
Vigo di fassa. Vigo di Fassa. From railway stations

Vigo di Fassa(Val di Fassa) - for many it sounds like “Val di Fassa is a winter dream.” Amazing nature, beautiful Dolomite peaks, fresh mountain air, bright sun, cheerful resort towns, comfortable and stylish hotels - what else is needed for a wonderful holiday.

The town of Vigo di Fassa occupies a central position in relation to the entire valley, overlooking a vast area. A modern cable car, directly from the town, in a few minutes reaches a place with a panoramic view of rare beauty, from where you can see the entire valley from the Catinaccio chain to the Palle di San Martino. There is everything here to turn your vacation into a wonderful and unforgettable time - amazing nature, bright sun, magnificent mountains, great skiing, luxury hotels and a lot of all kinds of entertainment.

Video from Vigo di Fassa

What is interesting to see in Vigo di Fassa?

Architectural and historical monuments: temples/monasteries: museums: Vigo di Fassa has a very interesting museum, and at Christmas and during carnival here you can admire games and dances performed by residents in colorful ancient costumes. theaters: natural attractions: amusement parks: water parks : discos: There are bars and...

History of Vigo di Fassa

Climate in Vigo di Fassa

The climate is mountainous. Skiing season is from December to April.

Vigo di Fassa: entertainment and active holidays

The Vigo di Fassa resort provides opportunities for other sports - cross-country skiing, ice skating, hockey, sports centers and indoor swimming pools.
66 km of cross-country ski trails. You can go paragliding, rock climbing, as well as ice polo, skijoring (behind a horse on skis), dog biking (on a mountain bike behind a dog).

The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays provide the necessary light and warmth. At the same time, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is destructive for all living things. To find a compromise between the beneficial and harmful properties of the Sun, meteorologists calculate the ultraviolet radiation index, which characterizes the degree of its danger.

What kind of UV radiation from the sun is there?

Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun has a wide range and is divided into three regions, two of which reach the Earth.

  • UVA. Long-wave radiation range

    315–400 nm

    The rays pass almost freely through all atmospheric “barriers” and reach the Earth.

  • UV-B. Medium wave range radiation

    280–315 nm

    The rays are 90% absorbed by the ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

  • UV-C. Shortwave range radiation

    100–280 nm

    The most dangerous area. They are completely absorbed by stratospheric ozone without reaching the Earth.

The more ozone, clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere, the less the harmful effects of the Sun. However, these life-saving factors have a high natural variability. The annual maximum of stratospheric ozone occurs in spring, and the minimum in autumn. Cloudiness is one of the most variable characteristics of weather. The carbon dioxide content also changes all the time.

At what UV index values ​​is there a danger?

The UV index provides an estimate of the amount of UV radiation from the Sun at the Earth's surface. UV index values ​​range from a safe 0 to an extreme 11+.

  • 0–2 Low
  • 3–5 Moderate
  • 6–7 High
  • 8–10 Very high
  • 11+ Extreme

In mid-latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values ​​(6–7) only at the maximum height of the Sun above the horizon (occurs in late June - early July). At the equator, the UV index reaches 9...11+ points throughout the year.

What are the benefits of the sun?

In small doses, UV radiation from the Sun is simply necessary. The sun's rays synthesize melanin, serotonin, and vitamin D, which are necessary for our health, and prevent rickets.

Melanin creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from the harmful effects of the Sun. Because of it, our skin darkens and becomes more elastic.

The hormone of happiness serotonin affects our well-being: it improves mood and increases overall vitality.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-rickets functions.

Why is the sun dangerous?

When sunbathing, it is important to understand that the line between the beneficial and harmful Sun is very thin. Excessive tanning always borders on a burn. Ultraviolet radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

The body's defense system cannot cope with such aggressive influence. It lowers immunity, damages the retina, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

Ultraviolet light destroys the DNA chain

How the Sun affects people

Sensitivity to UV radiation depends on skin type. People of the European race are the most sensitive to the Sun - for them, protection is required already at index 3, and 6 is considered dangerous.

At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

Who is most influenced by the Sun?

    People with fair hair

    skin tone

    People with many moles

    Residents of mid-latitudes during a holiday in the south

    Winter lovers


    Skiers and climbers

    People with a family history of skin cancer

In what weather is the sun more dangerous?

It is a common misconception that the sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather. You can also get sunburned in cool, cloudy weather.

Cloudiness, no matter how dense it may be, does not reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation to zero. In mid-latitudes, cloudiness significantly reduces the risk of getting sunburned, which cannot be said about traditional beach holiday destinations. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can get sunburned in 30 minutes, then in cloudy weather - in a couple of hours.

How to protect yourself from the sun

To protect yourself from harmful rays, follow simple rules:

    Spend less time in the sun during midday hours

    Wear light-colored clothing, including wide-brimmed hats

    Use protective creams

    Wear sunglasses

    Stay in the shade more on the beach

Which sunscreen to choose

Sunscreens vary in their degree of sun protection and are labeled from 2 to 50+. The numbers indicate the proportion of solar radiation that overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

For example, when applying a cream labeled 15, only 1/15 (or 7 %) of the ultraviolet rays will penetrate protective film. In the case of cream 50, only 1/50, or 2 %, affects the skin.

Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream can reflect 100% of ultraviolet radiation.

For everyday use, when the time spent under the Sun does not exceed half an hour, a cream with protection 15 is quite suitable. For tanning on the beach, it is better to take 30 or higher. However, for fair-skinned people it is recommended to use a cream labeled 50+.

How to Apply Sunscreen

The cream should be applied evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe for a long time, then the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before going out and, additionally, before going to the beach.

Please check the cream instructions for the required volume for application.

How to Apply Sunscreen When Swimming

Sunscreen should be applied every time after swimming. Water washes away the protective film and, by reflecting the sun's rays, increases the dose of ultraviolet radiation received. Thus, when swimming, the risk of sunburn increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

Excessive sweating and wiping with a towel are also reasons to re-protect the skin.

It should be remembered that on the beach, even under an umbrella, the shade does not provide complete protection. Sand, water and even grass reflect up to 20% of ultraviolet rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

How to protect your eyes

Sunlight reflected from water, snow or sand can cause painful burns to the retina. To protect your eyes, wear sunglasses with a UV filter.

Danger for skiers and climbers

In the mountains, the atmospheric “filter” is thinner. For every 100 meters of height, the UV index increases by 5 %.

Snow reflects up to 85 % of ultraviolet rays. In addition, up to 80 % of the ultraviolet reflected by the snow cover is reflected again by clouds.

Thus, in the mountains the Sun is most dangerous. Protect your face bottom part chin and ears are necessary even in cloudy weather.

How to deal with sunburn if you get sunburned

    Use a damp sponge to moisten the burn.

    Apply anti-burn cream to the burned areas

    If your temperature rises, consult your doctor; you may be advised to take an antipyretic

    If the burn is severe (the skin swells and blisters greatly), seek medical attention

Ski resorts in Italy
Val di Fassa

Val di Fassa: about the resort

Val di Fassa is considered one of the busiest resorts in the Dolomites, offering excellent skiing opportunities and a varied holiday afterwards. The valley stretches for 20 km in the Dolomites, surrounded by the majestic massifs of Catinaccio, Sassolungo, Sella and Marmolada.

Recommended: almost all categories of skiers, beginners, families with children
Not recommended: lovers of black slopes, those who prefer to ride “to the door” and do not want to travel by bus, for trips during the peak season, lovers of luxury.

- Large length of trails
- Excellent mountain panoramas
- Good trail preparation, reliable snow
- Wide range of accommodation options
- Good opportunities for family holidays

- Few trails for experts
- Bus service leaves much to be desired
- Not all resorts in the valley are connected by slopes and ski lifts
- A small number of luxury hotels
- Calm night life in most villages.

Val di Fassa: how to get there

The nearest airport is Bolzano – 50 km. You can also get there from the airports of Innsbruck (140-160 km), Verona (180-200 km) and Venice (175-180 km), the distance varies depending on the chosen village in the valley.

The nearest railway station is Trento (77 km from the resort, there is a bus service). Milan: 3 hours, with a transfer in Verona. More information on how to get to Val di Fassa can be found on the resort website

Val di Fassa: facts and routes

Ski area – 1320–2950 m
The total length of slopes is 220 km (the Dolomiti Superski ski pass includes 1200 km of slopes)
blue – 30%
red – 55%
black – 15%
Lifts: cabins – 18, chair lifts – 46, rope tows – 33
Season: December – mid-April

Val di Fassa: ski passes

Ski pass Dolomiti Superski
Price for 6 days:
235-294 euros for adults, 165-206 euros for children over 8 years old.

Children under 8 years old ride for free when one of their relatives purchases a ski pass. There are discounts and special offers at the beginning and end of the season.

Ski pass Val di Fassa: 204-256 euros for 6 days for adults, 143-179 euros for children over 8 years old.

The Val di Fassa ski pass is valid on the ski lifts from Canazei to Costalunga Pass: Passo Fedaia (Marmolada), Ciampac (Alba di Canazei), Belvedere (Canazei), Col Rodella (Campitello di Fassa), Buffaure (Pozza di Fassa, Aloch, Fraine and Pera di Fassa), Catinaccio (Vigo di Fassa), Passo Carezza.

Val di Fassa: prices

Rental of a set of equipment for 6 days – 120-160 euros
Group classes (5 days, 3 hours) – from 130 euros
Individual lessons – from 40 euros/hour

Kindergarten + ski training (half day): from 210 euros
Three visits to the wellness center + swimming pool: 57 euros
Entrance to the skating rink: 5 euros

Val di Fassa: where to ride

There are several ski areas in the Val di Fassa. The first covers the area above the resorts of Campitello (1440 m) and Canazei (1460 m), which is part of the famous “carousel” of Sella Ronda. This is the most popular ski area, but the ski circuit routes are often too crowded. The architecture of the towns is dominated by the Tyrolean style, creating a special mood. The symbol of the resort is the majestic Sella mountain range, towering above the valley. In the sector between Col Podella (2485 m) and Passo Sella there are open sunny and shady wide runs - mainly red ones. From Canazei, via a system of trails and lifts (via Pecol station, 1926 m, then Passo Podroi) it is possible to reach neighboring Arabba.

The second ski area is a small independent area above the Alba resort (Alba, 1460 m). The trails at the top of the slope are suitable for beginners and intermediate skiers. A fairly steep black run descends through the forest from the first gondola station back to Alba.

The third sector includes the resort towns of Pozza (1320 m) and Vigo di Fassa (1390 m). The main ski areas here are also one line away from the cable car, but you can go down from there along the highway. From Vigo di Fassa, for a change, you can take a ski-bus to the sector above Passo Castalunga or even further, through the village of Moena to Passo San Pellegrino (1910 m) and ride on the open wide slopes on the plateau. The areas of Alpa di Lusia, Passo San Pellegrino and Falcade are connected by slopes and lifts, there are mainly blue and red slopes, most of them quite flat. For intermediate skiers, this is a real haven: the slopes are quite long. It is worth noting the red trails Tre (Tre) and Сinque Dita (Cinque Dita), Cristiana (Christiana). Also interesting is the Del Bosco descent. For beginners there are easy slopes in the Sella sector, as well as Belvedere (2423 m) above Passo Podroi. For snowboard lovers, snow parks with half-pipes have been built in the Belvedere and Ciampac (2100 m) areas. Off-piste skiing with guides is possible.

For experienced skiers, the pistes of Val di Fassa may seem a little boring, but the Col dei Rossi piste is quite interesting. The valley has good conditions for off-piste skiing. The slopes are very wide and you can go to the virgin lands from almost anywhere, and it’s not difficult to return to one of the lifts. For more challenging routes, it is recommended to hire a guide

Val di Fassa: hotels and apartments

There are several resort villages of varying sizes in the valley. Campitello and Canazei are the most popular among our tourists, they are located higher than Pozza di Fassa or Moena. There are several good 4* hotels in Campitello, in particular Park Hotel Club Rubino Executive (with a good wellness center and swimming pool) and Park Hotel Club Diamant. Grand Chalet Soreghes with a spa center recently opened in Campitello. Residence Hotel Garni Artz is located not far from the Col Rodella ski lift. The level of 3* hotels in Campitello is not bad; as a rule, these are small but cozy hotels, decorated in Tyrolean style. When traveling with children, it makes sense to choose apartments or more expensive rooms in four-star hotels: the rooms in many 3* hotels are quite small.

A good choice The resort of Canazei also offers mid-range accommodation options. Among the best hotels in Val di Fassa, La Perla can be noted; it is located in the center of Canazei and offers guests a sauna, jacuzzi, and hammam (for an additional fee). There are also many three-star hotels in Canazei, and apartments are also easy to find. When choosing hotels and apartments in Val di Fasse, pay attention to their location in relation to the ski lifts: some apartments are not too close to the cable cars, in which case it makes sense to rent a car. Among the best hotels in Canazei are Dolomiti 3* (located in the center of the town) and Astoria 4* ( This hotel is located a few steps from the center and 450 meters from the ski lifts (the hotel provides a shuttle bus).

Val di Fassa: Apres-ski

Many four-star hotels have good restaurants and bars. Most establishments offer traditional Ladin and South Tyrolean cuisine, and there are many pizzerias in the towns. The Kaiserstube offers pleasant surroundings and delicious food. The choice of entertainment and restaurants is better in the village of Canazei; other villages are smaller and quieter. Olimpic e Tontin in Capitello makes excellent pizza. Deodat is considered the best disco in the valley; Lieber Augustin has a lively atmosphere. Disco Kupfer Kanne and club Leyla are popular in Campitello.

The valley's resorts offer traditional evening entertainment. Campitello is a fairly calm place. Restaurants, bars, pubs, discos, and a gaming salon are available for vacationers. Every year in February, the resort hosts a Romanesque carnival and a night marathon along the Sella Ronda trails. Canazei is a larger resort. This is a very pretty and noisier village. The main entertainment is restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs. Recommended: Giardino delle Rose and Lieber Augustin.

Val di Fassa: not only skiing

The resort provides excellent opportunities for sports and active recreation. Throughout the valley there are picturesque cross-country ski trails of varying difficulty, the longest being 12 km. In Canazei there is a modern wellness complex with a swimming pool, sauna, massage room and beauty salon, and there are thalassotherapy treatments. Alba di Canazei has an indoor ice skating rink. In February, the valley hosts colorful carnival weeks, when locals dress up in colorful costumes and celebrations and festivities take place everywhere. From Val di Fassa you can go on excursions to neighboring cities - Verona, Venice, Trentino, Innsbruck is also nearby.

Val di Fassa: with children

Val di Fassa has separate ski areas with special children's lifts. There are children's parks in different areas of the valley, where children are taught the basics of skiing or simply play, walk and are provided with lunch. In Alba di Canazei there is a Tananai miniclub, where teachers work with children and there is a ski slope kindergarten. There are children's ski schools in other villages of the valley.

In Campitello there is 1 school (alpine skiing, snowboarding and telemark), where 30 instructors work. Children's ski school accepts children from 4 years old, a week-long course (5-6 days) costs from 140 euros. Separate ski area, ski carousel and 1 children's lift. There is also one school in Canazei (alpine skiing, snowboarding, carving and telemark, 90 instructors). Children's ski school accepts children from 4 years old, a week-long course (5-6 days) costs from 130 euros. Separate area for skiing, ski carousel and 2 children's lifts. Ski competitions are held. Group classes for adults at the resorts of this valley cost from 130 euros (5 days for 3 hours), individual classes - approximately 40 euros for 1 hour.

- Be prepared for the fact that most ski instructors do not speak Russian (Italian, German and, less often, English are the local standard).
- When planning a trip to the Sella Ronda or to other remote valleys, carefully study the opening times of the lifts. Getting “stuck” in a neighboring or not quite neighboring valley is an expensive pleasure: traveling between resorts on skis is much faster than by road, and a taxi ride can cost a pretty penny.
- Avoid riding the Sella Ronda during peak periods, otherwise you may end up spending a lot of time in queues.
- Ski-express ticket (bus between the towns of Val Gardena and running around the resorts) - paid (7 euros per week or one-time - 3 euros), children under 6 years old - free. Tickets can be purchased at hotels and apartments, tourism offices, and ticket offices. The bus ticket is valid ONLY if you have a ski pass. During high season, buses run every 15 minutes, at the beginning/end of the season - less often.
- Parking at the lower lift stations is usually paid (about 5 euros/day). Useful information about Italy
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