
Remotely manage your Mac using the Screen Sharing system solution. How to remotely access a Mac from an external computer Remote access to a mac os x computer

OS X has one great system solution, Screen Sharing. It allows you to remotely connect to another Mac and, for example, identify and fix problems on it. This feature is supported by any version of OS X. Setting up Screen Sharing is very simple.

For simplicity, let's call the Mac that we will fumble a server, and the Mac from which we will carry out remote control a client.

First you need to set the settings for remote access on the Mac server:

  • Open " System Settings" and select " General access».
  • Select the “Share screen” checkbox.
  • Set permissions for specific people to access the shared Mac by selecting “Allow access: only these users.”
  • Remember the IP address you will connect to.

To connect to a Mac server from another Mac, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Press Command+K in Finder.

  • Enter vnc:// into the “Server Address” field, and then enter the Mac address of the computer you are connecting to remotely. For example, vnc://dhcp113-office.corp/
  • Go through the authentication procedure and get remote access to the Mac server.

Now the Mac client is connected to the server and you will quickly see a window with the Mac server screen. You will have full access to the remote Mac. There may be a slight temporary lag, but if you have a fast enough Internet connection or control your computer from the same local network, you will hardly notice it.

In Mountain Lion, you can share a single computer with multiple "clients". Of course, if you want to screencast in live, then it is better to use Google Hangouts for these purposes.

Finally, we note that starting with version OS X 10.8, it is possible to share files between shared Macs using the drag’n’drop method.

Over the past decade, Apple has focused heavily on creating portable computers. This doesn't just apply to laptops, either. Take a look at the Mac Mini for another example. Even the trashcan-style Mac Pros are much more portable than older Mac Pro models.

Portable or not, sometimes you want to access your Mac remotely. There are many different ways do this, but we were going to look at a few simple ways.

Setting up a Mac for remote access

To log into and control your Mac remotely, you first need to configure it so that you can do so. For security reasons, this is disabled by default.

There are several in various ways remote login on Mac and they are enabled differently. If you're logging in from another Mac, you'll need to enable remote control.

Open System Preferences and then find the Sharing settings menu. In the menu on the left, enable remote control. Here, select Observe and then select Control. Below, enable the permissions you want to have when logging in remotely.

If you also want to be able to log in from Windows or Linux, click Computer Settings in this menu, then Enable VNC viewers can control the password screen and enter the password.

If you only want to log in from Windows or Linux, you can instead enable VNC login via the Screen Sharing setting in the left menu.

Optional: Set up your Mac for SSH access

If you want to access your Mac from a terminal, you can also enable SSH access. To set this up, open System Preferences and go to the Sharing menu.

Here, simply check the box next to “Remote Login.” By default, only administrators will be able to access the Mac via SSH and SFTP. You can set this for all users if you want, but it's a bit more dangerous.

Remote access to your Mac

Now that your Mac is ready for remote access, let's take a look at a few ways you can do it.

Apple Remote Desktop

Even though this Apple app, it is not included in macOS by default and is far from free. If you want to use Apple Remote Desktop, you will need to buy it for $79 at App Store. If you are managing big amount Mac computers, it may be worth it, but it's overkill for home users.


There are many VNC clients for Mac, Windows and Linux. All this will allow you to remotely access your Mac. TightVNC is a free option that is available for Windows systems and Unix and is known to work with the macOS VOS server. RealVNC is another option.

To connect, simply enter your Mac's IP address. This is visible when configured to allow remote connections. Enter the password you set for the connection.


If you want to connect from a Mac but don't want to pay for Apple Remote Desktop, Screens 4 is good alternative. It works with Apple Remote Management, but is available at a much lower price of $29. 4 Screens is also available for iPad for just $19.99.


Being able to log in remotely on a Mac can be very convenient. Just remember that if you can log into your computer remotely, so can someone else. Every door you leave open on your computer could potentially be used by someone else.

To see how wrong this is, refer to the Remote Worker Protocol Windows desktop. We've previously looked at how easily this service can be used against you. With any remote access, it is always best to only use it when necessary.

Remote monitoring and control for the caring family man.

Situation. In your home there is a “family” Mac computer that everyone in the household has access to: you, your spouse, your children. And as a caring husband and father, you want to keep control of everything that your favorite users do. At the same time, without leaving the cozy atmosphere of the “sofa mood” and remaining “in the shadows”.

Another option is remote assistance without leaving your workplace. When asked “how to crop a photo or send a letter,” you just need to press a couple of keys.

What is needed for observation. In order to watch what is happening on the screen in real time, it is enough to have:

  • any iOS or Android device, computer or laptop running any OS;
  • mobile VNC client (for iOS, Android);
  • know the login and password from account user;
  • connecting all devices to one Wi-Fi network.

As an illustrative example, we will consider the option of setting up remote control in combination: iPhone - Mac and Mac - Mac.

Setting up remote control

On Mac "victims"

The OS X operating system allows you to access the screen without the need to install additional software. On the computer that you plan to “survey”, open the following menu: Settings - Sharing.

In the proposed list of services, check the box next to the item Remote control. Opposite the point Allow access select an option All users. Then go to Options.

In the menu that opens, check the boxes next to those items that you consider appropriate. The settings with a real “spy kit” look like in the proposed screenshot.

By turning on monitoring and control, you can remotely control the computer, but at the same time hide from the user that they are connected to the Mac. Further actions on the part of the remote control device are kept to a minimum with the sole purpose of remaining undetected.

The final stage of settings on Mac is going to the menu Computer settings.

Here you only need to check one box next to the item Any user can request permission to control the screen.

On your iPhone

To organize remote control from an iPhone, you only need one free application VNC client.

For reference: Abbreviation VNC stands for Virtual Networking Computing and is a system for remote access to a computer desktop using an additional device.

The connection is organized on the server-client principle. In the OS X operating system, the VNC server part is organized by default (we included it in the first part of the instructions), and any appropriate application is selected as the client (monitoring software).

One of the simplest and most effective VNC clients to use is the product of the RealVNC company - free client VNC Viewer.

If you wish, you can use any other application. Settings for such software are kept to a minimum and are unlikely to cause difficulties.

Immediately after installation, launch VNC Viewer and, being on the tab Address Book, add a new connection by tapping on “+” in the upper right corner of the screen.

To find out your Mac's IP address, in OS X, re-open Settings - Sharing and highlight (single click) the enabled service Remote control. The required IP address will be indicated in the corresponding line.

In the VNC Viewer client on iPhone, enter the IP address and give the connection any name. Click Save. A new connection will be created immediately and before you start monitoring, pay attention to the point View Only.

It is recommended to enable this slider, since this is how you can avoid displaying a cursor on the computer screen that is being monitored and act “undercover”, observing the screen, but not participating in control. Depending on the bandwidth of your router, select the image display quality (data exchange takes place on a local network without access to the Internet).

Click Connect. The application will warn you that the connection is not encrypted and data transfer may be unsafe (slider Warn me every time can be disabled). We don’t pay attention and press Continue.

Now you need to specify the exact username and password for your account specific user. Be sure to respect the case of letters! To avoid entering a password every time you connect, turn on the slider next to the item Remember Password and press Done

In a few seconds, the iOS device will connect to the computer and you will be able to see everything that is happening on the screen in real time. To call the toolbar, just perform the piles from bottom to top.

note that the keyboard and mouse toolbar only works in Control mode. You can enable it by turning off the View Only slider in the connection dialog box.

Control your Mac from another Mac

To organize remote control from another Mac, no additional software is required. Turning on Remote control on the computer that will be monitored, on the Mac that will monitor what is happening, open Finder.

Find a category in the side menu General access. Make sure this category is active by opening the menu Finder - Settings and checking the boxes next to the item Connected servers And Access to my Mac.

Double-click the specified computer, and then select General screen in the top left corner.

Then enter your login and password for your account Mac recordings which will be monitored.

When connecting for the first time (without witnesses), for of this connection switch the mode to Observe.

note that any click from the observing computer will appear on the screen of the monitored Mac as follows:

That is why, when working in a Mac-Mac connection, we recommend abandoning the control functions. You need to disable it on the server computer by opening Settings – Sharing – Remote Control – Options and uncheck the box next to the item Control.

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Smartphones and tablets have long ceased to be the “little brothers” of desktop PCs for the majority of users who devote more time to mobile gadgets. And this is not surprising, because when iPhone help or iPad, you can solve almost the same tasks as on desktop computer or laptop. But it is still far from completely ousting the latter from our lives.

Indeed, even landline phones, which were predicted to disappear completely a dozen years ago, are still used today, including in developed countries. And we all have to use sometimes mobile phone as a "home" A similar situation often arises with a PC - in order to manage a desktop system, it is not at all necessary to sit at a computer; you can use one of the solutions listed below to receive from a mobile device.

Parallels Access (649 rubles per year)

main feature this application is that it offers the user its own desktop interface with icons of programs installed on a desktop PC. At the same time, it allows you to work with packages such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, etc. That is, by connecting your iPhone or iPad to your PC, you can run these programs like regular mobile applications. In addition, you can work with them through gestures, and your fingers will replace the cursor. If there is a need for precise eyeliner or use of function keys, you can call on-screen keyboard or virtual cursor. The only condition for quality work Parallels Access— stable high-speed Internet connection. The application itself is free, but after 14 days of use you will need to purchase a subscription.

Download Parallels Access for iPhone and iPad (App Store).

Microsoft Remote Desktop (free)

utility Remote Desktop Connection for all kinds of platforms, using the proprietary protocol of the same name, it can hardly be called the most functional (third-party developers release solutions with more wide possibilities based on the same RDP protocol), but it is characterized by stable operation and a relatively high level of security. Having installed Microsoft Remote Desktop on your iPhone, iPad or Mac, you can access apps, libraries, documents, network devices and more remote computer running Windows.

TeamViewer: Remote Control (free)

A simple, free and secure solution for controlling a remote PC via iPhone or iPad. To start a session you just need to install mobile app to your iDevice and download the utility for Mac OS X, Windows or Linux for free from the official website of the developers. Establishing a connection does not take much time and allows you to manage the desktop operating system, send and receive files, use the clipboard, broadcast audio and video, turn on/off the remote PC, etc.

Screens VNC (649 rubles)

A “sit down and go” application. To establish remote control over your computer from anywhere in the world, you don’t need to perform any complex operations - just install it on a desktop running OS X or Windows in advance special programScreens Connect, and also purchase in the App Store app Screens VNC for 649 rubles (979 rubles in the Mac App Store). After you fill out a short form and establish a connection with your PC, it is automatically synchronized via iCloud and subsequently you can simply click on the previously created connection and enter the password.

Remote desktop iTeleport (799 rubles)

Another utility that can satisfy the needs of both amateurs and professional network administrators. With its help you can connect to any number of computers running operating systems Windows, OS X and Linux using any VNC server, including proprietary development - iTeleport Connect. Separately, it is worth noting the performance of the application - with a stable Internet connection iTeleport allows you to work with heavy graphic editors, games and other programs, while supporting high-resolution monitors (including 4K). Another feature of the program is the display of the function keys of the system to which this moment connection is made.
Download "iTeleport Remote Desktop" for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch (App Store).

Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop (169 rubles)

One of the most versatile and popular (among paid) applications in this collection. Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop allows you to broadcast audio and video in high resolution, work with data libraries on a PC, switch between monitors, supports almost any connected device, gesture control, cloud synchronization of connections, etc. Like iTeleport, this application is characterized by high performance and the ability to transfer large amounts of data without loss. The only caveat is that many of the program’s functions are not available in normal mode and are in-app purchases.

According to a recent study, the number of computers in Russia is more than 50 million. At the same time, 2% of citizens have two or more PCs at their disposal. If we add users of iPhone, iPad and other iOS devices, the numbers will be even more impressive.

Adding up these indicators, we can understand that many Internet users need to gain remote access from one PC to another, regardless of its location - in the next room or in another part of the city.

Users not only need remote access, but also the ability to control the computer, run applications, etc. Perhaps someone will need to dig up an old mail archive and run backup or use the database from another machine. The home may need management. There are many options.

Fortunately, there are several ways to make these connections. They can be strictly divided into five categories:

  1. Tools built into OS X, including Screen Sharing and Back to my Mac;
  2. Instant messaging services such as iChat or Skype;
  3. Special services such as ;

For the sake of simplicity, we will only consider visual connections and omit remote control using a “safe shell” ().

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to decide which option is right for you. And even if you choose a method, it may not always work.

Why is it so difficult?

Remotely managing a Mac from another computer on the same local network is not difficult: Bonjour and others network solutions cope with this with a bang. Remote control via the Internet is an art. Many hardware and software components of the Greater Network make it difficult to connect computers.

Typically, home networks are built using two technologies - broadcasting network addresses(NAT) and Dynamic Configuration Protocol (DHCP), which provide Internet access different computers from one IP address and provide a kind of buffer to protect against access from outside. This makes connecting to computers more difficult.

DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to computers on a local network. NAT translates these network addresses using a router to the Internet so that all traffic from those computers comes from a single public address. On business networks, firewalls and other filters control and further complicate external access to local computers.

Some means remote connection(in particular, special services Back to my Mac, GoToMyPC or LogMeIn) solve this problem by connecting directly to NAT software and then laying out direct routes on the Internet.

Other solutions (including OS X's built-in Screen Sharing and VNC) require port mapping. Port mapping can be compared to a sunbeam: if you direct a beam of light into a mirror, it is “automatically” reflected and illuminates an object. If a ray reflected from a mirror hits a person, then he will think that the light comes from the place where the mirror is located. In other words, with the help of redirection, all data is transferred without any distortion to another computer, which can be located anywhere.

If you are using base station AirPort with the NAT-PMP protocol (port forwarding protocol with network address translation), or a third-party IP router with UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) technology, then you will not have any difficulties. Additional software or will also come to your aid. (can create a persistent connection between local networks to use Bonjour).

Manual configuration of port mapping is possible, but this system is not flexible and requires technical training. You need to know what port each service uses, how to assign permanent addresses/names to computers on the network, and your external IP address.

The right way

To understand which remote connection method is right for you, you need to know all aspects of this technology:

Safety: All options listed above except VNC securely encrypt the remote connection. If you choose VNC, you will need to take additional security measures when using public networks (such as Wi-Fi).

Price: The most reliable options cost money. In LogMeIn, GoToMyPC or Timbuktu Pro board takes on every computer. Back to my Mac is less expensive (the cost of a MobileMe subscription) but doesn't always work.

Multiple monitors: Different software packages Remote control systems organize support for multiple monitors in different ways, both on the remote machine and on your machine. For example, with VNC you can only see main screen in system; Screen sharing via iChat compresses the image from the remote machine's monitors onto one screen.

Channel width: Some solutions automatically adjust the image quality of the remote screen to your Internet connection. Other programs support manual adjustments (for example, you can reduce the number of colors and image quality) to make it easier to manage your computer.

File sharing: You may only need remote control, but remote file access is also important. Some of the services listed above offer convenient access to files on a remote machine.

iOS support: With LogMeIn and VNC, you can connect to your Mac directly from your iPhone or iPad.

In the following articles I will describe each remote connection method in more detail. In some cases, depending on your needs, you can use several methods at once. But first of all, of course, these are native OS X remote control tools.

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