
Windows 8 how to set up internet connections. Possible problems in setting up the Internet

Installation and configuration ADSL modem usually produced by the service technical support provider. But you should know how everything works in case you ever have to set it up yourself.

Special digital device ( ADSL splitter), usually included as standard, is connected to the telephone line. A regular telephone and an ADSL modem are connected to the ADSL splitter using a simple telephone cable. In turn, the ADSL modem is connected to the computer using a piece of Ethernet cable (twisted pair), also included in the package.

The connection diagram is shown in the image below.

After connecting the modem to your computer, simply turn on its power - you don't have to install any drivers. For an ADSL connection to work, you only need one driver, which is usually already installed - the network card driver.

  Why doesn't an ADSL modem need a driver? Technology ADSL(like some other technologies, for example, Radio Ethernet), uses the protocol PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet). A regular modem connection works according to the protocol PPP (Point to Point Protocol), right here PPP frames transmitted over the network card ( Ethernet) - this technology is implemented by the protocol PPPoE, so we don’t need any additional drivers.

Once the ADSL modem is connected to the computer, you can begin setting up the ADSL connection. Usually its setup occurs without any difficulties. Make sure that your DSL modem is turned on, open the window, to do this, right-click on the network activity icon in the notification area on the taskbar and select the command in the context menu that appears Network Control Center and shared access

  Your ADSL modem can operate in one of the modes: ( bridge) or router ( router).
  IN bridge mode An ADSL modem is just an “adapter” between the communication line and your computer and is not endowed with any intelligent functions - it simply transmits everything that the computer sends to the communication line. In the opposite direction, the principle is the same - everything that comes in is sent to the computer, and it itself figures out what to do with this data. And setting up an Internet connection for bridge mode is done on the computer: you need to create a connection, specify a username and password, establish a connection, etc. (will be described later).
  IN router mode The connection is configured in the modem control panel. It is in the modem settings that the username, password, and some other connection parameters are indicated. There is no need to configure your computer. A modem operating in router mode can simply be connected to a computer with a cable.
  The following describes only the first configuration method - using Windows.
  And you can find the second method in the manual for your modem. The setup process differs depending on the modem manufacturer and even on the modem model - there may be different firmware, etc.

In the window that opens Network and Sharing Center select team Create and configure a new connection or network

In the connection options selection window that opens, select Internet connection

If on this computer someone (perhaps not you) has already set up an Internet connection, the system will prompt you to either create a new connection (option), or select an existing connection and Start browsing the Internet.

Select the option: Create a new connection anyway

In the next window we indicate how to connect to the Internet. Since we are setting up an ADSL connection, we should select the option: High speed (with PPPoE).

If we are interested in other types of connections (for example, Dial-up), you need to check the box Show connection options that are not configured for use.

Now enter the username and password provided to you by your ISP and also check the box Remember this password, so as not to enter it every time you connect.

If you have someone else working on your computer besides you (meaning your own accounts) and you want to allow them to use your connection, check the box Allow other users to use this connection. It is not necessary to change the connection name.

Click the button To plug, and Windows will establish a connection to the Internet.

To make it easier to connect to your configured network, open the sidebar Charms Bar, select Options | Networks And TestNetwork(you will have your own network name) from the list shown to you.

Usually there is a server running on the provider side DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which automatically assigns our node an IP address, network mask, IP addresses of DNS servers and transmits other information related to network configuration. That's why all that is required to set up a connection is a username and password. But you should still know how to configure the connection manually (without DHCP) - just in case.

Open Network and Sharing Center, select Change adapter settings,

Right-click on the connection whose settings you need to change, and in the context menu that appears, select Properties

The connection properties window will open.

In most cases, IPv6 is not yet used at all, so disable it. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and press the button Properties

In the window that opens, set the switch to Use the following IP address and enter the IP address provided to you by your ISP. Then select Use the following addresses DNS servers and indicate the addresses of your preferred and alternative DNS servers. Click the button OK

Windows 8: how to connect to the Internet?

After release operating system Many people decide to install Windows 8 on their computer or laptop. But after successful installation of this OS, there is a need to connect and configure the Internet. You can do this work yourself using the instructions below.

Connecting and setting up the Internet on Windows 8

To connect and configure the Internet on Windows 8, you must do the following:

  1. Click on the "Start" button and select "Desktop" from the menu.
  2. In the lower right corner of the desktop, find the "Network" icon and right-click on it.
  3. A menu will open in which select “Network and Sharing Center”.
  4. In the window that appears, click on the “Set up a new connection” option, and then select the “Internet connection” option.
  5. A window will open where you need to select “Create a new connection”, and then click on the “High-speed” option.
  6. In the window that appears, enter the name and password that were provided to you by your Internet provider, and then click on the “Connect” button. This will complete the procedure. To make sure that the network is working correctly and is ready for use, the icon in the lower right part of the desktop will help you " Network connections". By left-clicking on it, you will open a panel where it will be written that the created connection is available.

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How to set up internet on windows 8

Waiting for the operating room to leave windows systems 8 Almost all computer users had an increased interest in this system. Today, this “operating system” is already available to us for use and many, without wasting time, are already on their computer and are slowly getting used to it. But as you know, the transition to new system, is always accompanied by the emergence of new questions and problems among users with setting up certain components. One of the most common problems that arise after switching to a new OS is, of course, setting up an Internet connection. In today's article we will look at a detailed solution to this problem and learn how to set up the Internet in Windows 8.

Important: if you don’t know how to install this OS on your netbook or laptop, you can use.

Instructions for setting up the Internet in Windows 8

Since Windows 8 is not an absolute innovative system with complete automation of all processes, here we, as well as in previous versions Windows will have to install drivers for the modem, network card and other equipment. Installing drivers will be the first stage of setting up the Internet on Windows 8. After the driver installation has been completed and in the device manager you have verified that the equipment is working properly and is ready for use, then we proceed directly to the technical part of setting up the Internet connections in Windows 8.

So, first you need to go to the desktop by clicking on the corresponding button in the Start menu item:

After this, your desktop will open. Next, you need to find the network icon in the lower right corner of the desktop and right-click on it and select “Network and Sharing Center” in the menu that appears:

In the new window that opens, you need to click on the link “Set up a new connection or network”:

In the window that appears, you need to select “Internet Connection”:

In the next window, you will need to select the item “Create a new connection anyway.” By the way, if you are setting up the Internet on Windows 8 for the first time, then you may not have this item, but I have it because the Internet is already on my system configured and therefore the OS prompts me to create a new connection:

In the next window, select the only option available to us “High-speed (with PPPoE)”:

At the next stage, you need to fill in the “Username”, “Password” fields that were provided to you by your Internet provider to access the network. Enter them and click the “Connect” button:

That's it, the connection is now created. In order to get to the Internet connection icon in Windows 8, on the desktop, in the tray, on the network connections icon, left-click:

After this you will have side panel, from which the Internet connection created for you will be available:

Possible problems in setting up the Internet

If you need to connect to the Internet via wifi from another computer or laptop, then first follow all the instructions specified in the article.

If for some reason you still were unable to set up the Internet, then you can ask your question in the comments below

What could be easier than connecting to a wireless WiFi networks? Just enter the password and wait for the connection to be established. This usually happens, but what if the connection is limited (no Internet access) or communication is not established at all? Let's talk about the reasons why such failures occur and how to deal with them.

Why Windows 8 can't see or connect to WiFi networks

Computer or laptop Windows control 8 does not see the Wi-Fi network for the following reasons:

  • wifi adapter not installed, disabled or faulty;
  • There is no wireless network driver in the system;
  • Airplane mode is turned on on the computer;
  • there is not a single wireless network access point in your area;
  • an access point (wireless router) that is nearby is disabled, incorrectly configured, or faulty;
  • communication standards between the computer and the access point are not mutually supported;
  • there is a device nearby that interferes with the radio signal;
  • The WiFi adapter operates in monitoring mode.

If the network is visible, but the connection is not created or is limited:

  • Internet access for this network is not configured or is prohibited;
  • network connection is limited by the administrator;
  • the access point cannot process the request due to congestion;
  • Incorrect access point settings are used.

Restoring the connection to the wireless network

Checking the network adapter

Desktop PCs are sold without WiFi network adapters, so to connect to wireless networks you will have to buy and install an adapter separately. For example, like the one in the picture.

There is no need to buy a Wi-Fi adapter for a laptop - it is already inside.

So the laptop can see wireless network and connect to them, WiFi must be turned on. On some models there is a switch or button on the case for this.

On others, the key combination Fn+F1…F12 is used. The key with the image of an antenna is responsible for turning on the wireless adapter.

Once turned on, the WiFi adapter should appear in the manager Windows devices 8. To check this, launch the dispatcher from the context menu Windows buttons(Start)

and expand the “Network adapters” list. If your adapter is in this list, it means the system recognized and installed it. If it appears as an unknown device, go to its manufacturer’s website and install the driver.

If the adapter is connected, but the system does not see it, make sure that it is activated in the BIOS.

The option that is responsible for the operation of the built-in WiFi is called OnBoard Wireless LAN or WireLess LAN support. Its value should be "Enabled".

Among other things, make sure that wireless adapter is not in traffic monitoring mode. Although those who use this mode are always aware of this (it requires the installation of a special driver).

Checking the access point

If your PC or laptop does not see your home access point, try connecting to another one. To check, you can use public networks, for example, in cafes or parks, or private ones - with your friends. To check desktop computer Without leaving your home, you can temporarily create a virtual access point on another device.

If wireless networks are not detected anywhere, the problem should be looked for in the adapter or WiFi settings on the computer, and if there is no connection to only one access point, the problem probably lies there.

Diagnostic steps (if the previous step did not solve the problem, proceed to the next one):

  • Make sure the access point is turned on and is emitting a signal (detected by the wireless indicator light).

  • Make sure that there are no devices near the router and computer that create electromagnetic interference - cordless phones, microwave ovens, powerful power cables. Try moving the access point closer to your PC to improve the signal strength.
  • Turn off the router's power and turn it on again. If the problems persist, reset the settings: with a sharp object - a toothpick or a paper clip, press the recessed Reset button, which is located on the back or bottom side of the device. After this manipulation, all settings will be restored to the state as after purchase.

  • Change the broadcast frequency channel. Connect your computer to the access point via cable, enter the wireless network settings menu, find the option “ Channel" and switch to another channel. Perhaps the connection will be restored on some of them.

  • In the same menu, check the “Hide SSID” setting and, if it is active, check “No”. Hiding the SSID disables broadcasting of the network name - such a network is not displayed in the lists of available connections. Also enable standards support wireless communication b/g in case the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer works on one of them, and the access point works on another, for example “a”, which does not support “b” and “g”.

  • If many devices are connected to the access point at the same time, it may become unresponsive due to overload. Such situations are unlikely at home, but often occur in organizations. Try connecting to a different, less busy network, or try again after a while.

Checking Windows 8 settings

Airplane mode

WiFi may disappear due to the fact that the user has activated Airplane mode in Windows 8 - in this mode network adapter turns off and the computer does not see any wireless network. The network icon in the system tray will help you determine that the problems really arose because of this - it takes the form of an airplane.

To exit Airplane mode in Windows 8, open the Charms flyout and click the Options charm.

Next, click “Change computer settings.”

Make sure that Windows sees WiFi again and that the network icon in the tray returns to its previous form.

Network diagnostics

Windows 8 has a tool that automatically diagnoses network connection problems. It's called "Diagnostics" Windows networks" This tool sees and eliminates many obstacles to WiFi operation, for example, when there is a connection, but the computer does not access the Internet (connection is limited) or there is Internet, but access to sites is limited.

When the connection is limited, the network tray icon is marked with an exclamation mark.

To launch the Windows 8 Network Diagnostic Tool, right-click on the network icon and select “Troubleshooting” from the menu.

The utility will check everything network connections on your computer and determine how Internet access is limited. Local problems that can be fixed will be fixed automatically. And if the connection cannot be restored, for example, due to problems with the access point or problems on the provider’s side, the information will be displayed in a window marked “Not fixed.”

If your PC has multiple connections, of which only one is limited, or the diagnostic tool does not see a problem, you can only diagnose the selected network. To do this, go to the “Network and Sharing Center” and go to the “Network Connections” folder (click “Change adapter settings” in the navigation bar).

Open context menu connection that is limited, and click “Diagnostics”.

WLAN AutoConfig Service

Connection problems also occur after network services are stopped, either accidentally or out of ignorance. The WLAN autoconfiguration service is responsible for the operation of WiFi in Windows 8. If the wired Ethernet connection is not limited in any way, but the system simply does not see wireless networks, start checking with this service.

  • Launch the Services application: open the context menu of the Windows (Start) button and click Run.

  • Next, type in the “Open” line the command services.msc and click OK.

  • Find in the list Windows services 8 WLAN auto-configuration, open its menu and select “Properties”.

  • If the service is stopped, click "Start" and select "Automatic" from the "Startup type" drop-down list.

For the WLAN AutoConfig Service to start, another service must be running - Manager Windows connections. Find it in the same list and set similar settings for it.

Other parameters WiFi connections on a PC do not require manual configuration. All data for Internet access - IP, gateway address, DNS, etc., the network receives automatically from the access point's DHCP server.

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