
Windows 10 archive backup folder. How to use the received archive

Windows 10 is a priority for Microsoft. The corporation is making every effort to improve the security of the OS, trying to maintain the safety of users' personal data.
But sometimes your computer may crash operating system, and as a result, the loss of the user’s personal data. To restore you need use the backup a copy of Windows 10

What is a system backup image?

Windows 10 backup serves as the best way to protect system files and your personal information. The first thing you need to do after adding important information on your PC or reinstalling the OS - this create a working copy of user data and system settings .

Built into Windows 10 special utility For Reserve copy which allows create and download a system image.(An OS image is a complete copy of the system disk, by default it is Drive “C”. That is, all personal files and programs installed only on the system disk will be saved in the image).

How to Backup Windows 10

System Backup and Restore

Built-in tool in Windows 10 allows copy all files on your hard drive, including user programs and settings. This The best way protect important data in case of system damage.

Before creating a working copy of Windows 10, make sure you are logged into your account administrator and connected portable disk or flash drive to your computer.

  1. Open the control panel on your computer, and select “System and Security”; to do this, select viewing by “categories”; by default, Windows 10 is set to viewing by “small icons”
  2. Next, go to “Backup and Restore”, there click “Create a system image” on the panel on the left.
  3. Next, click the “On your hard drive” button and select the disk or flash drive on which you will store the Windows 10 backup and click “Next.”
  4. The system itself will determine and install the disks and components necessary for startup. Now click “Start Archiving” at the bottom to start the process.

After this, the system will prompt you to create a special partition on the disk containing system recovery tools, thanks to which you can return Windows 10 OS to working condition.

As soon as Windows backup is finished, disconnect the portable disk or flash drive from the computer.

How to recover files on Windows 10

If Windows 10 is damaged or does not start, you can recover personal data from existing working image of the operating system. Before performing the restore operation, connect to computer hard disk or flash drive with a Windows 10 backup.

  1. Connect the disk with the system recovery files and restart your computer.
  2. Click "Next" in the lower right corner of the setup screen that appears and select "Repair your computer."
  3. On the next screen, click on the “Troubleshooting” link and click on “System Restore” to continue.
  4. Once the screen changes, select the operating system you want and check the "Use the latest accessible copy systems." After that, click on “Next” and select additional options.
  5. Click "Finish" and confirm to begin system recovery.

Image Windows systems 10 is an exact copy one or more disks (partitions) of a computer, and can be used for recovery in case of problems with the hard drive or system.

By default, the image includes only the sections needed to boot and Windows operation, but if you wish, you can add other computer disks with information important to you.

When restoring a system using an image, the information on the disks is completely replaced, and its relevance will correspond to the time the image was created. Those. you cannot restore individual documents, programs, drivers, etc., only a disk backup fully.

Now let's look at this process point by point.

Creating a Windows 10 image

1. Open the control panel. To do this, right-click on the menu “ Start» and select the appropriate item.

5. In the menu on the left, launch the “”.

7. Select a location to save your archive and click the " Further».

There is several options for positioning the system image :

  • On hard drive. This means that the archive will be saved on an external hard drive, an internal additional hard drive, or on one of the partitions of the archived disk. The first option is the most reliable and preferable, because if the hard drive on which Windows is installed fails, the backup archive will also be lost. And if you select a partition of the current disk, the system will issue a corresponding warning. This message is not shown in the image below because... selected individual HDD.
  • OnDVD-disks. This option is for rarity lovers. Not convenient, not reliable, but also has the right to life.
  • In a network folder. This method is for experienced users. To use it, your computer must be properly configured network connection and you need to know the parameters to access the network resource.

8. In the next step, you can select the disks for archiving. After that, in the confirmation window for archiving parameters, click the button “ Archive" The approximate volume that will be required to create will also be indicated here. backup copy.

10. Once the process is complete, you will be prompted. If you don't have one yet, take advantage of this opportunity or you can record it later.

Where is the system image stored?

If you are interested, you can see the location of the archive files and the volume they occupy. The system image is saved on the previously specified media in the following format:

Drive letter:\WindowsImageBackup\ Computer name\Backup year-month-date hours minutes seconds

For example, for the archive created for writing this article, the image location is as follows:

E:\WindowsImageBackup\site\Backup 2016-02-03 065439

You can also see how much space the image takes up.

Features of creating an image

Finally, here are a few nuances that need to be taken into account when recording a Windows 10 system image:

  • The archive can only include disks formatted in file system NTFS.
  • You cannot include in the image the disk partition on which the archive is saved.
  • You can't restore 64-bit image on 32-bit system.
  • If you save an archive to a network resource, only latest version data. When creating a new image, the old one will be overwritten.
  • An image created on a computer with UEFI, cannot be restored on a computer with classic BIOS.

Hello! We continue to disassemble the Windows 10 operating system! Today you will learn how to backup files on Windows computer 10. You can save important files from your computer to a flash drive. You can select specific files for backup, or add your own files. You can create a schedule for automatic creation backup copy Windows files 10.

To set up backup, open the menu at the bottom left of the screen "Start". In the window that opens, click on the tab or icon "Options".

Next on the page “Update and Security”, on the left in the sidebar, go to the tab “Archiving service”. If this is your first time backing up, you will see a tab on your page. “Add drive”. Insert the flash drive into Computer USB and click on the tab “Add drive”. A window will open where the name of the flash drive will be shown, click on this name.

After which the following message will appear on the page: “Automatic file backup” and button “Enabled”. Next, go to the tab “Other options”.

– Backup size.

– Download a backup copy of files to a flash drive right now.

– You can set a schedule for backup.

– You can choose how long backup copies will be stored on disk.

– You can choose which files to add to the backup.

– You can add your own file that is not in the list.

– Add files to exclude them from the backup.

– You can stop using this disk(flash drive) to select another.

If a computer with the Windows 10 operating system suddenly stops working, something breaks in it, or programs crash, then you may need to restore the system. It also happens that the operating system is so out of order, “deteriorated” that the computer (laptop) even stops booting.

To boot a computer that has an operating system, use a Windows 10 system recovery disk. But this disk is not enough to completely “repair” the operating system. With its help, you can only boot the computer () in order to begin the system recovery procedure.

But the Windows 10 system itself can be successfully restored if you use a pre-made Windows 10 system image. Here's about it, about how to create a Windows 10 system image so that this image can then be used to restore the operating system after a serious failure – this is what will be discussed in this article.

So, we create an image of the Windows 10 operating system, a backup system image for use if it is necessary to restore the system after failures that lead to serious consequences when the computer no longer wants to boot.

What you need to restore your Windows 10 system

Remember that the set software, which allows you to restore the functionality of the Windows 10 operating system, consists of three elements, three parts. This

  1. systems,
  2. system image and
  3. users.

That is, to successfully restore the Windows 10 operating system in the event of a serious failure, we need all three components listed above.

Let's look at how to create a second component for system recovery, how to create a Windows 10 system image.

Preparing to create a Windows 10 system image

Before we begin the procedure for creating a Windows 10 system image, we need to prepare the media or media where this image will be stored. Suitable media for creating and storing a system image are:

  • external hard disk,
  • flash drive (of appropriate size) or
  • several DVDs (which also require, of course, a device for writing/reading DVDs, the so-called DVD-ROM).

External hard drives and flash drives are connected to a PC (laptop) via a USB interface (connector). They must have free space to accommodate a Windows 10 system image, which can be 25 GB or more. These are the most convenient devices for storing a system image and are the easiest to work with.

But flash drives and external hard drives have a disadvantage when used as system image storage. The fact is that usually flash drives and external hard The disks are not used only to store the system image. They record a lot of other things useful information. And sooner or later, flash drives and external hard drives run out of space, and they have to be cleared of unnecessary information.

Since the Windows 10 system image is created once and then stored for quite a long time, there is a temptation to delete it from a disk or flash drive when the question arises of cleaning these devices, freeing up space on them to store other useful data, photos, videos, etc. other content.

Therefore, the first system image, which is usually created, is made immediately after purchasing a computer (laptop); it is best to do it on slow and not very convenient DVD discs. But then there is unlikely to be a desire to erase these disks with the Window 10 system image recorded on them. This means that the system image will be stored for a long time and reliably, which is what we need.

True, since DVDs themselves are not very reliable storage media, and can themselves “fail” when trying to read this system image, it is worth saving the system image twice, not being too lazy to do this work twice, and then storing the two system images in different places - for reliability. This will allow, in the worst case scenario, when the system, God forbid, fails, to restore it using one of the two saved images of the Windows 10 system.

So, if we decide to make a system image on DVDs, we will also need a device for reading/writing DVDs. Some PCs still have similar devices for reading/writing laser or compact discs (DVD-ROM), and in this case we can use them.

If your computer or laptop does not have a DVD reader/writer, we will need external device DVD reader/writer that connects to a PC or laptop via a USB interface (connector).

We will also need several (approximately 5-10) DVD “blanks” - these are blank discs intended for recording new data on them. We will be able to use previously used DVDs on which information has already been recorded only if they are rewritable DVDs. Then first you need to delete all data from these disks, clean them completely before using them as future disks for storing a Windows 10 system image.

How many DVDs do you need for a Windows 10 system image?

To boot the Windows 10 operating system if it fails, one system recovery CD/DVD will be enough for us. But to restore the system image - after all, the system recovery disk does not contain a system image - we will need from 5 to 10 DVDs, depending on their size.

To create and store a system image on DVDs, it is recommended to use the largest discs on which you can record more than 4GB of information. You can completely forget about CDs. They are not suitable for recording a Windows 10 system image, since you will need too many of them, since their volume is very small compared to DVDs. After all, a system image can take up to 25 GB, or even more, which in terms of the number of DVDs gives us the figure 5 or 6.

But it would also be necessary to duplicate the image of the system, to make two identical images of the system. So for such purposes: to create and store the main and backup image of the Windows 10 system, we may need 10-12 blank DVDs with a volume of information stored on each of them in excess of 4GB.

Now that we are ready to create a Windows 10 system image, we will launch the corresponding program. This program is located in the standard Control Panel, which can be opened, for example, using the search button on the taskbar.

Click on the magnifying glass icon on the right next to the “Windows” button, and enter the text “Control panel” in the search bar (Fig. 1). Below the inscription “Best match” we see a link to the “Control Panel” program, and click on this inscription to launch the Control Panel.

Rice. 1. Launch Control Panel in Windows 10

In the Control Panel window that opens, find the “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)” program in the “System and Security” section and click on it (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Launch the Backup and Restore program (Windows 7) in Windows 10

Creating a Windows 10 system image

Now all we have to do is run the Windows 10 system image creation program. To do this, in the “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)” program window that opens, in the left column we find the words “Create a system recovery disk” and click on it (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Run the program to create a Windows 10 system image

That's it, now the system image creation program is launched and begins its work. First of all, the program asks us to indicate where the Windows 10 system image will be stored and then allows us to start the procedure for creating a system recovery disk (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Select a device for burning DVDs and launch the program to create a Windows 10 system image

Now the system image creation program informs us about the size of the system image being created and prompts us to confirm the parameters for archiving the system image. In Fig. 5 it can be seen that in the given example the system image will have a size of about 25 GB, and for this volume, accordingly, you need to prepare the required number of blank (ready to write) DVDs.

Rice. 5. Confirm archiving settings before creating a Windows 10 system image

Having received from us confirmation of agreement with the proposed archiving parameters (parameters for creating a Windows 10 system image - and what, strictly speaking, could we do other than confirm the proposed parameters?!), the system image creation program begins its work. In Fig. 6 we see a message from the program about preparing to create an archive.

Rice. 6. Message from the system image creation program about preparation for creating an archive

You need to be patient and wait until the program completes preparation and begins burning the system image to DVDs. In general, all work related to data archiving, be it:

  • creating a system repair disk,
  • creating a system image,
  • creating an archive of user files and folders, –

These are processes that take a long time to complete. In some cases, they take more than one hour to complete! And this requires patience and once again the patience of a PC (laptop) user, you have to wait and wait...

And finally, the moment comes when the system image creation program prompts you to prepare and insert the first blank DVD to write data to it (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. A message about the need to insert the first DVD to record Windows 10 system image data on it

Please note that the DVD must be prepared in advance; it must be a blank DVD or a rewritable DVD that has been previously cleared of previous data. The system image creation program also offers to label the DVD accordingly, so that later you can understand what is stored on this DVD. You can mark a DVD disc only on the non-working side, where no data is recorded, and only with a soft felt-tip pen, but not with a pen or pencil, which can damage the DVD disc and the information stored on it.

Personally, I prefer not to write anything on the DVD itself, but simply put the information written on a separate small piece of paper in the DVD box. Of course, in this case, you need to have a separate box for each DVD.

Next, a question arises about the possibility of erasing all data from the DVD that we inserted into the DVD reader/writer. Of course, since we have prepared this DVD for recording a system image on it, we answer positively, that is, we click on the “Format” button in response to asked question(Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Question about the possibility of erasing all previously recorded information on a DVD, which is intended for writing data to it when creating a Windows 10 system image

The program prepares a DVD disc for subsequent recording of data on it - it formats this disc (Fig. 9). While a DVD is being formatted, it should not be removed from the DVD reader/writer, otherwise it may become damaged and will no longer be usable to write data to.

Rice. 9. Message about formatting a DVD before writing data to it when creating a Windows 10 system image

Now that's it, the preparatory steps are completed, and data recording to the DVD has begun (Fig. 10). We can only wait...

Rice. 10. Message about burning a Windows 10 system image to the first DVD

You will have to wait even after finishing writing to the first DVD, since the recording program must check whether the DVD is readable after the information has been written to it (Fig. 11). Again, we just have to wait until the process of checking the quality of recording data on a DVD is completed...

Rice. 11. Message about checking the DVD on which data was recorded when creating a Windows 10 system image

Then we will need to insert the next 4-5 DVDs one after another, each time responding to the messages shown above in Figure 7. Following the message about the need to insert the next DVD, messages about formatting this DVD will be repeated (Figure 7). 8-9), about writing data to a DVD (Fig. 10) and about checking the quality of recording to this DVD (Fig. 11). In general, in this way, step by step, a Windows 10 system image will be written to several DVDs.

Finally, the recording of the system image is completed, and the system image creation program will ask if we want to make a system recovery disk at the same time. Since we made this system recovery disk earlier (described), we will refuse this service (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Refusal to create a system repair disk at the end of the Windows 10 system image creation process

That's all, creating the image of the Window 10 system is complete. All we have to do is close the program window (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. A message informing you that the creation of the Windows 10 system image is complete and that you need to close the backup program window

We now need to collect DVDs with Windows 10 system image data recorded on them and put them in a separate place where they can be stored for a long time in appropriate conditions. Until the time comes when we may need these DVDs, God forbid. It would be better if they weren’t needed!

How to Create a Second Set of Windows 10 System Image DVDs

To create a second set of system image DVDs to duplicate the first set of Windows 10 system image DVDs, you need to repeat all the previous steps.

That is, you will need to prepare another batch of 5 or 6 DVD discs, restart the Control Panel and the Backup and Restore Program, and repeat all the steps of this program. And you need to be patient again to wait until all 5-6 DVDs are burned and tested.

This, of course, is additional trouble and extra time. But an additional set of DVDs with a system image may not be superfluous if the first set of DVDs cannot be read in a critical situation, or at least one DVD from the first set cannot be read.

Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and create at least 2 sets of DVDs with a Windows 10 system image, and perform the procedure for creating a system image twice.

When to Create Windows 10 System Image DVD Bundles

It is best to create a set of DVDs with a Windows 10 system image immediately after Windows installations 10 on your PC or laptop, immediately after purchasing a PC or laptop with the Windows 10 operating system installed on it. While the system is still working, it is still a “brand new” Windows 10 system without additional programs, drivers and more.

But you can make a set of DVDs with a system image at any other time; there is nothing wrong with the fact that this was not done right away. It is important that these DVDs with an image of the Windows 10 system are made at least sometime while the system is running smoothly (preferably in 2 copies), and lie quietly in a “secluded corner”, as they say, “just in case happening".

There's just one problem with creating a set of system image DVDs late. The Windows 10 system grows in volume over time, especially after installing new programs, drivers, and after receiving and installing updates. Therefore, the later you make a set of DVDs with a system image, the more DVDs and time it will take to create a Windows 10 system image.

Let's say, if you create a system image immediately after purchasing a PC (laptop), it will be about 5-6 DVDs. And if you install the first updates, which come almost immediately after connecting a new computer (laptop) to the Internet, then to save the system image you will already need over 10 DVDs. And then (according to the operating time of Windows 10) – even more!

Well, of course, it’s good if a set of DVDs with a Windows 10 system image is never useful. But this does not diminish its significance; on the contrary, it even increases. It's great to have an extra margin of safety, and let this margin of safety never be used in practice!

How to use Windows 10 system image DVDs in an emergency

If, God forbid, the Windows 10 system on your PC or laptop stops working, stops loading, this is where a Windows 10 system image along with a system recovery disc can come in handy.

You will need a device for reading/writing CD/DVD disks (CD/DVD-ROM), which will need to be connected to the faulty PC (laptop), and the BIOS will need to be set to boot from this device.

You will need the Windows 10 system recovery disc we created, which will need to be inserted into a CD/DVD reader/writer.

Well, then you will need to start the PC (laptop) and get the system to boot from the CD/DVD reader/writer. The system will have to boot, but not with hard drive PC (laptop), and from the system recovery disk we created.

Then, using the menu items that will display the system recovery program on the display screen, you can step by step restore the functionality of the Windows 10 operating system.

This is where we need a previously created image of the Windows 10 operating system. It is from this, from this image, that the system will be restored. Well, but for absolutely full recovery computer (laptop), you will also need a third component to restore the system - this is an archive copy of folders, files and programs of PC (laptop) users. Or you will need “File History” - a data archiving system that came to Windows 10.

But this is, as they say, another “story” that will be written in other articles. In general, it is better for a set of DVDs with a Windows 10 system image, along with a Windows 10 system recovery CD/DVD, to lie unclaimed. But here, depending on your luck...

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