
We enlarge the computer screen using the keyboard. We expand the screen on the monitor in various ways How to fix an elongated screen on a laptop

Currently, household and electronics stores offer a large number of monitor models. Each buyer, when choosing, is guided by the goals that he sets for himself while working at the computer.

Some tasks require a larger screen area. Decide this problem can be done using the built-in capabilities of the operating system. As an example, let's try to expand the screen on the monitor in several ways.

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Screen resolution

The procedure for setting the screen resolution depends on the version of the operating system.

In Windows XP you need:

  • Select “Properties” -> “Options”;
  • Set the appropriate resolution.

On Windows 7 or Windows 8 you must:

  • Right-click on the desktop;
  • Open the “Screen Resolution” window;
  • Set resolution.

Operating system failure

Sometimes the screen becomes narrower as a result of a reinstallation or failure of the operating system, and the extension setting does nothing (or is not available). In this case you can:

  • Use the control panel on your computer monitor;
  • Check and, if necessary, reinstall the video card driver.

Video card driver

The reason for the narrowing of the screen on the monitor is often problems with the video card driver. To check it, you need to:

  • Right-click on “My Computer”;
  • Go to the “Properties” section;
  • Open "Device Manager";
  • Find the video card and check if there is an exclamation mark next to it;
  • IN context menu called up using the right mouse button, select “Update driver” or reinstall software manually.

Additional monitor

Changing the standard resolution supported by your monitor may result in poor image quality. Therefore, in such cases, you can use a different monitor. To do this you need:

  • Connect another monitor to the second video card connector;
  • Go to the monitor settings menu;
  • Click the “Find” button;
  • Wait until the system recognizes the additional device;
  • Select the graphic image of the second monitor;
  • Activate the “Set this screen as the main” function.
  • Select the "Extend this screen" option (on additional monitor all shortcuts will disappear, only the desktop picture will be displayed);
  • You can launch an application on an additional monitor by dragging it with the cursor outside the first monitor.
  • Set the monitors to the same resolution (otherwise, not the entire work area will be occupied on one of them).


The image may appear stretched for two reasons: firstly, due to incorrect screen settings; secondly, in the absence of the necessary driver for the video card installed in the system.

Correcting image stretching in the first case is very simple. For the Windows XP operating system, open “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Display” - “Display Settings” and set the required resolution. For a regular monitor, the normal screen resolution is 1024x768 pixels. For a monitor with an aspect ratio of 16:9, typical for laptops, 1366x768 pixels. Click "OK" - the screen resolution will be changed. Evaluate it - if it becomes normal, confirm the changes. If not, try different screen options.

In the operating room Windows system 7 To change the screen resolution, click on a free area of ​​the desktop with the right mouse button. In the context menu that opens, select “Screen Resolution”. Further settings are no different from those for Windows XP.

If there is no video card driver, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Determining whether the driver is installed is very simple - open any window and try dragging it with the mouse. If there is no driver, the window will move slowly, with noticeable distortion.

To install the driver, open “Start” – “Control Panel” – “System” – “Hardware” – “Device Manager” – “Video adapters”. If the driver is not installed, your video card will be marked with a yellow question mark in the list. Double-click the line with the question mark with the mouse, and in the window that appears, click the “Reinstall” button. If you have a driver disc, insert it into your drive and click Next. The installer will automatically find and install necessary files. If the driver is located on the computer's hard drive, specify the path to it.

The main difficulties arise when installing video card drivers on laptops. To find out which driver you need, use the Aida64 (Everest) program. Run it and see the exact data of the video card. Using this data, go to your manufacturer’s website and find required driver.

In some cases, it can help solve problems with installing drivers with Windows XP installation disk with Windows XP Zver build. This assembly contains a large number of drivers, but you won’t be able to install them directly, since they are packaged. Copy the archive you need from the OEMDRV folder - for example, DP_Video_ATI_Nvidia_911rc9.7z for ATI video cards and Nvidia, unzip it. Then run the driver installation procedure again and specify the path to the folder with the unpacked drivers.

Quite often, computer users ask the question of how to expand their monitor screen. There may be several reasons why the monitor screen becomes narrow with black stripes around the edges, or the picture is not fully displayed, and the image becomes blurry. Now we will look at the most common situations of such incidents and try to correct them.

Reasons why your monitor screen becomes narrow

Most often this happens for several reasons:

  • Incorrect setting;
  • The video card driver is not installed;
  • Connecting to a computer or additional monitor;
  • Not correct settings monitor.

Now let's look at all these reasons in more detail.

Incorrect screen resolution setting

Screen resolution settings may become lost when installing pirated programs, reinstalling the system, a virus enters the system, after beating the game with your own settings, or after a sudden unexpected shutdown of the computer.

In this case, fixing the situation is quite simple. Just right-click on free space desktop:

IN Windows 7

And in the drop-down context menu select “ Screen resolution»

In the next window find " Permission» and open the list by left-clicking on the small black arrow on the right.

You should see a list of possible screen resolution settings.

You should not experiment with all resolutions in a row, because... If you select a resolution that your monitor does not support, the screen may go blank and you will not be able to adjust it without the help of the wizard. The monitor will not burn out, but you will need to reset your settings. This is usually done through " Safe mode", or on another computer that supports the resolution you set yourself.

Therefore, before changing the screen resolution, read the instructions for your monitor to see what parameters it supports, or click on the blue link “ Which monitor settings should you choose?? (in the same window where you select the resolution), and carefully read what is written there.

IN Windows 10

Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “ Screen Options»

Go to the tab on the left " Display", find in the window on the right " Permission", click on the arrow and select the necessary parameters.

Usually next to the required parameter it is written “( Recommended

Video card driver not installed

Usually, after reinstalling the operating system, or after replacing the video adapter, a temporary video card driver is automatically loaded. And if you then do not download specialized drivers for the video card, then in the “Resolution” item in the screen settings there will be no list of resolutions (at best, two parameters). And in the device manager there will be an entry “ StandardVGA graphics adapter».

In this case, you need (video adapter) from the disk that comes with the video card or from the official website of the video card manufacturer.

If you have the Windows 10 operating system installed on your computer, the driver will be installed automatically.

Connecting a TV, laptop, or additional monitor to a computer

If another monitor, or laptop, or even a TV is connected to your computer, then disconnect them. If after this everything has been corrected on your main monitor and the image has expanded to fill the entire screen, then you need to correctly determine in the display selection settings which one will be the main one and which one will be the secondary one.

And in the settings " Screen» select the required monitor.

Monitor settings

Almost any monitor has buttons for adjusting it. They are usually located at the lower front (bottom) or side.

Find the auto setup options and set them.

You can try setting up the monitor yourself using other buttons. But it will take longer.

That's all for now. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Every user wants to work in a comfortable environment. If your screen is stretched to non-standard sizes, you have a desire to bring him back to normal.

Let's get acquainted with the reasons

The most popular reasons for narrowing or widening the image on the monitor:

  • you may have set the wrong resolution in your screen settings;
  • video card drivers are outdated or missing altogether;
  • The monitor settings have gone wrong.

All reasons can be dealt with easily and quickly by following the instructions.

Changing the resolution

If you do not have the necessary drivers, you will not be able to fix the situation this way. However, these steps won’t take you much time, so it’s worth a try. If it doesn't work, move on to another method.

Windows 7

More detailed instructions You can read about changing the screen extension in Windows 7 in our new article -

Important! If you do not have drivers, then such actions will not lead to the desired result. There will be changes, but they will be minor. In this case, simply proceed to installing the necessary components.

Windows 10

You can also change the resolution through the Control Panel:

Updating the system

Most often, this option solves the problem. After the update, the system will find the necessary drivers and install them, after which the screen will return to its previous appearance.

Windows 7

Advice! At automatic download updates, you don’t have to search for and install everything manually, the system itself will find the parameters it needs. And if it’s just a matter of , then the screen will take on a standard appearance.

Video - How to change Windows 10 screen resolution

Windows 10

To make things clearer, you can watch a video with ways to update Win 10.

Video - How to check for updates on Windows 10

Important! If you do not have access to the Internet to check for driver updates, then you should find a special disk from which you can install.

Also remember that certain monitors may require you to install their own drivers in Win 10. As a rule, they should be included, but if not, they can be downloaded from the developer’s website.

Setting permissions using the driver

Depending on what driver you have, follow the steps below.



Video - How to narrow the computer screen horizontally

While working on a computer, some users find that text or labels seem too large, but they do not know how to reduce the screen scale on the computer and bring the specified objects back to normal size.

Unfortunately, there is no one solution for all such problems, since the causes differ in different situations. In this article, we will look at the three most common situations when you may need to reduce the screen scale and tell you what you can do about it.

Most often, when users ask how to scale down the screen on a computer, they mean the scale of shortcuts on the desktop.

The fact is that by default, the Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems use fairly large shortcuts, while in Windows XP and older Windows versions Smaller labels are used. As a result, users accustomed to Windows XP want to reduce the screen scale so that the shortcuts become the usual size.

This can be solved very simply. You need to right-click on the desktop, go to the “View” menu and select “Small Icons”.

In addition, in the “View” menu you can enable or disable the ordering of shortcuts and their alignment on a grid.

How to zoom out text on a computer screen

Another situation where users have problems with scale is that the text on the computer is not at the appropriate scale. By default, in operating system Windows uses a text scale of 100%, but it can be increased to 125, 150 or 175%. This feature is provided for users with disabilities, but if this scale is enabled to the average user, then working with the computer will become inconvenient.

To zoom out text on your computer, you only need to make a couple of clicks. If you have Windows 10, then you need to right-click on the desktop and go to “Display Settings”.

As a result, the “Settings” window will open in front of you in the “System - Screen” section. Several settings will be available here. If you want to reduce the text scale, then you need to open the drop-down menu “Change the size of text, applications and other elements” and select the “100% (recommended)” option.

Also, problems with scale can be caused by incorrectly set . Therefore, make sure that the system-recommended resolution is selected in the “Resolution” drop-down list. You should not use a non-recommended resolution, as advised on some sites. Even if you think it will reduce the screen size on your computer. In fact, this will lead to a significant decrease in image quality on the monitor and your eyes will begin to get very tired.

On a computer with Windows 7, to reduce the text scale, you need to right-click on the desktop and go to “Screen Resolution”.

As a result, a window with text scale settings will open. Here you need to select the “Small - 100%” option and save the changes with the “Apply” button.

In Windows XP, to reduce the text scale, you need to right-click on the desktop and select “Properties”. Next, you need to go to the “Options” tab and click on the “Advanced” button.

How to reduce the screen scale in the browser and other programs

Also, sometimes there is a need to reduce the screen scale not in general on the computer, but only in individual programs.

A typical example is screen scaling in a browser. IN modern browsers You can zoom in or out on the screen simply by holding down the CTRL button on your keyboard and rolling the mouse wheel. Often, users accidentally use this browser feature and then don't know how to zoom out the screen back to normal. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then simply hold down the CTRL button and, without releasing it, roll the mouse wheel up and down. At the same time, you will see how the screen scale changes. Having selected the appropriate scale, simply release the CTRL button. Also in browsers, you can zoom in and out of the screen using a combination of the CTRL keys and the Num+/Num- keys.

In the same way, you can zoom in or out on your computer screen in other programs. For example, in such office programs as Word, Excel and PowerPoint, it works both with the CTRL button and mouse wheel method, and the method with the CTRL-Num+/Num- key combination.

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