
The request execution was interrupted for 1s. Category Archive: Troubleshooting. Database server not detected could not translate host name "NAME" to address: Temporary failure in name resolution

I. The Technological Journal (hereinafter referred to as TJ) allows you to log all 1C:Enterprise events (or part, using a filter), for example:
- executable code 1C:Enterprise 8.1;
- Transact-SQL code for the DBMS;
- interactive actions of users,

Error messages

Memory leaks.
In case of abnormal termination, the log allows you to make a memory dump and a copy of the screen for transmission to developers.

II. The log is configured using the logcfg.xml file in the program folder C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\conf
1) For successful creation logs, you need to create directories for logs (for example C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\logs) and dumps (for example C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\dumps)

2) The following rights must be configured for these TG directories:

Full rights to the technology magazine directory;

Read permissions for the owner of the technology magazine directory.

Note. If the TJ is still not written, then give everyone rights to this folder (temporarily, to make sure that the rights are correct).

3) There should be no extraneous files in the technological log directory. A directory containing extraneous files will not allow the creation of a log(s).

4) Storage location dumps and logs should not be stored together, because after the specified interval (1 hour by default) the contents will be completely erased and you will lose the dumps

III. It is better to configure the TJ (using filters - tags logcfg.xml) only for the events being studied, do not collect the rest, otherwise you will experience “lack of disk space” and slow down the server’s performance.

1) It’s easier to configure filters using processing with ITS Technological Journal Settings.epf, but at the same time remember that new features of the latest releases may be missing in the return (each a new version adds new features, they are not reflected in the processing). In this case, adjust the logcfg.xml file manually.

2) To stop collecting logs, just rename the file; there is no need to restart the server, the settings are recalculated every minute “on the fly”

3) configure logcfg.xml to filter events for a specific information security, use "p:processName="

4) - examples of settings

IV. It is clear that collecting logs is not enough; they still need to be processed to solve a specific problem.

1) Difficulties in reading TJ:

Requires a good understanding of the system architecture

Request texts are registered in the internal language of 1C:Enterprise and in the DBMS language

2) Technological log files are stored in subdirectories. The name of each subdirectory of the technological log of one process will look like:<ИмяПроцесса>_<ИдентификаторПроцесса>, for example: rphost_4076. The log file name is specified by the template YYMMDDHCH.log. For example, in the log 07051819.log the file name is formed from 2007 May 18, 19 hours)

3) The log for analysis can be uploaded to Excel using a comma as a delimiter, for example

4) 1C: MCC uses technology log logs for its analytical displays. When using the MCC, no other data should be collected; delete logcfg.xml manually; the MCC will create a file with the necessary settings.

5) There are no other log parsers from 1C, there is

V. Possible errors and additional information:

We are looking for logs in the directory on the server, although for a 64-bit server there is a different program directory

Track pending request; The DBMSSQL process log event is output only when the query completes. If a request cannot be completed for a long time, its execution can be interrupted, after which the events associated with it will be displayed in the technological log.

< config xmlns= "http:>
< log location= "C:\Program Files\1cv81\logs" history= "24" >
< event>
< eq property= "Name" value= "EXCP" />
< /event>
< event>
< eq property= "Name" value= "SDBL" />
< eq property= "Func" value= "BeginTransaction" />
< /event>
< event>
< eq property= "Name" value= "DBMSSQL" />
< ge property= "Duration" value= "30000" />
< /event>
< property name= "All" />
< /log>
< /config>

More detailed information about the features of using the technology magazine can be found in the materials of the partners' seminar on March 2 - 4, 2007, the report "Diagnostic tools for the operation of the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 system."

A course where they teach this issue

All questions are answered in “C:\Program Files\1cv81\AddDoc\RU\V8AddDoc81.htm”, Book “1C:Enterprise 8.1. Configuration and Administration", Chapter 21. Administration, Technology Magazine

if you haven't found the answer to your question, let's expand the material

At first legal contract, especially in the IT field, there is usually a section called Terms. It explains what this or that IT word means or includes.

But in addition to really complex words like server or website, ordinary, well-known words for programmers can also mean something completely different. For example errors. In a universal sense, this word means wrong action. Something for which its author may even be ashamed.

In the programming sense, the word error probably has two definitions.

What does the term “error” mean in programming and in 1C

An error is a program that behaves differently than intended. Each computer is a unique set of programs and hardware, different from another computer.

Standardization of both hardware and programs allows us to assume that programs will work the same on every computer, but in fact, certain circumstances may always arise when the author of the program will be surprised why the program is doing exactly this way and not otherwise.

This can also probably include those situations when the program does something wrong because the programmer forgot about something or didn’t think about it.

An error is a special message from a program about the current circumstances when the program cannot do what it was supposed to do. It may seem like it's the same thing, but it's not.

For example, the programmer intended that first the user would open the file, and then the program would do such and such. However, when the program was copied to the user's computer and the user forgot to open the file. Or I tried to open it, but the file turned out to be incorrect or the hard drive was broken.
And the program tells the user: Hey, there's an error! I can't do what I should.

1C errors have several levels - firstly, 1C error messages may belong to, which reports the impossibility of performing some actions that it should have performed due to current circumstances.

The second level is 1C errors in a program in the 1C language. Yes, the platform executes a program successfully written by a 1C programmer, but the program may be written incorrectly or also cannot be executed under the current circumstances (on this computer, with such actions specific user and so on.).

The third level is 1C errors in the data. The data in the database is interconnected with each other. However, there may be situations when the data gets corrupted. For example, one of the forms does not have sufficient checks to prevent a particularly creative user from entering something incorrectly. Further, the program may work incorrectly, because the algorithm did not expect that someone would enter this..

Error message 1C

1C reports an error in executing a program in the 1C language using a standard window with the text of the 1C error and the OK and More buttons.

Moreover, the secret here is that this window displays only a short 1C error message, which often does not tell the programmer anything.

To see the full details, click on the Details button. Even the program line in which the 1C error occurred will be displayed there. You can also go directly to this line in the configurator.

But users don’t know about this... And they always send a screenshot of that first window. If they send it :)

Throwing an exception

So, we consider a 1C error in programming as a way/opportunity for a program to inform the user that it cannot do something.

Example. You need to open the file. But when opening, 1C errors are possible - for example, the user does not have access to read the file. We can write like this:

If File = False Then
Report("Failed to open file");
//the program moves on, we do something with the file

In this example, we took into account that the file may not be opened using the “If” construct.

However, this example has obvious disadvantages:

  • There can be many such options (the file will not open, the file will not be read to the end, the user is drunk, the electricity is turned off..)
  • There may be unaccounted options that the programmer did not think about.

Therefore, in programming it is customary to use a technique called “throw an exception” - that is, allow a 1C error to occur.

The program pretends that the file will open anyway. No “If” is written. If something goes wrong, the program will actually report a 1C error - its execution will be interrupted.

1C itself does not open the file - it calls Windows command API. Windows is also written using this technique. So you can imagine a chain of execution interrupts starting with Windows:

  • 1C language - command to open a file
  • Platform 1C - command to open a file
  • Windows API - open file command
  • Assembly program - command to open a file
  • Oops! File does not open!
  • The assembler program has been interrupted!
  • Windows API function broken!
  • Platform 1C program execution interrupted!
  • The program in 1C language was interrupted!
  • The user sees the message.

Question: who then displays the 1C error message? Where does it come from?

Catching and handling exceptions

This brings us to the next trick: catching exceptions generated during the execution of this chain.

Exceptions move from the lower level of execution up the chain. If the last level did not handle the exception, then the previous level will.

Example. Let's handle the exception in 1C language:
File = OpenFile(FileName);
String = File.Read();
Report("The file could not be opened: does not exist or does not have access rights");

In this example, we processed the exception ourselves (i.e., an exceptional situation or a 1C error). Thus, it is we who inform the user about an “error” that has occurred—the inability to open the file.

When we do this ourselves, we may not tell the user anything, but simply follow a different option for executing the program.

It is easy to see that this method can also be used in cases where “some” 1C error may occur in some part of the code. We “catch” it and process it or report it to the user.

What will happen if we do not intercept and process the 1C error at our “top” level? Then the next level below will report it - the 1C platform. We just talked about how she does this and looked at the screenshot.

What happens if the platform doesn't handle this? That's right - this will usually work at a lower level - Windows. In this case, the 1C program will “crash”, and Windows will report that the program has performed an invalid operation and will be closed.

What happens if Windows doesn't handle this? You've probably seen it - your computer will freeze or reboot.

Nested interception and transactions

What messages do you think the user will see when running this example?

f = 1/0;
Report("Specific error");
Report("General error");

Right! The internal handler will fire and report “Specific error”, but the external one will not work.

However, from the point of view of the program, a 1C error occurred here, although it was worked out. Somewhere in its brain the platform remembered that there was a 1C error.

This has implications for completing transactions. A transaction is several actions on data in a database that must only be performed together. As we understand, 1C errors may be the reason for their failure to complete them together. Therefore, the following mechanism exists:

//created directory 1, but in fact it was not written to the database
//created directory 2, but in fact it was not written to the database
//this command wrote to the database everything that was done starting with ‘Start Transaction’

The CommitTransaction() function can be executed only if no 1C errors have occurred since the StartTransaction() call.

If, when writing such code, you understand that this line of code may contain a 1C error, you can set its processing using Attempt/Exception. However, in this case, the platform will still take into account that a 1C error has occurred and will not record the transaction or write data to the database.

Unintentional 1C errors

So, in the 1C program the programmer may make a 1C mistake. In this case, the 1C platform will report it.

In case you cannot understand why and when such a 1C error occurs, you can use Attempt/Exception to handle the 1C error.

Also, Try/Exception can be used in the case when you would like to create a guaranteed error-free section of the program. You can be sure that even if a 1C error occurs, you will catch it and handle it in a special way.

Intentional errors 1C

You can pretend in the text of the program that the file will always open and the number will always be divided. But use Attempt/Exception as a way to switch the program to another fix option in case this happens. Or simply inform the user about the 1C error.

Own 1C error call

You can create functions yourself that, if they cannot be executed, can report this by throwing an exception.

You can do it like this:

Function DoSomething(Parameter)
If Parameter = Undefined Then
Raise Exception "An error occurred in the DoSomething function. Parameter not specified";

What is this for? In the case when you create a function that will be used in many places, and maybe others will use it too, this is a nice way to kill several birds with one stone:

  • Work out error 1C
  • Report a 1C error to a higher level (to the program that called this function)
  • Report not only the 1C error, but also the text/details
  • It is guaranteed to interrupt the execution of not only its own function, but also all levels, if the programmer who wrote them did not think that such a 1C error might exist and did not handle it.

More correct ways to report 1C errors

Typically, when you need to communicate something to the user, .

However, in standard configurations, such as Accounting, Trade Management, SCP, there is a special function:
General Purpose.ReportError("Text");

Its advantages:

  • The form of the message depends on the client running
  • Records information in the log book
  • Some configurations implement more beautiful shape 1C error messages.

Error Analysis

When the 1C platform is running, the registration log works. In addition to user actions, it also stores information about 1C errors that occurred during the operation of the 1C platform.

In the configurator, select the Administration/Log menu item.

Click the Select button (as in the picture). Set the selection of events only for 1C errors.

The log will display a list of errors that occurred. Click on a line to view a specific message in more detail.

The combination of 1C:Enterprise server and PostgreSQL is the second most popular among 1C installations and the most used solution on the Linux platform. Unlike implementations based on Windows and MSSQL, where it is difficult to make it not work, implementations based on Linux are fraught with many pitfalls for an inexperienced administrator. It often happens that everything seems to be done correctly, but error follows error. Today we will look at the most typical of them.

general information

Before you start looking for installation errors and, in general, start implementing the server version of 1C:Enterprise, it would be nice to refresh your understanding of how it works:

In small implementations, the 1C server and the DBMS server are usually combined on one physical server, which narrows the circle a little possible errors. In our case, we will consider a situation where the servers are located on different machines. In our test lab we deployed the following scheme:

We have at our disposal two servers running Ubuntu 12.04 x64, one of them has the 1C:Enterprise server version 8.3 installed, the other has PostgreSQL 9.04 from Ethersoft, as well as a client running Windows control. We remind you that the client is working only with the 1C server, which, in turn, generates the necessary requests to the DBMS server. No requests from the client to the database management server not happening.

IMPORTANT: user "postgres" is not authenticated (Ident)

This error occurs when servers are distributed across different PCs due to incorrectly configured authentication in local network. To resolve, open /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf, find the line:

Host all all ident

and bring it to this form:

Host all all md5

Where - the range of your local network. If there is no such line, it should be created in the section IPv4 local connections.

Database server not found
could not translate host name "NAME" to address: Temporary failure in name resolution

At first glance, the error is clear: the client cannot resolve the name of the DBMS server, typical mistake For small networks, where there is no local DNS server. The solution is to add an entry to the file hosts on the client, which does not give any result...

And now let’s remember what was said a little earlier. The client of the DBMS server is the 1C server, but not the client PC, therefore the entry must be added to the file on the 1C:Enterprise server /etc/hosts on a Linux platform or on Windows platform.

A similar error will occur if you forgot to add record type A for the DBMS server on the local DNS server.

Error when performing an operation with the infobase
server_addr=NAME descr=11001(0x00002AF9): This host is unknown.

Like the previous one, this error is due to the client incorrectly resolving the server name. This time it is the client PC. As a solution, add to the file /etc/hosts on Linux platform or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on the platform Windows recording type:

where you indicate the address and name of your 1C:Enterprise server. If using local DNS, you should add A-record for 1C server.

DBMS error: DATABASE is not usable

A much more serious error, which indicates that you installed a version of PostgreSQL that is incompatible with 1C:Enterprise or made serious mistakes during installation, for example, did not install all the necessary dependencies, in particular the library libICU.

If you have sufficient experience in administering Linux systems, you can try to install the necessary libraries and reinitialize the DBMS cluster. Otherwise, it is better to reinstall PostgreSQL, remembering to delete the contents of the folder /var/lib/pgsql.

Also this error may occur when using assemblies 9.1.x And 9.2.x Postgre@Etersoft, see details below.

DBMS error:
ERROR: could not load library "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/postgresql/"

Quite a specific error, typical for assemblies 9.1.x And 9.2.x Postgre@Etersoft, can also lead to the previous error. The reason lies in an uncorrected bug in the library. The solution is to roll back to the build 9.0.x Postgre@Etersoft.

DBMS error
ERROR: type "mvarchar" does not exist at character 31

Occurs if the database was created without the help of the 1C:Enterprise system. Remember, to work with 1C, databases should be created only using the tools of the 1C platform: through the console

or through the 1C launcher.

Database server not found
IMPORTANT: user "postgres" is not authenticated (by password)

A very simple mistake. The password for the postgres DBMS superuser is specified incorrectly. There are two solutions: remember your password or change it. In the second case, you will need to change the password in the properties of all existing infobases through the snap-in Administration of 1C Enterprise servers.

Database server not found
FATAL: database "NAME" does not exist

Another very simple mistake. Its meaning boils down to the fact that the specified database does not exist. Most often it occurs due to an error in specifying the database name. It should be remembered that the 1C information base in the cluster and the DBMS database are two different entities and may have different names. It should also be remembered that Linux systems case sensitive and for them unf83 And UNF83 two different names.

  • Tags:

Please enable JavaScript to view the

The mechanism for resource consumption counters has been improved - the ability to select based on usage has been implemented safe mode work and security profile (new types of filters added). For resource consumption counter selection expressions, the ability to compare for inequality has been implemented.For resource consumption counter selection expressions, the ability to combine “AND” several conditions for one filter type has been implemented.

Implemented batch mode for thin and thick client applications. Batch mode extends from the start of the client application to the end of the handlerBefore Starting the Systemapplication module. After the handler finishes its work, the batch mode is automatically disabled. In batch startup mode, the output of any system dialogs is suppressed.A sign of the batch mode of operation of a client application is the command command line launch/DisableStartupDialogs.

Interface 8.2 is no longer supported

The time for complete recalculation of totals for accounting and accumulation registers has been reduced in the following cases:

  • recalculation of totals during the operation Testing and fixing from the configurator;
  • using the method RecalculateTotals() subject to the following conditions:
    • exclusive access to the information base;
    • Availability administrative rights for the user on whose behalf the totals are recalculated;
    • the method is executed in a session in which no delimiter is used.

Accelerated implementation of restructuring information base when using Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 DBMS.

The likelihood of closing multiple connections to Microsoft SQL Server at the same time has been reduced, which has a positive effect on the performance of working with TempDB.

A cluster index on the registrar has been implemented for the calculation register. The index rebuild will be performed when the calculation register is restructured or when re-indexing during a test and update operation. If, when deleting records from the actual validity period table, the selection by register dimensions is not set, then a connection to the main register table is not formed for the deletion request. Reduced the likelihood of table locking when deleting records of the actual validity period of the calculation register.

In thin, thick and web clients, the form unlocks the object 1 minute after the modification flag is removed. (previously it was removed when the form was closed) When working under the PostgreSQL DBMS, in the technological log (event ) Query plans for UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT queries are placed. (Previously there was only SELECT)

Implemented display critical errors optimized mechanism for updating the database configuration in the configurator and in the event technology magazine.

The technology log implements the Dbms, Database, DBCopy properties for DBMS access events (DB2, DBMSSQL, DBPOSTGRS, DBORACLE), EXCP and SDBL events.

The note

Duplicate records with one field

SELECT name, COUNT(email)
FROM users
GROUP BY email
HAVING COUNT(email) > 1

Duplicate records with multiple fields

SELECT name, email, COUNT(*)
FROM users
GROUP BY name, email

Published by the author

The technological log reflects events related to:

  • obtaining and releasing licenses (both software and HASP keys);
  • obtaining licenses for basic versions;
  • regular monitoring of the compliance of real equipment and the list of equipment recorded in the license.

Implemented process log event .

Technology log event provides the ability to analyze only the technological aspects of working with HASP keys(calls to the HASP interface), without providing the ability to track the receipt and release of licenses obtained from HASP keys.

Logging of events that occur during the first connection of the 1C:Enterprise server to the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS has been implemented in a technological log. Logging is done using an event .

This change is described in the documentation.

The approach to storing the execution history of background and routine tasks has been changed. In the client-server version, history is stored in the context of information databases. For each information base, a history is stored:

  • up to 1,000 background jobs created from the built-in language;
  • up to 1,000 routine tasks;
  • up to 1,000 system background jobs (generated by the system itself).

For each job (background, system background and scheduled) an attempt will be made to store information about at least the three most recent runs. This number (three runs) will be reduced if the limit of 1,000 records for a particular type of task is exceeded.

Category: , | Tags: , Category: , | Tags: ,

What the MS SQL Server manufacturer says:

10036291 DBMS error: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement.

In the client-server version of the infobase using MS SQL Server, when an error occurs

DBMS error: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement. HRESULT=80040E14, SQLSrvr: Error state=3, Severity=C, native=601, line=1

The program crashes.
Publication date: 2009-11-16

At the time of writing, no such error has been reported, but this is not a 100% guarantee.

If a problem arises, it makes sense to contact [email protected]

Category: , | Tags: , Category: ,

Error state=3— error message status number, has a value from 0 to 127

Errors 1505, 1508 occur when an attempt is made to create an index (unique or clustered)

2601 - when trying to insert a record (or change a field existing record) and at the same time the uniqueness of an existing index is violated

line=1— line number where the error occurred

Category: » clause of the documentation:

Prevent servers from issuing licenses and let client applications obtain them themselves (they may need to be configured). Or make it so that only the servers issue them, without using hasp lm at all (they will need to be demolished), but then you will have to conduct an audit and distribute the keys across the servers in such a way that there is enough for everyone (I remind you that in this case the server issues licenses only to their own databases and only if the key is connected locally to the computer on which the 1C server is running; well, each session in this case eats one license).

You can allow searching for HASP only on certain computers. In nethasp.ini, disable BROADCAST, and register the IP addresses of managers from which you can take licenses.

— does the IP address match the one that produces ping from the same domain? If you configure logcfg.xml, then according to the specified But for SQL 2005 and 2008, the occurrence of such an error cannot be solved by updating the service pack.

In general, the appearance of this error is caused by an error in MS SQL when performing a rounding operation, for example:

Regarding 1C and queries executed in it, the specified error may appear when executing the command: EXPRESS(ISNULL(ScheduleTimeInHoursNormal, 0) AS NUMBER(5, 2)) AS WorkingHours

If the operand is a number with a decimal value.5, in this case SQL considers/parses the value as a literal x.5 and converts it to data of type Numeric(2,1). The ROUND function executes correctly, getting a rounded result and then tries to save it as data in Numeric(2,1) format, which is not correct and we get the message “arithmetic overflow”.

How to deal with this problem

Set up the Technological Log and parse its logs.
The most common reasons are crashes of the 1C:Enterprise server part.
You can also make sure by looking to see if dumps are being created (look at the logcfg.xml path, if the dump settings are not there, then in the %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1Cv81\Dumps directory, for example C:\ Documents and Settings\<Имя пользователя>\Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1Cv81\dumps. Platform crashes can most often occur due to requests with non-standard parameters. Send dumps to 1C technical support email: [email protected].
1. Most often I encountered a problem in the document log in selections, queries were similar to this:

R.Number A2,
R.Fld9608 A3,
R.Fld9613 A4,
R.Fld9606 A5,
R.Fld9610 A6,
R.Fld9611 A7,
R.Fld9607 A8,
R.Fld9612 A9,
R.Fld9615 A10,
R.Fld9614 A11,
R.Fld9609 A12,
R.Fld9605 A13,
R.Document A14,
R.Marked A15,
R.Posted A16,CAST(R.Fld9608 AS REF(Reference9)).Description
A17,CAST(R.Fld9606 AS REF(Reference52)).Description A18,CAST(R.Fld9611
AS REF(Reference93)).Description A19, CASE WHEN R.Fld9609 REFS
Reference53 THEN CAST(R.Fld9609 AS REF(Reference53)).Description WHEN
R.Fld9609 REFS Reference150 THEN CAST(R.Fld9609 AS
REF(Reference150)).Description WHEN R.Fld9609 REFS Reference63 THEN
CAST(R.Fld9609 AS REF(Reference63)).Description WHEN R.Fld9609 REFS
Reference114 THEN CAST(R.Fld9609 AS REF(Reference114)).Description END
A20,CAST(R.Fld9605 AS REF(Reference79)).Description A21
FROM DocumentJournal9604 R WHERE
((R.Fld9605=79:b63e000bcd6ad80811da7cf12c684266)) AND
(R.Date_Time > DATETIME(2006,12,31,12,0,0) OR (R.Date_Time =
DATETIME(2006,12,31,12,0,0) AND (R.Document >=

2. An example of a TJ log showing the reason for server crashes when updating a full-text search
11:40.9690-0,EXCP,1,process=rphost,p:processName=<база данных>,t:clientID=3, t:applicationName=BackgroundJob,t:connectID=27,Usr=DefUser,DumpFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv81\dumps\rphost_8.1.13.41_7d4e2366_20090609021136_10236.mdmp,Context=’
GeneralModule.Module of Regular Tasks: 46: Full-TextSearch.UpdateIndex(False, True);’

The final solution in this example would be to disable the background process in the problematic database. Wait for the new platform release and update.
For more information about platform crashes, see my blog.
3. Example of TC for cyclic restart of processes. To analyze this event on the 1C:Enterprise server computer, you must enable an entry in the PROC technological event log (example logcfg.xml file).
When a process is shut down, a PROC event will be raised with the property Txt=Process become disable.
When a process is terminated, a PROC event will be issued with the property Txt=Process terminated. Any clients finished with error. If user crashes coincide in time with the output of this event, then the cause is a forced shutdown of the workflow either by the administrator (via the cluster console) or due to an automatic restart.
4. Make sure that the cause is/is not the administrator’s actions in the console


Below is a version of a colleague's solution.

Everyone interested in solving problems with platform crashes with errors:

10051, 10053, 10054, 10064

As the debriefing of platform crashes showed, with the above errors:

— Most of the crashes are caused by the work of background jobs, as expected in the topic.

- Lack of disk space

— Availability large number unfinished transactions in the 1C log

— Before parsing the technological log, analyze the background jobs used in the configuration and disable those that you do not need for work or configuration (it’s trivial, analyzing 14 GB of garbage can be considered a pastime if you have nothing better to do... :))))

— Analyze and make corrections to the background jobs you added, make sure that they are completed with a normal completion code (no errors or closed transactions)

— Add code fragments to the background task algorithms that bug forcibly, memory used during their operation (You shouldn’t hope that 1C will separate the used memory upon completion)

— Analyze and CORRECT PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS of typical background configuration jobs

— Perform regulatory procedures with the database, through the menu item Administration-Testing and Correction, do not forget Necessarily, perform database compression

— Analyze the amount of space used SQL server, it is likely that the server simply does not have enough memory

— Check Active Directory configuration policies

— And also compress/clear the SQL transaction log with something like this code (for SQL 2000):

Option 1:DBCC SHRINKFILE(pubs_log, 2)
(If the desired size is not reached, try option 2) Option 2:BACKUP LOG pubs WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY

Where pub_log is the name of your database

Option 3:
sp_detach_db - we will disconnect the database with this procedure, and sp_attach_db - we will connect it again. This will clear the transaction log.
(For more information, see MSDN topics Q256650 (for SQL 7.0) and Q272318 (for SQL 2000).)

Option 4: (For 7.0)
DBCC SHRINKFILE(file_name, target_size)
DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (database_name, target_percent)

If falls continue after these operations, then continue to follow the recommendations:

- Try making changes to HOST files operating system(most likely it will be enough to register the association only in files on one/two machines where crashes occur most often)

— Try to separate the 1C enterprise and SQL servers if you have them on the same machine.

- Or, on the contrary, install them on one machine (if you have enough resources) There are cases when moving servers to one server helped (In my opinion, it is very doubtful and more related to the reason for starting the work, this is compression of transaction logs)

— Check the server response time (most likely, everything will be within normal limits, and rare failures in service time cannot have such a strong impact on the operation of the enterprise server)

— Check the operation of routers on the network (Rarely, but it happens that it is their reconfiguration that affects the number of crashes)

— Check for equipment conflicts on the network (this is related to the question of why it is advisable to have equipment from one supplier on the network. Anyone who wants to can check, for example, in the 3COM technical documentation it is written: if a network card detects that it is interacting with a similar network card, then it can be switched to a more productive mode by switching to an optimized processing algorithm network packets, tested for personal experience performance jump up to 50%)

- Check the signal levels of consumers/end computers (may be trivial, low signal levels, constant repeated requests for blocks, delay in the queue for service on the network, and therefore eventually receiving a message that the end server has closed the connection when the number of attempts exceeds the timeout signal receipt. If you want to understand this issue, refer to the Ethernet/CSMA CD/CSMA protocol. The number of attempts to transmit a packet using this protocol is not infinite...))) And the buffer in the cards is not unlimited either.)

— Add memory to the servers

— Transfer some/all users to terminal mode (i.e. provide what MANY users define as THIN CLIENT 1C). For such a server, I would recommend Citrix Metaframe or Terminal Server MS

Most likely, when you follow these recommendations, with the exception of analyzing problems with hardware, the stability of work will increase so much that crashes of the platform will become very rare, which will cover the technological gaps for database maintenance, which still MUST be followed and do not think that the recommendations listed above A panacea for all problems.

They will solve many, but not all problems.

And you are happy if you don’t have such problems; anyone who has them will understand me.


Examine the "User" roles if there are any in typical configuration of course, and in particular, after you calculate problem document using , you need to find the problematic role (who is complaining).
Next, for the User role, look at the radar of the document, if additional settings no (purely), then right-click on it - search for links to the object, and sequentially look through the radar for the “User” role for each object.

Mistaking high user intensity for a protocol attack in some Windows cases.
>Run regedit.exe, add a new DWORD value called SynAttackProtect to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\ and give it the value 00000000
It makes sense to do it for Windows 2003 SP1 (

p.s. In addition, error 54 can be received on releases<= при ри конвертации конвертором ИБ 77(DBF) ->81(SQL) in a standard TiS (demo taken from ITS) release. 954 in the client-server version.
you can get around it like this:
- convert to the file version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 information base,
— upload the resulting information base to a file,
— load the client-server version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 information base.

You can collect logs as a file

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