
Windows 10 doesn't see it. Shared folders, network computers, flash drives, and drives are not displayed on the “Network” tab of Windows Explorer. Is the drive visible in the app?

Hello! I noticed that information began to appear about another error in Windows 10, when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. The problem is quite common. We want to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, we turn on the wireless network, we do everything according to the instructions, but these networks are not in the list of networks available for connection. That is, Windows 10 does not see any Wi-Fi networks that it could connect to. And the Internet icon itself (which is on the notification panel) looks like an antenna with a red cross.

This is actually the problem that, as I understand it, many people face. Yes, thoughts immediately appear about the fact that there is simply no available Wi-Fi networks, so the laptop doesn’t see them. But, as a rule, when such a problem occurs, there is a Wi-Fi network. Other devices see them. Well, let's try to figure it out. By the way, the problem when Windows does not see wireless networks appears not only in Windows 10, but also in Windows 7 and other versions.

Windows 10 laptop does not see Wi-Fi: several solutions

Let's start with the fact that if you have an icon in the form of an antenna with a red cross on your notification panel, and when you click on it there is a button turn on Wi-Fi, then this is one problem. I will write about the solution below. But if there is no Wi-Fi button, then that’s another problem. See article. And you can look again.

1 First of all, you need to make sure that Wi-Fi really works in the place where you are. You can check this on another device. For example, the phone. It may also be that there are simply no Wi-Fi networks, so they are not displayed on your laptop. If you have only one network in your house, yours, then reboot the router. You can also restart the computer on which this problem appeared.

2 You can try running troubleshooting. Sometimes it helps. Moreover, it is not difficult. Click on the Internet connection icon in the notification bar, and select Troubleshooting.

A diagnostic window will appear.

Windows will try to find a solution possible reasons, through which the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network.

3 Check whether the “WLAN AutoConfig Service” is running. If this service is disabled on your computer, then Windows 10 will not be able to see Wi-Fi networks. This service is sometimes disabled by various system "optimizer" programs.

Let's go to services (right-click on the “This PC” icon and select “Manage”, or through the control panel), go to “Services”, find “WLAN Auto Configuration Service”, and look at its status. It should be in the "Running" status and the startup type is "Automatic". Like this:

If the service is disabled, then right-click on it, select "Properties", set the startup type to "Automatic", click "Ok", and restart the computer.

If Windows 10 does not see only your (one) Wi-Fi network

In the comments to the article on connecting dozens to wireless network left this comment:

Is in the house Wi-Fi network, all devices see it, connect and work, but a laptop with Windows 10 does not see this network. At the same time, he sees other networks. So, I advised you to change the SSID network name and change the channel. Alexander did this, and it helped. The laptop connected to the home network.

I described many different cases and solutions in the article. The article is universal, suitable for Windows 10.

Update: change the region in the properties of the Wi-Fi adapter

In the comments, Timofey suggested an interesting solution that may be useful. His laptop did not want to see one specific Wi-Fi network. Laptop on Windows 10.

The essence of the solution is to open properties in the device manager Wi-Fi adapter, and on the "Advanced" tab, highlighting the "Country Region (2.4GHz)" item, change the value to "#5 (1 - 14)". Perhaps setting a different value will help in your case. Need to try. Like this:

I haven't checked. I don't have the "Country Region (2.4GHz)" property at all. But this does not mean that the method does not work. Be sure to try it. Write about the results.

Read how to fix external HDD, which is not recognized by Windows. Causes and solutions to the problem of disk non-recognition. In this guide we will try to describe the problem of the external drive not being recognized in the operating system "Windows 10" and imagine possible ways its elimination.


External hard drive and user data?

Personal computers play a big role in the daily life of every person. We use them for work and entertainment, communicating with friends and communication. In addition to personal computers, other additional computer devices, complementing and expanding the possibilities of using computer technology for everyone. They greatly simplify any production process, allowing you to create, manage, edit and exchange any projects, documents, tables, presentations, etc. Computers also allow you to receive and send correspondence via Email; process, view or listen to a variety of images, video streams or music; upload, download or exchange any information via the network; receive the latest news and chat with friends in in social networks and much more.

A huge amount of information is constantly stored on personal computers and is used by us constantly when necessary. Various storage devices are used to save data: hard disks and solid state drives, external drives, memory cards, etc. Additionally, computer users can store their information remotely on the Internet on various cloud storage, download, upload and share it at will at any time. You can also use various online services and applications for exchange.

However, no matter how accessible such methods of storing and exchanging information are, users continue to use external drives and drives. Thanks to them, the user always has the information he needs and can use it at any time.

External drives – "USB drives" or external hard drives are very convenient and quite easy to use. But, as often happens, at a certain moment, the unexpected can happen. In some cases, you may be able to connect your drive to personal computer with operating system "Windows" or another device using "USB port" and find that the hard drive is not recognized. This problem may be caused by partition problems on your external drive, incorrect file system, corrupted ports "USB", problems with drivers in "Windows" or other problems. In the worst case, the disk itself may simply be completely damaged.

The following steps described will be the same for both flash drives "USB" and large external hard drives, which work in a similar way.

Additionally, you can watch our video: “Windows 10, 8, 7 does not see the hard drive or SSD - How to connect!”. It will help you if after reinstalling "Windows" one of the sections hard drive stopped showing up in "Explorer", or new hard The disk installed in your computer is also not displayed, although it is visible in the settings "BIOS".

Is the disk visible in the application?

First, you need to check if the operating system detects "Windows" your drive when you connect it. Connect your removable drive to the computer. If this external hard drive, you may need to set the power switch on the hard drive to "On" to activate it. Some heavy-duty removable hard drives may even need to be connected using a separate power cable before they will work.

Then open the disk management tool provided in the standard set of applications of the operating system "Windows". This tool allows you to fully manage all disks and partitions located on your computer, internal and external, currently connected. can be opened different ways

, but we will only show you a few of them. Select any method of your choice for further use. Method one : Press the keyboard shortcut together"Windows + R" and open the dialog box"Run" . In the request field"Open" enter the command"diskmgmt.msc" , then click the button"OK" or key"Enter"

on keyboard. The application will open. Method two : On your desktop, find the file explorer shortcut"This computer" and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select a section from the list of available actions.

"Control" The application will open, which presents all the main controls and settings of computer settings. In the left pane of the window, select the section located at: – – .

to the next address Method three"Start" , located on"Taskbars" in the lower left corner of the desktop, or press the keyboard shortcut together"Windows + X"

, and open the pop-up menu. Select section from the list of available applications.

You should see your external drive in the window. And even if it doesn't show up in your computer's file explorer because it doesn't contain any partitions, it should show up here. "Windows" If you see your drive here, then you can skip straight to the last section of our guide, where we'll show you how to properly format it so that your operating system

or other devices could access and recognize it.

Possible causes and solutions to the problem of disk not being recognized

If the system "Windows" does not see your disk at all, then there may be a hardware problem "USB port" your computer, there is a driver problem, or you may simply have a bad disk.

First disconnect the drive from "USB port" and try connecting it to another "USB port" your computer. If he works in one "USB port" but doesn't work in another, then it's probably yours "USB port" spoiled. If you connected the drive via "USB hub"(a device that allows you to increase the amount "USB ports" and provides the ability to use them simultaneously), then try connecting the drive to the computer directly. Some "USB hubs" may not provide enough power to operate the external drive.

If the disk does not appear in the window even after you remove "USB hub" and connected the disk to another "USB port" on your computer, it's difficult to know for sure whether your drive is bad or perhaps the computer itself is experiencing some problems. If you have another computer nearby, try connecting the drive there to see if it can be detected there. If the drive doesn't work on any computer you connect it to, then it's probably completely damaged and will need to be replaced.

If the disk is detected and works on other computers, then there is a high probability that the operating system "Windows" There are problems with the drivers for your disk. You can check this using the application, which can be opened in various ways. The list of ways to access the application is quite large, but we will describe only three of them.

, but we will only show you a few of them. Select any method of your choice for further use.: Right click on the button Method three"Start" , located on or press the keyboard shortcut together in the lower left corner of the desktop, or press the keyboard shortcut together and open the pop-up menu. Select the section from the list of available applications.

on keyboard. The application will open.: Open the dialog box and open the dialog box, for example, by pressing the keyboard shortcut together : Press the keyboard shortcut together"Run" . In the request field"Open" "devmgmt.msc" and press the key or key or button , then click the button.

to the next address: Open the application window in the way we described earlier in this guide. In the left pane of the window, go to the following address: “Computer management (local)”"Utilities" – .

Find a section "Disk devices" and check for any device with yellow exclamation mark located next to it. This marking of the disk device means that in the operating system "Windows" There are some problems with the driver for this device. Right click on the device with the yellow exclamation mark, select partition "Properties" and see the error message. This message may help you troubleshoot the problem - you can search for a solution to the indicated error on the Internet and fix the problem.

However, not all problems are easy to fix, and they can be quite difficult to fix. If the problem is recent, you may want to run the System Restore process in the initial state using internal operating system tools "Windows". Or in the properties window of the problematic disk, go to the tab "Driver". Then you can use the button "Update driver" to install a new updated driver for your device. Or use the button "Roll back" to undo any changes and revert to the previous driver. Or use the button "Remove device" to remove it from your system and allow the operating system "Windows" Reinstall the driver yourself and configure it correctly when you reconnect the drive.

Don't forget to press the button , then click the button"OK" or key on the keyboard to save your changes.

Disk partitioning and formatting

You can use the standard application "Windows" to fix problems with the partition and file system of the drive. If you see that the selected drive is not partitioned and is marked "Not distributed", then you will have to create a new partition on it. This will allow devices based on "Windows" or other operating systems, use it.

Use any method described above and open the application. Then right-click inside the unallocated space of the connected device and select "Create Simple Volume".

Will be launched "Simple Volume Wizard", which will offer you help creating a volume on the disk. Click the button "Further" to continue.

Then select a volume size between the minimum and maximum values. Typically, the wizard sets the default simple volume size based on the characteristics of your disk. Click the button "Further" to go to the next assistant page.

Assign a drive letter and click the button "Further".

Select whether you want to format this volume and what formatting options to use, or not format it by checking the appropriate box. By default, you will be prompted to format the volume, you just need to choose which file system you will use. Click the button "Further" and go to the last page.

Here in the main window you will see all your selected options, click the button "Ready" and complete the simple volume creation process. If you want to change anything, use the button "Back" to go to the desired page "Create a Simple Volume Wizard" and making the required changes.

If your drive is partitioned but you still don't see it in File Explorer, then make sure you assign a drive letter to it so you can access it in your operating system "Windows". As we described above, this happens automatically, but if you manually override the drive letter, the drive may not appear and may not be accessible on the system "Windows".

To assign a drive letter, right-click the removable drive partition, select "Change drive letter or drive path...".

Click the button "Add", and then assign a new drive letter by choosing your option or using the default option. For example, assign a drive letter "D" and it will be reflected in the file explorer under the specified letter. Then press the buttons , then click the button to save changes.

In some cases, the disk may be partitioned, but may have the wrong file system. For example, you can format the disk for the file system "ext4" from "Linux" or file system "HFS Plus" from "Mac". operating system "Windows" cannot read such file systems. Therefore, reformat the disk to a newer file system "NTFS" or more old version file system "FAT32", to "Windows" was able to recognize her.

To reformat a partition, right-click on it, select partition "Format…" and specify the desired file system.

Please note that the formatting process will erase all files on your drive. Therefore, if you want to save all important files, then connect the drive to that file system, on which you formatted the disk previously (for example, if you formatted the disk on a computer with "Linux" or "Mac", then connect it to a computer with appropriate controls) and copy your important files before continuing.

If you can't access the drive from another device, e.g. "DVD player", "SMART" TV, game console or media center, then the disk may be formatted for the file system "NTFS". Many devices, even your own "Xbox 360" from the corporation "Microsoft", can't read "NTFS" from "Windows". They can only access drives formatted with the old file system "FAT32". To fix this problem, simply reformat the partition "NTFS" re-login to the system "FAT32". Now the disk will be recognized when connected to such devices.

Please note that this process will delete files on your external drive. Therefore, if necessary, copy files from the disk to another device.

Click the button , then click the button"OK" or key to start the reformatting process.

By following these steps you should be able to resolve most drive recognition issues you may encounter. If the drive is not recognized by any computer it is connected to and never appears in the application window, then it may be completely damaged and you just need to replace it.

Have you ever tried anything to fix problems with disk recognition? Let us know about this or leave your comments under the article about which methods helped you.

In Windows 10, some problems can often arise, for example, "Conductor" does not see CD/DVD-ROM. In this case, there are several solutions.

The cause of the problem may be a malfunction or failure of the CD/DVD drive drivers. It is also possible that the drive itself has physically failed.

There are several reasons and symptoms for the lack of CD/DVD-ROM in "Explorer":

  • Laser failure.
  • If, when inserting discs, you hear grinding, fast, slowing revolutions, then it is possible that the lens is dirty or faulty. If such a reaction occurs only on one disk, then the problem lies there.
  • It is possible that the disc itself is damaged or written incorrectly.
  • The problem may be with the drivers or disc burning software.

Method 1: Troubleshooting Hardware and Devices

First of all, it is worth carrying out diagnostics using the system utility.

  1. Call context menu on the icon Method three and select "Control Panel".
  2. In chapter "System and safety" select "Find and fix problems".
  3. IN "Equipment and sound" find the item "Device Settings".
  4. In the new window, click "Further".
  5. The process of searching for problems will begin.
  6. After completion, if the system finds problems, you can go to “View parameter changes...” to configure the changes.
  7. Click again "Further".
  8. The troubleshooting and search for additional ones will begin.
  9. Once complete, you can view more information or exit the utility.

Method 2: DVD Drive (Icon) Repair

If the problem is a driver or software failure, then this utility will fix it in one click.

Method 3: "Command Line"

This method is also effective when drivers fail.

Method 4: Reinstalling drivers

If previous methods did not help, then you should reinstall the drive drivers.

Don’t panic if your CD/DVD drive suddenly stops showing up, because when the problem is a driver or software failure, it can be fixed in a few clicks. If the reason is physical damage, then you should take the device for repair. If none of the methods help, then you should return to previous version OS or use a restore point in which all equipment worked stably.

Hello! For those who are not in the know, I’ll start from afar. On computers and laptops with installed Windows There is a separate "Network" tab in Explorer. This tab displays devices from the network environment. That is, by opening the “Network” tab, we can see there computers, network storage (NAS), multimedia devices (DLNA), flash drives and external drives that are connected to the router and to which shared access is configured. Simply put, those devices that are connected through one router (located on the same network) and on which network discovery is enabled (devices that can be detected in local network) . Our router may also be displayed there (section "Network infrastructure") and other devices.

Now I’ll explain what and how, and why I decided to write this article. I have an ASUS router to which I connected USB flash drive, and configured shared access to this flash drive for all devices on the network. And what do you think, this network drive appeared in the “Network” section on all computers (it is displayed there as "Computer"), but it didn’t show up on my computer. That is, my computer did not see the flash drive connected to the router, nor other computers on this network. But the DLNA server was displayed running on the same router. But this does not change anything, since I need regular network access to the drive.

Also, I could not access the flash drive when I typed its address // in Explorer. This address was immediately opened through a browser. And I was unable to connect this drive as network drive. It simply was not in the list of available devices in the network environment.

Such a problem when Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 does not see network devices is not uncommon. It doesn't have to be a flash drive, or external HDD, which you connected to your router, as in my case. Most often, shared access is configured between computers on a local network. And they face the same problem when computers are connected to the same network (to one router), settings public access are set correctly, but the "Network" tab is empty. Or only the router and your computer are displayed.

Since there can be many reasons and, accordingly, solutions, I’ll probably start with the simplest ones (which didn't help me) and at the end of this article I will share the solution that helped in my case. As a result, my laptop still saw all the devices on the network. Including a network storage device and another computer that is also connected to this network.

But this does not mean that you have the same case. Therefore, I advise you to check all the settings in order.

Checking sharing settings

We will consider two cases:

  1. When computers do not see each other on the local network.
  2. Sharing access to a network storage device. This can be a flash drive, or a hard drive that is connected to the router, or a separate drive (aka NAS).

First case

For computers to be able to see each other and appear in the Network section in Explorer, they must be connected through the same router. Or connected directly (cable or via Wi-Fi). Simply put, they must be on the same local network.

Next, on all computers (I don’t know how many of them you have there), it is advisable to assign the network status to “Home” (private). I wrote in the article how to do this in Windows 10. In Windows 7, just go to the Network and Sharing Center and change the status of the current connection there.

If after this the computer still does not detect other computers (or vice versa), then let's also check the sharing settings.

To do this, in the “Network and Sharing Center” window (if you don’t know how to open it in Windows 10, then see the article), click on the “Change advanced sharing settings” item.

And for the current profile (usually “Private”) we set the parameters as in the screenshot below.

Let's do it on all computers on the local network.

Articles on this topic:

As a rule, these tips solve all problems with detecting computers on a local network.

Second case

When you have problems accessing your network storage. As in my case. I haven't seen Windows 10 USB drive, which was connected to the ASUS router. Now many routers have a USB port for connecting drives and other devices, so the topic is relevant.

You need to make sure that this drive is defined in the router settings and that sharing is enabled. It is clear that this is done differently on different routers. On ASUS routers, for example, it looks like this:

Related articles:

Do not confuse sharing settings with FTP settings. The FTP server settings on the router have nothing to do with this.

Well, if other devices see the network storage and have access to it, but on a particular computer there is no access to it, then the problem is not on the router’s side. Go through the settings of the “problem” PC using this article.

An antivirus or firewall may be blocking network devices

If your antivirus or firewall (firewall) that is installed on your computer doesn’t like something, then it can easily make it so that neither you can see other devices in the network environment, nor can anyone detect you.

True, after disabling the firewall built into my antivirus, the problem was not solved (which means the problem is most likely not there), but it still seems to me that in my case it could not have happened without the participation of the antivirus.

Therefore, try to completely stop the antivirus for a while, or at least disable the firewall built into it (firewall). In NOD 32 this is done like this:

To check this you need to do on all computers that will participate in the local network.

It is quite possible that you have some other programs installed that can monitor the network and manage network connections.

If it turns out that the problem is in the antivirus, then you need to add your network to the exceptions. Prevent the firewall from blocking the network itself or network devices.

If you don’t have an antivirus, you can experiment with disabling/enabling the firewall built into Windows.

Working group

The workgroup must be the same on all devices. As a rule, this is true. But it is advisable to check. To do this, open the computer properties "System" and go to " Extra options systems".

"Working Group" will be indicated there. To change it, you need to click on the "Change" button.

Once again: the workgroup name must be the same on all computers.

If you have a problem accessing your network storage (to a flash drive via a router), then in the sharing settings on the same ASUS router it is also indicated working group. You can look at the screenshot above in the article. It should be the same as on the computer.

Problem accessing a shared network folder via SMB1 in Windows 10 (my solution)

Let's return specifically to my problem. Everything I described above has been checked and rechecked 10 times already. I did it a couple of times, but Windows 10 never saw other computers on the network and, most importantly, the shared folder in the form of a flash drive connected to the router never appeared in Explorer. And on other devices on the network everything was detected without problems. Including my laptop.

I read somewhere that you can try opening a shared folder through the Run window. Pressed the Win + R key combination and entered the network folder address // (aka router address).

I did not gain access to the drive, but an interesting error appeared:

You cannot connect to the shared folder because it is not secure. This shared folder runs on the legacy SMB1 protocol, which is insecure and may expose your system to attack.

Your system needs to use SMB2 or later.

This is already interesting. At least something.

SMB (Server Message Block) – network protocol, which is responsible for sharing files, printers and other network devices.

I started looking. And it turns out that Windows 10 abandoned the SMB1 protocol. Because of safety. And the Samba software package installed on my router seems to work using the SMB1 protocol. That's why Windows 10 doesn't see it. But other computers that also run Windows 10 were also not displayed on the “Network” tab.

Since I couldn’t update the protocol for SMB2 in the router settings, I decided that I needed to somehow enable SMB1 support in Windows 10. And as it turned out, this can be done without any problems. As a result, after connecting the “SMB Client 1.0/CIFS” component, everything worked for me. The system saw shared folders on computers on the network and a network folder configured on the router itself.

How to enable SMB1 in Windows 10?

Through the search, find and open the old “Control Panel”.

Switch to " Small icons" and open Programs and Features.

Open "Enable or disable Windows components". Find the item "Support for file sharing SMB 1.0/CIFS". Open it and check the box next to "SMB 1.0/CIFS Client". Click Ok.

If your computer prompts you to restart, restart it. If there is no prompt window, reboot manually.

After the reboot, all available devices on your network should appear on the “Network” – “Computer” tab.

I will be glad if this article is useful to someone and helps solve the problem that has arisen. Don't forget to write in the comments about the results. Or ask the question, where would we be without them :)

Those users who decided to connect second hard drive to your Windows 10 computer, you may encounter problems displaying it. There are several reasons for this error. Fortunately, it can be solved using built-in tools.

First of all, you need to make sure that the disk is free of defects and damage. You can check this by connecting the HDD (or SSD) to system unit. Also make sure you have connected the hardware correctly, it should show up in the BIOS.

Method 1: Disk Management

This method involves initializing and formatting the drive with a letter assignment.

Method 2: Format using “Command Line”

Using "Command line", you can clean and format the disk. Be careful when executing the following commands.

  1. Call the context menu on the button Method three and find « Command line(administrator)".
  2. Now enter the command

    and press Enter.

  3. Next do
  4. All connected drives will be shown to you. Enter

    Where X– this is the number of the disk you need.

  5. We delete all contents with the command
  6. Create a new section:

    create partition primary

  7. Format to NTFS:

    format fs=ntfs quick

    Wait until the procedure is completed.

  8. Give the section a name:

    It is important that the letter does not coincide with the letters of other drives.

  9. And after all, exit Diskpart with the following command:
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