
Removing the “personal blog. Deleting a business account on Instagram - instructions for disabling How to remove statistics on Instagram and close

How to disable a business account on Instagram or, conversely, create / convert a page to a business format? See the detailed descriptions of these actions in the article below.

Instagram, which was once a symbol of glamorous life, has changed a lot over the past 5 years. Now this social network is not only a platform for the exchange of personal photos and videos, but also a platform where business develops. Especially bright Instagram fell in love with creative people. They can fully show their talent here, communicate with fans. And along with ephemeral likes and comments that indulge their pride, the stars receive very real incomes, replenishing the wallet. Business people are also actively settling in the social network. Instagram seems to be designed to host directories. Photo pages allow you to show a product or service in as much detail as possible, inform necessary information... There is an opportunity to advertise yourself in the target audience, but this is a separate topic.

In the meantime, let's look at how to create a business account on Instagram. There are two ways to do this: register a new business profile or transfer an already ready one to commercial rails. By the way, if you have already started an Instagram page, you can add four more to it. The network administration allows one user to have 5 accounts. They can be linked to each other, and then, having entered the network, switch without entering credentials.

Check out our guide "How to create a business account on Instagram":

    Open the app on your phone;

    Go to your profile;

    To go to the settings, click in the upper right corner on the horizontal ellipsis in the iPhone or on the vertical in the device in the Android phone (in some versions, on the "gear" icon);

    In the menu, find the command "Register a business profile";

    On the next screen, confirm your decision by clicking on the blue button "Create an account";

    Fill in the fields in the registration form: type in the company name and password for the new account (the old data will not work), click on the word "Next";

    You will be prompted to link a business page on Instagram with a Facebook profile, but the network administration assures that this is now optional, so you can skip the step. But the Facebook link is useful. For example, only there you can order and adjust the display of advertising;

    On the Customize Your Business Profile screen, add your company contacts;

    Finish the page creation by clicking on the "Finish" button.

An important condition for novice businessmen: your business account must be public, in other words, open. Closed profile can only be personal.

And further important information: in the regular web version of the Instagram website, it will not work to create a business page. This action is available exclusively for the phone. If you are thinking about how to create a business account on Instagram and use a PC, download and install a special Instagram app for computer. But it only works with operating system not lower than Windows 10. You can also try to use an emulator program that will create a semblance of a phone on your computer. The most popular of these is BlueStacks.

If you decide to move your Instagram account to a business, you will be given more options to post useful details about your company. A special button "Contact Information" will appear at the top of the business page. Here you can put the directions to your office, phone numbers, address Email... And the geographic address, if, of course, you indicated it during registration or transformation, will be shown in the profile under the company description.

If you want to improve communication on social networks, dream of promoting your page not only on Instagram, but also in other online communities, visit the website. This resource contains a wealth of information that will help you achieve your goal.

How to disable a business account on Instagram - detailed description

We looked at how to make a business page on Instagram, how to link it to a Facebook profile, how to convert a personal account into a business one, and what features will bring you a new status. You may have followed our advice and followed all the instructions successfully.

However, life has decreed that business has ceased to interest you. Then it is useful for you to learn how to disable a business account on Instagram. This operation is no more difficult to perform than a connection. They are very similar. Only as a result, you will again get your personal profile back and on this page you will be able to post publications not with products, but with cats. However, you will not see statistics anymore. But it can also be obtained in third-party applications.

So, how to return to your profile personal status or how to disable a business account on Instagram. You will have to use the phone, the computer does not have the necessary options. We act according to this plan:

    Open the Instagram application;

    Go to your business profile;

    In the upper right corner, click on the "gear" symbol (in devices based on iOS) or on three dots (in the phone on Android base), so we will go to the settings;

    Scroll through the menu until we see the option "Switch back to personal account", press;

    We confirm our desire to leave the business on Instagram again on the next screen.

That's it, you have implemented your decision. Now you are officially an ordinary Instagrammer, not a user who was running a business. If you change your mind and again want to become an entrepreneurial person with a business account, return to the beginning of our article to read the corresponding instructions. But keep in mind: the statistics accumulated earlier have already been lost forever.

If your Instagram account is linked to a Facebook business profile, you can break that link. To separate pages, it is more convenient to act through Facebook. Take the following steps:

    Log in to your Facebook profile;

    Open "Settings";

    Find the "Applications" tab on the left side, go to it to open a list of social networks linked to Facebook;

    Check Instagram;

    In the menu that appears, select the "Delete" command, now your Facebook profile is unlinked from your Instagram account.

This procedure can be performed in the reverse order: through the page on Instagram, refuse the link with Facebook.

If you decide to get views on Instagram for money, you can do it not only quickly, but also very profitably, since you can hardly find such cheap prices anywhere. Go to the proposed page and choose a service with the necessary criteria and the desired cost.

There is another solution for the operation "How to remove a business account on Instagram". It can be removed for a while or even permanently. However, this procedure cannot be done using the phone app. You will have to go to the site through a computer or mobile browser. You will find out all the details by reading our article "How to permanently delete an Instagram account from your phone and PC".

For those who want to return to their personal profile, we will tell you how to remove a business account on Instagram. This type of profile is designed specifically for the owners of online stores and everyone who offers services from their page.

It provides the following benefits:

  • adding contact information: phone number, address;
  • access to statistics social network;
  • narrowly targeted advertising, thoughtful marketing.

But there are also some disadvantages, and here are some of the reasons why users want to remove a business page on Instagram:

  • incorrect work of the page due to a large number of users;
  • cross-posting works with errors, some entries are sent to the wrong address
  • Insta does not always recognize the required Facebook page;
  • you cannot close the profile.

This is interesting: we'll tell you how to make igtv on Instagram in another review.

How to remove

After converting your account to a business profile, you can switch it back to personal at any time. This is easier than it sounds. To make sure of this, we will give instructions on how to disable a business account on Instagram.

From the phone

To return to your personal profile from the mobile application:

From PC

You cannot disable a business profile through the browser version of Instagram, but you can use the Android emulator for Windows. We are using BlueStacks.

You will learn how to make a countdown by following the link.

Instructions on how to remove a business profile from a computer on Instagram:

  1. Open the emulator and install Instagram on it;
  2. Open the program and log in to it;
  3. Click on the icon in the lower right corner to go to the profile page;
  4. From above, select three horizontal stripes;
  5. Click on the gear, the settings open;
  6. Find the section "Switch back", press to return;
  7. It remains to confirm the transition in the window that opens.

Ready! Agree, nothing difficult. Find out what the best friends mean in the app in another article.

An important point is that you can disable the company's business profile on Instagram only after the completion of the launched promotions.

What do you lose

After deleting a business account, the user loses some of the features that were previously available:

  • The statistics are reset. When you switch, the statistics of coverage, views, information about subscribers are erased. Absolutely. Even if you go back to the business profile again, the statistics of past publications will not be saved.
  • There is no way to launch promotions. This is a business profile privilege.
  • There is no Contact button. You can no longer add contact information about your organization.

Now it is clear how to turn off a business account on Instagram. To do this, you just need to look at the settings. The transition operation can be repeated as many times as you like. But it should be borne in mind that the transition erases data on statistics.

And if you change your mind and want to switch back to a business profile, then see how to do it in the video.

The popularity of business pages is growing every day. But at the same time, many, having tried, abandon this idea, wanting to return to their account the previous look or permanently delete it. The information presented below will be useful to everyone who wants to get involved in commercial activities in the vastness of the social network.

A little about a business account

After the appearance of this option, many users immediately wanted to use it. But it turned out that in this mode the data on the page cannot be made private. In addition, communication with Facebook sometimes works quite poorly, posts are sent not at all to the place where they were originally planned, etc. Among other emerging problems, it is worth noting the influx of bots on open page and many commentators with, to put it mildly, inadequate thoughts.

According to experienced bloggers, connecting a business account has a negative impact on reach. As a result, additional funds have to be invested to promote the page.

Many people are interested in the question of how to untie Facebook from Instagram. In this case, it is best to carry out the process by going to the Facebook page. Here's a more convenient menu. So, the following steps should be performed sequentially:

  1. You need to go to your Facebook page on the social network.
  2. Find and open the "Settings" section.
  3. In the "Applications" tab, find a list of social networks linked to the page.
  4. Delete the Instagram page.
  5. After pressing the appropriate key, you will need to confirm your decision.

Note! You can perform a similar procedure by going to the Instagram page. But you will need to remove the link to the Facebook page.

How to disable a business profile on Instagram

Sometimes, by chance, a business activity may cease to be relevant to its owner. Then the question arises of how to disable your business account on Instagram. Do not worry, it is quite easy to do this, especially for those who have previously connected, because the steps of the operation will be very similar. The final will be the return of a personal page where you can post everyday news.

Note! As a result of returning the personal status to the profile, statistics will disappear, it is available only for business accounts. True, it can be returned using third-party applications.

In order to switch your account on Instagram for personal status, you need to use your personal mobile device. A PC will not help in this case, there are no necessary options. The action plan is as follows:

  1. Should open mobile app Instagram.
  2. Then go to the current business profile.
  3. There will be a special symbol in the upper corner. For Android operating systems there are three dots, for iOS it is a "six".
  4. Below on the menu there will be a section for switching to a personal account. You just need to click on it.
  5. As a result of the actions taken, a request for confirmation of the desire to leave the business will pop up on the next screen. Confirm.

After confirming the seriousness of intentions, the page will be transferred to the status ordinary users... By the way, if desired, the business profile can be restored.

How to delete a business account on Instagram

  1. Go to the page from your computer and open the deletion page.
  2. Among the options provided, select the reason why the account is deleted.
  3. Click on the "complete delete" button.

Note! You can delete a profile only after choosing a reason. It is also important to consider your decision, because recovery will be impossible.

It is important to remember that deleted account impossible to recover. All data, subscribers, photos, etc. will be deleted completely, finally, and they cannot be returned in any way. Therefore, do not rush to click on the delete button.

If the procedure is performed, email address becomes free, it can be used to create a new profile, but under a different name. For people who doubt the advisability of such actions, there is another option that will allow you to block without the need to delete. It can be done through the sequence of the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to go to the official web portal com. For this, both a mobile browser and a PC are suitable.

Note! Blocking, like deleting, is not possible through the application installed on the phone. It should only be performed on the website.

  1. Having entered the portal, you should find the button for editing the profile and click on it.
  2. In the menu that opens, in the lower corner of the display there will be a button for temporarily blocking the account. It is on it that you should click.
  3. As a result of this action, a list of reasons for which the procedure is being performed will appear. You should select one of them and specify a password.
  4. Everything, temporary blocking is available. You need to click on the corresponding button again.

A locked profile, unlike a deleted one, can be restored at any second. It is activated by a simple entrance.


Having decided to remove a business account, it is worth remembering that it is not always necessary to delete it. Sometimes you just need to change your profile from "business" to regular. This will allow you to post any posts and get rid of bots and inadequate personalities. For those who decide to delete, there is a chance of temporary blocking, which allows, if necessary, to return to the social network, saving all the data.

Despite the popularity of business accounts, users sometimes want to return the account to its normal appearance and wonder how to remove a "personal blog" on Instagram. There is nothing complicated in this, you just need to take into account a few points.

Things to consider before removing a "personal blog" on Instagram

It is impossible to remove the gray inscription in the profile description while simultaneously saving the business account. To do this, the user will need to return the Insta page to its normal form, abandoning business functions.

An important point - after the page returns to its normal form, all accumulated statistics on followers and publications will be lost. Even if the user later again decides to make a business account out of their blog, the statistics will begin to be collected again.

How to remove a "personal blog" on your phone in Instagram: instructions

To return the account to a normal, custom view, you will need:

How to remove a "personal blog" from Instagram on a computer - instructions

On a PC with an operating room Windows system 10, you can install the official app. With its help, it will not be possible to transfer your profile to a business account, but it is quite possible to return everything to its usual form, for this you will need:

  1. Open the app and click the gear icon.

  2. On the right side of the menu, find and select "Switch back ...".

  3. Confirm your decision.

  4. Account changed.

How do I change the "personal blog" label?

An Instagram business account offers a choice of about a hundred subcategories (labels). If the whole problem is that the user is not satisfied with the text of the inscription, then it can be changed without abandoning the business functionality. This will require:

  • Go to your Facebook profile and click on the arrow icon in the upper right corner.

  • In the drop-down menu, select the "Page Management" item.

  • In the list of pages, select the one that is tied to Instagram.

  • Click three horizontal points in the window that opens.

  • Select the "Edit" item.

Instagram's features seem to be almost unlimited. Each update brings a cool new feature that makes the app easier to use and helps you get the most out of the app.

More than a year ago, Instagram decided to provide users with more opportunities to implement their business, and at the same time put money in their pocket. To do this, he created From now on, all pages are divided into two types - personal and business.

At some point, you may want to move from your sales profile back to your personal and peaceful corner. I just got tired, the case did not burn out - there are many reasons. You will learn how to switch to a personal Instagram account in this article.

What is a personal account?

A personal account is your island of silence. You make the rules yourself. You decide who to open access to it, and leave it closed for it. In a business account, on the contrary, you are in full view. Want to close your profile? Will not work. Since the transition to the company profile makes you a public user.

The personal page has more advantages besides privacy:

  • If you sell something from a personal account, then the percentage of potential buyers automatically increases. The psychological factor works - people are more comfortable buying from someone they know and see. Even at a distance on a social network. They see a specific person, they know the face of the one who is behind all this. A chain is built that leads to a decision to buy a product or service from you.
  • A personal account has no restrictions and frameworks for posting content. Want a product photo, but want a family photo. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious.

But besides the pros, there are also disadvantages:

  • Statistics are not available to you. You will not be able to find out and analyze the result of the activity of your page. Indicators such as reach, attendance, audience data are closed to you.
  • You will not be able to launch and promote your publications.

How do I switch to a personal Instagram account?

If you need to go back to your personal account, then follow the instructions:

  • go to your page settings;

  • scroll to the "Account" section;

  • select "Switch back to personal account".

Done, now your page does not have a business status and can be made private.

Why can't I switch?

Some users may experience difficulties when switching. If you are unable to return your account to its previous status, then this problem may have several reasons:

  1. Check your Facebook business page. It may be blocked. If the assumption is confirmed, then simply unlink the blocked profile from Instagram. You can do it like this:
  • visit the FB section called Ads Manager;
  • go to settings;

  • on the left in the column select "Pages";

  • a list of Instagram accounts will appear in front of you, select the one you need;
  • click on the "gear" on the right and go to Instagram;
  • scroll down and click Disconnect;

  • wait a bit for the update to take effect, it should take some time.
  1. You may have incomplete promotions and ad campaigns.
  2. Application glitch. Reload it.
  3. If none of the points suits you, then contact technical support.


A personal account is right for you if you only want to share your photos with a specific circle of people. Depending on how willing you are to initiate others into your life, the page can be open or closed. But the business profile is a different matter. He makes you be the center of attention. Everyone can view the content, subscribe and unsubscribe freely. Not everyone likes such "freedom" from outsiders, and from publicity they want to go back behind their own private walls.

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