
Typical errors when working through Internet Explorer. Configuring Internet Explorer to work on ETP. Common errors when working through Internet Explorer Help installing Capicom

capicom object is a library that is responsible for recognizing and displaying an electronic digital signature certificate on a computer that uses an electronic digital signature.

It is he who is responsible for encrypting and decrypting data. Having a working capicom database is a prerequisite for working with electronic platforms, for example, Sberbank-AST.

There are two ways to install capicom - manual and automatic.

Automatic installation of Capicom

Initially, try using automatic installation. To do this, download the distribution archive from the official Microsoft website using this link Then do automatic installation by clicking on the required buttons in the dialog boxes that appear.

Perhaps after installation, when trying to get accredited on the ETP, you will see the following error messages “capicom object not installed” or “failed to load module capicom.dll”.

In this case, initially use the simplest method:

    Check your version Internet Explorer, because This browser is used to work with Sberbank-AST and other electronic trading platforms. A mandatory requirement is a software version of at least 6. Ideally, use latest version, on this moment This is Internet Explorer 10.

    Then look to see if there are any unnecessary blocking elements set in your browser's security settings that would prohibit access to the object.

    Check if there is more than 5 GB of free space on your hard drive in the required directory.

If all of the above points have been completed, but the problem remains, we recommend manually reinstalling capicom.

Manual installation of Capicom

First you need to delete it from the registry earlier installed base. To do this, open the registry operating system(enter into search Windows string word regedit and press Enter).

Reboot your computer after the operation has been completed.

Now you need to install capicom manually.

Instructions for Windows XP, Vista, 7-32 bit:

To install Capicom on Windows 7-64 bit:

Help installing Capicom

If you still have questions and your actions still show an error that capicom is not installed, contact our RusTender specialists and they will help with the installation.

LLC MKK "RusTender"

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To work correctly with the Rosreestr portal, when sending boundary and technical plans to the state cadastral register, you must have the freely distributed CAPICOM development kit on your computer. If it is not there, then it must be installed, since this package ensures the correct operation of the Internet Explorer with electronic digital signatures (EDS) and cadastral engineer certificates. This package does not work with other browsers. Therefore, I recommend everyone to send boundary and technical plans via software, which will save you from many errors and routine work, but let’s continue about the CAPICOM development toolkit.

The set of tools developed by CAPICOM is primarily used for:

  • displaying information about the digital signature and digital certificate,
  • adding or removing certificates,
  • for encryption and decryption of data
  • signature verification,
  • data signatures,
  • data hashing,
  • data processing for privacy purposes
  • code signing

This package must be present at the cadastral engineer’s workplace (computer). The exception is the computers on which they are installed for sending survey and technical plans to KSU. But if there are none and you send everything manually, then CAPICOM is required, since without it you will not be able to sign documents, XML files sent to the government services portal Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography, Rosreestr. This package allows you to sign an application at the last stage of sending documents through the Rosreestr portal. I remind you once again that this package only works with Internet Explorer; this package will not work with other browsers. For other browsers such as Mozilla, Chrome and the like, there are plugins from Crypto Pro. Read the following about installing Crypto Pro and plugins. To install the CAPICOM package, you just need to follow the provided link, select the language and click the “download” button. After downloading the file, install Platform SDK CAPICOM on your computer. If something is not clear, then take the time to read such sections as “System Requirements” and “Installation Instructions” on the CAPICOM page.

Also, this package is used by many other programs related to data encryption and signing.

The means to action merge with its results.O. Balzac

Capicom is an element developed by Microsoft as a component Windows systems, to ensure the functioning of security programs, which is based on the encryption of digital data. The component allows you to verify the authenticity of a digital signature. It itself can be used as a digital signature to display information about digital data certificates, as well as adding or removing certificates. Capicom can also be used to encrypt or decrypt data, protect messages, etc. Developed by Capicom to protect and secure cryptography-based applications.

Capicom is a 32-bit component. It can be used on operating platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. Currently, Microsoft this element does not support, but version Capicom is successfully used in cases where the user takes part in government procurement, in commercial auctions held on commercial trading floors in electronic form, for conducting commercial transactions with SberBank - ast, EEGP, MICEX - state . procurement of others, where signatures are used to sign transactions digital form. Therefore, if you expect to work in the e-commerce industry, you need to install Capicom.

The component is universal, it can be used for both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows using the appropriate version. And such a setting is mandatory for those who conduct trade transactions, otherwise there will be no access to the secure part of the site.

All actions related to installing Capicom and setting up your computer must be performed with permission administrative rights. To ensure successful installation, the following steps are recommended before surgery:

Disable programs that protect against viruses, as well as the firewall;

During installation, grant administrator rights to all users;

Open port 443 on the PC system;

When loading the program, you will need to restart the system, so to save all data, you must close the program;

1. Log in to the “Start” menu;

2. Click on “Control Panel”;

3. Click on “User Accounts”;

4. The next step is to replace the “Control Parameters” account" A window will open asking you to scroll to Never Notify.

The Capicom component must be installed based on the type of operating system. For Windows 32 bit, download Capicom V (0.35Mb). The archive with the file must be unpacked on the desktop and launched. After launch, a window will open on the screen notifying you about the installation of the component. After clicking the “Next” button, “ License agreement", which must be accepted. Following the system messages, we reach the final operation. After installation is complete, it is recommended to check the operation of the element and the correct settings for possible use of electronic digital signature. To check, let's go to the website of commercial trade areas in electronic version, determine one of the types of organizations with which we want to work. For example, let’s take the public procurement site. If all settings are correct, a warning from Capicom settings will appear on the computer screen that the site needs to access the digital certificate. Clicking “Yes” will get you started. If, when you try to access the website of a commercial trading organization, a warning appears about the inability to work with a digital signature, you need to additional settings component.

To do this, close the warning window and click on the message with a yellow stripe that pops up on the screen. After this, a menu opens, which, if approved, starts the setup. To successfully complete the operation, we perform everything according to the step-by-step instructions. The last action There will be an entrance to the site using an electronic digital signature. Sometimes this sequence has to be performed several times to successfully configure the component.

After the “Install Capicom” action has been completed, situations occur where the object does not work correctly. You may also experience errors when opening the Capicom library. In this case, you will have to perform actions aimed at rewriting the library. These steps begin with installing capicom.dll. After unzipping this file, you need to perform the settings offered by the program. If this does not help, you can further configure Capicom by following the instructions above.

If you need to install Capicom for Windows 64 bit, the element in this case is registered manually in the following sequence:


Drop the capicom.dll and capicom.inf files into the Windows system folder;

Conduct dll registration through start with transition to the “Run” operation.

As a result of these actions, a message indicating successful registration should appear.

There are often complaints from users who, after completing the installation of a component on their PC, when they want to enter the SberBank commercial platform - ast, receive an error notification. To eliminate this problem, you need to do the following:

Make sure that the browser is launched with administrator rights;

Check settings;

Check the browser version, which must be at least 6.

Today is current version IE 10, so the best option would be to download it to your computer from the Microsoft website.

It happens that when correct installation Capicom access to it is blocked by browser security settings, which is why you need to disable them before starting installation.

If all actions are performed correctly, there should be no more errors and there will be no problems associated with the use of an electronic digital signature.

This article is also searched for the query: capicom object not installed.

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