
Installing the system from BIOS. Installing Windows via BIOS. Autorun Windows installation from a DVD or flash drive

Installing Windows via BIOS is a common procedure that every user encounters sooner or later, regardless of his level of toughness and brutality. Oddly enough, the installation procedure is quick and also simple. Actually, the whole point of this procedure is to restart the PC and enter the BIOS, changing its operating method. As we remember, the system boots from hard drive, where the operating system itself is installed. Our task is to force it to boot through another medium, a flash drive or disk, where the installation version of the OS will be recorded.

At first glance, it may seem that installing Windows via Bios is a real torture that only Jedi knights can withstand. In fact, everything is very simple and my post today was written specifically to convince you of this. Before you begin the main work, you will need to get a disk with installation Windows. You can also use ISO images, which are later used to write to a FLASH drive. It is best to use a flash drive, since USB ports have better data transfer speeds with minimal interruptions.

Connect such a drive, then proceed to the next step. How to enter BIOS? The first problem that can cause you a little negativity is starting the BIOS itself. Windows installation through BIOS will not begin if you cannot get to the main menu. Surely you have not encountered such a problem yet, therefore, you do not know how to start the BIOS. The first, easiest way to find the desired button combination– try to click on all the keys. Press the power button, note, as soon as you see the manufacturer’s start logo, for example, ASUS, ACER, etc., press ESC. To guarantee, you should press several times in a row. Did not work? Then try the same procedure with the button DELETE. Moreover, each button should be pressed after a new reboot. Installing Windows via BIOS will begin immediately after we dig deep into the BIOS. As soon as you complete all the steps from the previous paragraph, the main menu will pop up in front of you. You need to find a tab whose name includes the word BOOT. Most often, this name looks like this – Boot Device Priority. This tab will give you access to all storage devices that are connected to your hardware. This is not just a list, but a full-fledged priority system. The first device in the list is the main one, it is from it that data is read, as well as the initial loading of the operating system. You need to select the first item, press Enter, then select the name of the drive where the unpacked Windows is stored. After this, you need to log out of the system by clicking on the EXIT tab. Most importantly, do not forget to save all changed settings.

Backup method.

Installing Windows via BIOS can take more than in a simple way. You can call BOOT menu, by pressing the F1-F12 keys, one of them will be correct. If you do everything correctly, you will see something like the following window: All devices from which you can download are shown here. Select the device you need, after which the Windows installation will be in full swing. This method is one-time, and also very fast. BIOS done! Congratulations, the main work has been done successfully. All that remains is to install Windows; the following posts can help you with this.

You can install and reinstall, download, restore Windows using a flash drive, CD or DVD disc, and correct actions during installation will lead to high-quality and quick results.

The BIOS is the foundation that is the input/output (I/O) base on the motherboard. Using it, you can configure certain parameters and adjust them on the computer. The I/O system may vary depending on the motherboard.

Step-by-step instruction

You can understand exactly what settings are in the BIOS by looking at the motherboard's passport. Incorrect BIOS parameters can reduce the power of a PC or completely destroy it.

Installing Windows from a flash drive or disk using BIOS depends on certain values ​​​​set in the Boot Menu.

Installation steps

So that's it BIOS settings For Windows installations ready. As soon as you restart your computer, the system itself will direct you to install Windows from the device you selected. In order for the installation to begin, you must restart your PC.

Possible problems

  • There is a black screen on the monitor, nothing happens and the process of loading Windows via a USB flash drive does not work.
  • UEFI mode is working.
  • The flash card was formatted using the NTFS system.
  • BIOSE only supports UEFI and NTFS partitions.

In the updated version of the BIOS, permission to enable is requested for installation from a flash drive automatic mode. It is best to refuse this system offer, otherwise the software may load into the wrong partition that you need or may lead to partial deletion of your personal files.

Before you start setting certain parameters In the BIOS settings, you need to use the + and - keys to select the tab called Boot.

After the necessary parameters have been set, you need to save them by pressing the F10 key, which allows you to save and exit the system. You can also use a system parameter called Exit Saving Changes instead of F10 (that is, save the changes made and exit the system).

Once the boot priority has been set and all necessary parameter changes have been made and saved, you must reboot for the changes to take effect.

For inexperienced and novice users who need to install Windows using the BIOS, experts in this field have developed certain recommendations to ensure that the process is completed as competently as possible. In order to correctly configure the BIOS for installing software, it will be useful to carefully study these recommendations.

Requirements for your computer for successful Windows installations 7:

  • Driver for DirectX 9 video card minimum
  • Processor power 1 Hz minimum
  • 1 gigabyte of memory minimum

The installation and configuration process itself new Windows will depend on the following parameters of your computer:

  • Cores, that is, the number of cores in your PC's processor.
  • Clock Speed, that is, the speed of your PC.
  • Main frequency of your PC. You can have 1600, 1333, 1066 or 800 MHz.

The average installation time for Windows 7 or Windows 8 on most modern PCs is an hour of your time.

Types of installations

There is a “Clean Installation”, which involves starting the device with Windows system manually when starting the PC. Next, start and press any key as soon as the inscription on the monitor appears on the monitor called Press any key. After this, the process of indicating the location of the new collateral in BIOS system. For example, on a CD or DVD, so that the version that was installed before was no longer used or was deleted from the system. This “Clean Installation” option can be used with absolutely any operating system, for example: Windows 8, 7, XP, Linux, Unix or even DOS.

The “Easy installation” option is used quite rarely and it is not recommended for use, because the new OS is launched from media on an already installed “old” OS. Thus, the simple installation method is an overlay new version OS to the old one. During a “Clean Installation”, all partitions are formatted, as well as old files and OS versions are deleted.

If it is important for you to reinstall the system, while dividing several disks with important files, it is possible to leave these files unchanged. It is not necessary to format the D drive, however, the C drive with old version operating system will be formatted.

In cases of a failing operating system, before starting the process Windows boot, we must try to take advantage of the last chance to restore the system and clean it of various viruses and malicious software. If glitches and failures in the operating system are obvious, you must first check it yourself HDD, look at how its segments work. If you do not take this factor into account, the formatting process may freeze during the installation of a new OS or simply not work stable.

Saving personal data

Saving personal information and data is a rather important point when reinstalling the OS, since it is not always possible to restore data that has been formatted. For this reason, you should take care of the safety of your personal data in advance, even before the process of reinstalling Windows. In order to do this, you can copy everything important programs, folders, documents and files on any portable storage device, for example, to a flash drive, disk, portable hard drive, etc. It will also be important to save passwords. To do this, you can use a program called Backup, or you can do it with a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

Thus, following the instructions, recommendations and tips given here for installing a new software through BIOS, it is quite possible, without any experience or special skills, to carry out all the installation processes yourself, without resorting to the help of familiar specialists or paid computer help. For correct installation Windows through the BIOS it is important to accurately follow the steps given here step by step guide. It would obviously not be amiss to also find some video courses that will more clearly demonstrate all these processes.

At some point, the operating system has to be changed. Perhaps some of you, dear readers, have finally decided to switch to the faster Windows 8, or perhaps the OS has unexpectedly crashed. In any case, if you don’t know how to start a disk with Windows through BIOS, then this article will be an invaluable help in solving this kind of problem.

Basic I/O system - it all starts here

To install the operating system, you need to use some BIOS settings on the microsystem. In particular, you need to set the priority bootloader, in our case it will be a drive for optical CD/DVD discs.

However, first we need to get into the interface BIOS programs. Due to the diversity of the underlying microsystems, the main manufacturers of which are three leading companies - American Megatrends, Inc. (AMI), Award Software and Phoenix Technologies - a special method of entering the BIOS(a) work area may be provided.

The most common access scheme is to use the "DELITE" and "F2" keys. When you start the computer, you need to use the service key several times (with an intensity of one press every half second) to enter the PC control interface (if you have a laptop, then you should pay your attention to the article, which is located ).

Assigning the CD/DVD drive as the priority bootloader

It makes sense to consider the above-mentioned BIOS versions separately. Or rather, using the example of each of them, we will show where to go and what needs to be done in a certain place in the BIOS microsystem. As a result, you will understand the algorithm according to which the assignment is carried out specific device priority bootloader.

How to run a disk with Windows via AMI BIOS

  • Using the right/left keys, open the “Boot” tab.
  • Press the "Enter" button on the first item "Boot Device Priority".

  • In the first position you need to put the optical drive drive - while at the first point, use the “Enter” key to call up the menu for selecting boot devices.
  • Set to "CD-ROM".

  • Go to the “Exit” tab and use the “Exit&Save Changes” item.

  • Confirm your intention to save the settings by pressing the “OK” key.

Selecting to boot from the drive in Award and Phoenix BIOS

  • Activate the Advanced BIOS Features tab."

  • Select “First Boot Device” and press the “Enter” button.

  • Select “CDROM” from the list of boot devices and press “Enter” again.

  • Press the “F10” key and confirm your consent to change the settings.

Quick Launch Menu

Literally all BIOS systems provide the so-called “ Boot menu", which can be accessed at the initial stage of loading the OS. From the material you read above, you learned that versions of basic microsystems are different, and therefore the script for entering the quick boot menu for each manufacturer computer technology may vary. Moreover, laptops sometimes have a special remote button for such purposes (read ).

As a rule, to call the “Boot menu” you need to intensively press the “F12” or “Esc” key while passing computer system initialization process (POST hardware check). In other cases, the manufacturer may have used a different keyboard access scheme (described in more detail about this point ).

In conclusion

So, now it’s no secret to you how to launch a disk with Windows through BIOS. You can easily repeat all of the above in practice on your own. However, do not forget that the disk with the Windows distribution, first of all, must be bootable. However, if something still doesn’t work out for you and you decide to use a regular flash drive, then read the recommendations from . Happy downloading to you!

To install the operating system you will need installation disk Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate. You can either buy it or download a disk image from the Internet for free and burn it to disk. Images can be found on torrent trackers. If you do not have a Windows image, write to us and we will find it for you.

If file copying errors occur during installation, your disc is damaged or your CD drive cannot read it properly. Keep the disk in a safe place!

1 - First, as usual, you need to configure the BIOS to boot from a CD drive. To do this, turn on the computer and as soon as white text on a black background begins to appear on the screen, press the Delete or Del button on the keyboard (in some cases, for example on computers from ASUS, you need to press the F2 button instead of Delete). A blue (or gray) BIOS setup screen will appear on the monitor. Insert installation Windows disk 7 to CD drive.

1.1 - We need the line “Advanced BIOS features”. Select it and press Enter. We see the following: Find the line First Boot Device. Opposite this line is usually either Floppy or HDD (HDD-0). Our task is to install the CDROM there. To do this, use the arrows to highlight the line and press Enter. A list of boot devices will appear, among which you need to select CDROM with the down or up arrows and press Enter. In this way, we will tell the computer to boot from the CD drive rather than from the hard drive when the computer is turned on. Now press the F10 key from the keyboard, a window will appear asking for confirmation. Press the letter Y (Russian letter N) then Enter. The computer will restart.

1.2 - Now, if you have a gray BIOS. (Whoever has blue, skip this point). After turning on the computer and clicking Delete, you will see a gray BIOS. We move through the menu using arrows: , , , . Use the right arrow to select the "Boot" tab. And use the down arrow to select “Boot Device Priority”. Press the Enter button and select CD/DVD-ROM. Press F10 on the keyboard, then Enter. The computer will restart.

2 - So after setup BIOS computer starts to reboot. Now we don’t yawn and follow the white inscriptions on the screen. As soon as the inscriptions begin to appear on the screen, wait for the inscription “PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM CD...” to appear at the bottom of the screen (Translation: press any key to boot from CD), it only appears for 3 seconds, so don’t sleep. As soon as it appears, press Enter. The disk will begin loading. If you overslept and did not have time to press Enter, turn off the computer and turn it on again, wait for the inscription, press Enter.

3 - After pressing Enter, Windows 7 installation begins loading from the disk. First, we will see the inscription on a black background “Windows is loading files...” and a scale. Then a beautiful interface will load, and for a few seconds we will see the inscription “Running the installation program...” on a blue background. During the process, when a window with disks appears, be sure to change it to drive C! Below there is “Settings”, there you format drive C.

Reinstallation process from flash drive

You need to format the flash drive and write a file with Windows to it ISO format. Create this format possible in the program

To find out if your PC supports booting via USB, connect to it bootable USB flash drive and go to BIOS. Check it for the necessary options.

To go to the BIOS, use the same F2 or Delete key. When we get into the BIOS, we need to find the line Advanced BIOS Features (in some BIOS it may say BIOS Features Setup).

In the tab that opens, select the line First Boot Devise, then a window will open with a choice of disks.

We need to install Windows from a flash drive, so we select and save the BIOS settings by pressing the F10 key.

After saving the BIOS settings, the computer will begin to reboot and begin booting from our bootable flash card.

After we have done the above steps, the installation will begin from our bootable memory card.

At the very beginning of the installation, we need to select the language of the operating system to be installed. Choose the one you need. The default language is Russian, then click the “Next” button and select “Install”.

We accept license agreement. Check the box and click on the “Next” button. Select the Windows installation type, here you select the installation you need (I recommend installing from scratch).

Select the disk on which we will install Windows. It is advisable to select a disk and format it, so as not to be confused in the future where everything is located. The drive you choose to install Windows will be formatted; save valuable information on some other media. Click "Next".

Windows installation begins on the specified computer disk, and we see the installation process on the computer screen.

Completed processes are marked with a tick. After successful installation of all items except the last one, “Complete installation,” the computer will reboot. You need to get into the BIOS settings again during this reboot, otherwise the installation process will start over again. We configure it as it was before the change, change to and save. After this, the computer will restart and the final Windows installation process will continue.

Do not remove the flash drive until the operating system is completely installed.

After successfully installing Windows from a flash drive, select a name. Then you can change it.

We configure auto-updates and other parameters. You can leave it as is or change it. If you need to change, select "Settings" and change.

Choose your name and password. Your computer will begin preparing to launch.

Installation completed!

To install Windows yourself via BIOS you need boot disk Windows OS and basic knowledge of BIOS. In this article we will teach you the intricacies of working in BIOSe so as not to harm your computer and get a working operating system.

Before installing the OS, download and burn to disk drivers for such computer parts as:
  • motherboard;
  • sound card;
  • DVD/CD drive;
  • network card, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth;
  • CPU;
  • BIOS;
  • video card;
  • Touchpad, Web-camera, monitor;
  • USB devices (mouse, keyboard, printer), USB ports.

Save all the files you need from your desktop and the “My Documents” folder to the flash drive, since all the data is from “ Local disk C" are erased when Windows is installed.

The installation begins by restarting the computer and entering the BIOS. On different motherboards Different manufacturers have their own key combination for logging in. Most often, you can enter the BIOS by pressing Del, F1 or F2, F12. We advise you to pay attention to the lower right corner of the screen when you start to boot your computer. It is there that the combination is written that will allow you to enter Bios.

Login is complete. Using the arrows on the keyboard, move to the right to the “Boot” item. Select the “LEGACY BOOT” item using the Enter key.

We see that in the first place is “ Hard drive”, and replace it with “CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive”. In this version of Bios, to move through the lines you need to press F5 and F6. On desktop computers It’s simple: click on the first line “1st Boot Device” and select the CD drive. In both cases, press F10 to save the changes and exit the BIOS. After pressing the key, a confirmation window will appear, where you click “Yes”.

The computer restarts and a black screen appears, where in English. are asked to press any key for further actions. Click and wait for the disk to load, the screen will show “Windows is loading files...”.

The standard installation of Windows 7 begins. First, you will be asked to select the language of the keyboard, computer and time zone. Then a window will appear with a choice Windows bit depth 7: x86 or x64. For dual-core processors and higher, select x64. For single-core – x86. How to determine the processor bit depth, read in

In the next window, select “ Full installation" Now be careful. You have to select the hard drive partition on which Windows will install. Click on the one whose type is “System”. When selected, the line with the disk partition will be highlighted in blue. For Windows to work without errors, the disk must be formatted. To do this, click "Disk Settings" and select the "Format" button. You will be offered the options FAT32 and NTFS, select the latter - NTFS.

Once the disk cleanup operation is complete, unpacking will begin. Windows files and further installation. Wait for the end. With average computer characteristics, installation takes about 30-45 minutes. At the end, the system will reboot for further settings: Internet, time, password and firewall.

After removing the disk, restart the computer and return the previous BIOS settings - return “Hard drive” to first place. Save your changes.

There are no difficulties in installing Windows via Bios if you understand it thoroughly. We advise you to write down the main points of work in the BIOS before starting the OS installation. BIOS is the heart and brain of computers, do not change the settings just like that, otherwise your work with the PC will end until repaired by a service center or forever.

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