
Identify fugitives: how to find out who unfollowed on Instagram. How to find out on Instagram who unfollowed from your phone and PC and why Program for determining who unfollowed on Instagram

For bloggers and business accounts on Instagram of various types, the number of subscribers is important, so many use mutual following tools. The most popular is to post a photo with the hashtags #follow4follow, #f4f, #mutual subscription, etc. However, when following, you need to regularly monitor who is no longer following in order to cancel your own subscription to the account. Sometimes a situation also arises when it is necessary to carry out a mass unsubscribe, but it is difficult to do this manually. It is better to use special programs and applications, this will significantly save the user’s time.

How to see who unfollowed on Instagram

Sometimes social network users participate in an event that involves mutual subscription. This allows you to quickly increase the number of subscribers. Of course, this should not be the main way to recruit a subscription base, but in some cases this method is quite effective. Thanks to mutual subscription, you can not only increase the number of subscribers in the shortest possible time, but also get a lot of “likes” on the photo.

However, there are often users who break the rules and unsubscribe from the account after a while. Therefore, it is useful to know who exactly unsubscribed in order to unsubscribe from a given page. You can check the number of non-reciprocal subscribers and see their nicknames using special services.

For commercial purposes, Picalytics is suitable; this service can be used online from a computer. This is a program that shows the most expanded data on unsubscribers and the number of subscriptions from bots. It is paid, but registered users get a 3-day trial period for free.

For personal use, it is better to download mobile applications for Android and iPhone:

  • Followers Unfollowers;
  • Unfollow for instagram.

How to unfollow everyone on Instagram

If an analysis of a person’s profile shows the presence of a large number of unnecessary subscriptions, then the easiest way is to unsubscribe en masse. Thanks to special services, it is possible to instantly remove all accounts from the list of subscriptions at once.

For a mobile device, you can use the PromoFlow application. Simply select the appropriate function in the program menu.

From the computer version it is also possible to carry out mass cleaning. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the Beliked program. It allows you to quickly delete all your likes, delete the necessary publications, and unfollow all users.

Previously, there were many sites that allowed you to understand who unsubscribed, as well as instantly delete all subscriptions. For example, the famous Unfollowgram. However, the new privacy policy of the social network led to the cessation of the functioning of these services.


There are many mobile applications and online services that help you find out not only the number of non-reciprocal followers, but also the nicknames of these people’s pages. Such tools allow you to quickly obtain the necessary analytical data about your account, including the number of subscriptions from bots, which greatly affects the profile ranking and publications getting to the top. There are also tools that greatly facilitate mass unfollowing on a social network and help you avoid wasting time on this procedure.

To find out who unfollowed on Instagram, you can use several services that track the number of subscribers. The available options are represented by official applications in the Play Market and web analytics resources.

Method 1: Mobile Apps

The catalog of mobile services and utilities offers functions with notification: the user will see a message that the subscriber has unsubscribed. A popular application to find out who has unfollowed on Instagram is: “Who has unfollowed from Instagram”.

To set up work, you need:

  1. Find it in Play Market and install it.
  2. Log in to the application, enter your username and password.
  3. Wait for notifications about unsubscribers.

The program's capabilities include: unsubscribing from the TOP 10 users and individual positions, viewing statistics, setting up notifications. Shows who exactly left the page - the profile of the unsubscriber. Statistics appear after the first user unsubscribes.

The program does not show users who were previously deleted.

The second application is Unfollowers. As in the past: log in and go to the data collection tab. Information is also presented by country, number of inactive users, and bots.

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  • Powerful upgrade of Instagram account

To view recent unfollowers, you should open the “Recent Unfollowers” ​​section. The program will display accounts that have left the ranks of subscribers recently while the application was installed.

Users of the Instagram network are guided by the principle: I follow those who follow my account and, accordingly, unfollow those who unfollowed my profile. Many users subscribe and unsubscribe to increase the number. But if you subscribe to someone’s profile, this does not mean that the user will subscribe to yours. If a person is not interested in the content of your profile, he will not subscribe. Instagram how to find out who unfollowed; it’s not that difficult. To find out who unfollowed your profile on Instagram, you need to log into the Instagram application through your account. In Recent Unfollowers you can see the latest unfollowers. Here you can see who you are following and who is following you.

How to find out who visited an Instagram page - description

Many users ask: how to find out who visited an Instagram page. Instagram does not have a feature that allows you to find out who has visited an Instagram page. You cannot see the users who visited your page. Guests are not visible on Instagram. You can only see those who follow your profile and leave comments or like photos. If a person liked a photo or made a comment, this is clear evidence that he visited your page. You can visit other people's pages, provided that they are open and the profile owner does not know who visited his account. In the event that you do not like unknown guests, you can familiarize yourself with instructions, how to close your profile on Instagram.

How to find out who a user follows on Instagram

Are you wondering: how to find out who a user follows on Instagram? Some users don't remember whose profiles they follow. To find out, you need to go to “Subscriptions” from your profile, located at the top right. In the section next to it, you will find out which users are subscribed to your account. In the section on the right there are all users of whom you are a subscriber. Click "Subscriptions". You can also unfollow the profile of another Instagram user. The "Everyone You Follow" tab shows all the users you follow. Mutual following and liking will help you add more subscribers. , what it is.

If you want to find out who another Instagram user is following, you need to go to his page and go to “Subscriptions” (this section is located at the top right). In this section, you can see all the profiles that the person is subscribed to.

Thanks to the “Subscriptions” section, you can always find out who you are subscribed to and whose profiles other users are subscribed to.

You can get any number of likes on your photos

Any authoritative blogger on Instagram wants to get as many likes and followers as possible. But at the same time, it is equally important to retain those who are already subscribed to your account. If the number of subscribers decreases, the blogger will most likely think: “Who unfollowed me?” Is there a way to see exactly who has left your Instagram followers?

How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram

And while using such programs is the easiest way to find out who exactly unfollowed you on Instagram, these applications have their own problems. The fact is that the Instagram API quite strictly limits the capabilities of unofficial developers. For example, in all these applications you will only be able to see data from the moment the program was installed and started running. From the moment you set it up, it will start tracking all changes in your accounts. But if subscribers left you before installing the application, then you will not know anything about them.

In addition, most of the programs and services listed below do not work with two-factor authentication enabled on Instagram (which is enabled for a large number of users).

These apps are not authorized by Instagram itself, which means there is a security hole in your account. You expose yourself to the risk of hacking and data loss, hijacking and selling your account to someone for bad purposes, and other similar risks. Yes, no one guarantees that these applications will not suddenly stop working at any moment. Instagram periodically changes its API or rules for working with it without warning. This has led to the closure of some pretty handy apps in the past, including Unfollowgram. But it was considered one of the best for Instagram users.

Knowing the potential shortcomings of the programs and their risks, you can still continue to use them to obtain information about who unfollowed you on Instagram.

The service itself does not offer any official ways to control its subscribers. The owner of the page can see how the number of his followers on Instagram is changing, but at the same time he will not know who exactly is no longer interested in him. However, there are quite a few third-party apps that allow you to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram. These programs can serve as trackers for followers and unfollowers, allowing the account author to understand who exactly finds your posts no longer interesting.

Followmeter (Android, iOS)

Among the many tried apps for analyzing unsubscribed subscribers, Followmeter clearly stands out. The installation process of the program is simple, as is its interface. The functionality of the application is completely free, without any conventions or assumptions. But the program will begin to monitor your account only from the moment it is installed, so it will no longer be possible to find subscribers who left earlier.

The toolbar displays the numbers of unsubscribers, new subscribers, who you follow, but who do not follow you, and vice versa, who follows you, but who you do not follow. You just need to click on the first tab “Unfollowers” ​​and get a complete list of people who are no longer interested in you on Instagram.

This list shows individual accounts and whether you follow them or not. Clicking on the post will open this Instagram account, where you can send the user a message or unfollow him in response.

Followmeter has advanced features to find phantom followers (inactive and hidden), core fans and more. But for this you already need to buy a subscription. The free version of the application in no way limits the basic popular functions of searching for unsubscribed people.

Let us repeat that the program does not work with two-factor authentication enabled on Instagram.

Reports+ (Android, iOS)

This application is noticeably slower than Followmeter, but it is worthy of attention due to its security. It also begins to keep records from the moment it is installed, but all data is stored locally to ensure its security.

The application better alerts you when someone has unfollowed you. After this, you can enter directly into the program and see who exactly left the ranks of your followers on Instagram. Reports+ allows you to work with multiple accounts to track subscribers in each of them.

Like Followmeter, Reports+ has many other features that become available after payment. But directly checking subscribers is absolutely free.

Other apps and services to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram

In addition to the already mentioned Followmeter and Reports+, there are several other free apps for Instagram. These programs also perform well. You can easily use any of them, although the options discussed above still look preferable. It is highly likely that both Followmeter and Reports+ will keep up with any changes to the Instagram API and the rules of this service.

  • Followers & Unfollowers for Android
  • Follow Cop for Android
  • Followers Tracker Pro for iOS
  • Followers Track for Instagram! for iOS
  • Unfollowers for Instagram (iOS
  • Social Bakers (website)
  • Unfollowgram (website)
  • Social Insight (website)

How to unfollow people who unfollowed you

Unfollowing back is one of the implied principles of social media. Now that you know who exactly stopped being your subscriber, you will want to do the same in response. And every time you receive a notification, you can also unsubscribe from the account that has become unfriendly.

But what to do with those who managed to unfollow you even before you installed the application? The quick and simple Cleaner for Instagram app will help you with this. It will allow you to find out who unfollowed you and do this in response in batch mode with several accounts at once.

  1. Log in to Cleaner using your Instagram account.
  2. On the Followers tab, click Quick selection→ Additional quick selection→ Select non-followers.
  3. Go through the procedure for selecting accounts to make sure you unfollow them. You can click on any account to deselect it.
  4. Click on the lightning bolt icon at the bottom right, and then select Unsubscribe→ Start now.

Give Cleaner for Instagram time to complete this process. The changes will appear immediately on your Instagram account.

Another tricky way to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram

  • Install any application from the above, for example, Unfollowers for Instagram.
  • Go to the MagiMetrics service website and create an account there. You can also use the CrowdBabble service.
  • Log in to allow the service to analyze your Instagram profile.
  • Export your list of followers to CSV or Excel.
  • Save it and name it as the current date.
  • When an app (from the list above) notifies you that a new user has unfollowed you, return to MagiMetrics and generate a new list of followers.
  • Compare the resulting list with the old one and identify users who unfollowed you.

Please note: MagiMetrics only collects the first 100 users for free, and then asks for a paid subscription ($100 per month). CrowdBabble has more modest appetites - it charges "only" $30 per report. So these are, of course, tools more for SMM specialists than for ordinary users. But if you really want...

How to stop losing followers on Instagram

Unfollowing back is only one of the reasons why someone on Instagram stops following you. If this doesn't sound like a reason and you're wondering why you're losing your followers, there are a few other possible factors to consider.

1. You bought subscribers

It's so easy to trust the promises of those who guarantee thousands and even millions of subscribers for just a few dollars. Instagram condemns such manipulations with “dead souls,” which results in bots and fake accounts among followers. The service regularly deletes such accounts, which may be the reason for a noticeable decrease in the number of your subscribers. You should not rely on such an increase in the popularity of your blog, it is a waste of money, and real subscribers will lose trust in you.

2. You have been shadowbanned

Attempting to cheat the Instagram ecosystem may result in your account being shadowbanned. This means that the app will work fine for you, but Instagram will intentionally hide your posts or give them the lowest priority. A shadow ban can make all your work promoting your account useless.

Instagram will block those accounts that try to manipulate the system by acquiring followers or using third-party cheats. It's not hard to find apps and services that will automatically give you likes and positive comments, or fake activity in other fake ways. This should be avoided at all costs. Instant popularity is not as important as the likely consequences of a shadow ban.

If you think your account is at risk, you can check your last ten posts using the Triberr Instagram Shadowban test.

4. You post too often or too infrequently

If you post too often, your followers will get tired of constantly seeing your photos. It will become like spam. The situation is especially critical for paid posts or those associated with some brands. On the other hand, if you post too infrequently, then your followers will not see interest in such an account.

It’s quite difficult to find the right balance; there is no universal rule or recommended number of posts. This is exactly what you will have to find out the hard way with your subscribers. And the above applications can be useful to identify those who have unsubscribed and ask the reason for their decision.

A new criterion that has become popular among social media experts is frequency of sequence repetition, that is, figuring out a posting schedule that you can maintain consistently. Even a couple of messages a day is already good if you can do it on a regular basis.

4. You're making common Instagram mistakes.

The three factors described above are the main reasons for losing followers, but there are several other reasons that make people unfollow you. For example:

  • publishing topics that are not related to your brand;
  • publishing controversial topics that divide people's opinions;
  • silence in response to comments in posts;
  • posting without the correct hashtags or with bad headlines;
  • publishing photos of poor quality or without proper editing.

Apart from this, there are a few other things to avoid on Instagram.

Every subscriber is important and there is a struggle for their attention. Acquiring subscribers is not an easy task. This requires interesting content, imagination and effort. And what a shame it is when a subscriber, obtained with great difficulty, suddenly unsubscribes.

The fact of unsubscription, unless specifically checked, is unknown. Instagram does not notify the user in any way about this unwanted event. But as you know, a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie. Therefore, you need to know who and when left you on Instagram.

How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram

There are two options:

  1. Using special sites.
  2. Using special applications.

Special sites

A popular method of tracking subscribers. You need to go to such a site (see the list of sites below), enter data from your Instagram account and update periodically.

The site counts subscribers and, when updating, compares the results with previous ones. This way you get information about who unfollowed you.

  • Unfollowers.
  • Justunfollow.
  • Friendorfollow.
  • Crowdfireapp.

Each of the above sites copes with the task of recording unsubscribed users. The registration process and further actions are intuitive.

As an example, consider Unfollowers

First of all, go to the website. Click on “Login in with Instagram” and enter your details. Then search for “Who Unfollowed Me” on the site and click. As a result, you will receive a list of users who have unsubscribed from you.

But only those users who unfollowed after you registered on Unfollowers will be shown. In addition, the site has other useful options.

Special Applications

Things are better with apps. There are more of them and they are easier to manage. In the modern world, applications take on many different tasks, and subscriber monitoring is no exception.

Using this application, you will monitor your subscribers. You can easily find out who unsubscribed and followed you. Those who have unsubscribed can be found by clicking on the inscription “Lost followers”.

Additionally, the app shows users you follow, but who don't follow you. The application is compatible with both Apple and Android devices.

For owners of smartphones based on Windows Phone, UnfollowSpy is suitable. The program has a simple design and interface. The functionality is a little poorer than the previous application, but the application copes with the main task. In addition, with the help of UnfollowSpy, you can follow not only followers on Instagram, but also on Twitter.

In fact, all applications cope with such a simple function as monitoring those who have subscribed and unsubscribed. Therefore, you need to pay attention to additional functions, as well as design and ease of use.

In addition to the above applications, owners of Apple devices can pay attention to:

  • Followers for Instagram.
  • Real Unfollowers.
  • Followers Mania.

By downloading one of the proposed applications or visiting the site, you will no longer wonder: “ how to find out who unfollowed on Instagram" If you have the appropriate services, you can find out this in a few clicks. But taking into account the unsubscribed users, it is important not to forget the essence and purpose of Instagram - high-quality, attractive and catchy photos.

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