
Removing push notifications from websites in the Chrome browser

Many services providing push notification services began to appear, many sites began to hang banners on their sites asking them to turn on notifications. Everywhere you go there is a request for notifications, something needs to be done about it.

In this example we will use the Chrome browser. The settings are similar in the Yandex browser. You can either unsubscribe from a specific site or block all sites from sending you notifications. This will get rid of the many pop-ups that ask you to allow access to alerts.

I've already signed up for alerts

To get rid of notifications from a specific site, right-click on any of its notifications and select “disable notifications from...”

I see on many sites the request "the site is asking for permission to Show alerts"

Let's get rid of them once and for all, you will never see these windows again on sites that harass you. Just follow the instructions below.

Select the Chrome menu -> Settings

Scroll down to “Alerts” and turn the switch to “Do not show notifications on sites”

These settings do not affect notifications in add-ons. That is, if you are using the PushAll add-on, this setting will not affect it; you can also set up exceptions to the rules for certain sites.

If you don't like the browser notifications from sites, you can change your mind about them by looking at the channel catalog on our website

Our approach to notifications focuses on user convenience. You can filter alerts based on your interests, receive notifications about the release of articles you are interested in or voice-overs of your favorite TV series.

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