
Wi fi routers how to choose. What to look for when choosing a Wi-Fi router, the best models. And if there is not much difference, how then to choose

  • 1. What is a router
  • 2. What to look for when buying
  • 3. Technical nuances when choosing a router
  • 4. What are protocols and why is it important
  • 5. Signal frequency and encryption
  • 6. Appearance of the router
  • 7. How to ensure the most acceptable signal quality at home

Today, every office and every apartment has at least one Wi-Fi router. This little magic box not only distributes internet to all of our devices, but can also serve as a host for local network... Moreover, using a router, we can combine household appliances in such a way that we turn our usual living space into a “smart home”, where each device is synchronized with the others. How to choose a Wi-Fi router for an apartment? We will tell you in our article.

What is a router

Despite its deceptively simple design, this box is quite complex. Without going into technical difficulties, let's say that it is a mini-computer, with a processor, RAM and a bunch of interfaces of different protocols, and all this so that we can freely use a wireless high-speed Internet connection. At the same time, the aggregate does not just distribute the connection, but has a multi-level architecture of data delivery protocols, the complexity of which is due to the need to protect data from intrusions and the ability to encrypt them.

What to look for when buying

Each router has a set of specific characteristics, any of which should be considered when you go shopping. Before we turn to the characteristics, it is advisable to study the demand for popular models in online markets in advance, and the first thing you need to pay attention to is device reviews

It is important not to blindly trust the reviews, but to try to carefully analyze the situation yourself, so the next thing we must learn to evaluate is the characteristics

Technical nuances when choosing a router

Quite often manufacturers try to hide the technical characteristics of their devices, because these numbers are not similar to what we are used to seeing in modern devices. Most often, you will not see the complete data even on the box with the device, so do not be too lazy to find the manufacturer's website and scan it for the model you are interested in. We will choose a router now, and we will have to work with it and solve its problems for a long time after. Let's analyze the required minimum:

Simple and understandable characteristics, which should be paid attention first of all. A good router for home should not have a processor less than 500Mhz, while the recommended values ​​for RAM and ROM are 64 and 32, respectively. Pay close attention to the presence and texture of antennas, the width of the coverage and the quality of your Wi-Fi connection directly depend on their length and number.

What are protocols and why it matters

Surely you were not even interested in your ISP which protocol it uses to provide Internet access. Of course, in everyday life, this information is not critical to us, but when it comes to choosing a router for an apartment, we must find out in a special order. The fact is that different operators use different transmission protocols, and if your router does not support at least one of them, you will not be able to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi.

  1. PPTP, L2TP, PPPoE are wired standards that no telecom provider can do without. If your router does not support at least one of them, choose another.
  2. 2G / 3G / 4G / 5G - modern wireless standards mobile communications... You may need to support one of them in your device in case you do not have a physical cable with wired internet at home.

Signal frequency and encryption

Any router has a built-in firewall that protects your packets from interception and modification. There are 2 - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz standards, depending on the frequency working network... The 2.4 standard is the most widespread - you already have at least a few devices at home that work with communication at this frequency. 5GHz - distributors of a new type, operating in a different frequency range. The main recommendation for choosing - look for a device that will support both ranges:

In addition to frequency gradation, there is also a classification by speed characteristics. They are defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. Choose a device that will support the entire speed range: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11 ac. There are two or three types of encryption in the router, namely

  • WPA2;
  • WPS / QSS.

A good router in 2019 should support any of the above standards.

Router appearance

The case is the first thing we pay attention to when buying. The form factor is so diverse that it makes no sense to describe everything possible options execution. Let's restrict ourselves to useful tips:

How to ensure the most acceptable signal quality at home

Let's figure out what a router firmware is. This is software that simulates the operation of any device that affects absolutely all characteristics, be it speed, protocol support, customization options and much more. The firmware is installed by the manufacturer by default, but if you are not satisfied with the signal quality, you can find the custom one on the Internet or the official one on the manufacturer's website. Please note that if you have come to this fine tuning- here the manufacturer's warranty liability to you ceases to be valid.
Conductivity. Always install the router according to your living space. Wi-Fi signal does not have an isotropic structure, so absolutely everything affects its propagation, from connected household appliances to walls and furniture. Unlike infrared, Wi-Fi can pass through walls, but it weakens noticeably by changing modulation. Any metal structure will strongly absorb the signal, as will concrete walls, and plasterboard walls provide the best bandwidth.

As it turns out, there is a wide variety of features to consider when purchasing a router. We wish you good luck in this difficult matter - our article will certainly help you.

The development of information technology forces people to have electronic gadgets at their disposal: from smartphones to laptops and tablets. However, by and large, they are useless without going online.

If the apartment or private house has an Internet cable, each device can be connected to the World Wide Web. Based on this, the question arises of how to choose a router that provides high data transfer speed and stable operation over a long period of time?

What should you pay attention to when choosing a router?

You can buy the most expensive router (router) with maximum performance and stylish design, but it will not work, since the type of WAN port (connection of the Internet cable to the router) was not taken into account. The most popular connection types are:

  1. ADSL is carried out on the basis of a telephone cable and provides access to the network through communication with the subscriber's telephone line.
  2. FTTB is the most popular internet entry. A fiber-optic cable with twisted pair is connected to a private house or apartment. At the end of the line there is a standard RJ-45 connector.
  3. Docsis is not the most common type of connection. It is characterized by a low conductivity coaxial cable. This kind of Internet is not very fast.

Thus, when answering the question "how to choose a router for an apartment", one should take into account the type of Internet connection. Not right choice type of WAN port will lead to the router being unable to function, as a result of which you will have to purchase new equipment.

Additional technical characteristics of the router

If the port was chosen correctly, it is necessary to determine the maximum speed that the equipment can provide. All routers have a different price, which depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the maximum speed of receiving and transmitting data. If you have an Internet connection with gigabit speed characteristics (that is, downloading huge files from the network occurs almost instantly), then purchasing a router with a WAN port, you can easily lose the declared speed (it will be cut 10 times).

The presence of a Wi-Fi module also plays an important role. In fact, this is the main function for which the router is purchased. When answering the question "which WiFi router to choose", one should take into account the range in which the equipment operates. On this moment almost all models operate in two modes: 802.11 g (maximum speed - 54 Mb / s) and 802.11 n (a modern high-speed format that allows data transfer in the range from 400 to 450 Mb / s).

Why are USB ports needed?

It should also be noted that there are several LAN ports, that is, the ability to simultaneously connect multiple Internet connections to one router. The USB port also plays an important role. All mid-priced models have such connectors. Their presence makes it possible to connect additional devices.

This applies to network printers, 3G modems, flesh devices. If the kit includes removable antennas, then the range of the router can be significantly expanded (for example, to several rooms at once). In any case, the question of which router to choose for the home cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on where the equipment will be located (with concrete walls, the radius of the Internet coverage will be much smaller than with plasterboard ones), what are its speed characteristics and brand.

Choosing a home router by manufacturer

A home router may not have the best specifications. It is enough for it to have the optimal range of data reception, and the transmission speed contributes to a comfortable surfing on the Internet.

Now you can find a huge number of companies specializing in the production of routers. Most popular: D-Link, Asus, ZyxeL, Tp-Link. Each model has its own drawbacks. For example, the routers of the D-Link company work with interruptions in communication, despite the fact that this company is very popular among users of the CIS countries. As for Asus, these manufacturers still have not solved the problem of digital TV - it refuses to be played via Wi-FI.

However, despite all these disadvantages, each of the presented companies has its own service centres on the territory of most cities of the Russian Federation. This means that in the event of a breakdown, you can always make a claim and deal with the problem. What can not be said about Chinese models: it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a suitable repair center. Thus, when wondering which router is better to choose, you should give preference to models of well-known companies. The overpayment will be insignificant, but there will be much fewer problems with their work and finding a repair center.

Internal filling of the router

The technical parameters of digital equipment are of particular importance. In this case, we are not talking about the data transfer rate, but about the size random access memory and the type of processor. The router is a highly efficient digital hardware. Therefore, he needs a certain amount of RAM to process the data.

For optimal network performance without latency, the internal storage should be between 64 MB and 128 MB. As for the processor, with a frequency of 300 MHz, there should be no problems with the data transfer rate. The presence of antennas will increase the range (important for rooms with concrete walls) of the router, which will allow several devices to connect to it. This also applies to non-traditional gadgets. So, when answering the question of how to choose a router for a TV, you should take into account the type of USB input. Digital television, as a rule, transmits information in two ways: via a WI-Fi network or by directly connecting the TV to a router.

Router with multichannel connection: how much will it cost?

Support for all types of Internet connections is an important characteristic of a router. Each model has its own type of network connection. Simply put, not every cable can be connected to a WAN port. If you do not want to deal with the types of connection, then it is better to purchase a model of an average cost (from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles). They work with any internet connection.

Thus, figuring out how to choose the right router, it is necessary to determine the optimal technical characteristics of the equipment. Not only the speed of Internet data transmission depends on this, but also the cost of the router, the presence of additional ports and functions in its composition.

How do I set up a router?

After purchasing a router, it becomes necessary to configure it. Most models have appropriate instructions and installation disc... However, if there is no disk and time to understand the documentation, you can configure the router according to the scheme.

So, first you need to connect an Internet cable to the router through the WAN port. If everything is done correctly, you should check the functionality of the equipment. The 2 LEDs on the control panel will flash to confirm that the connection has been made. Then you should directly connect the router to the computer.

To do this, a wire must be included with the router. One end of it must be inserted into any socket of the router (if there are several of them), the other must be connected directly to network card personal computer. After that, the router settings will have a standard form. This means that the password and login to enter the router control menu will look like admin.

It is recommended that you set your own 8-digit alphanumeric password to enhance your network security. To do this, you need to go to any browser. In the search box, enter, after which the router menu should open. There you should select the System category and go to the Password Settings tab. After changing the password, click the “Apply” button.

How to Choose a Cheap Router?

After choosing the optimal technical characteristics, you should decide on the price. The question arises of how to choose a router that will be distinguished by stable operation and provide high data transfer speed for reasonable money?

Among cheap routers, models should be distinguished, the price range for which is from 500 to 1500 rubles. These models have a Wi-Fi connection speed of 150 to 300 Mb / s. The absence of additional USB ports excludes the possibility of connecting network equipment (printer, Flesh cards). In most cases, these routers will need to be rebooted several times.

This is due to the fact that the filling installed in them is not stable and does not provide a high conductivity of the network signal. These routers are recommended for those who have an Internet speed of 15 Mb / s or less. Otherwise, it will be "cut" by the router due to the weakness of the internal filling. Examples of routers: Asus RT-N12, D-Link-620.

What is special about budget routers?

The best option for routers for home use should be considered models with prices ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Routers of this series are distinguished by their stable work on the Internet due to high-quality internal characteristics. Moreover, these models can transmit a Wi-Fi signal, the speed of which exceeds 600 Mb / s. The router processor ensures smooth operation. In addition, there is no need to reboot it.

In most cases, these models have one USB input. This makes it possible to use additional functions of the router ( network drive, torrent client). Answering the question about which router to choose for the house, it should be noted that the models of this price category will to the greatest extent meet such characteristics as the ratio of speed and quality of equipment operation, with minimal costs for its purchase. These devices include Zyxel Keenetic Lite, Netgear 3210.

Does it make sense to buy expensive routers?

This topic is relevant for owners of high-speed connections, data transfer in which is measured in gigabytes. Prices for these types of routers start at 3000 rubles. Routers in this category allow you to transmit a Wi-Fi connection signal at speeds up to 750 Mb / s. High-quality internal filling almost completely eliminates breakdowns, freezes, malfunctions of such equipment. The declared and real data transfer rate will be almost the same. This suggests that the router does not “cut” it.

In addition, the presence of 4 or more USB ports allows you to use all the additional functions of the router. Such models make it possible to open their own servers on the Internet or separate “rooms” within local networks. Thus, when thinking about how to choose a router, you should take into account the speed of the Internet connection and the purpose of using the equipment. If you need it exclusively to create a Wi-Fi connection point, then there is no point in overpaying for additional features that you are unlikely to use.

The main misconceptions of router buyers

So, after you have received information about what a router is, you can start looking for the model you need in the store. This is where the main problems arise. They are related to typical consumer misconceptions about the quality of digital equipment, which have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

The first misconception is that good model the consultant will advise. In fact, this is not the case. He is interested in selling an expensive and branded item. In the event that he sincerely wants to help you, he will not be able to do this for one simple reason: he will not know all the technical parameters of your Internet connection. It is this indicator that has a decisive effect on the router. Which one to choose, you yourself must figure out.

The second misconception is that all routers are the same. This is also not true. Some routers have characteristics that differ from devices in the same range. Therefore, choosing the right model can play a key role in network efficiency. The best option can be found by examining the reviews of different models and drawing on their basis your own conclusions about the positive and negative characteristics of routers.

It should be borne in mind that the advice of friends or colleagues should not be regarded as truth in the first instance. For example, you were advised a router of a certain manufacturer and with clear characteristics. For some, it will work just fine: high speed, no malfunctions and failures under high loads. And for others, this is not a suitable option. Since the data transfer rate is higher, and, therefore, the router cannot cope with the loads, which leads to its constant reboots and overheating.

Thus, when wondering how to choose a router, you should remember that you can only make the right choice by focusing on several components: the purpose of the work, the speed of the Internet connection, the range of Wi-FI coverage, the presence of additional functions.


The purchase of the optimal model of a network router depends on the specific purpose of its use. Thinking about how to choose a router for a tablet or laptop, it should be borne in mind that speed will be the defining characteristic for these gadgets. Wi-FI connections... For home purposes, models are suitable for a price of 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. They, firstly, differ in relative stability of operation, and secondly, they have optimal conductivity, sufficient to connect a smartphone, laptop and tablet at the same time. In any case, the choice depends only on you.

The BUSINESS TELECOM company presents the top 10 best Wi-Fi routers of 2019. We use all routers in our work, which means that we experienced their pros and cons on our own experience.

Choosing a good WiFi router is not easy. The main criteria for the formation of the TOP-10 were the stability of the devices, the provided Internet speed and the coverage area.

10. D-Link DIR-825 / AC

On the 10th place in our rating is the D-Link DIR-825 / AC Wi-Fi router - a rational solution for organizing a high-speed wireless in a small office, cafe or retail outlet. The router provides a stable connection from any computer or mobile gadget.

The router acts as a base station for organizing access to the Internet network from devices operating according to the standards 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n and 802.11ac.

✔ Benefits:

  • Speed ​​up to 300 Mbps at 2.4 GHz, up to 867 Mbps at 5 GHz.
  • Wireless connection speed - up to 1167 Mbps.
  • Multifunctional USB port.
  • Supports WEP and WPA / WPA2 security standards.
  • Weeds out connection requests by MAC address.
  • Provides access to WPS and WMM technologies.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • Fixed antennas
  • Not suitable for large offices and companies, because has a small coverage area.
  • Heats up a lot
  • Not a particularly user-friendly web interface.

The router of this model is popular among users due to its extensive functionality. This device will protect your network from hacker attacks and block access to undesirable sites for local network users.

9. Asus RT-AC51U

A strong 802.11ac Wi-Fi router offering wireless data rates up to 733Mbps. The presence of a USB connector makes possible connection printers, external drives and 3G / 4G modems, which significantly expand the functionality of the equipment. It also allows you to recharge smartphones, tablets and other gadgets if you don't have a spare power supply at hand. The developers have created the ASUSWRT interface, which is as convenient and intuitive as possible.

✔ Benefits:

  • Speed ​​up to 300 Mbps in 2.4 GHz mode and up to 433 Mbps in 5 GHz mode.
  • Allows you to track the consumption of Internet traffic and limit the speed of the Internet channel for individual applications.
  • The coverage area is larger than many models. The Asus RT-AC51U is equipped with powerful antennas that increase the wireless coverage by 150% compared to conventional devices.
  • The ability to configure the priority of using the bandwidth of the Internet channel for various applications.
  • VPN server connectivity.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • The wireless data transfer rate is slower than other routers.
  • Small footprint: Thick walls can be a significant barrier.

Built on the basis of technology belonging to the 5th generation of wireless communication tools, so users get access to all modern possibilities. This is one of better solutions for offices with a small number of employees.

8. TP-Link Archer C60

The TP-Link Archer C60 device continues the rating of Wi-Fi routers, the speed of which reaches 450 Mbps at 2.4 GHz. This is absolutely enough for sending emails, loading various web pages and working with audio files.

✔ Benefits:

  • A 5 GHz channel with speeds up to 867 Mbps provides comfortable viewing of HD video streaming.
  • Supports the new 802.11ac standard, which is 3 times faster than 802.11n.
  • 5 antennas (three for 2.4 GHz and two for 5 GHz) alternately positioned to optimize simultaneous dual band operation.
  • The network remains as stable as possible and practically immune to various interference.
  • The ability to create a separate guest network for your company's clients.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • Not suitable for large offices and companies due to the relatively low data transfer rate.
  • Cannot be wall-mounted due to the location of the antennas.

7. Wi-Fi Zyxel Keenetic Ultra II

The seventh place in the list of the best Wi-Fi routers is occupied by Zyxel Keenetic Ultra II. With this router, the connection is carried out via a dedicated Ethernet line. The provider can use any connection, in particular PPTP, PPPoE, IPv4 / IPv6, etc.

Regardless of the type and nature of the load, users receive speeds up to 1000 Mbps or up to 1800 Mbps for IPoE / PPPoE. The presence of special ports allows you to organize a wireless network using 3G, 4G, DSL modem, PON terminal with Ethernet port or Wi-Fi hotspot (private, from the provider).

✔ Benefits:

  • The device is equipped with NDMS 2 OS and a managed switch, so any connection can be combined.
  • Dual-band Wi-Fi hotspot with signal strength amplifiers and rotatable antennas.
  • The user-friendly interface allows you to configure automatic switching to a backup channel in case of a main network failure.
  • The 2-band network has WPA2 protection for all used devices (laptops, PCs, tablets, smartphones, etc.).
  • The ability to create a guest network separate from the main network.
  • Possibility to distribute the load on the channel depending on the applications.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • The bandwidth of the wireless network is not high enough, which makes the model unsuitable for large offices.
  • The model may become very hot.

Keenetic Ultra II is a high-coverage Wi-Fi router ideal for mid-sized offices.

6. Asus RT-AC87U

ASUS RT-AC87U is a long-range Wi-Fi router with high data transfer speeds. In the 5 GHz frequency range, it reaches 1734 Mbit / s, and at 2.4 GHz - 600 Mbit / s. The total network throughput is 2334 Mbps, which is much faster than standard 3-lane routers.

The router is equipped with 4 antennas for increased signal gain.

✔ Benefits:

  • The device can effectively operate in Multi-user MIMO 4x4 mode.
  • Connected computers and gadgets get the fastest connection speeds.
  • Powered by a powerful 2-core processor and delivers a high level of performance.
  • An additional processor for 2 cores is used to implement 4x4 Wi-Fi mode, and the total bandwidth is increased by 50%.
  • Two USB port- standard 2.0 and high speed 3.0.
  • Coverage area - up to 465 m2.
  • Excellent value for money.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • Quite large dimensions
  • The models can get very hot, so it is recommended to install them in a well-ventilated room.

The user will be able to appreciate the long warranty period and the possibility of use with a wide range of devices. The router is great for large rooms and buildings up to 465 m2.

5. D-Link DIR-890L

The fifth place is occupied by the powerful D-Link DIR-890L router - a striking representative of 2-band gigabit routers. It provides a high-quality connection of computers and other devices into a single network, which gives access to broadband Internet. A feature of this router is support for SmartConnect1 technology, thanks to which the wireless connection speed increases up to 3200 Mbps.

This equipment will be an excellent choice for multi-user operation in two independent wireless networks operating in accordance with the 802.11ac standard. The parameters of each network will be up to 600 Mbps in 2.4 GHz and up to 1300 Mbps in 5 GHz.

✔ Benefits:

  • Wireless connection speed - up to 3200 Mbps.
  • The developers took care of expanding the network coverage area by implementing the AC SmartBeam system into the device.
  • The router operates stably in two bands at once: 2.4 and 5 GHz.
  • Internet connection requires minimal user intervention.
  • Smart Connect technology selects the least congested frequency band and connects the new device automatically.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • High price. There are more interesting models in terms of price-quality ratio.
  • The dual-core processor runs at just 1 GHz, while most modern routers have a 1.4 GHz main processor.

DIR-890L is an impeccable quality of a wireless network, stability of Wi-Fi connection and maximum comfort of access to the Internet via mobile devices.

4. Asus RT-AC88U

✔ Benefits:

  • Wi-Fi speed - up to 3167 Mbps.
  • 4 antennas in 4T4R configuration (4 transmit and 4 receive) create a large coverage area.
  • Asus AiRadar beamforming technology to extend Wi-Fi coverage.
  • Dual-core 1.4 GHz processor for high-speed data transfer with USB-connected devices.
  • USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports.
  • Data transfer rate for wired network up to 2Gbps.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • Covers an area of ​​no more than 180 square meters.
  • High price.

Ideal for offices and companies that need high-speed internet that can handle heavy loads.

3. TP-Link Archer C5400

The third place in the top Wi-Fi routers is the innovative Archer C5400 router with Tri-Band technology. The latter is a real find for the organization of three-channel user networks. This router model boasts a 25% increased data transfer rate thanks to NitroQAM support.

This is not just a router, but a real network center with high power, which allows you to perform different tasks: Watch HD videos, play online games from multiple devices, etc.

✔ Benefits:

  • Speed ​​up to 1000 Mbps in 2.4 GHz mode, 2167 Mbps in 5 GHz mode.
  • High speed ensures the fastest possible response of even the most resource-intensive applications.
  • Archer C5400 works with the embedded MU-MIMO technology, thanks to which 4 data streams function simultaneously at once.
  • 8 antennas with Beamforming accurately locate your gadgets and send them a powerful Wi-Fi signal.
  • The main processor 1.4 GHz and 3 coprocessors allow you to work in multitasking mode.
  • Equipped with USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • There are no shortcomings in terms of speed and performance level.
  • One of the drawbacks of the model can be called a rather voluminous body.

This is the best option for a router for offices, cafes, Internet centers, etc., providing connection of a large number of computers and other devices without sacrificing performance.

2. Asus BRT-AC828

Asus BRT-AC828 is rightfully considered one of the best WiFi routers for large offices, IT companies and TV companies. It is a powerful, long-range router that can handle very heavy loads.

✔ Benefits:

  • 2 wired Gigabit Ethernet ports with bandwidth up to 2 Gbps.
  • The throughput of 4 wired LAN ports is up to 4 Gbps.
  • High level of protection for a network equipped with a content filtering system.
  • Ability to work with 250 client devices at high speed simultaneously.
  • 8 antennas in 4x4 configuration.
  • Wide WiFi coverage area.

✘ Disadvantages:

  • High price

The Asus BRT-AC828 model is perfect if you have a large company and a lot of devices that need to be connected to a WiFi network.

1. Asus RT-AC 5300

ASUS RT-AC 5300 was recognized as the best Wi-Fi router according to BUSINESS-TELECOM in 2019. Equipped with NitroQAM technology, the router provides unprecedented speed wireless transmission data - up to 5334 Mbps! It is one of the most powerful routers found on the market today.

✔ Benefits:

  • An adaptive QoS feature that allows you to prioritize the use of a network connection.
  • Able to serve multiple client devices without lags. For example, its bandwidth allows you to transfer multiple streams of Full-HD video at once.
  • 8 antennas provide a wide range of coverage.
  • Data transfer rate in 2.4 GHz mode - up to 1000 Mbps, in 5 GHz mode - up to 2167 Mbps.
  • Network load balancing technology between 3 channels.
  • Dual-core 1.4GHz processor withstands high network loads.
  • USB ports 2.0 and 3.0
  • The ability to combine 2 wired network ports into one with high speed up to 2 Gbps.

Have Wi-Fi router The Asus RT-AC5300 has no significant flaws. It is ideal for providing a wide and stable WiFi area in buildings, large offices, large TV and IT companies. We give it the first place in the ranking of the best WiFi routers for business.


You may be interested in the services

  • 10 - Keenetic Start
  • 9 - Tenda AC6
  • 8 - Mikrotik HAP ac2
  • 7 - ZyXEL Keenetic Extra II
  • 6 - Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi 4
  • 5 - Huawei B525
  • 4 - Keenetic Giga KN1010
  • 3 - LinkSys EA8500
  • 2 - ASUS RT-AC86U
  • 1 - TP-LINK Archer C3200

The utmost degree of equipping apartments and offices with intelligent systems designed to facilitate our existence, make life as convenient as possible, and work productive, requires an indispensable organization of a high-speed communication center inside the premises.

This device must aggregate in itself a maximum of digital streams, process the information coming to it quickly and without mutual detrimental influence - the quality of communication should not degrade from an increase in the number of hosts. In this case, the number of wire connections should be minimal. Wireless routers of broadband access to Network resources cope with this task, each with its own advantages and advantages, disadvantages and "sores".

Here are the best home routers of the 2019 model year. Go!

8.2 Evaluation

  • Non-marking housing
  • Convenient application
  • Easy initial setup
  • High frequency antennas
  • The ability to connect multiple providers
  • Support for frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band only

The last line of our router charts is occupied by a very high-quality development from Keenetic, which is part of the triad of routers released this year - this is the Start model - the cheapest and smallest router for the rapid deployment of a Wi-Fi network.

This "baby" will not be able to present any significant claims on the build quality, speed or reliability:

  • The design is well thought out;
  • Antenna 5dBi devices of the latest generation;
  • High level security (there is even support for IPSec and 802.1x encryption).

Its main problem lies in the fact that the communication standards on which the consumer is offered to work little by little "are thrown into oblivion" is a 2-channel communication exclusively in the 2.4 GHz band at the maximum achievable speed of 300 Mbps - indicators 5-7 years ago. And the switch offers only 100-megabit ports - there is no reason to drag "optics" into the apartment.

This is indeed a high-quality product, but among its target audience, most likely, there will be only university students - it's cheap to distribute Wi-Fi in a dorm room in 5 minutes - that's the lot of Start KN1110.

7.4 Evaluation

  • Interesting design
  • Possibility to place both on the table and on the wall
  • Easy-to-understand installation wizard
  • Parental control via the app
  • Signal support in the 2.5 and 5 GHz bands
  • Low price
  • Small radius of action

It's not really clear how this happens, but ... the developments of little-known Chinese companies over the past couple of years have literally burst into the wireless router market and took a leading position there. The same "dark horse" continues our rating of Wi-Fi routers 2019 for an apartment or office - Tenda AC6 is on the 9th place.

Here everything is already grown-up: simultaneous support of two frequency bands 2.4 and 5 GHz, air bandwidth up to 1200 Mbps and good quality coverage - this is facilitated by a powerful HF transmitter at 30 dBm.

Four detachable antennas along the perimeter of the case, coupled with active Beamforming algorithms, form radiation in the direction of the consumers most distant from the router - these are "habits" for premium quality.

Adds pluses "to the karma" of this device is a classy Russified interface for setting - thanks to the developers.

If everything is so wonderful, why only 9th position? Yes, because no one is interested in the maximum speed of the radio channel, if the provider's service rests on a 100-megabit WAN port - they somehow forgot about it ... But for that the price is just super.

6.2 Evaluation

  • Powerful modern processor
  • Wide range of options
  • Trouble-free dual band operation
  • PoE Power Capability
  • Small size and wall mountable
  • Marky, not informative corpus

Mikrotik company at the very beginning of this summer began selling its new product under the policy of "hAp" - routers for home use. They waited for it for a very long time, since the previous model of the family has already set the teeth on edge for most administrators of workgroups of small offices and branch networks - and here's the bad luck - the new gigabit Mikrotik hAp ac2 could not meet all expectations - therefore only 8th place.

There are many original technical and design solutions - the efforts of the developers should not be underestimated:

  • Protective coating of the case;
  • New dual band antennas;
  • 4-core processor from Qualcomm with 128-256 MB of RAM;
  • Separate radio control chipset supporting MIMO up to 4x4 modes.

And the traditionally sophisticated software RouterOS offers a crazy range of options for interacting with backbone networks.

But it was then that the "dog buried itself", due to flaws software the speed "over the air" is unlikely to exceed 500 Mbit / s even at a frequency of 5 GHz, and for a market value of more than $ 50 no microcircuits will cover such an oversight.

7.8 Evaluation

  • Stylish design
  • Wall mountable
  • Dual band operation
  • Convenient KeenDNS service
  • Small signal transmission radius

On the seventh line of the TOP is a very attractive router - Zyxel Keenetic Extra 2. Potentially, it should not be here at all - nevertheless, routers with ports supporting a gigabit connection should be pulled closer to the middle of the rating (here only 4xLAN 100Base-TX).

But the enthusiastic reviews of ordinary buyers and the cool price left us no choice - this is really almost the most powerful Wi-Fi router for home in 2019 with the broadest functionality.

Using it to organize your home Internet center is the right decision. The router is able to provide uninterrupted Wi-Fi coverage thanks to 4-5dBi antennas and a smart approach to the application of MIMO data stream spacing.

When both offered frequency bands are loaded, bandwidths of up to 1160 Mbps can be achieved.

The router is "sharpened" and the traffic is small telephone network formats DECT or even ADSL, that is, it is suitable for small offices.

For starters, Extra 2 offers the most complete set of options for building a VPN and FTP servers, setting via mobile app and dynamic rebuilding of route tables. What else do you need for 4000r?

8.2 Evaluation

  • Nice harmonious design
  • Gigabit Ethernet Ports
  • Channel separation over MIMO
  • Remote access from a smartphone
  • The lowest price
  • No USB port
  • No mounts for vertical position

A similar functionality to the previous representative, but for less money and already with two Ethernet ports capable of operating at a speed of 1 Gb / s, is carried to the masses by the Chinese giant Xiaomi. This time it is a continuation of the 4 generation Mi WiFi Router line of high-performance routers.

Xiaomi engineers did a great job on the appearance of the router: 4 non-detachable antennas, a flat body and a single LED look quite harmonious.

There is also a "Mi" button for quick pairing with the manufacturer's gadgets.

Performance is at a good level - after all, 128 MB of RAM, support for all known 802.11 bgn / ac standards and a smart processor do their job - we reach 1167 Mbps air speed. The only disappointment is the missing USB port - in earlier versions it was.

More than a modest price of this "hard worker" makes Mi WiFi Router 4 one of the most bought developments in the field of building reliable and fast wireless networks. At home or in the office, you will probably forget where it is altogether - since the dust on the white case will be almost invisible.

8.4 Assessment

  • Stylish design
  • Connect up to 32 devices
  • 4G + support
  • Work from both built-in and external antennas
  • Long range
  • Can't be hung on the wall

The TOP of routers for home 2019 is continued by the monster from Huawei, which is in fifth position - the B525 router. The development is designed to satisfy a wide range of requests, both ordinary consumers and corporate groups and even communication service providers. For these purposes, the B525 has two SMA connectors for connecting external 4G antennas.

The maximum data transfer rate available to the user via wireless protocols is 1300 Mbps - this is a completely different class of devices. It goes without saying that this requires high noise immunity when working together in two frequency ranges at once - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Encryption is carried out using WEP and WPA algorithms (2).

Of the interesting "gadgets" - the presence of an RJ-11 port for connecting an analog phone - a strange anachronism.

One way or another, its main function is to accompany the combined computer networks at high speeds - the B525 performs better than many others, while its cost fluctuates around $ 100.

8.2 Evaluation

  • Improved characteristics of the radio path
  • SFP module slot
  • Work on MU-MIMO technology
  • New user-friendly interface
  • Low price among "classmates"
  • Average (for today) bandwidth
  • Design from past generations of Keenetic

In addition to support for simultaneous dual frequency bands and a switching group on 4 Gigabit LAN ports, which are relevant for routers with a claim to leadership, this router offers direct fiber optic connection.

Of course, you need an SFP module for this.

Separate praises deserve the work of Keenetic engineers, carried out on the part of building antenna-feeder paths. Their slogan, obviously, was "Less joints - less losses" - and it is, although the antennas are not removable, but the quality of the coverage is simply excellent.

Beamforming algorithms help address the resource consumption of wireless networks.

Cool internet center for more than reasonable money. In addition to the listed GIGAbit capabilities, users will receive an updated web interface for quick setup router, as well as 3 hardware control keys that can be reassigned to your liking.

8.0 Evaluation

  • Cool build quality and design
  • Easy to set up and operate
  • Brilliant performance
  • Four-channel traffic diversity
  • Complete and remote control from smartphone
  • High cost of the device
  • Lack of indication by ports and modes

The podium opens (or rather “kicks down the door”) the powerful and uncompromising LinkSys EA8500 router. Possessing a typical manufacturer's appearance and amazing functionality, seasoned with high reliability, for some reason this router did not manage to reach the top notch of the rating - let's figure it out.

Inside the strict and very well-ventilated (for cooling) case, there is a productive Qualcomm processor with 2 cores of 1400 MHz clock rate, as well as as much as 512 MB of RAM - no longer to be found.

In addition to the built-in gigabit switch, there are two USB ports, one of which is compatible with SATA, and the other is required for connecting 3G / 4G modems.

Full MU-MIMO support for all possible types of encryption and two independent coprocessors for RF signal conditioning - everything is here! The device complies with the AC1300 speed class.

So why the question "Which wi-fi router is better for home?" you wouldn't think of answering "LinkSys". Because very few people will allow you to invite a router to your home for $ 700! The price does not just bite, it devours the whole thing, but you have to pay for the pleasure.

7.8 Evaluation

  • Cool design
  • All necessary interfaces on board
  • Ease of use
  • High-quality fast "hardware"
  • Modern AIR technologies
  • Quick control from a smartphone
  • High price
  • Impossibility of wall mounting

Every administrator knows - the most best router this is the one that stands nowhere. With the Asus RT-AC86U, this trick will not work - it should be given the most prominent place in your home. The design of the router is simply gorgeous! The combination of scarlet inserts and black gloss looks like "from the picture". But of course attractive appearance this is not all that helps him to gain a foothold in the second line of our rating.

RT-AC86U is one of the fastest existing routers for home use - it is assigned the AC2900 class. Three powerful antennas form a dense Wi-Fi coverage around the router, which can be wisely spent between dozens of gadgets.

Nobody will experience "etheric hunger" - the load will be distributed among the subscribers in an optimal way, based on the range, the frequency of access to the router and the frequency range in which the consumer operates.

It is possible to connect in the 2.4 or 5 GHz bands and use WEP or WPA (2) encryption.

Who and why might need a redundant Internet channel at home? For example, if you have a “smart home” installed in your house or apartment, or just a server and video surveillance cameras, security and engineering sensors (water leaks, gas leaks), the status report of which you would like to receive is guaranteed, regardless of whether it works at the moment, your Internet provider, or unexpectedly decided to carry out routine maintenance.

Seamless Wi-Fi roaming

This technology is gradually starting to appear in home devices after it has become an integral part of corporate wireless networks. It is important when more than one wireless router, but a few. One router is designated as the "master" (usually the one that is connected to the provider), and the rest are switched to the access point mode, and the "master" constantly monitors the state of the entire network, distributes uniform settings and connection rules to all routers, can transfer clients with a loaded points to less loaded, provides a transparent transition from one point to another, and so on. If you have a large house or apartment and are having trouble with consistent reception with one wireless router, this may well be the way to go. One has only to take into account that a prerequisite for the operation of such a scheme is the use of routers from the same manufacturer, and those models in which this technology works. And one more "but": do not expect that this technology will work flawlessly on home routers - it is just emerging and is unlikely to be ideally implemented in the home segment in the near future.

Ethernet port speed

Gigabit ports are gradually becoming what you just need to have in your home router: providers offer ever higher speeds, and all our stationary devices have completely switched to the Gigabit Ethernet standard. So there is not much to discuss here - soon there will simply be no devices with 100 Mbps ports.

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