
Restoring a flash drive: detailed and visual instructions. The volume file system is not recognized (USB flash drive). What to do, how to restore? Flash drive shows 0 bytes what to do

Good afternoon!

In the life of any USB flash drive (and microSD too) unexpected moments happen: sometimes it stops opening and asks for formatting. A formatting windows cannot be completed for unknown reasons (example in Fig. 1 below)...

Many users, in this case, put up with it and buy a new flash drive. Meanwhile, I’ll tell you, there are several recovery options that I recommend doing before sending the flash drive for scrap (in many cases, it’s possible to bring the drive back to life and it works like new). I’ll tell you about them in this article.

Rice. 1. Typical type of error "Windows cannot complete formatting."

The flash drive is not formatted: reasons, recovery methods

Is write protection enabled - "Lock"

Perhaps I’ll say a trivial point, but on SD flash drives there is a special lever that blocks the writing of information to the flash card (as well as deletion and formatting). Check if it is in position Lock(means blocked).

On USB flash drives, such a lever is much less common (and usually on flash drives from little-known Chinese manufacturers). Pay attention to the icon itself: if the lever is in the “locked” position, then the flash drive is locked from writing (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Enable/disable Lock on a flash drive

Are there any errors on the flash drive? Correcting them

In general, usually, if there are errors on a flash drive, Windows itself offers to check and fix them. If it doesn’t, I recommend running the check manually, just in case...

Method 1

  1. Open File Explorer and go to "This computer" ("My computer") ;
  2. Next, connect the flash drive (wait until it appears in "This computer" );
  3. Right-click on it and context menu select "Properties".

Wait until the check is completed, and then try working with the flash drive...

Method 2

You can run a scan of a disk or flash drive using the command line (it is advisable to open it with administrator rights).

To do this, press the button combination Ctrl+Shift+ESC- must open Task Manager . In it, click FILE/Create task . To line "Open" enter CMD and check the box next to the item "Create a task with administrator rights" . Click OK- see fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Run Command Prompt with Administrator Rights

At the command prompt, enter the command:

chkdsk e: /f

Where e:- drive letter of the flash drive (enter your flash drive letter);

/f - key (do not change!).

Rice. 6. Check the drive // ​​chkdsk

Formatting a flash drive through disk management

It happens that through My computer The flash drive is not formatted, but through disk management - everything is OK (apparently it’s a matter of hidden processes, which can interact with a flash drive). So I recommend trying this method too.

To open Disk Management: Click the buttons WIN+R and enter the command on the line "Open": diskmgmt.msc(as in Fig. 7).

Next in the list, find your flash drive, click on it right mouse button and select from the menu "Format" (arrows 3 and 4 in Fig. 7). Then all you have to do is choose volume label , file system and agree to the operation.

Important! All data on the flash drive will be deleted after formatting...

Rice. 7. How to format a flash drive using disk management

Formatting a flash drive using special. utilities

If Windows cannot format, then you can try to do it using special. utilities In general, there are quite a lot of similar utilities and it is impossible to consider them all in one article. I will focus only on the best of them.

4.1) For USB flash drive

HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool is an excellent utility for formatting flash drives and creating bootable media from them. The utility can format flash drives into the following file systems: NTFS, FAT, FAT32. Supports work through USB port 2.0. No installation required. Compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8, 10.

In many cases of “invisibility” of flash drives, their incorrect operation, impossibility of porting - this utility copes with its job. I recommend!

Rice. 8. Formatting media in HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

4.2) For SD flash drive/card

This program formats all SD cards, SDHC and SDXC. The program is free and works in almost all Windows versions. In general, I don’t know what else can be added about it - if you have problems with SD cards, I recommend using it. By the way, the developers recommend using the utility to format not only failed drives, but also those that are working normally. This is done in order to avoid various problems with compatibility...

To start formatting, run the utility, then select the disk (in the example in Fig. 9, this is M:), then click Option and where Format Type- we put Full (Erase), And where Format Size Adjustment - we put On. Next, click the button Format.

Rice. 9. SDFormatter main window

4.3) Universal utility

This utility is used to format problematic hard drives, flash drives, SD cards - in general, it supports almost all types of drives connected to a computer.

To start formatting in it, you need (see Fig. 10):

  1. Insert the flash drive and run the utility: then select it in the list of drives;
  2. Press the button Continue;
  3. Next open the section Low-Level Format(low-level formatting);
  4. Press the button Format this device(then wait until the operation is completed).

Important! After low level formatting- you will need to carry out high-level formatting, as was shown just above in the article -.

As a rule, after such low-level formatting, the drive begins to operate in normal mode (if it is not physically damaged).

Determining the controller model and flashing the flash drive

If all other methods do not help, then most likely you will have to try to reflash the flash drive. This must be done carefully, because if you choose the wrong firmware, you will ruin the flash drive and then it will no longer be restored...

Instructions for flashing

Since this topic is quite extensive, I have separated it into a separate article to consider all the nuances. The general meaning is as follows:

  • first, the flash drive controller is determined by the unique identifiers VID and PID;
  • Next, using these identifiers, a special utility for flashing is located;
  • and only then the flash drive is flashed.

As a rule, after such a procedure, even those flash drives that many have given up on begin to work...

Lastly. I accidentally dropped one of my flash drives on the floor. Everything would be fine, but after that it stopped displaying. After disassembling it, I found that several contacts had come loose and needed to be re-soldered. By the way, in most cases, it is the contacts that come off, the microcircuit itself remains intact (unless a hammer or brick falls on the flash drive).

After resoldering, the flash drive began to work as normal, and not even a single file was lost! This method, however, is only suitable for those who know a little soldering (well, if the flash drive does not have very necessary data, otherwise, it is better to give it to a service center).

By the way, you can open a flash drive using a knife and a screwdriver. Some models have a non-demountable body - therefore, its further use will not be very convenient (although you can put it on a shelf and use it, say, for “rare” tasks...).

That's all for me, good luck!

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 4.9k. Published 12/19/2016

IN modern world, people began to use disks less and less to store information, due to the fact that they were replaced by more convenient flash drives. But with the advent of flash drives, there are also problems that people face when using them. After a certain time USB drives start to work intermittently, produce errors when connecting to a PC, . First of all, when faced with such a problem, users format the flash drive. And if you're reading this article, it means your flash drive is not formatted. In this article we will look at how to format a flash drive if it is not formatted.

If the memory card has stopped formatting, do not rush to throw it out of the trash. Most likely, you and I will restore its operation. A formatting problem does not mean that your flash drive is faulty and quite often you can cope with standard using Windows. If we can’t do this, then we’ll try to use software third party developers.

The main reasons for the failure of flash drives.

In order to identify the problem why the flash drive does not work, let's look at the reasons for the breakdown:

  • Memory wear.
  • Problems with the controller;
  • Damage due to overheating or electrical damage;
  • Software malfunction;
  • Mechanical failure;
  • As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why a flash drive can fail and not be formatted. Let's look at each reason in more detail.
  • If the flash card is handled incorrectly, it may appear. mechanical damage. Users often drop flash drives onto hard floors, into water, or step on them. As a result, mechanical damage occurs. Various microcracks appear on the board or contacts fall off. If you have very important information, then you can send the flash drive for repair, otherwise, throw it away, since you are unlikely to be able to solve the problem of how to format a flash drive if it is not formatted.

    Important! If the flash drive is damaged or the memory chip is cracked, the data cannot be recovered.

  • In case of logical fault. Flash drive is detected operating system Windows is empty. At the same time, information is recorded on it, but most likely the file system tables are damaged. To restore the flash drive, you can use special programs which are described in the following paragraphs. After you finish working on the drive, safely remove the device.

    Note! The most common cause of damage to the logical structure occurs due to untimely removal of the device from the USB port or an unexpected power cut. As a rule, it is possible to restore a flash drive after a software error in most cases!

  • Very often, damage to flash drives occurs due to unstable USB power supply port. Since not all drives have good protection from voltage surges. To be sure that after connecting to your computer the flash drive will not burn out, make sure that the computer is grounded and install a high-quality power supply. Flash drive failure due to overheating is quite rare, but there are also cases when, after a long period of time, operation, the flash drive overheats and fails, since the device case does not provide proper heat exchange. In this case, I can advise you to choose USB drives in an iron case.
  • Problems with the flash drive controller are quite common. So, if the drive is incorrectly removed from the USB port, the controller’s power supply fails and this leads to the software being blocked. As a result, the drive does not respond to requests from the operating system. The device is recognized in Windows as a Generic Drive and has a capacity of 0. You can try to restore such a flash drive using special programs.
  • Memory wear. Many of you have probably already heard that the performance of a flash card is designed for a certain number of write cycles. Due to the fact that in Lately The storage capacity increases and the number of write cycles decreases. If a flash card starts producing errors when writing files to it, then you should think about the fact that it may fail soon enough. To restore such a drive, you can try low-level formatting.

What should I do if I get a “failed to complete formatting” error when formatting?

If, when formatting a flash drive, you see the message “failed to complete formatting,” then first we try to repeat the process using a standard disk management utility Windows systems.

Advice! If the utility writes that the partition is not allocated, then you need to right-click on it and select “Create partition”. Next, follow the instructions of the Partition Creation Wizard.

If any process is preventing you from formatting a flash drive, there may be a virus on your drive. Then we restart the computer and go to safe mode.

After pressing "Enter"; The removable drive must be formatted.

How to format a flash drive with special programs if it cannot be formatted?

If the methods described above do not solve the problem, and standard means did not answer the question: how to format a flash drive if it is not formatted. Let's move on to special software. There are quite a lot free programs, allowing you to recover and format USB drives. Let's make a list of such programs and briefly consider their functionality:


As you can see, despite the huge number of problems that can arise when using flash drives. Users do not stop using them, thereby creating demand for new products. If you have problems with drives, formatting them often helps. In this article, I tried to help you solve the problem of how to format a flash drive if it is not formatted. I hope the tips you found in this article are useful to you.

They are a very popular and convenient means for storing and transferring information between computers. They are very reliable, can be rewritten many times, and are practically not affected by external factors such as a magnetic field, the sun, and in many cases even moisture. However, the USB storage device may experience problems from time to time. One of the most famous is that when the computer is connected, the computer starts writing that the disk requires formatting, and the flash drive itself does not want to open. When viewing the properties of the drive, its capacity is displayed as 0 bytes, and the file system is RAW.

There are several ways to open a flash drive without formatting.

What to do in this case? Okay, if you don’t store important data on it, you can simply format it and continue to use it safely. Well, what if you can’t delete the information? Is there a way out?

Fortunately, in most cases the flash drive is damaged only at the software level, while the physical data continues to be recorded. A failure can occur for various reasons, most often due to the action of viruses, and also when the work was completed incorrectly during a recording or reading session, for example, you pulled out the flash drive from its socket or the power supply was turned off.

There are several ways to regain access. We will look at working methods and methods that will help you recover files on your portable storage. All you need to do is follow the instructions carefully.

The fastest, easiest and least painless way to regain access to files on a flash drive. To do this, you don’t even need to download additional software, since all operations will be performed using the command line Windows strings. So, you connect the media to the USB connector, and instead of your files opening, you see a sign asking you to format the flash drive.

  1. Click "No" if you really don't want to lose the recorded data.
  2. Run command line on behalf of the administrator. To do this, click the Start button, enter cmd in the search bar, right-click on the utility in the search results and select “Run as administrator.” On Windows 10, you can select the corresponding item by right-clicking on the Start button.
  3. After the jumping cursor is displayed after the address system folder and username, type the command chkdsk x: /f, where instead of x, enter the letter under which your flash drive is displayed in the system. Check this information in your file explorer. To confirm and launch, click Enter.
  4. Wait a couple of minutes while the utility does its job. The total time will depend on the size and class of the flash drive, as well as the number of files.

If everything goes well, you will soon be able to view the contents of your portable disk. Just in case, copy the data to HDD computer and, by formatting the flash drive, get rid of the remaining problems.

It is worth noting that it is possible that a message in the form “CHKDSK is not valid for RAW disks", which indicates that there are more serious problems with your device.

Unfortunately, if such a development occurs, the flash drive will need to be formatted, but if it stores data whose safety is a priority, then you can try to restore it, which will be discussed a little later.

Virus check

A very common and fairly common reason that the system does not display the contents of the flash drive and asks you to format it may be that it is infected with viruses. For example, the so-called autorun virus turns all folders and files into shortcuts, hiding them, and some other viruses generally begin to require formatting the media and do not display its contents. Therefore, if checking the disk for errors did not lead to changes, perform a virus scan.

To do this, you will need a regular antivirus or a portable antivirus scanner. Any antivirus has the ability to scan the system down to a separate folder. In the settings you need to indicate your USB drive that requires formatting and wait until the procedure is completed. If you use free antivirus and it missed the threat, download one of the free portable scanners. By the way, detailed review We have already written about them on our website in this article. Check out its contents. In addition, regularly monitor the security of your system so that you do not suffer from emerging problems.

Data recovery

Although in most cases the first two methods work flawlessly, let's imagine a situation where they did not help. In this case, you can try data recovery using software specially written for this purpose. There are a huge number of such utilities. Let's consider the two most best programs: TestDisk and R-Studio. They are simple and not at all difficult to understand. At the end, don’t be too lazy to clean it up, because a formatted drive no longer contains damaged sectors. How to open a flash drive using each of the utilities?


  1. Download the program from the official website of the developers -
  2. Insert the USB flash drive into your computer; when prompted to format, reject it.
  3. Create a folder on your hard drive where the recovered files will be copied, and unpack the downloaded program into it.
  4. Launch the recovery application by double-clicking the photorec_win.exe file.
  5. Use the arrow to select required disk, press Enter.
  6. Select your flash drive's partition table type, again using the arrows to navigate through the list. Press Enter to confirm.
  7. Next, select the partition to restore. You will need Whole Disk. Move the pointer using the arrows and press Enter.
  8. Select the file system type by checking Other, which will imply FAT
  9. Select the folder where the recovered files will be copied. By default, the procedure you created at the very beginning is selected.
  10. Click Y to start the process.
  11. At the very end, go to the folder and view all the files that were recovered.


  1. Download the utility from the official website and install it on your computer.
  2. Open the main menu of the program, find your flash drive in the list of directories. It usually appears at the very bottom of the list.
  3. Click the "Scan" button at the top of the screen, confirm the operation in the next window that opens.
  4. Select the files you want to recover and click the "Recover" button.
  5. Wait until it finishes and go to the folder where the recovered information is stored.

Low-level formatting

Quite a lengthy procedure that cannot be described in a few words. For this purpose, we have prepared a separate article dedicated to low-level formatting. In it we described the full cycle of actions, and also included links to all the necessary utilities. You will succeed if you carefully read the material provided.


We hope that we helped you solve the problem in which the contents of the flash drive cannot be opened, and the system says that it needs to be formatted. In the comments, we ask you to tell us whether the article helped you.

Formatting is a useful procedure when you need to quickly remove unnecessary junk, change the file system (FAT32, NTFS), get rid of viruses or fix errors on a flash drive or any other drive. This is done in a couple of clicks, but it happens that Windows reports that it is impossible to complete the formatting. Let's figure out why this happens and how to solve this problem.

Most likely, when formatting cannot be completed, you will see a message like the one shown in the photo below.

There are many reasons for this:

  • incorrect completion of data copying (for example, when you pull out the flash drive on which something was deposited);
  • refusal to use "Safe removal";
  • mechanical damage to the flash drive;
  • its low quality (cheap Micro SDs often turn out to be faulty);
  • problems with the USB connector;
  • a process that prevents formatting, etc.

If the failure is due to software part, then the problem can certainly be fixed. To do this, we will resort to several methods, including using special utilities and system-provided alternative formatting methods.

Method 1: EzRecover

This is one of the programs that can help even if the computer does not see the flash drive.


  1. Insert the USB flash drive and run EzRecover.
  2. If the program gives an error, remove and reinsert the media.
  3. All you have to do is press the button "Recover" and confirm the action.

Method 2: Flashnul

This utility, devoid of graphical frills, is powerful tool for media diagnostics and correction software errors. It is also suitable for formatting. You can download it on the official website.

Be careful when using Flashnul to avoid damaging data on other drives.

To use this software, do the following:

Now you can format the flash drive in the standard way. How to do this is described in detail in the instructions for restoring Kingston drives (method 6).

Method 3: Flash Memory Toolkit

Flash Memory Toolkit includes a number of components for working with portable Flash drives. Download this program needed on the official website.

We are accustomed to the fact that the object of information recovery is most often the hard drive; For some reason, solid-state drives are considered a priori reliable. And if the data on the flash drive still turns out to be damaged, then they don’t even try to restore it. In this article we will try to debunk this belief.

USB flash drives have long been an integral companion of almost every PC user. They are very convenient, and the prices for these devices are constantly falling. Now, for example, you can buy a 4 GB flash drive for only 800 rubles.

However, there are no absolutely reliable things: just as in the case of other drives, flash drives sometimes start to “glitch”: files disappear, problems appear when copying or deleting files, and formatting becomes impossible. However, do not rush to throw away the flash drive - it is quite possible that it can still be brought back to life. Our article will talk about real examples of restoring the functionality of flash drives and memory cards.

Before moving on to listing recommendations, let us remind you that prevention is much better than surgical intervention. Regarding flash drives, there is a golden rule for every user - “make copies”! Never store information on flash drives that exists in a single copy. Make copies on the computer you are copying from. If you use memory cards in a camera, do not wait until the card is completely full: at the first opportunity, transfer the photographs you take to a hard drive or DVD. Don’t forget that the cost of data recovery from a flash drive in specialized companies starts at 1,500 rubles. It's much better to make a copy, isn't it?

What to do if a flash drive or memory card stops working?

So, what to do if a flash drive or memory card stops working? First you need to decide whether the information from the flash drive needs to be recovered. If you don’t need it, then you should find a suitable formatting program: on the CD that came with the kit, or on the manufacturer’s website. If these methods are not available, then you can resort to standard Windows functions: open Control Panel - Administration - Computer Management - Disk Management, then find the flash drive partition, delete and format it. If none of the above methods help, you can turn to specialized forums for help. In this case, it will be very useful to indicate not only the name of the flash drive, but the brand of its controller, as well as the identification number of the VID vendor and PID manufacturer (the USBIDCheck utility will help here). VID and PID can also be found in Windows Device Manager.

If a failed flash drive or memory card contains necessary information, then the degree of its importance should be determined. If you are ready to sacrifice the amount of 1.5-6 thousand rubles, then it is better to take it to trusted specialists. If the data is not very valuable, then you should remember that using any programs to restore the functionality of flash drives can be dangerous, since they erase information during operation.

If possible, before starting work, make a sector-by-sector copy of the disk using utilities from Acronis, Paragon, etc. This ensures the ability to work not with a flash drive, but with information copied from it.

Sometimes a very simple method helps to restore data: Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Disk Management. Find the partition you need and try to scan with Scandisk. But most often, the programs EasyRecovery, GetDataBack, RecoverMyFiles, R-Studio, which have reading modes that allow copying data without changing the structure, can help in recovering files. If you are not well versed in these programs, it is better to first ask for advice on the forum. Never rush if your files are important to you.

Question answer

Question: The "Toshiba 8 GB" flash drive (controller AB 8028-K/L716/CE7106.0, memory iFLASH/ISF0032MUDC/0530) is detected in Windows, but when you try to access it, the message "Insert the disk into the device..." appears. In properties: free 0; busy 0; file system - unknown. Formatting using Windows is not possible.
Answer: This controller requires the PDx8 v3.27 utility.

Question: Samsung flash drive 2 GB. Stopped formatting. Windows cannot complete formatting.
Answer: Try the HS2.0_Utility_Repair_2 utility.

Question: Imation Flash Drive Mini 4 GB. It is detected in Windows, but does not open, displaying the message: “Insert the disk into the device...”.
Answer: A program that solves this problem is located on the official Imation website for the South Asian region.

Question: Transcend JetFlash V60 2 GB flash drive (P/N TS2GJFV60). On most computers it is either not detected at all (absolutely no response) or is detected only as a storage device (without appearing as removable disk), or the LED just lights up and again no reaction. However, on my home computer works fine. I tried formatting in Windows - it didn't help. What's the matter?
Answer: Use this flash drive only with USB ports motherboard. Unfortunately, many Transcend JetFlash flash drives do not work well when connected to the front connectors of a PC or on long extension cords.

Question: Transcend JetFlash-150 2 GB flash drive is no longer detected in Windows.
Answer: JetFlash proprietary utility can help you Recovery Tool v1.0.12. Just remember that after formatting you will lose all previously recorded data.

Question: Even the manufacturer’s software does not help “see” the Bench - Faraday flash drive in Windows. Help! Answer: Try using iCreat PDx16 utility.

Question: Flash drive xn-u518 (CBM2090) 8 GB made in China cannot be formatted by well-known utilities like Hard Disk Low Level Format, FORMAT_v2112 and Urescue_v1006.
Answer: The proprietary utility CBM2090UMPTOOL is suitable for you.

Question: There is a map Transcend memory MiniSD HC 4 GB. I can’t format it on my phone or card reader.
Answer: Please use a card reader that supports High Speed ​​HC format; Try formatting using Windows.

Question: The Kingston Data Traveler 2 GB USB flash drive was inserted into the USB port with inverted polarity, after which it is not detected in other computers.
Answer: Kingston's Data Traveler series are equipped with fuses. Take them to a service center to restore the polarity.

Question: MaxSelect 128 MB flash drive (Prolific PL-2515 controller) is no longer detected.
Answer: Procedure for resuscitation:
1. Install the EzRecover program
2. Connect the flash drive and install drivers for the Security Device, which can be found in the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\).
3. Launch EzRecover and click Recover, after which a new " removable drive" with a volume of 0 bytes.
4. Download the proprietary utility for flash drives MaxSelect with the Prolific PL-2515 controller and format it, after which the size of the flash drive and the file system are normally determined. In some cases, the flash drive will work immediately after applying EzRecover.

Question: Canyon 1 GB flash drive (CN-USB20AFD1024A) is “broken” into two parts: Public and Security. The proprietary utility does not allow you to delete the Security section.
Answer: You need to null the primary boot area of ​​the MBR using the Flashnull utility. The U-Storage Tool 2.9 utility may also help.

Question: Flash drive Kingston DataTraveler 512 (AU6981 E42-GDL-NP controller). Copying data is not possible and a write protection message appears.
Answer: You need to download the driver from the manufacturer's website and use the AU6980 utility to perform low-level formatting. Then use any DOS utility like PartitionMagic from under DOS to create a partition and format it. However, it is possible that not the entire capacity of the flash drive will become available.

Useful utilities

HDD Low Level Format Tool- utility for low-level formatting hard drive, as well as external devices connected via USB (for example, flash cards). In addition, HDD Low Level Format Tool can provide S.M.A.R.T. information. Works with SATA, IDE and SCSI HDDs up to 281,474,976,710,655 bits in size from Maxtor, Hitachi, Seagate, Samsung, Toshiba, Fujitsu, IBM, Quantum, Western Digital. The program completely destroys data, performs low-level formatting and allows you to resize the drive up to 281,474,976,710,655 bytes. Work with external devices via USB and Firewire interfaces. It is possible to use Ultra-DMA mode
Low-level formatting is usually carried out in the following cases:
. if you received a completely new drive separately from the computer and it turned out to be unprepared for use;
. if there is a failure in track zero, causing problems when booting from a hard disk, but the disk itself is accessible when booting from a floppy disk;
. if error messages appear when writing information to the disk (another cause of this problem may be a faulty connector or cable);
. if you are returning an old disk to working condition, for example, rearranged from a broken computer. In this case, to ensure reliable operation, you need to test the disk to find and mark all sectors that are not writeable;
. if the disk was formatted to work with another operating system;
. if the disk has stopped working normally and all recovery methods have not yielded positive results;
. if you are using a drive with a different type of controller. Otherwise, problems may arise when accessing the hard drive.

JetFlash 120 Recovery Tool- a proprietary utility from Transcend for Jetflash recovery.

Flash Recovery Tool 1.0- flash drive recovery program.

FLASH DOCTOR RUSSIAN v1.0.2- a program for working with media (flash, hard disks). Uses a low-level disk formatting method, can create disk images and write them to media.

Flash Memory Toolkit 1.1- a utility for testing Flash drives. EFD Software is known as the creator of the enjoyable free HD Tune hard drive test. Its newest development, Flash Memory Toolkit, is a whole complex for servicing drives based on flash memory

EzRecover- Utility USB recovery Flash, helps when the flash is detected as a Security Device, is not detected at all or shows 0Mb volume. In order for EzRecovery to see the flash drive, after starting the program and issuing an error message, you need to remove the flash drive and reinsert it again, and then everything is fine. Attention! After using the program, all data will not be saved to the flash drive.

HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool- a compact utility for formatting various flash drives.

F-Recovery- Recovers photo and video data after formatting or recording errors. Each type of card has its own version of the utility.
HDD Low Level Format Tool - the program allows you to perform low-level formatting of drives and Flash cards. Key features: supports S-ATA (SATA), IDE (E-IDE), SCSI, USB, Firewire interfaces supports drives from the following manufacturers: Maxtor, Hitachi, Seagate, Samsung, Toshiba, Fujitsu, IBM, Quantum, Western Digital supports formatting Flash cards when using a HDD card reader. Low Level Format Tool completely destroys data, performs low-level formatting and allows you to change the size of the drive up to 281,474,976,710,655 bytes. Works with external devices via USB and Firewire interfaces. It is possible to use Ultra-DMA mode. Formatting clears the partition table, MBR, and every byte of data. The program completely destroys any information, after which data recovery is out of the question.

LLFsetup- This utility allows you to convert the file system of a flash drive without losing data. F-Recovery for CompactFlash - The utility allows you to recover deleted photos and videos from CompactFlash cards after formatting or recording errors.

UsbIDCheck (USB Bench - Faraday USB Test Utility)- A program for obtaining information about all connected USB devices. Shows the idVendor and idProduct values ​​to determine the device's controller type. A list by which you can determine the manufacturer of the device is in the archive with the program.

GetDataBack- a program for recovering information deleted from a hard drive accidentally or as a result of deliberate actions - in most cases it recovers data, including even after low-level formatting. GetDataBack allows data recovery both on the computer on which the program is installed and on a remote one, for example, on any of the computers local network; In addition, you can restore data on any removable storage medium. Another good feature of this program is that it works quickly.

RecoverMyFiles is a powerful recovery tool deleted files. Works with FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file systems, searches for deleted documents on the disk based on the structural features of a particular format (ZIP, DOC, JPG, etc.) Can recover documents, graphic files, music and video files, email. RecoverMyFiles can recover files that were deleted from the Recycle Bin, as well as those that were lost as a result hard formatting disk, Windows reinstallation, due to the impact of a virus or worm, unexpected shutdown of the computer, or freezing of the program. Recovering files from hard drives, flash cards of photo and video cameras, USB, Zip, floppy disks, etc. The program has many options for searching temporary folders, and it can even detect and recover files that were never saved. Can restore information even after formatting. Feature: ease of use due to the “wizard” that makes the recovery process very easy. File-systems: FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32, NTFS and NTFS5

F-Recovery for SD- If you accidentally deleted or formatted photos, video clips or audio files on the storage media or pulled it during a writing operation, don't worry - F-Recovery for SD can easily, quickly and absolutely reliably recover lost data.

F-Recovery for CompactFlash 2.1- allows you to recover deleted photos and videos from CompactFlash cards after formatting or recording errors

SIV (System Information Viewer) 3.35- a utility that shows the most diverse and very detailed information about the system, local network and hardware. Provides information about a wide range of characteristics local computer and workstations: installed hardware and software, data from temperature and voltage sensors, information about the processor, memory, hard drives and much more.

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