
Install a local Denwer web server. How to create a local server? Deploying a local server on Windows Local web server with php and mysql support

Apparently, many users computer systems of any type they know that you can create a local server on your computer yourself in a matter of minutes. True, not everyone has a clear understanding of the basic methodology for carrying out all the steps. So let's try to give at least partial information on how to create a local server and adapt it to your own needs.

The concept of a local server

In general, initially you need to clearly differentiate the local servers being created by type. In addition to the most commonly used web servers, you can create and configure game servers, proxies, and even DNS servers yourself. Everything depends only on what specific function will be assigned to one or another component.

However, in most cases, all these components have one thing in common: they are created initially on local machines in the first stages without being placed on a remote hosting, which allows them to be configured and edited directly on their own computer terminals.

Now we will try to consider questions regarding how to create and configure a local server on a computer, depending on its type and purpose

Software selection

Basically, the choice software- a personal matter for each user. It is worth noting here that if, for example, when creating a local web server, only hypertext markup languages ​​like HTML or CSS are used, there is no point in installing additional software packages, since any Internet browser “understands” them perfectly.

It’s another matter when scripts written, say, in PHP act as additional components. Once you use them, the browser can no longer cope. This is where specialized software comes in handy. As for proxies, DNS and game servers, the situation here is also ambiguous. Somewhat later we will look at the simplest applications for creating and configuring them, but for now let’s focus on the main issue concerning standard local web servers.

How to create a local server: installing and configuring the Denwer package

If you decide to start creating a local server for subsequent hosting on a remote hosting, naturally, you will need some kind of tool. Most often, when searching for relevant software on the Internet, users receive a redirect to download software package Denwer, which is a domestic product and is also quite simple to understand and work with.

It contains everything necessary tools like Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, sendmail, etc. The only drawback is that you will additionally have to install special engines, like in the simplest version.

So, creating a local server begins with launching the installation EXE file (naturally, as Administrator). A window similar to DOS mode appears. Follow the installer's instructions. First, we select the storage location for the server data, then we assign the letter and operating mode of the virtual disk (in principle, the proposed parameters do not need to be changed). This completes the installation. Now the local server needs to be checked for correct functioning.

Performance Testing

At this stage, we launch the created server, and enter http://localhost in the window of any Internet browser. If the program is installed without errors, the browser will display a message stating that everything is working.

If you scroll down the page, you will see the main links where you can conduct a full test of the local server.

Encoding issues

Sometimes you can meet unpleasant situation when the message being sent Email looks like a set of incomprehensible symbols. This happens only because the program is initially designed for UTF-8 encoding. It can be changed quite simply, for example, to KOI-8R or something else.

Installing a local server: additional engines

Now another important point. A local Windows server cannot do without special add-ons called engines (WordPress, Joomla, etc.).

First, in the www folder, located along the path \home\local host, in the main directory, create an arbitrary directory. After that, enter the path http://localhost/ in the address bar of the browser and check what exactly opens. If it opened everything is fine. Copy the engine files to this directory using any file manager(at least the same “Explorer”) and enter the address again. The Installation Wizard window appears, where you just need to follow the instructions.

Database addition

Now the local server must attach the special databases. For this purpose, the phpMyAdmin service is used, which is entered by entering http://localhost/tools in the browser address bar. First, the section for creating a new database is selected, it is given a name (any name is possible, but it is better to indicate the same one that was used for the folder in the previous section).

Then we return to home page and configure the privilege settings (create a new user, specify the login and password, use localhost as the host and tick everything that is in the window). All you have to do is press the “Go!” button. and wait for the process to complete.

Transferring a local server to hosting

The next step is to connect the server to the local network and transfer it to hosting so that it becomes available to users on the Internet. The “native” method of transferring data to a remote resource does not look very convenient due to many additional steps.

Setting up a local server in terms of transferring data to remote hosting is best done with the FileZilla application, with which you need to copy the files located in the above directory to the root directory of the host. This is either the PUBLIC_HTML folder or the HTTPCS section. Now it’s a small matter: we change the so-called absolute paths to folders and files and directories in the engine settings, indicate the name of the database that is supposed to be created and used on the remote host, and specify a new login and password for the host. All. This completes the work. Connection to the local server of user machines can be made through any Internet browser.

Local proxy servers

Now let's see how to create and configure a local proxy server. What is it for? Firstly, it can be used to track absolutely everything that is downloaded to a computer terminal or laptop while surfing the Internet. And secondly, this way you can save traffic if it is paid.

A local proxy server works on the principle of caching calls to DNS servers and stores, say, pictures or any other objects, and when you visit a resource again, it loads them from its memory, so to speak, speeding up access to the resource.

To create a server of this type, you will need a simple HandyCache application, which should be placed in a convenient place for quick access, since each time you connect to the Internet you will have to access it.

Before you begin, you should configure your proxy settings. For example, if you use Opera browser, in the server parameters for HTTP you need to specify the value, 8080 for the port. Now we launch the application, go to the settings and look at the “Dialing” tab. As a rule, the program itself determines what type of connection is used in this moment. Next, click the button of the same name and use the created server.

Yes, please note: in the cache settings you can specify a size of about 300 MB. In theory, this should be enough for all occasions. You can view the contents in the Cache folder of the main directory where the program was installed. And one more thing: remember, this is a regular proxy server, not an anonymous one, so you shouldn’t expect it to change or hide your IP address.

Local DNS servers

A local DNS server can be used in cases where the connection is unstable, the local network has too many branches based on TCP/IP, or you are engaged in web development and testing. In principle, the BIND program is perfect for such purposes. Although it is designed mainly for UNIX-like systems, it nevertheless works perfectly with Windows (we assume that the terminal does not have a server version of Windows installed, which can be configured in the Control Panel).

Launch and follow the instructions. For convenience, it is recommended to install the program directly on drive C, in the created BIND directory. Next, enter your username and password, after which we activate the installation process and wait for it to complete.

Now in the C:\BINDetc folder you need to create a file “name”.conf, which contains the settings that the local one will use DNS server(the name is arbitrary and is given without quotes). In order not to waste time, you can easily find the file you are looking for on the Internet and download it, placing it in the specified location.

Now we reboot the system, then call command line(cmd through the “Run” menu or the combination Win + R), where we enter the nslookup request. If confirmation occurs, it means that the server is installed correctly and is working without errors.

Local game servers

Finally, let's look at another type of server. server for games that use online mode within a local network. Let us explain what this is using the example of the game Minecraft. To do this, you need to download the server itself from the official website of the game and use the Hamachi application. A prerequisite for correct operation is the presence of the JAVA package installed on the system with the latest updates.

To configure, we use the file, where we enter the data provided by the Hamachi application. We register the server IP address, the number of players, the use of possible game modes, etc. In the online-mode field, you must specify the value true. After that, save the changes and close the file.

Now we define the internal IP of the server, which will be used by players when connecting to the terminal on which it was created. Computers, of course, must be connected to the server itself either through a local network or via a VPN. The IP address of the server terminal must be static and must be bound to the MAC address.

Login is carried out using the Minl2 application, where you specify your login and password during registration. After these steps, we leave the server and log in again, but in offline mode using the created login and password. In the settings section, select Multiplayer and enter the required server IP. All. You can enjoy the game with a real opponent.


Of course, these are not all the nuances that may arise when creating local servers different types, and, of course, not all programs that help in this process. Let's put it this way: these are the general and basic principles embedded in such technologies. And if you look at it, there is nothing particularly complicated here. A little time and patience - and a local server of any type will be created within 10-15 minutes.

(multi-page site with a large set of functions), developers use programs that simulate a web server. This allows you to evaluate whether the site is displayed correctly in all common browsers and make adjustments if necessary. Today there are two most popular programs of this type, the only question is which one to choose: OpenServer or Denwer?

What is better to choose for raising a local server.


This program works with the Windows operating system from version 7 and higher, and is also partially supported by XP and Vista.

Open Server has a number of features:

  • does not require installation on a computer - it can be launched from a flash drive or external hard drive;
  • starts and stops quickly;
  • the server automatically starts working when the program starts;
  • you can select the domain management mode;
  • work via the command line is possible;
  • you can switch HTTP, MySQL, PHP modules;
  • One click is enough to access domains;
  • The interface supports multiple languages.


The undoubted advantages of the program include a convenient GUI (graphical user interface), the ability to view logs, as well as a variety of functions for administering and managing components. For beginners, a detailed and clear instructions, how to install a local server and work with it. In addition, the creators of Open Server monitor current changes in the world of web development and periodically update the package.


You have to independently check for a new version of Open Server and transfer projects to it, since auto-update is not supported.

Denwer local server: features, advantages, disadvantages


Denver works on all versions of Windows, even the oldest ones, such as Windows 98 and Windows 2000. This is one of the very first programs for web development, the fruit of the work of Russian specialist Dmitry Koterov.

The “Gentleman’s Web Developer’s Kit,” as the name of the Denver program stands for, includes the following features:

  • placement of installation files on external drives and launch without installation (as in Open Server);
  • work via command line;
  • after unpacking, the Apache server will become available, after which you can select an engine for the site being created and get to work;
  • contains a basic set of necessary components: Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin.


Denver's undeniable advantage is its ease of use; even a beginner can easily understand the navigation and functions. Setup files They weigh little and do not load the system. In addition, this program is remembered by more than one generation of masters and has already become familiar and beloved.


Several years ago, Denver, one might say, had a monopolist in the field of domestic web development, but then the project stopped developing, and the equipment was not updated or replenished for a long time. Then the developers resumed their activity: either they were inspired by the successes of OpenServer, or they were afraid that Denwer would lose popularity completely. Anyway, work on new version programs continue, but it is seriously behind its competitors.

There's nothing comfortable here GUI, many administration components. Denver doesn't mix well with Anglicized Windows versions and hieroglyphs appear in its console - manual configuration is required.

Program compatibility

Beginner webmasters are better off choosing one thing: Denver or OpenServer - and then start working. In principle, the programs are compatible (especially if you run them from external media), but sometimes they can interfere with each other - unless Open Server is placed on a different IP or identical domains are allowed to appear on the servers.

Of course, these are not the only web development programs - there are others, too. If you have ever used them, or Denwer or Open Server, please share your opinion: leave a comment. Perhaps this will help someone make the right choice.

Before you put a site or blog on the Internet, you should test it to see how correctly the site design will look, how the scripts and form will work feedback, plugins and so on.
This is the reason why many web developers ( bloggers, web designers or web programmers) use test sites where they conduct checks, tests, experiments, in general, any test work on a future project.
There are two ways to create test sites.
1. Test site on hosting
Some beginners use paid hosting to test projects, hosting two sites - one main (working) and the second additional, test.
Disadvantages of this method:
- lack of space on hosting;
- low speed Internet;
- you don’t always have money to buy paid hosting for testing projects.
2. Test site on your computer
This method, in my opinion, is the best. I want to look at it with you in more detail. First I'll talk about the advantages:
- does not require an Internet connection;
- no financial costs required
What kind of test site is this on a computer? This is about local server, which is installed on your computer. Using a local server, you can quickly and easily test your project.

Someone might say: why even test your project through a local server? After all, just open the file “index.html” and we will see what the site will look like on the Internet. Yes, it’s true, this is enough, but if you use chats, forums, etc. on the site (WordPress, Joomla, drupal), then there is no way without a local server. Moreover, if you use a CMS engine (WordPress, Joomla, drupal) for your project, then you need not only php support, but also a database MySQL data.

So, local server is a special set of programs that provides correct work scripts right on your computer. The assembly includes: the server itself, the PHP compiler ( with its help the browser can readphp code and process the page correctly), components for working with databases (Database) and many other programs.

I have prepared for you a list of popular local servers for the site. Read, rate, download and use.

List of popular local servers for the site.

Denwer is a free local server for testing websites, web applications or Internet pages. Denwer includes: Apache web server, phpMyAdmin and MySQL panel for working with databases (databases) and other programs.
Denwer local server only works on operating system Windows.

You can download from the official website

XAMPP is a free local server for testing websites, web applications or Internet pages with a simple user interface. Supports work in Windows system, Solaris, Mac OS X and Linux.

You can download from the official website

AppServ- another free local server. Fast and easy installation.

You can download from the official website

VertigoServ- easy to install local server.
Works only on Windows operating system.

You can download from the official website

Zend Server Community Edition- free local server.

You can download from the official website

Open Server is a free local server with high functionality for developing and creating websites. Runs on the Windows operating system.

You can download from the official website

Personally, I use a free local server. Why Denwer and not some other? Most likely a habit. I started locally Denwer servers, that's why I use it only. And you need to choose which local server you will work with.

Download the local server, install it on your computer, read or watch a video lesson or instructions for use. Test your web projects and let them bring you a lot of income!

Local web server for the site

Local server - web developer tool for creating, debugging and testing various scripts and web applications. In other words, a local web server is an emulator of a real server from a hosting provider located on your computer.

The operation of the local server completely imitates the operation of the real server of the host provider. The functionality is no different from hosting capabilities and consists of similar components, namely a MySQL database, server, PHP support and scripts for working with databases.

A web developer who creates dynamic sites using any ready-made scripts simply needs a local server on his work computer to test sites, debug their functionality, and check their cross-browser compatibility.

Review of popular local servers For site


  • Program interface: Russian
  • Platform: XP/7/Vista
  • Manufacturer:
  • Treatment: not required

System requirements:

Denver— a local server and software shell that allows you to develop websites on your home PC without the need for hosting. The main difference between Denver and programs of this type is the convenient remote work on several different projects at once and the ability to use it from a removable flash drive.

Denver in automatic mode system rules hosts file, which is a local analogue of a DNS server, which makes it possible to access local sites operating under its control by names that match the folder name, hosted in the Denver home directory. This tool allows the user to host different domains and subdomains on the PC thanks to the virtual host management system.

Main features of Denver:

Possibility of installation on a portable drive.
Installation in one directory.
Automatic configuration and setup for a specific PC.
Creating a special virtual disk that is connected to the main directory.
Support for PHP5 language, as well as GD, MySQL, sqLite.
MySQL5 database management.
Template-based virtual host management.
Manage the start and end of all components that are included in the Denver package.
Managing MySQL using the Web interface.
Placing incoming letters in the /tmp folder in .eml format.
Using one of the most powerful archivers, 7-Zip.

Denver's standard equipment includes:

WEB server Apache;

PHP programming language interpreter;

PERL language interpreter;

MySQL database;

Simulation of an Email server;

And by default, the phpMyAdmin engine is built in to manage MySQL databases.


  • Interface language: Multi/Russian
  • Official website
  • Treatment: not required

System requirements:

phpMyAdmin is an open source web application written in PHP that provides a web interface for administering the MySQL DBMS. phpMyAdmin allows administration MySQL server, run SQL commands and view the contents of tables and databases without directly entering SQL commands. Such work with databases becomes quite feasible even for a person who is very superficially familiar with MySQL.

Today phpMyAdmin is widely used in practice. The developers are intensively developing their product, taking into account all the innovations of the MySQL DBMS.

Main features of phpMyAdmin:

MySQL database management.
Import data from CSV and SQL.
Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, Word, Excel, LaTeX and others.
Administration of multiple servers.
Create PDF graphs of database schema.
Create complex queries using Query by Pattern (QBE).
Global search of the database or part of it.
Convert data stored in any format using a set of standard features, such as displaying BLOB data as an image or download link.
Active monitor request (processes).
Multilingual web interface.

Open Server

  • Interface language: Multi/Russian
  • Platform: PC
  • Official site:
  • Medicine:Not required

System requirements:

Open Server— a server platform developed for the needs and taking into account the recommendations of web developers. Unlike similar packages, it does not require installation, can be used from a portable drive and is equipped with big amount additional programs.

Open Server allows you to develop, debug, test web projects, present web services in local networks. The programs that come with the platform help the user in working with graphics, editing code, text, archiving, burning discs, and working on the Internet.

Main features of Open Server:

Quick startup and shutdown.
No connection to a specific PC.
Autostart of the server when starting the management software.
Domain management in several modes.
Ability to mount a virtual disk.
Command line control.
Demonstration of component logs.
Function of switching between HTTP, MySQL, PHP modules.
Operation of a set of programs on a local, network and external IP address.
SSL support without additional settings.
Create a domain by creating a simple folder.
Converting domain names.
Support for domains in Cyrillic, domain indexes.
Ensuring the server is protected from outside access.
The ability to create a local subdomain and ensure simultaneous visibility of the main domain on the network.

Over time, any web developer ( blogger, web designer or web programmer) will need a special test site where it is possible without special problems study website development or testing another web project. Some beginners use the resources of their paid hosting and place at least two websites there. One worker ( basic), and the other ( additional) for testing. The test site undergoes various tests ( installation and testing of many plugins, themes, scripts and so on).

As a result, with this layout, the main production site suffers greatly, since most of the hosting resources are consumed by the test project. However, there is another way that will allow without loss ( both in monetary and resource terms) carry out testing of your sites, and we will now consider this method.

Why not?

You probably already know that in order to put your website on the Internet, you need to register a domain name, buy hosting, that is, disk space on some computer with a high-speed connection on which PHP scripts can run. For sites to function fully, PHP and MySQL must be installed. All this is not available on regular computer. How can they be launched HTML files and PHP on your computer?

A regular file can be opened with Notepad++ or even with Notepad. Write something inside, save it and then open it without any problems this file on your browser and see how this file would look on a hosting site on the Internet. That is, we already see the working HTML page. In it we can create certain designs, content and monitor the project without an Internet connection. Essentially, we already have everything. If we want to run PHP file using a browser, then nothing will work for us, since PHP scripts in the Windows operating system will not work without additional software.

All this is not available on a regular computer, and thus there is no possibility of working with your web projects. Therefore, some beginners start spending money on additional resources of their paid hosting. But what to do in this case? The answer is simple - they exist special programs, with which you can install your own dedicated server directly on your computer.

What is a server?

What's happened server and how a local server differs from one located on the network. In our case, a server does not mean a computer, but a special set of programs that ensure optimal operation of the site. In order for the site to work, we will need to install it in a special designated location on the server (). That is, we upload site files to remote computer. However, without special server programs, our uploaded files will not be visible on the network. Now, for such purposes, we will create our own server on our home computer.

For this we need special programs. But which ones are better suited and what difficulties they can cause when further work? For your information, below I list the best web servers by popularity around the world. However, this does not mean that they need to be installed immediately. I'll explain why later!

List of the best web servers

There are currently several solutions on the market from a variety of manufacturers:

  • (website - is the most common and popular free server online. It is more reliable and flexible. The server is not demanding on processor resources and is capable of serving many sites. The application is available for a wide range of operating systems, including Unix, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows and others. Apache usage currently stands at 71%. However, this is a complex program that not every beginner can handle.

  • (website - is another reliable server from Microsoft. It is firmly entrenched in second place with 14% of online usage. After installing the program, only two programming languages ​​will be supported ( VBScript and JScript). However, you can open additional features, installing the necessary extensions for this. With the installation of such modules, the functionality of this server is significantly increased.

  • NGINX (website - is the most popular web server on the Russian Internet. Compared to the first two, it is the simplest and does not have unnecessary functions. It is also praised for its reliability and high speed. The developer of this product is our compatriot Igor Sysoev. In 2004, he released the first version of nginx. Now this software product is one of the three most popular web servers in the world. Its usage is about 6.5%.

  • (website - - this web server does not have wide possibilities, but it has a very high operating speed. It is 9 times faster than the popular Apache. Much attention is paid to safety ( its own protection against system overload, strict checking of http requests, anti-ddos and much more). LiteSpeed ​​is available for Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. The program has a usage rate of 1.5%.

Of course, there are many other similar programs, but the share of their use and trust among users is not as high as these. Unfortunately, you won't be able to do this with just one program. Not only are they useful for large projects, but they can also be difficult to install and configure. In addition, in addition to such servers, separate installation and configuration of some programs is also required ( for example, to work with a database). All this causes significant difficulties for many users. What to do in this case?

Local Server Features

At the moment, there are many different distributions that can make life easier for any novice webmaster. They are very easy to install, easy to operate, less demanding on resources and contain the necessary software elements for the best performance.

That is local server- this is not one program ( not one specific web server), but a special collection that includes lightweight versions of complex server programs. Typically the assembly includes: the server itself ( mostly Apache, but there may be others), PHP compiler ( with its help the browser can read the codes and assemble the page), components for working with databases, various installers and many other programs. All this makes things much easier than if we installed and configured each program separately.

In addition, separate modules can be connected to the basic packages of local servers to expand functionality. Another important feature is that on some servers it is possible to work from a removable flash drive. In general, such assemblies are very well suited for rapid website development, testing small projects, and sometimes even large ones.

Review of popular local servers

Here are some builds that may be useful to you:

  • (website - is a free domestic server that is designed to work with websites, web applications or Internet pages. Its developers are Dmitry Koterov and Anton Sushchev. This product contains the necessary distributions for simplified work. For example, this includes the Apache web server with various support, the phpMyAdmin panel and MySQL for working with databases and other programs. You can also work from a removable flash drive. Unfortunately Denwer only supports the Windows operating system.

  • XAMPP (website - is a special server build from Apache friends. The necessary distributions allow you to run a full-fledged web server on it. This program It is distributed free of charge and supports work on Windows, Solaris, Mac OS X and Linux. There are also the following advantages: the server is popular for its very simple user interface, which makes it a favorite for many beginners; there are multiple appearances of updated versions; the update process is very simple and user-friendly; There are additional modules. Download the required version you can also from other official website -

  • (website - is an excellent server from a Thai manufacturer, the concept of which is easy installation and configuration of all distributions in 1 minute. The first release of the assembly took place in 2001 and since then the number of users has been growing all the time. AppServ is very easy to install, it works stably and is no worse than official and individual releases, and its reliable performance makes it possible to create a full-fledged web server on your computer.
  • (website - is another good and easy to install local server. The assembly is very flexible, has good performance and takes up little disk space. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows OS for now.
  • Zend Server Community Edition (website - is a free server from Zend, designed to work with web applications. Contains everything necessary components to quickly deploy a local server on your computer.

  • (website - is a domestic portable local server that has high functionality for the development and creation of websites and other web projects. Has a multilingual interface ( including Russian) and is designed to run on Windows OS. Work from removable media is supported. This server very good and serves as a good alternative to Denver.

  • (website - - another good build with a Russian interface ( there are also other languages). There is a simple and clear menu, and convenient installation and configuration of the assembly does not cause any particular difficulties. Configuration can be done without affecting configuration files, which is very useful for novice webmasters. The server is distributed free of charge and only works on Windows platform. Unfortunately, portable version Not yet.
  • (website - - a very simple assembly with Russian language support. The assembly is unremarkable, does not have huge functionality and is mainly intended for testing small projects. There is support for working from portable media. This server will serve as a good replacement for Denver.
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