
Remove efi partition. How to remove EFI partitions on Mac OS. Repairing EFI bootloader and BCD in Windows

Sometimes when you plug in a USB drive it shows EFI and FAT32/NTFS. It's strange that if your USB is in this state, it's better to fix the format before using it to transfer data, as people might get confused about all the two new partitions showing up on their PC.

But Windows" Disk management does not allow you to delete this section. When you go to Disk Management by right-clicking on the problematic USB drive, you will find that all the options are greyed out. You can't delete volumes, and you can't "Shrink Volume" or "Expand Volume" to merge with other partitions.

It's OK. There is another way: command line DiskPart to help.

Launch command line How Administrator> type


Then you want to list all the drives connected to your computer, enter the following command: DiskPart

List of disks

It displays all the drives on your system. Find your USB drive and select the drive

Select drive x (drive #)

Here is my USB drive showing as Disk 2, so for me I enter " select disk 2", Yours may be different.

Then enter


To completely erase the disk. It is normal if sometimes the DiskPart report found an error: The system cannot find specified file. Additional information see the system event log.

As long as Disk Management shows all unallocated data for the USB drive, you have successfully destroyed the USB drive. This time it's time to prepare for reformatting.

Depending on your USB needs, FAT32 is a common universal format that is suitable for storing files on OS platforms.

That's all. Now your USB will no longer show two partitions when connected to a PC. You have successfully deleted EFI partition.

I came across a strange one HDD, it seems there was Linux or MacOS. I deleted all the partitions, but one, standard means(Disk Utility and Disk Management) could not reach 200 meters.

IN context menu paragraph Delete volume... inactive.

Delete an encrypted EFI partition in Windows 7 you can use a console program diskpart.

1. Launch cmd as administrator

2. Enter in cmd – diskpart. Will start diskpart in a new window

list disk – look at the list of disks
select disk # – select required disk. Instead of # we indicate the disk number
clean – removes all partitions or volumes on the disk
list partition – checks that all partitions have been deleted

4. Check the result in Disk management.

5. All partitions have been deleted.

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The situation is as follows. Every time we try to install operating system UEFI on Hackintosh or Apple computers– it creates a partition on the selected EFI disk partition, which will subsequently be displayed in the BIOS. It doesn’t matter whether you installed Windows on your Hackintosh or not - the partition has already been created.

EFI partitions are created by:

  • OS X loaders for Hackintosh;
  • Windows with UEFI installation;
  • Linux with UEFI installation;

Since almost all are modern motherboards With UEFI bios, then almost everyone is susceptible to this phenomenon. I tried to install Windows several times without success, which created a number of EFI sub-partitions on each partition. In the list you can see 3 EFI NO NAME sections, which I need to delete.

And everything would be fine, well, just think, they hang in the BIOS list and hang, but the difficulty was as follows. I was left with an unmarked space on the disk that, due to these EFI subpartitions, did not want to be attached to the disk.

I would like to note that you can format partitions to which EFI is attached in a Mac as many times as you like - it will not bring any result. Even when you reformat to NTFS, the partitions remain - you can see this in the growing list in the BIOS with each installation from UEFI, and subsequently it becomes increasingly difficult for the BIOS to determine the correct option from the boot list and instead of starting the system we see a black screen, the same reaction It may also be when calling up the settings of the BIOS itself and the BOOT MENU.

I searched the Internet for a long time on this issue, but unfortunately I never found any working answer!

  • Many people suggest formatting to NTFS, but this does not solve the issue - Windows does not erase EFI; they continue to appear in the list;
  • They write to do a lot of things through the terminal, but unfortunately that doesn’t work either.
  • One of the torrents even offers to remove it using R-Studio. It actually sees all partitions, but does not delete anything.

Quit Disk Utility if it is open! Enter the line into the terminal:

defaults write DUDebugMenuEnabled 1

This line will enable the Debug menu item

But in fact, everything is on the surface and you just had to look through the disk utility menu. Let's move on to the solution.

To complete the task, we need the good old disk utility, which is available before 10.9 Mavericks; Yosemite and El Capitan simply don’t have it, and the function we need is cut out from the new utility.

But enthusiasts helped us and the old disk utility is now available to us. Download old disk utility for Yosemite and El Capitan

Download, transfer the utility to programs and launch. On this moment There are no hidden partitions in the sidebar, even if we mount them using EFI, we will not be able to edit or delete them.

Go to the top panel of the disk utility settings -> Debug -> And check “Show every partition”, this is the function that is responsible for showing hidden partitions.

After which we are shown hidden sections. For me these sections were called NO NAME, you may have noticed in the upper screenshots. that there were 3 of them. How to delete!

Select the section -> go to the Erase tab and format it into the usual “Mac OS Extended (journaled)”, after which the section will be available for editing. We repeat the operation for other unnecessary sections.

But don’t even think about deleting the topmost partition, which is signed by EFI - this is the Mac OS bootloader, without it the system will not start. If you still deleted it before turning it off, be sure to install it again.

After that, select the entire hard drive -> go to the tab, select unnecessary partitions and click minus “-” to delete.

Then we free any partition of the hard drive, format it, and delete it by pressing the minus sign. After all that has been done, click “+” and create a new partition; this sequence will help to attach all unallocated hard disk space to the partition.

As a result, we again type in the terminal diskutil list to show all partitions on your hard drive.

As you can see, the issue has been resolved. The HDD has only one most important EFI partition with a bootloader. Entries in the BIOS from the list of bootloaders are also deleted.

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