
Meeting with a foreigner after a month of correspondence. Virtual romance with a foreigner. How to talk without losing the correspondence

Today, on social networks you can not only like photos and follow the lives of your friends, but also learn foreign languages. Special language social networks will help you find a live interlocutor who will improve your foreign language level. And at the same time it will help to replenish your vocabulary, get rid of hackneyed phrases and enliven your speech with real phrases of English, German, Italian, Chinese, and any other language. All Courses has collected for you a selection of popular language social networks created just for this purpose.

You can already communicate “with a dictionary”, but are you still worried about pronunciation? Then social networks will come to the rescue, where you can find new friends around the world.


The social network unites people from 190 countries, which means 90 languages ​​to learn. The idea of ​​the site is simple: the user writes a phrase or post in the language he is studying, and a native speaker checks and corrects speech, grammatical and spelling errors, if any. You can attach tags to notes, and the most popular ones get to the top. You can also make friends on the site.

There are two options for using the network: paid and free. The second allows you to learn only two languages ​​and make no more than 500 notes in a notebook. In paid content unlimited amount posts and languages, and at the same time you are allowed to post photos and leave comments in pdf format.


Lingq focuses on expanding your vocabulary, so communication requires at least minimal knowledge of a foreign language. The social network has been open since 2007 and today offers access to 16 languages, including English, French, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Chinese, and German, among others. All new words are easily saved in your profile. In addition to free communication, you have access to audio lessons and you can submit written work for review.

The site has paid and free content.

English, Baby!

The main feature of the site is communication in correct English, American or British. To do this, the site has daily free lessons on new topic, thematic audio materials, including monologues and celebrity interviews. Many people use the Internet when preparing for TOEFL. There are also those who prefer to improve their grammar and just chat.

For teachers in English There is a separate section where teachers exchange experiences.

There is paid content.

A site for finding a language exchange partner. Friends from 154 countries are now available. And these are more than 100 languages, including the main European and Asian ones. The social network is completely free. You can register with it via Facebook. There is a forum and chat for communication; you choose your partner yourself. You can select your interlocutor by age and gender, or by specifying a specific country. The resource always shows who is online and who is not currently on the site.

At you need to register and select a partner to communicate in Windows Messenger or Skype. The resource is also interesting because it helps you find a native speaker of the language you are studying in your own city. This is how you get additional opportunity chat with a person one-on-one. In addition, on the site you can improve your written language.

After registering on the site, you will see a quick search for native speakers. You can choose your interlocutor by age, gender, or language being studied. The resource will immediately offer you the person’s contacts on Skype or other instant messengers. The main advantage of the site is communication. Fluent speaking is encouraged here and there is not much focus on grammatical errors.

Easy language exchange

New social network for communication in a foreign language today there are about 72,000 users from 56 countries. The site pays special attention to learning English: there are courses for beginners, as well as courses for those who want to increase their vocabulary and improve their grammar. In addition, useful articles are published on the resource, there is a forum where you can find someone to talk to for learning Chinese, Arabic, Korean and other languages. A separate plus is registration as a teacher.


The service offers more than 5,000 active chat rooms where you can discuss the latest news in music, sports, current events, and just chat with people around the world. And these are 37 major European and Asian languages. Additionally, you can communicate via text messages, which will allow you to master the written language.


A site for advanced users of foreign languages. A community that can not only help you find people to talk to and friends around the world, but also invite you to attend events and meetings. The service will be very useful for immigrants - in a short time a person will be able to acquire a new circle of friends and get to know the city.

The site will help you practice the language you are learning. On home page You can immediately select the interface language: English, Russian and Spanish. You select your interlocutor yourself: gender, native language, target language. In addition, there are sections “Forum”, “Articles”, “Invitations”. To communicate, you must register on the site.


This is not a social network, but a chat program for mobile device, which offers to communicate with the interlocutor via text and voice messages in more than 100 languages. The program options allow you to practice pronunciation, as well as collect your own database of materials on the language you are learning (audio, words, sentences, pictures).

Strong feelings know no barriers - it should be clarified: everything except linguistic ones. Love stories where couples met on dating sites, chat rooms and social networks no longer surprise anyone. And video calls have made possible not only correspondence, but also online dating. Whatever one may say, without live communication it is almost impossible to recognize a man. What is his sense of humor, what is he interested in, what to strive for, do his views on life coincide with yours? None of this is very clear if you can't explain yourself clearly.

What to do if you don’t know the language well or don’t know it at all?

Study, study and study again

The first thing to do is to start studying. Of course, at first, tricks and online translator and, which will be discussed further, but if your intentions are serious, or you are planning to move to another country, you cannot do without knowing the language.

Concentrate your efforts on English - this is a relatively easy to learn international language, which all educated people now speak at a more or less decent level. Indeed, it won't surprise anyone if you don't speak Spanish or Hindi, but not knowing English can make a man wonder if you graduated from high school.

When starting to study any language, you should not buy mountains of textbooks and delve into the intricacies of grammar. The main task for the first time is to quickly increase your vocabulary and learn the general rules for constructing sentences.

Don't be shy and don't be afraid of mistakes. Men communicate with women online not to evaluate their language skills. By the way, many people find the accent very cute, they will be happy to help you in difficult moments and learn Russian words with interest. Moreover, if your interlocutor’s native language is also not English, mistakes will definitely not bother anyone! If you don't quite understand what your friend said, feel free to clarify or try to rephrase the sentence more simply. This is much better than vaguely shaking your head or muttering something inarticulate.

Online translators to help

But how to communicate with a foreigner while you are at the stage of learning the basics? Fortunately, technological advances will come to the rescue here too. Use online translators: PROMT, Google, Yandex. Today, these systems have stepped far forward, and their translation no longer resembles a set of inconsistent words.

The Google service also has a function that can be used as an online translator. This is Google Sheets. Interlocutors see two columns during a chat.

One participant writes the text in their language in one column, and the translated version appears in the other.

To use the service, register Google account, open Google Sheets and select File - Make a Copy. On your Google drive A copy of the table will appear. Set up editing access for your interlocutor, write names in the appropriate cells and select the desired languages.

Prepare in advance

You can use translators and dictionaries in advance. After all, a meeting can be not only virtual, but also real. It will be awkward to start it with a frantic search for the desired phrase in the dictionary on your smartphone.

Before your date, write down a few ready-made phrases that may come in handy. Prepare questions you want to ask your friend. Think over the answers to questions that a man might ask you. Most likely, he will be interested in the same things as you: your work, life, hobbies. If you already have “points of intersection,” the task becomes simpler: people who are passionate about one subject will always find a way to discuss the subject of interest.

By the way, you should definitely learn a phrase that will be useful in a real and virtual situation and will allow you to politely end the conversation if something goes wrong: “Sorry, I have to go,” or “They’re calling me from work. It's a shame, but I have to go."

If you don’t like the interlocutor, you feel too insecure, or someone might interfere with your conversation, this phrase will help interrupt the dialogue correctly and quickly.

Online dating: focus on visualization

What to do if your knowledge of the language is completely zero, and you have not yet mastered the translator, but you really want to communicate? Don’t despair - of course, language is of great importance, which is why you need to start learning it as soon as possible, but still it was the only means of communication in the days of just correspondence.

The good thing about online dating is that you can see each other's faces, which means you can use non-verbal language. It's no secret that body language sometimes says much more than words. As long as you learn a few simple phrases in your interlocutor’s native language, this attention will pleasantly surprise him. After all, you can draw or gesture something you want to explain! But the main thing is to pay attention to your image and mood!

Get yourself completely tidy before the date, don’t give in to the temptation to stay in pajama pants and worn-out slippers, thinking that he won’t notice it on Skype anyway. Do your makeup, dress up, put on beautiful lingerie. Let no one see it, you will feel confident and sexy, and men feel such things very well.

Set the light - bright enough for the other person to see your face, but not harsh, and smile. The main thing is to demonstrate kindness, sincere interest and a desire to communicate with your friend. If you feel embarrassed, look away, and remain tensely silent for fear of making a mistake, your friend may think that you want to end the conversation quickly.

It is important to convey emotions, to let the man understand that you are really happy with his virtual and real company, and all difficulties are associated only with poor knowledge of the language, and therefore temporary.

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Those who want to marry a foreigner are divided into two categories. The first category includes those who succeed (we will assume that they know how to communicate with foreigners), the second includes those who have been looking for a foreign betrothed for years and never find it.
So are there any secret techniques for dating foreigners that are guaranteed to lead to success?

I will answer this question this way: if you build communication with a foreigner according to a certain scenario, your chances of getting married increase many times over. But before moving on to a direct presentation of this scenario, I’ll tell you under what conditions you have to act. Of course, I mean conditions of intense competition.

If your man is good to everyone, then know that by registering on a dating site, he receives at least a dozen letters every day from girls who want to meet him. If your relationship has reached the point of meeting in real life, know that most likely he also plans to meet with at least two or three more contenders for his hand in marriage.

And not at all because he is a “goat”. But because his employees advise him so marriage agencies. Yes, yes, those same kind marriage agencies that post your profiles for free. But since men pay for the services, they act, as a rule, exclusively in men’s interests.

Now let's return to the script that has proven its effectiveness:

It all starts with correspondence. Your main task at this stage is to become a good and close friend to your potential husband. What does this require? Communication, communication and more communication. Your correspondence should be daily. Don't be lazy! This is how you will keep your man busy; he will not have time to correspond with others.

During this correspondence, you should find out how well you match each other in terms of intelligence, outlook on life, etc. Communication should be structured this way: you ask the man a question that is important to you and you need to find out, and then, in the same letter you answer your own question. Don't be afraid to open up, be yourself. You have no other way to find out what your man is breathing. When meeting in real life, you can’t count on Google Translate to help; the main communication takes place at the level of gestures.

Share your daily news with him, ask how he spent his day. The more time and effort you spend on correspondence, the more time and effort he will spend on correspondence. And the more a man invests in a relationship, the more valuable it is to him.

However, this does not apply to money at this stage. If you don’t want to lose a man, don’t complain about poverty, don’t ask for money, don’t extort gifts.

So, you're doing well and you're both looking forward to seeing each other in real life. There are several options for the first meeting: you go to him, he comes to you, you meet somewhere else. The most preferable option is the first meeting with a foreigner in another place. Moreover, it is preferable for you that this other place is still in your country - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv to choose from.

Why is that? Firstly, for reasons of your safety. Secondly, to organize a trip to the CIS countries, a man will need to spend more effort, time and money. And we have already found out that the more a man works on a relationship, the more valuable it is to him. Third, it makes it easier for you to run away if you don't like him. Fourthly, you can create a cultural program that is interesting for both.

Of the three cities listed, the most popular “marriage” destination is Kyiv. Because Ukraine has visa-free entry for tourists from most countries. For you, this option means a highly competitive bride market. Because there is no such activity of marriage agencies organizing screenings of dozens of candidates anywhere else.

Therefore, even if you live in Ukraine, it is better to meet in Russia, where you need a visa. And accordingly, if you live in Moscow, meet in St. Petersburg. If in St. Petersburg, then the first meeting with a foreign groom should take place in Moscow.

One important nuance: if a man asks you if he needs to hire a translator, refuse. As a rule, these are translators, i.e. female persons who can compete with you. You'll get along just fine without them. Scientists have proven that only 20% of information exchange between people is carried out through speech. The remaining 80% comes from body language, voice intonation, facial expression, etc. Just bring a notepad, pen and pocket dictionary. If it is difficult to perceive foreign speech by ear, you will simply write short questions and answers to each other.

To the question that always worries everyone: to sleep or not to sleep at the first meeting, I will answer directly and honestly - to sleep. Unless you are a virgin... In this case, of course, take care of your honor until the wedding. Just keep in mind that you are looking for a husband, not a roommate. And sexual compatibility is not the only factor, but it is necessary for a happy family life.

One caveat - the initiator should still be a man, not you. In this case, it will flatter his male pride and he will think that he liked you.

And finally, you should live with a real man who, in addition to his advantages, which he demonstrated to you during correspondence and personal meetings, has a number of disadvantages. And it is advisable to know these shortcomings in advance. How? An old folk remedy - get your man drunk and see who he looks like in this state. How prepared are you for what you saw?

If you were not scared, liked each other, agreed on a second meeting and the correspondence continued, then with an 80% guarantee we can say that you will be married in the very near future. Congratulations to you!


If you speak a foreign language fluently and communicate by correspondence with old acquaintances, then there is nothing to advise you other than how not to get carried away, spending all your free and not so free time on correspondence. It is much more important to be attentive and careful when corresponding with unfamiliar foreigners on social networks or dating sites. It’s not that there are “enemies and spies all around,” but there have been plenty of dashing people at all times, especially since on the Internet, wherever you spit, there are Rockefellers and Angelina Jolie all around, anonymity and arbitrary editing of user profiles favors all sorts of frauds. So, caution comes first. You do not need to send any personal data, real physical or compromising photographs to your interlocutor. The same applies to discussions of personal status, be it health or financial situation: let the interlocutor first of all see you as a person, and it won’t hurt you to reveal yourself as a person, and not as a set of statuses.

Nevertheless, goodwill and unostentatious openness will not be superfluous at all. Russia, despite popular stereotypes with bears, gypsies and samovars, is notorious for its inhospitability. Correspondence with foreign acquaintances and friends - good way break these clichés. First of all, be polite and correct. Do not attribute malice to things where everything is explained by poor acquaintance with our country and people. Don't overuse emoticons. Better try to convey your emotional reaction with the right words.

It is better to make conversations on general topics more specific, so it will be easier for both of you to establish contact, but without going too deep into them. Weather, art, specific humor, politics are easy to illustrate, but it is not always worth immediately showing your attitude to a particular subject of conversation. You may love hurricanes and want to talk about it, but the interested interlocutor suddenly turns out to be an anemophobe! Or he adheres to liberal democratic views, while you are a staunch monarchist. Show interest in the worldview of your interlocutor, find out about his preferences, and provide an opportunity to talk about himself. The more complete the picture, the easier it will be for you to navigate and build a dialogue.

If you use automatic translators when corresponding, do not forget that they are all too imperfect for full communication, especially if you do not speak a foreign language well and are unable to make adjustments to it yourself. In this case, write in the simplest and shortest sentences so that the software algorithms do not get confused in cases and phrases. If you have weak or average knowledge of a foreign language, still try to compose letters and messages yourself, giving preference not to automatic translators, but to dictionaries.

Always remember the difference in cultural background and mentality. The friendliest foreigner may not understand and even be offended by some indirect quotes from Soviet comedies that are familiar to us. For the phrase, which is quite ordinary for the Russian ear, “I WORKED LIKE A NIGRER TODAY AND TIRED AS HELL! - "I worked like a black man today, and got tired as hell!" in some regions of the United States you can get a fine or even be sent to correctional community service. Something like “I’m not a coward, but I’m afraid” or “Ay-lyu-lyu later” will look just as ridiculous in the eyes of the interlocutor. Even the most advanced automatic translator (and the likelihood that your counterpart will also use them is high) will not be able to take into account the context you specify.

Search for people to talk to on italki

One of the most important opportunities that the Internet provides for learning foreign languages ​​is the opportunity to communicate with foreigners. Conversation practice is especially important. To learn to speak a foreign language, it is not enough just to know the words; you need to practice communicating. In this review, I will talk about sites and applications where you can find partners for practicing a foreign language (not just English).

Note: this is a general overview of sites for language practice; I have already written about the sites mentioned before, so short reviews I'm adding links to more detailed reviews.


User profile on italki

If your level allows you to communicate at least a little in English, be sure to try to take at least one such lesson - the effect of speaking classes is very noticeable.


The fastest and easiest way to find someone to talk to is on Hellolingo

Attention: unfortunately, HelloLingo is scheduled to close on May 18, 2019. I'll leave this mini-review here in case the service is restored.

In 2015, much to the disappointment of users, the popular language site, where one could easily find someone to chat with in a foreign language, closed down. Fortunately, the project has recently been reborn, becoming even better, now it is called HelloLingo.

This site is convenient for quick communication: you came in for a while, chatted with a random interlocutor, and left. Here you can find foreigners for longer communication. You can communicate in text and voice chat, but if you want to switch to voice communication, you first need to write in text mode - you can’t call right away.

The site has interesting feature– You cannot put a profile photo here. The developers did this to avoid turning a language practice site into a dating site. The problem with many language communities is that there are a lot of people who want to flirt with beautiful foreign women. This is not welcome on Hellolingo!

3. Speaky

Speaky has a more “social” design than HelloLingo

Language social network Speaky(formerly Gospeaky) is good if you find HelloLingo's design and social features too simplistic. Here you can put a photo on your profile, and there is convenient feature filtering native and non-native speakers. In addition, Speaky has mobile version(application), which, however, does not have particularly rich functionality.

When this site first appeared, in 2015, it was possible to communicate via text and voice chat, but now voice chat has been removed - apparently due to the fact that many still preferred to exchange contacts and talk on the more convenient Skype.

An interesting feature of text chat is the ability to correct messages. Ask your interlocutor to correct mistakes, and he will be able to edit your remarks in the chat: the correct version will be highlighted in green, and the incorrect one will be highlighted in red.

4. Interpals

Interpals has very detailed settings for people search and blacklisting

On Interpals They often complain because of the abundance of all kinds of spammers, fakes and “harassers”. Here, unlike HelloTalk, they are not trying to get rid of those who like to flirt; you can even search for users with the “Flirting” filter - hence the abundance of the corresponding audience. But still, this old language site, operating since 1998, is home to quite a lot of conscientious language lovers.

If you are plagued by annoying users, you have incredibly advanced blacklist settings at your disposal, where you can block people of a certain gender, age and place of residence.

5. Tandem

The review is called “6 sites for communicating with foreigners”, but Tandem– this is not a website, but an application for practicing languages, that is, there is no version for PC. Unlike HelloLingo, which tries to look as NOT as a social network, the Tandem app, on the contrary, looks like a dating site with photos, profiles, interests, etc. However, in this community, communication not for the purpose of language practice is not encouraged.

Tandem is positioned as an application for finding 1) tutors, 2) partners for communicating in foreign languages. It’s really convenient to find people to talk to, thanks to the fact that users post a lot of information about themselves (interests, level, goals, etc.) and even leave reviews about each other. As for tutors, I see no reason to look for them on Tandem - the choice is still small, the prices, on the contrary, are rather high, and learning languages ​​via video conference on a phone is less convenient than on a PC.


HelloTalk– this is also an application, not a website; it has a web version, but with very limited capabilities. If you want to communicate with foreigners only using , then HelloTalk is a great option.

But as an application HelloTalk is much better than that same as Speaky: everything you might need is here: text correction (as in Speaky), sending photos, voice messages, convenient search for users.

You can learn more about HelloTalk in or from this video.

Is it possible to practice without an interlocutor?

It will not be possible to practice communication without an interlocutor, because what kind of communication can there be without the participation of a second person? However, it is still possible to develop speaking skills alone (although it is NOT the same as practicing with a live person), I talked about it in more detail in this video:


If you are serious about speaking practice, I recommend working with tutors and taking “conversation” lessons from them. In my experience, this is the most effective way. Yes, you will spend money (very small compared to the courses), but you will not spend a lot of time searching for interlocutors in free language social networks, in which there are either scammers, spammers, fakes, or preoccupied ones.

Friends! I am often asked, but I am not currently tutoring. If you need a teacher, I recommend it this wonderful site . Here you will find a teacher, native speaker😛 or non-native speaker, for any occasion and pocket😄 I myself took more than 100 classes there, I recommend you try it too!

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