
VK restore deleted page by phone number. Methods for completely deleting a page on the VKontakte social network. How to find a deleted VKontakte page

Incorrect password. How to recover?

We are usually sure that we are entering the password correctly. But if it suddenly doesn’t fit (the VK website doesn’t accept it), there’s no need to rush. Maybe you are entering Russian letters instead of English? Then switch your language. What if there are big letters instead of small ones? Then turn off the Caps Lock button. If the password does not work, no matter what options you try, or you have forgotten it, you need to restore access.

To restore access to the page, go to the VKontakte website and click on the link "Forgot your password?":

Another way is to open the link. If you are on a phone, open this link: for mobile users. A new window will appear with the VKontakte website in it, and you can switch between it and this page. Come back here and read on.

Do not register a new page for the same number! You will not be able to restore access to the one for which you forgot the password.

The beginning of recovery. What should be done?

You will be asked to enter your phone number or e-mail (address Email), with whom you logged into VK. The easiest way is to restore it using your phone number, if you have it at hand. Enter and click "Further":

A “Confirm action” window may appear - you need to check the box there "I am not a robot" and/or complete a small task. Read more here:

What should I do if I don’t remember my login? Look here how to find out: What to do if you forgot your VKontakte login. And if you can’t remember your phone number or email, look just below, there’s a link you need ("Press here"):

Next you need to provide a link to your page (it looks something like this: or just an ID (for example, id12345678). To find a link to yourself, there will be a people search below. And this instruction will help you find out the ID of the old page. Then you will be shown your first and last name - if everything is correct, click "Further" and go to the procedure full recovery:

How can I find my old, previous page?

To find the old page and restore access, first log out new page(this is a link "Go out" on the VK website in the menu at the top right). Then you will still have to remember how the old page was registered: what phone number, email address - at least something.

If you have the number to which the page was linked at hand, look below.

And if you have a number, but you don’t remember your last name (it was a fake one), look at these tips: What to do if you forgot your last name, first name VKontakte.

Password recovery via SMS

After you have created a password, here's what you need to do:

  1. Where they ask “phone or e-mail”, enter your phone number, for example, 89161234567.
  2. You will be asked for your last name: enter the last name you indicated on the page. This is done for security reasons.
  3. The page will show the user's avatar, first and last name. If it's definitely you, confirm it.
  4. You will receive an SMS with a recovery code on your phone. This is not a password! This is the recovery code, you will need to enter it there on the page. If VK sends the code in a personal message, read this - The code was sent in private messages, why?
  5. Now you will be asked to ask New Password, which you came up with. It will need to be entered twice and both times the same way. Do not press Enter between them, but go to the second field with the mouse. Is the Caps Lock button turned on? If the indicator is on, only capital letters are entered. And if it's turned off Num Lock, then numbers cannot be entered on the right side of the keyboard, keep this in mind. Also, remember what language you are entering your password in.
  6. When you change your password, you will receive another SMS. There you will be reminded of your login and this new password.
  7. Now you can go to Contact. You can do this with home page VKontakte or with home page“Login” (VHOD.RU) - the second option is more convenient, since in the future it will be easier for you to access your favorite sites with one click.

What to do if the code does not arrive?

Read the instructions:

What to do if it says “Error. Not available for this user"?

If you recover your password through an application on your phone and an error occurs, try doing it with regular computer, laptop or tablet - just go to the site through a browser and do everything according to these instructions that you are looking at right now, from the very beginning. Another possible situation is that your page is not linked to this phone number. Maybe you never did this, or if you did, then maybe later this number was “unlinked” from the page. See the next method -.

What to do if “Error. Request limit exceeded?

This error happens when you request a password recovery code to be sent via SMS to your phone. The site writes that the code will be sent and then reports that the number of requests per day has been exceeded. First try to do everything from your computer if you are currently doing it from your phone. If it doesn’t work from your computer, read on for the explanation: this means that protection against too frequent password recovery attempts has worked. What to do? You need to wait one day. Try to recover your password tomorrow. You don't have to ask for a code all the time. This is a security measure against intruders, so please be understanding. Perhaps someone wanted to hack your page. Wait until tomorrow, request the code and be sure to set a complex password that is difficult to guess (more about passwords -).

What to do if “Error. "Quick password recovery is not available"?

This means you have login confirmation enabled. mobile phone, and it is now impossible to recover your password via SMS. What to do in this case is written here:

What to do if the wrong page is restored?

You created another page for the same phone number! Read here:

How can I find out the password if I don’t remember it or have forgotten it?

Read here:

How to restore access without a phone if the linked number no longer exists or is lost

You are trying to restore access to the page, and when VKontakte reports that it will now send an SMS message with a code, you realize that you no longer have access to this number. Then you have exactly two options: restore the number (SIM card), if possible, or go through the full restoration procedure. Both ways are here:

How to link a VK page to a new phone number?

You can link a page to a new number, even if you do not have access to the old one. Just change the number in the settings (

How to restore a page on VK depends on the reason for freezing or deleting your profile. If the action was temporary and access to the account was maintained, there will be no problems. But recovery after a long deletion or without a login and password will require much more effort or will be completely impossible.

The period allotted for account restoration is affected by the specifics of blocking or deletion. There can be 3 possible scenarios.

  1. The account was blocked due to complaints. Before you can restore a deleted page on VK, you will have to serve your sentence. Violations like spam will ban the user for a day the first time, for 2-14 the second time, and for a couple of weeks or a month the third time. In severe cases - extortion, distribution of adult materials or propaganda of violence - they can be blocked immediately and forever without the possibility of recovery.
  2. The account was frozen due to suspicious activity. This happens when the system sees unusual user activity and restricts access to the account to protect against hacking. You can return such a page “to life” immediately - enter your phone number to receive the code and change the password.
  3. The account has been deleted by the user. If you got rid of the page yourself, you can restore it at any time. But only when no more than 7 months have passed since the last removal. After this time, the profile will be lost forever.

How to restore a VK page after deletion

Before restoring a VKontakte page after manual deletion, look at the storage period for your account data. The date of irretrievable loss of the account is indicated on the main page - log in and see. There should also be a “Restore” link here. Click it, confirm the action, and the page will quickly return to its previous form.

How to get your account back if you don't have access to your phone

Authorized users do not need a phone number to recover after manual deletion. The request is processed instantly, without additional data. But people who have lost access to social network Due to a change of number, you will have to wait. It takes up to three days for the support team to work with such a problem.

Remember how to restore a page on VK without a phone number:

When you go, the site will ask you to change your password - you need to come up with a previously unused one. Then you can proceed to the procedure for returning a profile after manual deletion; the link can be found in the settings.

How to restore a VKontakte page if you forgot your login and password

If there is no way to return access via email, under the login field from the third point, find the “Click here” link. On the page that opens, indicate the path to your profile, and then provide proof that you are its owner. Information about recent activity, a photo and a passport will be useful for this.

Complete the action by clicking on “Submit Application”. Within 2-3, support agents will review the application and make a verdict: return access, request additional evidence, or refuse.

Restoring a blocked page

You can return a blocked page in 2 ways.

  1. If banned due to a complaint. Log in to “contact” from your computer, read the reason for the punishment and the term. Wait until the blocking ends. After this, the social network will offer to restore the VK page by phone number. Request a confirmation code, enter, change the password and continue using the service.
  2. Frozen due to strange activity. If access to a profile is limited for distributing similar messages or logins from an atypical location, there will be no penalty period. Users have the right to immediately start the recovery process - click the appropriate button and follow the instructions.

How to restore a VK page without a photo and passport

It is almost impossible to return a profile without uploaded personal photos and documents confirming the connection with the owner. There is only one way, and one with little chance: write to support and prove that the account belonged to you.

How to restore a page if it’s hacked

When hacking a profile, the actions may be identical to those listed above and slightly different. The choice of plan depends on whether the attackers managed to change the password, number and associated email. If the hackers were unable to do any of this, log in to the system and on the blocking page, click the link to request data recovery. Enter the number as standard, confirm the page selection and enter the code sent to the linked number.

If the attackers have changed your phone number, proceed as follows:

If you used a fake first and last name in your profile, after restoration the information may be forcibly changed to match your passport. The results of processing the request will be sent to the specified contact phone number within a couple of days.

How to restore an old VK page

Working with the old page will be identical, only proving involvement in its creation will be more difficult. It's good if you left it in your profile private photos, and the first and last names correspond to those indicated in the documents. In this case, it is enough to restore the VKontakte page by first and last name - attach a scan of your passport and a photo in the background of the page to your support request.

If it is impossible to identify you as the owner based on the data provided in the account, it will not be possible to return the account. As in the case when more than 7 months have passed since manual removal. Consider the recordings lost forever.

How to restore a page on VK via phone

The official VK mobile application allows you to perform some of the listed operations from your phone. But even if you use a third-party client or an outdated version, it is possible to return your profile without a computer. For this:

  • open the application;
  • under the authorization fields, tap on “Forgot your password” or a similar link;
  • wait for the page to load inside the client or in full version website in a browser;
  • enter the linked email or number;
  • request a verification code and enter to access personal information;
  • change the password and start recovering the deleted account if you tried to get rid of it manually.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. As usual, you may need to restore for several reasons. The most common case is loss of access to it(forgot your password, lost your phone number to which the page was linked during registration and now you can’t log into VK). There are also possible options when the page was for one reason or another blocked.

  • Your page could have been hacked, that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to try to restore access to this page as described just above, i.e. use recovery tools:
    1.— if the account was linked to a phone number.
    2.— if the page was not linked to a phone number or you no longer own this number.
  • How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you deleted your page yourself, and then changed your mind, or when the person who received it deleted it for you unauthorized access to your account, then it can still be restored within 7 months. To do this, you just need to go to the VKontakte website using your username and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the “restore your page” link:

    However, if 7 months have already passed since the date of deletion, then you will have to contact technical support Contact(or write a letter to Email [email protected]) with a request to restore the page, and it is not a fact that they will be able to help you, although the chances of success still remain. You may have to prove your rights to this page and wait some time for it to be retrieved from the archives and finally restored.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    • page freeze. As a rule, this happens in the case of sending spam or using programs associated with the so-called cheating;
    • the page was hacked. That is, an unauthorized person gained access to your account by guessing a password, spreading a virus, or in any other way;
    • The account was previously deleted. It is worth noting that this is one of the simplest problems that may arise when it is necessary to restore a VK page;
    • There are some problems with logging in. In this case, there are usually problems with linking a phone number or e-mail addresses, as well as loss of password.

    Freeze page

    If your page is frozen for the first time, then there is no need to worry, since you will be able to resume activity almost immediately.

    Important! The more bans you have, the longer each of them lasts.

    What do you need to unfreeze your account?

    The page has been hacked

    It is worth understanding that the account will be blocked by the administration if spam is sent from it. If someone simply knows your username and password and periodically visits your page, the system has very little chance of tracking down the fraud.

    How to restore a page after it has been hacked?

    Important! The phone number must be entered in full: “+” and the country code cannot be omitted.

    The account was previously deleted

    If you deleted the page yourself for some reason, then if you try to access it again, a window will appear in front of you notifying you that the page has been deleted. The date until which you have the right to freely restore your page will also be indicated.

    Important! If the account was deleted more than seven months ago, the possibilities of restoring it in this way are exhausted.

    How to restore a page after self-deletion in this case?

    On a note! Such restoration will take quite a lot of time than that which takes place within seven months after removal. When restoring the page after seven months, the site will request information confirming your identity, namely: a page with a photo from a document confirming your identity; photo against the background of the monitor, where you can see the question for technical support.

    Login problems

    When entering your login and password, you must enter a specific VKontakte page. Otherwise, there is an error when entering this information.

    But suppose you sent a request for recovery, entered the attached login and password, but even after that nothing happens.

    Important! The solution to the problem is quite unusual, but it is still worth knowing about: you need to submit a second application for restoration. In most cases, this procedure can be carried out only after this, and 10% of users receive full rights to the page even after the third application.

    This may be to ensure that your intentions regarding recovery are genuine. Or perhaps technical support simply does not have time to process all requests.

    In general, restoring an old VK page, regardless of how you delete it, is not difficult. The main thing is patience and willingness to follow instructions.

    Video - How to restore an old page in Contact

    The decision to delete a personal VK page is often made on emotions and, having cooled down, some users wonder whether it is still possible to restore it. Deleting a VKontakte page is not at all difficult, but it can only be restored if you take care of this no later than 7 months after its deletion.

    Let's start by searching for the treasured button to delete VK, especially since you won’t have to search for it for long.

    How to delete a VKontakte page forever

    We go to your VKontakte page, after which you will see your photo and your first and last name in the upper right corner.

    Rice. 1. VKontakte page settings

    1 in Fig. 1 – click on the small triangle;
    2 in Fig. 1 – a menu will appear in which we click “Settings”.

    On the settings page that opens, we automatically get to the very first option “General” (Fig. 2):

    Rice. 2. Link “delete your page” on VKontakte
    • give some reason for your decision
    • and decide whether you will notify your friends that you are leaving VKontakte.

    Rice. 3. We indicate the reason for deleting the VK. We tell our friends, or we don’t. Finally, click “Delete page”

    1 in Fig. 3 – asked to indicate the reason. You can choose any reason, and also adjust the message that friends will see.

    2 in Fig. 3 – If you leave a checkmark next to “Tell friends”, then the message that you selected as the reason for deletion will appear on your VK page (Fig. 6). For example, a note appeared on my VK page: “I once created this page for my mother, but now she registered herself.” If you uncheck the box next to “Tell friends,” then no messages will appear on your page, and you will leave the social network silently, as they say, without saying goodbye.

    3 in Fig. 3 – Having chosen the reason and remembering about your friends, click the coveted blue “Delete page” button:

    Rice. 4. The VK page can be restored before the specified period.

    All that remains is to click the “Exit” button (Fig. 4) in the upper right corner and start a new life.

    As can be seen in Fig. 4, you can restore a deleted VKontakte page within approximately 7 (seven) months after its deletion, more precisely, 210 days. After the specified date, the page will be deleted from the VKontakte server. True, users have no way to verify the complete deletion of a page, so they have to take the word of the VK developers.

    How to recover a deleted VKontakte page

    1) To do this, go to your VK page by entering your username and password.

    If the recovery period has not yet expired, then you will see a window similar to the one in Fig. 4 that the page has been deleted, but it can be restored before a certain date.

    2) By clicking the “Restore” button (Fig. 4), we will see the “Page Restore” window:

    Rice. 5. Button to restore a deleted VKontakte page

    Click the “Restore Page” button, after which the once deleted page will open:

    Rice. 6. The previously deleted page has been restored, because less than 210 days have passed since the date of its deletion

    The account will return in the form in which it was before deletion - with photos, music, videos, etc. However, I do not recommend experimenting “for the sake of curiosity” with deleting a personal VK page.

    How to delete VKontakte via phone

    There are two options:

    1. Follow the 6 steps below:
    2. or use the link below and take the necessary actions.

    Let's look at how to delete VK via phone using an example operating system.

    1) Open VKontakte on your phone through a browser (do not confuse the browser with the VK application). That is,

    • open a browser on your phone,
    • enter,
    • then enter your VK login and password.

    2) On your VK page, open the menu in the form of small steps:

    Rice. 7. Menu on your personal VKontakte page on your phone

    3) In the menu you need to go down to the end of the page and there find “Settings” of your VK page:

    Rice. 8. VK page settings on your phone

    4) Click “Settings” VK, the following options will open:

    Rice. 9. Account In contact with

    5) Open the “Account” option:

    Rice. 10. “Delete your page” VK link on your phone

    6) At the end of the “Account” page we find the necessary “delete your page” button. By clicking on it, you will also have to indicate some reason for deleting the page, and also decide about notifying friends (Fig. 3 above). After that, all you have to do is click on the “Delete page” button (Fig. 4).

    How to delete the VK application

    If you delete the VK application, then your personal VK page, that is, your account will not be affected by this, everything will remain. The page can be used on a computer and on a phone, but you will have to access it not through the application (it will be deleted), but through a browser.

    To delete the VKontakte application, open “Settings” on the phone:

    Rice. 11. Open “Settings” on your phone

    In “Settings” look for “Application Manager”:

    Rice. 12. Open Application Manager on your phone

    In the Application Manager, you need to find the VKontakte application and click on the “Delete” button next to this application. Let me remind you once again that in this case the VK application will be deleted, but the VKontakte page (your account) will remain.

    Help and help VKontakte

    Here you can find answers to almost all user questions on the VKontakte social network.

    If you have any questions, ask them below in the comments.

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