
Vid 0951 pid 1666 recovery. Flash drive recovery: detailed and visual instructions. Saving information and finding the right software

Step-by-step instruction on USB recovery flash drives in which I will try to answer the question in an accessible language How to recover a USB flash drive independently and effortlessly.

It happens that you help a person, and then he rasryndit to everyone that you are so good and there are already crowds of thirsty people for help. This is approximately how it turned out when I restored several flash drives colleagues.

Now the people carry not only their own flash drives, but also flash drives their friends, acquaintances and relatives. Well, at least someone else dragged a bottle of beer or a cookie - figurines.

It's not difficult for me to help, but when I suggest you learn how to do all this yourself, you refuse. Next time I just sew them off. If you do not want to study, walk by.

I finish with the lyrics and go directly to the topic of the post ..

If your flash drive has ceased be defined as a disk, does not want formatted, does not allow the information to be recorded or something else happened to her, BUT she has no mechanical damage, then you should know that all is not lost. Most likely a bug controller and you have to tinker with it a little. By the time this procedure takes about 5 minutes.

I must say right away that there is no universal programs for recovery of all varieties flash drives... You will need to find exactly the one that can work with the controller of your flash drives.

First, we need to define VID and PID non-working flash drives.

Determine VID and PID for flash drive recovery

Stick in USB stick into your computer and run Device Manager. StartExecute - mmc devmgmt.msc.

Then go to the section USB Universal Serial Bus Controllers.

Find our own in the list USB stick... Usually, everyone flash drives have a name USB storage device.

Press the right key on the device and open Properties.

Go to the tab Intelligence.

In the drop-down list, select the item Instance code devices or Equipment IDs.

In this window we see PID and VID.

Search for a program to recover a flash drive

We go to the website and enter the received VID and PID.

Click on the button Search.

In the results, we are looking for our manufacturer and the model of the flash drive. I have it Kingston datatraveler 2.0.

In the right column there will be the name of the program we need or a link to it.

Everything. Now search in Google for the program by name or download from the specified link. Launch and follow the instructions. Usually, in such programs for recovery there is only one button, so you shouldn't have any questions.

That's all!

If you have any questions - ask in the comments.

Today, among the PC users, perhaps, there is not a single person who would not use objects on flash memory. These are USB drives, MP-3 players, memory cards and other devices using flash memory. At the same time, very often various problems arise with flash drives. Then the computer displays "USB device not recognized", "Insert disk", "No access to disk" or "Disk is write-protected", or "Windows cannot finish formatting". And then it does not define the USB flash drive at all. It happens that there are no serious problems with flash drives, but simply information is accidentally deleted or the flash drive is formatted. How then to be? On this page you will find what you need to restore information from a USB flash drive or fix it on your own. In most cases, you can save a USB flash drive. And it is almost always possible to recover lost information if rescue measures are taken in time.

USB device not recognized
This kind of glitch sometimes happens with USB driver or with the USB flash drive itself (memory card or mp-player) after which the flash drive is not detected in one of the USB sockets. The first thing to do is to insert the flash drive into other USB sockets or even another computer in order to determine which device is not working. If a flash drive is detected in another socket or in another PC and starts working, then the problem is not with it, but with the computer. Thus, you can understand where to look for the problem in order to fix it. This is a purely software problem and is fixed by reinstalling the USB driver. In a more complex case, you will have to edit the registry. If you know how to use registry cleaning programs, then you can use them. If not, you can manually edit the registry. This is done like this:
Start: run / regedit / OK
Next, you need to expand the branches:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Enum \ USB
and clean up all folders with VID & PID in their names. These branches of the registry contain entries about all USB devices that were connected to this PC. If you know the VID & PID of your flash drive that does not want to be detected correctly, then you can only delete the folder that contains the name of your flash drive or its VID & PID. This must be done from both of these branches. If you clear these registry branches from all entries, then nothing terrible will happen. Windows will create new entries there itself. If Windows does not allow deleting folders in the registry, then this can be done using another OS, for example, from a Live-CD. You enter the registry in the same way in the Live-CD and delete the folders just like in Windows. Then upload your Windows version and check the USB stick. Everything should work. You can look at the opened registry branch

If you accidentally deleted data or formatted a USB flash drive
After deleting the information or formatting the flash memory, you can return the information using the simple Recuva program. The main thing is not to write anything to this flash drive after data loss, otherwise the information can be overwritten with new data.
You can download the program.

Unable to format USB stick
It happens that a flash drive or memory card after a failure will turn off so much that you cannot format it Windows tools... The PC gives you a message "Windows cannot finish formatting" or something similar. In this case, "Panasonic_SD Formatter.2000" - a small utility that performs formatting, will help you. After formatting this program, the flash drive can be used further.
You can download it.

The flash drive does not open or is not detected
In this case, you should use special programs recovery of flash drives after serious failures. To know which program you need to use, you first need to find out VID & PID chip.
VID- manufacturer identifier
PID- device identifier
You can find out the VID & PID with special programs, such as ChipGenius or CheckUDisk... Programs determine VID & PID even if the computer does not see the USB flash drive.
ChipGenius- a detailed and understandable program from Chinese manufacturers. CheckUDisk is another program for identifying identifiers, though simpler.
ChipGenius - download
CheckUDisk - download
After you find out the identifiers of the chip of your flash drive, look for your pair in the table and download the desired program.
There is one more program FlashGenius defining the parameters USB Flash drives by their marking. FlashGenius detects chip capacity and version, manufacturer, voltage, MLC / SLC type, etc.
You can download it.

How to use AlcorMP flash drive recovery software
look here

If the flash drive recovery programs did not help
In this case, when nothing has helped and there really is nothing to lose, you can try tougher methods - just short the microcircuit. You can do it like this. Disassemble the USB flash drive or the device where the flash memory is located, insert the device into the USB, turn it on if it requires switching on and close the microcircuit contacts with a needle. How to do it

What if nothing helped at all?
If it so happened that none of the methods helped, then things are really bad. If this is an expensive device that uses flash memory, then you can take it to a service center and the microcircuit will be replaced. If this is a simple USB stick, then you can safely throw it away. Because after such recovery manipulations, it will no longer be possible to save the information, and repairing an empty flash drive will cost more than buying a new one.

Good luck!

VID PID The size Program Download
1307 0163 8Gb MPTool v Download
058 6387 - AlcorMP Download
058f 6387 2 Gb-8 Gb AlcorMP (090227) Download
058f 1234 2 Gb-8 Gb AlcorMP (090227) AU698X, AU3150X Download
0204 6025 1 Gb CBM209X UMP-Tool Download
058f 9380 16 Gb AlcorMP.AU9380 (UFD Manufacture Tool) Download
13FE 1F00,1A00 1 Gb USB 2K REL90 Download
1043 8012 2 Gb i5128-PDx16V1.32 Download
125F 1001 2 Gb Download
0dd8 1430 4 Gb NT2033CMS Download
0000 7777 2 Gb AlcorMP6.18_beta3 Download
1307 0163 2 Gb USB_Flash_Disk_Utility_USBest Download
0dd8 1430 4 Gb NT2033CMS Download
058F 6387 4 Gb PCB0 AlcorMP6.18_beta3 Download
058F 9380 - AU9381 V1.1.0.0, Alcor Micro UFD Download
067b 2528 - USB Flash Disk Utility Download
0457 0151 1 Gb USBest; UT161 Download
1307 0163 - MPTool (UT163) v3.9.12.0, UT165_1.65.17.0 Download
1005 B113 - USB 2K REL90 (PS2231-UP12) Download
1307 0165 - MP TOOL UT165 Download
3538 0054 - PQI_LowFormat Download
090C 1000 - SM32x_G121 Download
0EA0 2168 - OTI PT Multi-Device Download
2008 2018 4 Gb MPTool V2.0 Download
067b 2517 - Download
1727 0000 - Prolific UFD Utility v21400 Download
067B 2528 - Prolific UFD Utility v21400 Download
0951 160F - AlcorMP Download
BA63 4146 4 Gb UT163 MPTool v3.9.35.0 or Download
4146 BA63 4 Gb UT163 MPTool v3.9.35.0 or Download
1307 165 8 Gb Super stick Recovery Tool V1.0.2.19 (UT161, UT163, UT165)

The SmartBuy flash drive is a common removable storage device that many modern users use with great pleasure. The manufacturer has been successfully producing high-quality optical media for many years. In combination with an acceptable cost, attention to such a product increases several times.

Recovery of the SmartBuy flash drive is within the power of a PC user.

In addition to the acceptable cost, such flash drives are accompanied by excellent quality, although this does not at all guarantee that unforeseen situations cannot occur during the operation of the carrier. SmartBuy flash drives can also fail, but you should not immediately say goodbye to them, sending them on a "well-deserved rest."

You can try to do some manipulations to restore the operability of the removable drive. In most cases, users manage to return the "life" to the drive, so it will be able to serve for several more years and technically justify its repeated "resurrection".

If your digital storage device has ceased to show "signs of life", then there have been circumstances that prevent its normal functioning. Sometimes you yourself can act as the culprit of such troubles. This happens when you completely ignore the rules for removing removable media. Also, such software failures can occur when the flash drive is actively used, exposing it to permanent recording, reading and rewriting.

A flash drive may stop working if an unexpected guest in the form of a virus enters it and makes adjustments to its settings. Even a simple fall of a flash drive can provoke its premature failure, since in this case, mechanical damage to the removable drive is quite often observed. It is especially hard to come to terms when the MicroSD SmartBuy, on which numerous unique photographs are stored, ceases to function.

However, you should not hang your nose, you can use the existing utilities that allow you to restore the SmartBuy flash drive, as well as successfully restore all the content that was previously stored on the drive.

Let's compile all of the above. Problems with the storage device in question may arise due to the following reasons:

  • a large number of rewriting cycles;
  • incorrect extraction;
  • infection with virus software;
  • overheat;
  • software errors;
  • static stress;
  • disruption of the controller;
  • mechanical damage.

Based on the established practice, most of the problems are characterized by the failure of the controller, which provides communication between the flash drive itself and the computer interfaces.

It should be noted right away that, unfortunately, to hope for a successful restoration of working capacity this medium is possible only if its inoperability is caused by software problems, and not mechanical damage... Yes, of course, someone will say that even "mechanics" can be cured, but for this you need to have sufficient skills and specialized devices, which not everyone has.

Also, the solution software bugs also requires certain knowledge, skills to search for information and work with specialized software.

The essence of the restoration of operability is to reflash the controller microcircuit. The difficulty is that for each type of controllers a certain utility is needed, the selection errors of which can completely neutralize all attempts to return the USB flash drive to operability and, more importantly, get the information stored on it.

Therefore, the first step is to try to save all possible files, and only then resort to drastic measures.

Let's stop at file recovery for now and then return to the "revitalization" of the flash drive.

File recovery software

If your flash drive does not show signs of life, use any SmartBuy MicroSD flash drive recovery program. There are several such programs, so you can opt for the option that is as easy to understand as possible.

You can try using the CardRecovery utility. It works great with removable SmartBuy media, and memory cards of mobile phones are perfectly restored with it.

So, find the CardRecovery utility on the Internet, download it and install it. After that, run the program, in the "Drive letter" section, select the USB flash drive that you are going to restore, as well as restore the content that was recorded on it.

Be sure to indicate which file format you would like to recover. The program will ask you to specify the folder in which the recovered files will be saved. You can create such a folder in advance, and then specify the path to it in the program.

After such preliminary work, you can start clicking on the "Next" button. All that remains is to wait until the program finishes, after which you can familiarize yourself with the list of all recovered files.

You can use some other similar program. For example, the modern and multifunctional utility PC Inspector Smart Recovery has proven itself well. It will ask the user to indicate the drive where the files were stored, which are now important to recover. You can also use programs such as R-Studio, Easy Recovery, and Flash Memory Toolkit.

Restoring the performance of the flash drive

If you are faced with a slightly different task than just recovering lost files, then resuscitation actions may be different. In particular, if you have a non-working SmartBuy flash drive, DiskInternals Uneraser recovery software will help you successfully solve this problem.

ADVICE. By the way, some experienced users claim that flash drives SmartBuy there is one unique characteristic. You can simply put the "failed" USB flash drive in a safe place and "forget" about it for several years.

After this decent period, the removable drive can start functioning again by itself, as if there was no system failure. Of course, this option is unlikely to suit anyone. Nobody wants to wait for several years, especially since there is no one hundred percent information when the period of such "waiting" is definitely over. It is for this reason that it is easier to use utilities that immediately help restore removable media to work.

DiskInternals Uneraser is easy to use. After its launch, a dialog box opens, in which you should find the "Recover" parameter located in the top row of the menu. Then the program will take care of all the necessary actions on its own. You just have to sit and wait quietly. The program will not only restore the operation of the flash drive, but also offer to return important files for you that were deleted during recovery, since the process involves formatting.

Re-flashing the controller

Have you restored your files? Okay, you can get started with the controller.

An important point! The target / flash drive to be repaired must somehow be determined by the system. If you inserted a media, and in response there is silence (the indicator does not light up, the system does not emit the characteristic connection sound, "Disk Management" and file managers do not see the device, the BIOS ignores the connection), then this method will not work. Yes, and such an outcome of events is extremely deplorable, since physical intervention will be required here, with an appeal to the appropriate specialist.

Otherwise, if the flash drive is recognized by the system, but simply refuses to work, do the following:

IMPORTANT. Pay special attention to the correspondence of the values, since an incorrectly selected one can lead to a complete inoperability of the device.

If in doubt, try to additionally use the program - "Flash Drive Information Extractor", which will provide the most complete information about the selected device.

After the compliance is confirmed, download the proposed software and follow the recommendations of the utility. In most cases, you only need to click on the "Restore" button.


Experienced users recommend not to wait for the flash drive to present such an unpleasant surprise, but to take preventive measures in a timely manner. In particular, with the active use of removable media, it is recommended to perform defragmentation, periodically make a backup.

It is also important to remember that you cannot download removable media completely, you need to always have free space on it. Of course, it is very important to properly remove the media from the computer, do not drop it, and avoid other mechanical damage.

So, if you perform such simple preventive measures, the removable media will be able to serve for a fairly long time. If something goes wrong and the flash drive stops working, you can use the utilities and professionally "breathe" new "vitality" into it.

First of all, you need to mention in what cases it is required flash controller firmware... The list of such malfunctions is not very long, just below I made a list of the most common situations when such a technique can help in repairing a flash drive. But, do not take the technique described here as a panacea for all "diseases". Each case is individual, but the general technique is similar, with the exception of some points that are associated with different controllers, memory chips and a different combination of faults. You can also read others in the blog.

When to apply the flash drive controller firmware technique:

  • Zero flash drive volume, not the correct size (2 \ 4 \ 8 \ 16 Kb \ Mb) instead of the normal size;
  • The drive is not detected on different PCs;
  • When connecting a disk, an "insert disk" error appears;
  • "Disk not found in device" error;
  • "The disk is write-protected" error;
  • Read / write errors occur, and there is no way to copy or write data to a USB flash drive. It may be that data is being written, but not opened from a USB flash drive;
  • When connected to a PC, a flash drive is detected for a long time with errors Error "Code 10", Error "Code 43" and the like.

Perhaps I have not mentioned everything here. If someone has additions - write your case in the comments, and I will try to promptly make adjustments to the materials.

We proceed to the preparatory work on the USB flash drive for its further flashing (the controller itself is flashed). We will assume that we have decided on the fact that other options, except for flash controller firmware we have no left and this is the last chance to repair a precious flash drive (expensive as a memory, large volume, beautiful case, etc.)

Flash controller firmware (stages of work):

1) Defining the controller of the flash drive

Here we have only 2 options for determining the manufacturer and model of the controller. The first option is the most commonplace - to open the case (if it is constructively possible). To do this, you need to open the case of the flash drive and take out the drive board from there. For the most part, all USB flash drives are the same inside, with the exception of monolithic flash drives. As an example, I took a photo of a general view of the USB stick and controller board (for example, a photo of a USB flash drive from free sources).

The visual method is very simple and the most accurate, since the programs for determining pid & vid devices are not always accurate. If it is not possible to look visually at the controller or there are difficulties in disassembling the case, then we have a direct path to programs for determining pid and vid flash drives.
Important: in cases where the flash drive is not detected on the PC, the controller can only be recognized by visual inspection.

Determining the controller by PID and VID

2) Choosing a utility for the controller

The next step is to search for a specialized utility for flashing the flash drive controller. We already have the VID and PID values, so we can start looking for a utility for the controller. For searching the desired utility I use the service

After clicking the search button, it offers us far more than one result. The thing is that such a controller, as in my case, is used in flash drives of different manufacturers and with different sizes. When searching, pay attention to the UTILS field (utilities), where you need to search for exactly the result where the name of the utility is displayed. You can ignore the size of the flash drive - this is not a critical parameter. You can also search for the utility by the name of the controller, which can speed up the search for the desired utility to a greater extent.

P.S. practice shows that sometimes it is worth trying different versions utilities for the same controllers.

The search result gave us one more or less suitable option (highlighted in red in the screenshot) - utility SMI SM3257AA.

For a utility squeak, you can use the same site In the search bar you need to enter the name of our utility - SMI SM3257AA... As a result, 2 results were found. You need to download both, since there is a chance that one of them will only help solve our problem.

But, there is one but. We know for sure that the exact name of our controller is slightly different from what we found. On the controller case and program USB Flash Info showed the correct controller name SM3257ENAA rather than SM3257AA. To clear our conscience, let's check the utility database for the presence of a utility for such a modification. The search was dropped by 2 options of the utility.

Most likely, the utilities that I found while searching for SM3257AA and for ENAA have the same core. In practice, it may turn out that they are no different, but still there is a possibility that you will need to try all 4 found specials. snails. I recommend downloading all 4 programs at once.

I downloaded all 4 pieces, but decided to start with the utility SMI SM3257ENAA MPTool V2.03.58 v8 K1129 (11/11/29 Build)... I'll run ahead - it turned out to reflash the controller of the flash drive with this utility, and I did not check the others.
And now I will briefly describe the procedure for how the firmware of the SM3257ENAA controller took place.

- Unpacked the archive and ran the shortcut sm32Xtest_V58-8

We launch the utility and see that our patient flash drive is not visible in it (see screenshot).

- To define our flash drive in the program, press the button " Scan USB (F5)", As a result of which the program" sees "the usb device.

To start the process of flashing the controller of the flash drive, you need to press the Start buttons in the utility menu (before pressing, you need to select the desired flash drive). After pressing the button, the firmware process will begin.

After completing the firmware operation, in the upper right corner we will see the word OK on a green background (see screenshot).

This completes the process of flashing the flash drive controller. Within 10-20 seconds, our USB flash drive will appear in My computer, clean and without any files, since a low-level formatting of the drive takes place during the firmware process.

For all questions regarding this article, write in the comments.

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