
Installing Windows from a BIOS flash drive. BIOS: boot from disk or flash drive. In text form

When purchasing a new computer or laptop, as a rule, in specialized stores, the buyer can immediately take advantage of the paid installation service on the purchased PC operating system, as well as some programs, including antivirus programs.

Working according to the standard scheme, the specialist in this case will install the OS by default, without dividing the hard drive into partitions. As a result, on the system local disk there will be an OS, a software package, and all kinds of multimedia files that are completely unrelated to the system.

And when the time comes for the next OS reinstallation, the user may forever lose all data on this computer. Of course, before this you can copy the contents of the disk to another medium, but you need to take into account that the decision to reinstall the OS is not always made in advance, as in the case of a sudden failure, the so-called “blue screen of death” (complete system failure without the possibility of its recovery).

Therefore, you should learn how to install Windows yourself. In fact, this is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner, and even more so it will save money, gain the necessary knowledge in working with a computer and protect yourself from troubles with the loss of valuable information on your hard drive.

How to remove windows 7 and install windows 7: necessary steps before installing the OS

So, it is important to emphasize that during the installation process, immediately before changing the OS, all information located on the system local drive C will be erased. Therefore, the necessary data will have to be transferred either to another local drive or to an external storage device (CD, flash drive, removable drive or backup hard drive).

Accordingly, all files displayed on the desktop will also disappear, and the work of the previous installed programs in the future will be impossible, since before installing a new OS, drive C must be subjected to full formatting, thereby eliminating not only old data and system errors, but even unwanted virus software, if any (and often it is viruses that cause system failure; in fact, they are developed for these purposes).

The next step is to have Windows OS (in this Windows example 7), recorded as an image on a medium. On the question of where to purchase this software:

  • buy a licensed version at a computer store;
  • download the OS distribution from the Internet;
  • rewrite the OS image from another external media or borrow it for a while from friends.

You should immediately determine the bit depth of the operating system: 32 or 64 bit.

To find out which one is in this moment installed, go to the Start menu - Computer - right-click on the general background - Properties.

Also, you need to write down or remember the total size of the local drive C and the amount of free space on it. This is done so as not to confuse the partitions with each other when reinstalling the OS.

Then, it is advisable to make sure that disks with drivers for the equipment are available (or driver versions may be stored on the PC, on another local drive).

A driver is the necessary software for launching and further stable operation of special PC equipment: input/output system (monitor; manipulators - keyboard, mouse, gamepad, etc.; sound and video card), external equipment (printer; scanner; unit uninterruptible power supply and etc.)

If there are no drivers, you can successfully download them from the network even after installing the OS.

In case of reinstalling the OS, the user should know that Windows, recorded as an image on the media, gives the latter the name “bootable” ( boot disk or Bootable USB flash drive). And, since the operating system image is recorded in a special mode, the entire memory capacity of the bootable media is intended exclusively for Windows, and installation of the system is possible only through displaying and changing the settings of the “heart of the computer” - the BIOS.

The initial stage of installing Windows 7: BIOS settings

If the OS image on the bootable media has already been purchased and the system bit depth is known, then you can begin the installation process.

When working with a boot disk, we use the disk drive; if the OS is on a bootable USB flash drive, include the latter in the appropriate USB connector and reboot the system.

As soon as the title image of the logo that is familiar to the eye appears on the monitor motherboard, we begin to repeatedly press a certain key to display the BIOS, most often it is the “Delete” or “F8” key. However, there are other options: “F1”; "F2"; "F3"; "F10"; "F12". In any case, so as not to waste time guessing the desired button, just look carefully at the commands indicated at the bottom of the screen when the computer boots, where the “hot keys” for calling not only the BIOS, but also the general system management menu are located.

If the user did not manage to press the BIOS key at the right time, you should wait until the system boots and reboot it again, trying again. A successful press is accompanied by a special sound signal and displays the general BIOS menu on the monitor screen.

So, the BIOS menu has opened, now you need to select the “Advanced BIOS” item.

In the next window we find a list of priorities when loading the PC system, as well as connection statuses of individual equipment. In this list, it is important to select the primary priority column “First Boot Device”, opposite which is written “Hard Disk” (hard drive), that is, the settings determine that when the system boots, priority reading of information occurs through the hard drive data, in particular the registry and local drive WITH.

But in order for the PC system, bypassing loading the old copy of Windows, to start scanning and processing information from the boot disk, for this you will have to change the primary priority of reading data. We replace the “Hard Disk” request with “CDROM” if the image of the new copy of the OS is written to a CD and to “USB-HDD” if we are installing the operating system from a flash drive.

As for the older BIOS version, then the changes in the settings are almost similar, although the overall appearance of the interface is different.

There is also an “Advanced” menu here, and switching the priorities for the primary reading of information is in the “Boot” menu.

Selecting a volume to install Windows 7

Now you should wait for the menu to appear Windows installations 7 while the system copies data from the boot disk.

As soon as it appears, select “Install Windows 7”;

architecture (bit size) - in accordance with the currently available one (or based on the performance of the processor and video card during initial installation);

installation type - complete;

we accept the terms license agreement.

In the menu that appears with partitions for installing Windows, by volume type and size, we find the one that is currently the local system drive C (just for this purpose it was necessary to record the volume of this disk before installation).

Let's start formatting it: select the required volume and click on the "Disk Setup" - "Format" button - in the warning message, click "Ok" and "Next".

Provided that the OS is being installed for the first time, in the menu with partitions, only one of the main volumes will be indicated with a size equal to the volume of the entire hard drive. In this case, using the “Disk Settings” button, you will need to delete this partition and in its place create a new one with a size of 100 GB, which will later become a system local disk. It should be installed on it copy of Windows. The remaining large part of the hard disk capacity will fill the niche of another volume, which we will also create next to the first. Thus, we were able to divide the hard drive into partitions.

When you click on the “Next” button, the automatic process of unpacking OS files and installing components and updates will begin, which will take approximately 30 minutes until completion. Each further stage of installation will be accompanied by a reboot of the PC to save and accept the data.

Completing the installation of OS Windows 7

At the final stage, before the new copy of Windows 7 is displayed on the desktop screen for the first time, in the system settings windows that appear, you will need to enter: user name; OC product key; your password account, optional; interface language and keyboard layout. Next, the system will reboot again and then the desktop will open in a low resolution of 800*600 pixels. You can then remove the boot disk (or bootable USB flash drive).

Then, in order for all components and system updates to take effect, we find a shortcut with the Windows activator on the desktop and open it.

After activating the OS, we reboot the system manually and call the BIOS again, where we return the priority to the “Hard Disk” in the reverse order; save the changes using the “F10” key and confirm the actions with the “Y” and “Enter” buttons.

So, the new operating system is installed on the PC, all that remains is to connect the necessary drivers and update them to more recent versions via the Internet.

Windows 7 is a popular OS from Microsoft

Today, more and more people are well versed in computers. They actively use the Internet and social networks, navigate programs, can treat particularly annoying viruses and even disassemble and assemble system unit. And when they need to install Windows 7 via BIOS, they get confused. It would seem that what is so difficult about this? Just run the disk or flash drive, restart the computer and follow the step-by-step actions that the installer prompts. The principle is approximately the same as when installing any program, except that it is a little more complicated. And the difficulty lies in the fact that you need to know the correct sequence - what and how to do. More precisely, you need to know how to enter the BIOS and how to reinstall Windows through the BIOS.

Preparing a Windows 7 image

Before installing Windows 7, you need to write the installation image (installation files) to a disk or flash drive. After all, during installation, all files with hard drive will be deleted, so the operating system will be installed from a flash drive.

It makes no difference what type of media you install Windows from. But today, when flash drives and netbooks that do not have an optical drive are becoming especially popular, Windows is most often installed from a flash drive.

Writing an image to a flash drive

So after you have received installation disk(or image) Windows 7, all these files need to be copied to a USB flash drive. This can be done using the UltraISO program.

To do this, you need to install it, simultaneously specifying all the necessary settings (installation path, etc.). The soft version has no meaning. The main thing is that at the last installation step you do not need to uncheck the last two items - “Associate an .iso file with this program” and “Install an ISO emulator”. After installation is complete, the program will offer to register the product, but you can select the “Trial period” option, which will allow you to use this software for 30 days. This is quite enough to have time to write a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive.

Before recording the image, you must insert the USB flash drive into any free USB connector. Then you need to run the program and perform the following steps:

  1. Open the installation image of the operating system using the “File - Open” items.
  2. Go to “Boot - Write Disk Image”.
  3. Select the desired flash drive in the Disk Drive field (if more than one USB device is connected).
  4. Check in the “Image file” item whether you have selected the correct image.
  5. Select USB-HDD in the “Recording method” line.
  6. Click the “Record” button.

Before recording the image, the program will ask the user if he really wants to continue the process, since the flash drive will be formatted and all data will be deleted. Therefore, you need to view the contents of the flash drive in advance and save the data just in case. If there is nothing important on the flash drive, you can click the “Yes” button. The message “Burn successful” will inform the user that the image has been written to the flash drive.

Burning an image to disk

To burn a Windows 7 image to disk, you can use a fairly popular program called Nero Express. To do this, you need to launch the program, click on the “Image, Project, Copy” icon, and then select “Disk Image”. A new window will open in which you need to specify the path to the desired image. If for some reason the installation image of the OS is not displayed in the folder (and it was definitely there), then it is recommended that in the “File type” line select “All supported images and projects”. After the user specifies the path to the file, the following window will open in which you will need to click on the “Record” (or “Burn”) button. After some time, the disc will be written.

How to install Windows via BIOS

The image is recorded, now you can reinstall Windows. In order to reinstall Windows, you need to restart your computer (or laptop) and. Typically, the Delete (Del) key is used for this. But on different models can be different: F2, F8, etc. In any case, as soon as the computer turns on, the screen will indicate all the available keys, as well as the actions that they perform.

After you go to the BIOS, you will need to find the menu section that is responsible for. Depending on the motherboard and BIOS version, this section may be located in different places.

The user's task is to find a menu item called “Boot”, “Boot Device” or “First Boot Device”. And in the first place you need to install DVD-ROM (if installation is from a disk) or USB (if from a flash drive). For example, you found the item “First Boot Device”, in which you selected HDD(Hard Disk), and below is the “Second Boot Device” item, in which the drive (DVD-ROM) is selected. That is, by default, when you turn on the computer, data is first loaded from the hard drive, and then from the drive. Everything is correct here. But to install Windows, you need to swap these 2 points so that the disk in the drive is loaded first, and then the hard drive. This can be done using the arrows and the Enter key. After this, you need to save all changes (using the F10 key) and exit the BIOS to install Windows. The computer will reboot and you will see the message “Press any key for load from CD”. That is, you need to press any button to start installing Windows.

Similar steps must be taken if the OS will be installed from a flash drive. Only instead of the “DVD-ROM” item you need to select a USB connector.

If after this the message “Windows loading files” appears on the screen, this means that the installation has begun. When this stage is completed, the Windows 7 installation window will appear, where you will need to select the language to install, time format and keyboard layout. As a rule, the default is Russian everywhere, so at this stage you don’t have to change anything. After clicking the “Next” button, a new window will appear where you can begin the process of reinstalling the OS. But before that, it is advisable to read “What you should know before installing” (especially for those who are doing this for the first time).

After clicking the “Install” button, you will need to accept the terms of the license agreement (check the box) and click the “Next” button again. After this, the program will ask the user how he wants to reinstall Windows. There are 2 options here:

  • update;
  • complete installation.

An upgrade is the installation of another OS on top of the existing one. And a complete installation is an installation from scratch. Naturally, it would be best to completely remove Windows via BIOS and install a new operating system.

Therefore, you need to select “Full installation”. At the next stage, a window will open where a list will be presented. Here you can divide 1 partition into several: for example, into local drive C and local drive D. Windows is usually installed on drive C, so it is advisable to allocate at least 50 GB for it - approximately 20 GB will be occupied by the OS, the rest for the future. In addition, if the user is reinstalling the OS and there is already some data stored on the hard drive, they can be deleted here. How to delete? To do this, select the desired disk partition, click the “Disk Setup” button, and then select “Format”.

After everything necessary actions will be done, you need to click on the local disk where you want to install the OS and click the “Next” button. The installation process will begin, and here you can monitor the progress of installed components and updates. As a rule, on good computers the whole process will take about 15-20 minutes.

After this, all that remains is to do a couple of steps - enter the user name, set a password (optional) and enter the activation key. If there is no key at the moment, you can simply click “Next” and enter the key later (or check the “Activate OS when connected to the Internet” checkbox). Then you will need to set the time and date, and also select your network type. After this, the desktop will load, and the installation of Windows 7 will be completed.

All that remains is to customize the computer for yourself - install drivers, select, install the programs necessary for operation, etc.

There are just a few problems that newbies face. And one of them is setting up the BIOS to install Windows from a flash drive. This is the first step where it all begins, and this is where almost everyone stumbles.

The problem is that there are different versions of BIOS. And, having studied the instructions on how to enable booting from a flash drive in the BIOS, a beginner may still not be able to cope. And all because it simply has the wrong BIOS version, there is no such line as in the screenshot and, accordingly, nothing works.

It doesn't matter what brand of laptop or computer you have. The version of the operating system (Windows 10, 8, 7 or XP) also does not matter. Only the BIOS version is important. And the easiest way to find out about this is by running it.

How to enter BIOS settings

Before entering BIOS settings, you need to insert a bootable USB flash drive with in an installation manner. The main thing here is to write it down correctly. Otherwise it simply won't load.

After that, restart your PC or laptop and continuously click the Delete or F2 button until the BIOS window opens. The button may differ depending on the brand of laptop or motherboard on the computer, so see the hint on the first black screen.

Then the BIOS is configured.

Award BIOS setup

How can you tell if you have an Award BIOS? From the screenshot below:

If you have the same blue screen, then this is an Award. This option is most often found on PCs.

Control in the BIOS is carried out only using the keyboard - arrows and corresponding buttons (their list is usually indicated at the bottom of the screen).

Before you set the BIOS to boot from USB, you need to check that it is enabled (otherwise the USB flash drive simply will not appear). For this:

The instructions are as follows:

In the screenshot above, the HDD drive is in 1st place, and the USB flash drive is in second place. She needs to be lifted upstairs. As you can see from the prompts at the bottom of the screen, you can set the boot priority in the BIOS using the + and – buttons (plus and minus). Select the USB flash drive and press the plus sign - it should move to the first line. Next, press Esc to go back.

Then highlight the “First Boot Device” item, press Enter and select “USB-HDD”. Press the Esc button again. To exit the BIOS, click the F10 button and then Esc (Save and Exit).

Setting up AMI BIOS

AMI BIOS looks like this:

And most often it is found on laptops. Again, you first need to make sure that the USB controller is enabled. For this:

Now let's look at how to boot a flash drive through BIOS on a laptop:

Sometimes, to change the boot priority of devices (put the flash drive in 1st place), you need to press other buttons. This can be not only + and - (plus/minus), but also F6/F7, etc. Focus on the tooltips, where it is written what a specific button does (this small instruction is always located either on the right or at the bottom).

Setting up Phoenix-Award BIOS

Phoenix-Award looks like this:

This is a rare (more precisely, old) version, but still, for the full picture, let’s look at it through the Phoenix-Award BIOS.

First, go to the “Peripherals” tab and make sure that the first two items are set to “Enabled”. If necessary, set what you need.

After that, go to the “Exit” tab (in top menu) and select the “Save & Exit” line to exit the BIOS.

Setting up BIOS UEFI

BIOS UEFI is a new and improved version of the old BIOS. It has a user-friendly interface, so setting up the BIOS to install Windows is very simple here.

All you need is to find the USB device icon, use the mouse to move it to the 1st place, and then click the “Exit” item (in the right corner) with the mouse. And don't forget to save your settings!

This is the simplest way to boot from a flash drive via UEFI BIOS. Undoubtedly, this method is the simplest and most understandable. Actually, this is precisely why the new graphical interface was developed.

When your PC or laptop reboots for the first time during the Windows installation process, you need to go into the BIOS again and restore the previous settings. That is, put the HDD drive in first place, and lower the flash drive into second or third.

Or when after a reboot a black screen appears with the line “Press any key...” (“Press any button”) - do nothing.

Otherwise, Windows will start installing from the very beginning. And you can walk in circles like this for hours.

Once again: during the installation process, after the first reboot, either go into the BIOS and return all the previous settings, or simply do not press anything. Alternatively, you can simply remove the flash drive from the USB port (but only when the PC or laptop reboots).

Do you want to install Windows 7 on your computer or laptop, but don’t know how? It's not as difficult as it seems. Although the first time, of course, will be difficult. But, once you figure it out, you will become a real “IT master” and will be able to independently install Windows 7 on any computer or laptop.

Before installing Windows 7, print this page. This will make your task much easier. After all, during the installation of Windows 7 there will be no access to the Internet. The only exception is when you have a second PC, laptop or smartphone, from which you can, if necessary, access the site again and see what to do next.

When is Windows 7 installed?

  1. You bought new laptop or computer. Everything is clear here. In most cases, laptops or PCs either do not have any operating system at all, or do not have the one you need (for example, the ancient MS-DOS).
  2. You didn’t like Windows 10 or 8, and you want to install the good old “seven”.
  3. There was a malfunction, a virus or ransomware advertising banner was caught, the computer or laptop does not turn on, etc.

Let's dwell a little on the last point. If problems occur with your computer or laptop, do not rush to reinstall Windows. Firstly, reinstalling the operating system is done as a last resort when other methods have not helped.

Secondly, remember that after installing Windows, all data is erased, at least on local drive C. And these are all your programs: browsers, video players. And you will have to install everything again.

Thirdly, there are no guarantees that reinstalling Windows will help solve the problem. But the files on local drive C will be deleted permanently in any case.

Therefore, first, try to look for other solutions to restore your PC or laptop. For example, the following articles may help you:

You can also always look for other articles on this blog or through Google/Yandex.

Preparing to install Windows 7 OS

The first thing you need to do before installing Windows 7 on a laptop is to copy all important information. At least from local drive C. After formatting, all data on it will be erased.

If you bought new computer or laptop, you can skip this step. In all other cases, this is a prerequisite!

Therefore, save all files, documents, pictures, audio tracks and videos from your desktop and from the “My Documents” folder. It is also recommended to look at the local drive C - important information is also written to it quite often. Where to save? On a disk or flash drive. Another option is to upload files to online services (Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, etc.).

By the way, sometimes you can copy some programs along with the settings. For example, bookmarks and passwords from the browser you used.

The second point to make is to determine which Windows bit depth 7 You need x86 or x64. Everything is very simple here. If you have 4 GB installed on your laptop or computer random access memory(and more), then you need to install Windows 7 x64, and if less, then x86.

Why is that? The fact is that the x86 version does not see 4 GB of RAM. The maximum that it shows is 3.25 GB.

How to find out the amount of RAM? If you have a new computer, look in the documentation. And if it’s a laptop, then the characteristics are indicated on its case (or on the box).

If you already have Windows installed, then the amount of RAM can be viewed as follows:

The third thing that needs to be done before installation is to burn a digital copy of Windows 7 to a disk or flash drive.

If you already have a boot disk (bought or given in a store along with your PC), then skip this step.

Burning a DVD is easy. After all, you've probably already recorded films, music, games? This can be done through Nero, Alcohol 120% and other programs.

As for the USB flash drive, there are some difficulties. Therefore, in this case, I recommend reading -.

Where to get the image or installation Windows disk 7? Can be purchased in store or online.

And the last thing you need to do before installing Windows 7 is to prepare drivers for your laptop or PC. Driver discs are usually included with your computer. If you have them, then you can skip this point.

Laptop owners are not provided with disks, so you need to install drivers from the manufacturer’s official website (search by the name of your model).

If you skip this step, you may be left without internet. After all, you need to install a driver for it. USB ports may also not work. That is, a mouse. And in the end you will have to go to a friend or acquaintances and download the drivers from them.

This completes the preparatory process. Check again that you have saved all important data, then connect a USB flash drive or insert a DVD with the installation Windows way 7 and reboot your laptop/computer.

Setting up BIOS for installing Windows 7

Perhaps setting up the BIOS is the most difficult stage for most users. Especially for beginners.

In addition, the difficulty here is that the BIOS versions may differ on different PCs and laptops. And the buttons to enter the BIOS too. As a result, some users cannot even enter the BIOS. Therefore, to avoid problems with this, let’s consider in detail what needs to be done and how.

So, when you have prepared everything, restart the computer, and immediately when the screen turns on, repeatedly press the Del button (for PCs) or F2 (for laptops). If you did everything correctly, you will see the BIOS screen. Something like this:

Or this:

There are 4 devices displayed here - First Boot Device (first), Second (second), etc. By default, the first one is the hard disk (Hard Disk or HDD). And you need to put the CD-ROM (disk) or USB-HDD (flash drive) on the first line - depending on which device the seven will be installed from.

How to do it? On a PC, you usually need to highlight the first item, press Enter and select the desired option from the drop-down list.

On laptops, the device boot priority can be changed using the arrows or F5-F6 buttons. Control keys are usually located on the right or at the very bottom of the BIOS screen.

When you select First Boot Device in the first paragraph desired device(CD-ROM or USB-HDD), be sure to save the settings, and then exit the BIOS. Which save button? This is also written at the bottom of the screen (usually F10).

If you have BIOS UEFI ( a new version), then simply drag the desired icon (disk drive or flash drive) to the first place with the mouse and click “Exit” in the upper right corner.

After this, the laptop or computer will reboot and the installation of Windows 7 will begin.

If all this is too complicated for you, there is another option to configure booting from a disk or flash drive without going into the BIOS. For this you can. But this method only works on new PCs and laptops.

Step-by-step instructions for installing Windows 7

Immediately after rebooting, you will see a black screen with a single line.

Here you need to press any button - for example, Space.

If this message does not appear, it means that you did not save the BIOS settings. Check them again. If everything is fine there, then either you did not write the bootable USB flash drive correctly, or the disk is damaged and the computer/laptop does not see it (the disk drive may not be working).

After clicking the button, you will see a black screen with the inscription “Windows is downloading files...”.

Wait for the system to copy everything. After this, a new window will appear on the screen. Select Russian language and click “Next”.

In the new window, click the “Install” button.

If there are several recorded on a disk or flash drive Windows versions 7 – You need to choose the right one. We have already figured out the x86 and x64 bit depth, so decide for yourself here. As for the version, it is better to choose “Maximum”. Although there is almost no difference between it, “Home”, “Beginner” and “Professional”, so this is not so important. Select the desired item and click “Next”.

Agree to the license terms (check the box) and proceed further.

Choose the full installation.

A window will open asking you to select a partition for installing Windows 7. But here it’s worth going into more detail.

How to partition a disk during first installation?

If the installation is performed on a new computer or laptop (i.e. for the first time), then you will see only one line - “Unallocated disk space”.

And in this case, you need to split the hard drive into 2 partitions - local drive C and D (more is possible, but this is not necessary). To do this, select this line, click the “Create” button, indicate the disk size (in megabytes) and click the “Apply” button.

Don't know how much 50 GB is in megabytes? Write a number at random - for example, 50000. And then see what volume the system will show for the created partition. If it turns out too little, select it, click the “Delete” button, and try again, specifying a larger number.

For normal Windows works 7 you need to create a special partition with a capacity of 100 MB where you will store boot files. So when the next window pops up, just click OK.

When you specify the required volume for local drive C and create it, “Partition 2” will appear. This is him.

After that, select the “Unallocated space” line again, click “Create”, and then the “Apply” button. After this, local disk D (“Partition 3”) will appear.

If you forget to do this, then after installing Windows 7 there will be only one local drive C. And partition D will “evaporate” into thin air. You'll have to reinstall Windows again. Therefore, before moving on, make sure that the “Unallocated Space” option is no longer there.

To install Windows on local drive C, select “Partition 2” and click “Next”.

If you reinstall Windows 7, then the following window will appear on the screen:

In this case, you need to select “Section 2” and click the “Format” button. This will delete all data on it. When the formatting process is complete, select this section again and click “Next”.

By the way, if you want to distribute the space between local drive C and D differently, you can delete them and create them again, specifying a different size. How to do this is written in the previous paragraph. But remember: in this case, the information will be deleted on the local drive D too! As a result, your PC or laptop will be clean, as if you had just bought it. Therefore, perform this procedure only if you have saved all the necessary files.

Continue installing Windows 7

So, you were able to partition your hard drive or format it before installing Windows 7 and clicked the “Next” button. After this, the operating system will begin to install. Wait until the files are copied.

After this, the computer/laptop will reboot and you will again see the familiar black window with a single line.

Under no circumstances press anything on the keyboard, otherwise everything will start all over again.

After this, the computer or laptop will reboot a second time.

Well, the main thing is already behind us, all that remains is to fill in some fields:

  1. Indicate the username and computer name (if you plan to play games, it is better to write in Latin).
  2. You don’t have to set a password - in that case, just move on.
  3. If you have a digital copy, you also don’t have to specify the activation key (usually Windows 7 is activated automatically when you connect to the Internet). To skip this step, click Next. And if you bought a disc, then enter here the code that is written on the sticker.
  4. Here it is recommended to select the “Delay decision” option (you can change these settings later).
  5. Select your time zone, specify the time and click “Next”.
  6. If Windows automatically finds drivers for the Internet, then in the new window select “Home Network”.
  7. Wait while the desktop setup is completed.
  8. Congratulations – you have just been able to install Windows 7 on your laptop or computer yourself.

What to do after installing Windows 7?

First of all, reboot your laptop or computer, go into the BIOS and change the device boot priority back. That is, put the hard drive (Hard Disk or HDD) in first place, and lower the CD-ROM or USB-HDD to second or lower.

Also, after installing Windows 7, the Internet and USB connectors may not work. This is because there are no drivers. Therefore, at the next stage you install them.

This is precisely why you need to prepare all the necessary drivers in advance before installing Windows 7. Especially for the Internet. After all, how will you download them if you don’t have access to the network?

And one more nuance - when you turn on your computer or laptop, you may see two Windows 7 (during boot).

The first one was installed by you, and the second one was saved in hidden section(“reserved by the system”). However, the extra line can be deleted. To do this, do the following:

Ready. After reboot second Windows 7 will no longer exist, and you will not see the operating system selection menu.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Do you have a laptop? Personal Computer or a tablet - in a word, a device on which you want to install Windows via a USB flash drive? Do you have to frequently reinstall the OS and don't want to use fragile and bulky disks?

If yes, then this guide is for you. Read the instructions below carefully and you will definitely succeed!

We can also say that a disk image is the same CD/DVD disk that does not have its own material shell.

Step 1. If you have an official copy of Windows, you can create a bootable USB drive from the Windows installer that came with your computer. DVD disc or use the official ISO file, which can be downloaded from the company’s website. You can also purchase an ISO distribution from other sources (download from any torrent tracker). In the last two cases, skip the following paragraphs in this section.

Step 2.. There are many free solutions available on the Internet, one of which is ImgBurn, one of the most popular utilities.

Step 3. Insert the operating system disc into the DVD drive. Open the program and click on the “Copy to Image” or “Create Image” tab (in different versions program, the inscription may differ). When prompted, select the DVD drive as the source.

Step 4. Save the ISO file. Choose an easy-to-remember file name and location. Make sure you have enough free space to save the file. An ISO file is essentially exact copy boot DVD.

Part 2: Creating a bootable USB flash drive

Step 1. Insert your flash drive into the appropriate slot on your computer. To successfully copy a disk image (ISO) file, the media size must be at least 4 GB.

Note! When created, all original data will be erased - create backup copy if there is important information.

Step 2. Download Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool from the official Windows website. Despite the name, the utility also works with other versions of the OS.

Step 3. Specify the path to the ISO file - the location where you saved it at the last stage of creation.

Step 4. Click on the button USB Device" The program can also create a boot disk; to do this, click on the “Disc” button.

Step 5. Wait until the download completes. The program will prepare the drive, then download the ISO file to it. Depending on the speed of your device, the copying process takes up to 15 minutes.

Part 3. Preparing the system

  1. Insert the USB drive into your computer. Press the power button or restart your computer. During the reboot, click on the so-called “Setup key” - a key combination that is shown on the first system boot screens. Typically, this combination is located on the same screen on which the manufacturer’s logo is displayed. The key varies from computer to computer, but in any case it will be on the screen. Once clicked, you will be taken to the BIOS menu.

    Table of dependence of hot keys on the PC model at the time of booting

  2. Click on the " Boot Menu" Each BIOS is different, but they all have this tab. You will see the order in which the computer searches for a bootable operating system. Typically, computers do this from the hard drive first, so the OS boots automatically.

  3. Once you go to the "Boot Menu", you will need to switch the order so that your USB drive is at the very top of the list. Again, exactly what this list looks like will vary depending on the make and model of the device. You may see the name of your drive, or perhaps it will just say “Removable Device” or “USB”. To change the order, use the “+” and “-” keys - up and down, respectively.

  4. Afterwards, save the changes and exit the BIOS. The key to this action is usually the F10 key. The computer will reboot from the USB drive.

Part 4: Installing Windows

Step 1. To begin initializing the installer, press any key. If you do nothing, the computer will automatically start loading the already installed operating system and you will have to reboot the system again.

Step 2. After pressing the key, the system will begin downloading data to install the operating system. On slow devices, this process may take up to several minutes.

Step 3. Follow the installer's instructions. Once the installation is complete, the system will reboot.

Congratulations! You have installed Windows! Now you have a flash drive with which you can . Most new computers support installation from flash drives, use the special BIOS boot option as shown above.

Video - How to reinstall Windows from a flash drive via BIOS

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