph whose format you want to change, and it will look exactly the same as the sample you selected.

If you need to change the format of several paragraphs, you need to double-click the Format by Sample button. After making all the necessary changes, you must again click on the Format by sample button or press the ESC key.

Formatting styles.

A formatting style is a set of all design parameters that determine the format of a paragraph. Available styles are listed in the Style drop-down list located on the Formatting toolbar. When you first start using Word, this list contains a list of default styles.

When you select one of the styles presented in this list, the format of the current paragraph (the paragraph in which the cursor is located) or the format of the selected fragment changes (From a computer point of view, a paragraph is any piece of text delimited on both sides by carriage return characters (code 13 ). This code is entered into the text whenever we press the ENTER key. This code is considered invisible, since it does not correspond to any letters. But you can still see it if you click on the Non-printable characters button.

Creating a style

Creating a style based on a sample

This is the most visual way to create a style. To do this, you need to format the paragraph, click on the Style field and enter the name of the new style. After this, the Style list will contain the name of the new style.

Changing the style

If you change the appearance of a paragraph that uses a particular style, and then click the Style box and press ENTER, the Override Style dialog box opens. You can use it to restore paragraph formatting to a previously defined style or change the style throughout the document. When you change a style, all paragraphs using that style are reformatted automatically.

Development of a new style

If you want to prepare a new style for use in a document, you should use the Format ^ Style command. In the Style dialog box, you can click New (to create a new style) or Edit (to change an existing one).

In the new Create Style (respectively, Change Style) dialog box, you can specify the name of the new style and indicate which of the existing styles is taken as the basis.

To change the design defined by this style, you need to click on the Format button and select the element to be formatted in the menu that opens.

If you enable the Add to template checkbox (Template is an official document with a DOT extension that contains a formatted sample document and controls specific to the document of this type(set of styles, customization of panels, etc.). By default, when creating a new document, the Normal template is used. dot), the created (edited) style is added to the standard Word template, after which this style can be used in other documents.

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