
Find out guests in VK application. How to find out who my guests are on VK. This service gives

All users who visit your personal VKontakte page are included in the guest list (see). But for some reason, the developers decided that there was no need for us to be able to view it. And this, you see, is quite inconvenient. Especially if we actively use this social network.

Let's see how to check guests on VK, and what tools and tools are available for this.

Are there programs for viewing guests on VK?

After analyzing this topic, it became clear that at the moment normal programs for these purposes no. Several options that offer such features can be found online. But they don't inspire much confidence. Considering the fact that it will be necessary to provide full access to your page.

But this is not particularly bad - there are a lot of applications that will help you see who was your guest on your page.

What apps are there for viewing guests?

Here the list of available options is already quite large. VK has several dozen applications that will allow us to track visitors to our page. But this is exactly what we need, right?

What I would like to note. The principle of operation is the same for everyone - you will be presented with a list of people who recently visited and viewed your profile. A couple will be added to the load additional functions. Whether you need them or not, decide where you are.

Therefore, go to the application section, type “Guests” in the search, and see which option appeals to you the most.

Checking the operation of the “Infographer + Guests” application

You can use the option that you like. I want to show you a short instruction for the application indicated in the title.

After searching by keyword“Guests”, in the list of results you will see an icon with the image of Benedict Cumberbatch - and the name "Infographer + guests". Let's click on it.

A page will open with brief description. You can quickly see what features will be available to you. Next, click "Launch the application".

This is what the start window looks like.

In the block "Last Page Visitors", click the “Show all” button.

It will take a little time to process. You'll end up with a list showing all the people who have recently viewed your page. There is the most necessary information: profile avatar (see), name, date of last visit (see).

Who is registered in Odnoklassniki knows that in this social network there is one useful thing: View guests who visited your page. That is, all those who visited your page will be displayed in the corresponding window. VKontakte, unfortunately, does not have such a function, that is, there is no way to officially see guests. However, there are certain ways in which you can find out who visited my VKontakte page.

For the administration of the social network VK, from the very beginning, user privacy comes first, so viewing guests standard means resource engine is not possible. But if you use third party applications, then such an opportunity arises. Of course, you won’t be able to see all the users who were on your page, but you will definitely know about most of them. Well, if you're ready, then let's go!


Method 1. Using a social network

First of all, let's look at the most proven and easiest way to find out who visited your personal VKontakte account. True, you will only be able to see those visitors who visit your page more often, however, you will agree that this is also quite valuable information. So let's get started!

We go to our personal VKontakte page. Click on your ava in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.

Next, at the very bottom there is a link “You can delete your page.”, click on it. Don't worry, we won't delete the page, it's just the system.

The Delete Page window will open, where we need to check the box “No comments are being made on my page.” After choosing, you will be able to see friends who often visit your VK page. As you can see, everything is very simple; in a couple of clicks you can find out important information.

To see more friends, just refresh the page, click on the “delete your page” link again and select “No one comments on my page.”

Method 2. Using the My Guests app

Principle this method is as follows: using the special application “My Guests” you receive a special link-trap that you will need to place on your page, for example, on a wall with enticing text. If a guest who lands on your page clicks on such a link, the application will immediately record it, and you will be able to see who visited the VKontakte page.

The link will look like******, where instead of asterisks you need to insert your identifier (ID). Of course, in this situation you will not see all the guests, but most of them for sure.

Method 3. Find out who visited the page using the My Fans and Guests application

You can view the guests of your VK page using another application called “My Fans and Guests.” Follow the link and select the desired section (VKontakte Guests, Fans or show statistics). By launching this application, you can find out a lot of interesting things, for example, who performed what actions on your page. Overall I recommend it!

Method 4. Application "Your Guests"

The principle of this application is the same as in the third method: tracking the actions of VK users specifically on your page (like, repost, write a comment, etc.). It’s very easy to find out who visited the page: follow the link

To recognize guests, you can download one of the local applications. Following step by step instructions, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Which app should you choose?

VKontakte offers more than a dozen special applications with which you can not only see visitors, but also view visit statistics, the actions of these people, and also track who was added or removed from friends. Each application has its own “tricks”; by downloading several, you yourself will determine which program is convenient for your needs.

In our article we will talk about two of the most popular applications- “My guests” and “My fans and guests.”

To find the right application, just enter its name in the search bar above your main photo on the page.

After clicking on the “My Guests” application, this window will appear where you can familiarize yourself with the main features of the program and see what data you allow access to.

In the upper right corner, click “Launch application”.

After launching the application, you can see the people who came to visit you.

Important! The program generates a list of guests based on user activity. If a person simply looked at your page, but did not leave a “trace” (did not like the post, did not comment on the post, did not go to your photo albums), then the application will not display such a guest.

A unique feature of the “My Guests” program is the ability to promote your page. To do this, you need to select the “Promotion” tab and select the city, gender and age of the people to whom you would like to show your page.

Be prepared for the fact that for each person to whom your page is shown, you will have to pay with money or “votes” on VKontakte. For example, in order for about 10,000 users to see you, you need to fork out about 300 rubles or spend 44 of your “votes”.

If these numbers don’t scare you, and you are eager to make new friends who will comment on your photos and posts, and maybe find your love, feel free to order a promotion service. Your account will quickly gain popularity.

When you launch this application, we perform the same initial steps as when searching for the “My Guests” application.

By entering the desired application and selecting “My fans and guests” from the list, a download window will open in front of you. At the top right click “Launch application”.

By launching the program, you will also see your guests, also see who your friends like, and promote your page, as in the previous application. The highlight of this program is the “My Desires” tab. With its help you can express your attitude towards a person. It looks like this:

“My Desires” Tab

Advice! Do not forget that by downloading applications, you consent to the use of your personal data, so carefully read all the conditions written small print, or hidden in links.

Hi all! Man is a social creature and he is always interested in the attitude of others towards himself, so over time, surely each of the users of social networks asks the question - how to view guests in contact?!

By the way, Odnoklassniki has such functionality (you can even buy an invisible one so that no one sees that you visited his page) and doubt creeps in - maybe there are ways to check guests on VK?!

Currently official service (and unofficial too) There is no page for guests to view, and perhaps there never will be. BUT! There are a couple of tips that will help us see our page guests

It's time to answer the pressing question - is it possible to see guests in contact?! Now we will look at the various options. Do you see the robot WALLY covering his tracks? It is from these traces that we will determine whether there was specific user on your page.

See for yourself - if a person left you a comment or liked a post (or your photo), then he probably visited your page.

Application "My Guests" VKontakte

Using these signs, you can see the guests of your page, but this is not very convenient - so I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “My Guests” application, which will analyze your page and tell you who has followed you.

The only correct way to see the guests of a VKontakte page is to launch the “My Guests” application, just click on the link above and select “Launch application”, of course you must be logged in to the social network.

On the “Guests” tab we can see users who have been active on our page. If you have a complete stranger on your guest list, then most likely the app put him on your list to pique your interest...

How to view guests on VK (Life hack with deleting a page)

Few people know (well, it’s not every day that we delete ourselves from social networks), that one of the reasons for deleting a VKontakte page can be indicated “They don’t comment on my page” and they will offer to add the most active users on your page to the status. You can read about how to delete a page in the corresponding page.

Unfortunately, I can’t say for sure - this is just a VK feature with a reason to keep you on a social network or real guests... so this method for identifying guests on VK works, but it’s not certain!

Trap for VKontakte guests

If you have an incredibly great desire to see guests on VKontakte, then in a good way (I would say brilliant) will set a trap for visitors to your page. I already wrote about the “My Guests” application - it has the ability to catch your friends.

Step 1. Launch the “My Guests” application and in the upper left corner find the “Catch more guests” item

Step 2. We will be shown a short instruction on how to use this feature. In short: copy the link, shove it into the “Personal Site” line or post it in the news and wait for someone to follow your unique link.

In the screenshot below you can see how the link is displayed in the news. Try to make an intriguing title so that visitors to your page will want to click on it.

All you have to do is be patient and log into the app occasionally. Rest assured, as soon as your guests click on this link, they will be visible in the application in the “My Guests” section. Based on statistics, the most clickable place is in the “Site” field (as the application itself recommended to us). You can experiment with the location traps and catch even more visitors to your page.

Unfortunately (although it might be for the better) There are no other ways to check guests in contact. Remember, no third party programs will not show you your guests - with a high degree of probability, when you try to log in to a social network through such an application, your credentials will end up in the hands of attackers.

Program for viewing VKontakte guests

If you think that cool hackers hack your pages and then extort money from your friends, then you are very mistaken. As a rule, you yourself enter your page data in suspicious services and programs - for example, in a program for viewing VKontakte guests.

You won't see any guests (and if they show you, then these are not guests at all) but your login and password for authorization in the contact will become known to attackers. What's the point of them hacking you if you yourself fill out the database with your current logins and passwords?!

The situation is similar with mobile “Guest Scanners”. The maximum they can do is show those who liked or left comments on your page... but is it worth it to risk your account and money (after all, a trusting friend can transfer the necessary amount to you to an attacker)


How to see guests in contact?! — NO WAY! There are only indirect signs that a person has visited your page. Even a trap only says that a person followed the link - he probably won’t get into it the second time and therefore his visit won’t be counted. Stop doing this and if you have already exposed your data in similar services or applications, change your password immediately and it is very advisable to set up two-factor authentication, so that later you don’t have to explain that it was not you who wrote and the page was hacked.

OFTOP. My personal opinion is that they will not show you guests; it is not at all profitable for the owners of the social network ( Imaginary anonymity stimulates user activity well - after all, you can follow the life of your ex without fretting and get bogged down online for a long time

Who visited my VKontakte page?


Various applications will help you find out who visited my VKontakte page. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Application “My Guests and Fans”

With this application you can catch guests of your page and find out which of your friends is most interested in your contact. Let's consider guests and fans separately.

my guests

The first tab, called “My Guests,” works on the principle of bait. If you simply click on the “My Guests” tab, the application will conduct an analysis and give you those people from among your friends who have recently visited your page. If you want to catch those who may visit your page, but are not on your friends list, then you need to use that same bait. How to do it? After opening the application, find the “I want more guests” button and click on it. You will be taken to a new window that will show you ways to catch more guests. The methods are different, but the principle is the same - using a decoy link.

My fans

Second tab this application called “My Fans” determines the activity of people visiting your page. Here you can see the activity of your visitors for the last month, for 3 months or for the entire time you were on VKontakte. In addition, only in this application you have the opportunity to click on any friend on the left and see his fans. Find out who visits your boyfriend or girlfriend's page most often!

"Friends" application All your GUESTS!”

Who was on my VKontakte page? This application will also help you find out the answer to this question. It works on a similar principle to the application we reviewed earlier. However, the functions of these apps differ slightly.

As for the topic that interests us, you can also find out who viewed my VKontakte page using the “Guests” and “Fans” tabs. To view guests through this application, you need to install a trap link on your page, which supposedly should transfer the person to yours Personal diary. Naturally, this does not happen, and the application records the visitor. You can view all the caught guests through this application.

You can also analyze the fans among your friends. The application will give you your fans for 1 month, 3 months and for the entire time that you are on the Vkontakte website. However, compared to the previous application, analyze friends and fans by full program will not work. This application does not allow you to divide your friends into fans and admirers and view them separately. Also, you will not be able to recognize the fans of your friends.


Who was on my VKontakte page? People who provide “disservices” often advise using various programs that will supposedly analyze all those people who were on your page and give you full list on a silver platter.

All the programs that you are offered to download in order to find out who visited your contact page are a scam! Most often you can see the “my guests” program on the Internet. These are yet another scammers who wanted to get easy money thanks to naive users of the contact.

The "my guests" program and others like it are not even saved on the servers! So how will they get information about visitors to your contact page?

So, happily preparing to find out who was on my VKontakte page, you downloaded the program. When you download the program for spying on friends and start installing it, you will be written that you need to send an SMS message to continue or to simply go to your VKontakte page. You have already caught the virus. Take advantage antivirus program or read the article on our website about how to unblock a VKontakte page. Do not even think about sending SMS or paying money to anyone, otherwise you will lose money and the virus will not go away.

When curiosity haunts you and you want to find out who visited my VKontakte page, use applications. Don't compromise the security of your computer. Good luck!

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