
Xiaomi wifi amplifier 2 does not connect. Experience boosting Wi-Fi signal through Mi WiFi Amplifier. Connection and setup

Xiaomi device People buy Mi WiFi Repeater 2 in order to strengthen the Internet signal in a house, apartment or some other room. IN Lately The repeater is loved by many fans of the Xiaomi brand and ordinary users WiFi for its reliability, efficiency and quality. In this article, we will tell you how to properly configure Repeater 2 if it is not working and flashing orange.

What is this device?

Fortunately, nowadays there is a large number of routers supporting repeaters (signal amplifiers). Using the device is very convenient, especially in a large room. In addition, you don’t have to buy a second router, but just buy Repeater 2, which costs much less than a new router, and the effect is excellent.

We advise you to purchase this second model of the device with an indicator of 300 Mbit/s, since in the first the speed is achieved only up to 150 Mbit/s. A huge plus is that you can even use a laptop’s USB connector for power.

How to properly configure Mi WiFi Repeater 2

You need to configure the repeater through the MiHome application (you can download it at Play Market, AppStore, etc.). If you use a special, branded router from Xiaomi, installation will be even easier. You just need to connect the repeater to the router and wait until the color on it changes from orange to blue.

Settings for other routers:

  1. Connect the device to USB.
  2. We connect via WiFi on a computer, smartphone or other device to the Xiaomi-Repeater network.
  3. Open the program, click on the plus sign, scan and add the device (the LED lights up orange).
  4. Find your WiFi address and connect.
  5. The gadget will connect to the network and the setup process will begin.
  6. After everything is completed, Wi-Fi will be created with an additional prefix to your name “_plus”.

Why Mi Repeater 2 may not work

Unfortunately, quite often users complain about problems associated with the repeater. Among them are:

  • The MiHome application does not see the network;
  • the installation reaches 90% and stops, it says that the connection time has expired;
  • the light blinks orange continuously;
  • gets very hot.

If the device does not work, try checking the following points:

  • serviceability of the main router;
  • match of entered data;
  • correct installation and configuration of the repeater - yes, yes, everything is trivial, repeat the installation again;
  • program version and firmware (maybe a new one has been released);
  • selected geolocation.

Also, try turning off location permissions. This can be done in the phone settings. We go there, look for “Permissions for applications” - then look for the MiHome program and disable its right to access geolocation.

Often, all errors are eliminated very quickly, but do not forget that this may be a normal defect of the device. In this case, you need to replace the gadget with a working one.

When Mi Repeater 2 constantly flashes orange

There are also situations when the gadget does not work, and the LED pulsates orange. Try this:

In normal condition, this blinking appears when setting up a connection (updating the status in MiHome) and lasts approximately 30-40 seconds. Once connected, the orange indicator will change to solid blue (connection established).

Set "WPA2-PSK" on the router. Go to the settings of your router (names may differ depending on the company and version). You need to open the browser, write in the search bar, then write in the “Nickname” field - admin and in the “Password” field also admin (all data is indicated on the box). The settings window opens, on the left select “Wireless mode” - “Wireless protection”. We look for the name WPA/WPA2 Personal and set WPA2-PSK with AES encryption and your password.

If you can't see the network, try entering the IP address manually. You can find it out in the router settings (how to access it was indicated above).


Setting up Mi WiFi Repeater 2 is quite simple and easy. To troubleshoot any problems during installation and operation, you also don’t need to be any kind of professional. Basically, everything can be solved by rebooting and reconfiguring.

Greetings, dear reader! Quite recently I wrote about signal amplifiers and noted an interesting example from Xiaomi, and now it came to me for review. Not just one, but several. So, let's look at Xiaomi repeaters, their features, basic setup, chips and buns. Begin!

What is it for?

Well, if you are already here, then you know exactly what it is needed for. In my case, the repeater was needed to distribute the Internet to another room after increasing the area, and so as not to move the main router.

Why do you need it? I don’t know... Maybe we’ll also expand the area, maybe we’ll put it on the street. The main essence of this device is to pick up data from an existing Wi-Fi network and create a duplicate of this point at a distance. Those. Now, under the same name and password, another point will operate, which transmits a signal from the first access point. Moreover, you will not need to connect to this point manually - your phone or laptop will automatically select the network with the strongest signal and connect to it.


The most popular models came to hand - Xiaomi Mi WiFi Repeater 2 and Xiaomi Amplifier 2. The difference between them is not that big. So the entire review can be considered as a single model, with the same principles.

When you hold other models in your hands - TP-Link or ASUS, and then you get this... the impression is ambiguous. But lately the Chinese from Xiaomi have been surprising only in the best sense of the word, and this model was no exception.

Here are the main features that, in my opinion, distinguish this model on the market:

  • Price. Our repeater costs only 800 rubles. Other normal amplifiers start with a price tag of 1500 rubles... This is what attracted attention at first, and what repelled me. But apparently in vain. As a note: at Chinese shops you can order even cheaper today) And it’s official, and the set is complete, and everything is at the highest level.
  • USB power. They put it in the right place and forgot about it. Conventional repeaters have always required a dedicated outlet. This little girl doesn't need any of that. If you wish, you can connect to a PowerBank on the street and distribute waffles to everyone from your phone.
  • Supports 802.11 b/g/n standard up to 300 Mbit/s. And so small, and immediately up to N standard. This is great! “AC” support was not even required from it.
  • Connect up to 16 devices. Even if you suddenly get together with friends to play counter and take the repeater into a separate room, it will be enough for a full team... Apparently this is why they created such a number)
  • Lightweight and compact. Seriously! 50 g, 10 cm – length, 3 cm – width. This is straight out a flash drive from the 2000s. The material is, of course, plastic.
  • Rotation of the main module 180 degrees. You can also move the antenna for a better signal, or position it so that it is convenient. An interesting feature. The bend comes from the USB connector.
  • One built-in antenna is not enough, but it will do.

Interesting?! And most importantly, it all works like a clock. No high expectations, but for the home this is it.

Connection and setup

Now let’s get started with the setup itself, so that the Internet flows throughout your home. It may be a little difficult, but I’ll put it in just in case. accessible manual in the video

Step 1. Connection

First of all, you need to connect this repeater to power - a laptop, power bank or just a power adapter, and install it within range core network– where he can confidently receive the signal and distribute it further. First, it’s better to go for a run with your phone or laptop and find the farthest point where there is still a reliable signal. If there is no signal, there will be no expansion of the zone.

After connection, the yellow indicator should blink.

Step 2. Download Mi Home

Then the first “difficulties” begin - the usual does not help here. There is also a shortened procedure for pairing with Xiaomi routers, but in my case this is not the case. So you will have to follow the general instructions.

For reference. To pair the repeater with a router fromXiaomi needs to connect it toUSB port router and wait until the indicator changes color from yellow to blue.

To configure its repeaters, Xiaomi has a separate application – Mi Home. The application generally handles all configuration of the equipment included in the “ smart House"from Xiaomi, so the amplifiers will work without any problems.

The big minus of the application at the moment is that there is no Russian language. English only. But there is a Russified amateur version on, you can safely use it. So, download Mi Home from the store or on the forum and start setting it up.

Update. The Russified version is now available in stores.

For the first inclusion there is a peculiarity - you need to select a region, but Russia is missing something here. So choose China or Taiwan and calmly continue:

For reference. An account may be required from Xiaomi. You can create it there, but if you have at least one thing from them at home, you can use an existing one. Can also be used Facebook:

The same download instructions with a QR code are also on the back of the package:

Step 3. Connect to the repeater via Wi-Fi

We are looking for a network with a name like “xiaomi-repiter” and connect freely to it. This is the network of the repeater itself, through which we will configure.

Step 4. Add a device

Click on the plus sign “+”, “Add device” and add your repeater. For some reason, my scan didn’t find anything, so it’s best to add it manually. A large list will open possible devices, but we need our repeater among it. Connection instructions will begin next.

Step 5: Reset settings

The program suggests playing it safe and resetting the repeater settings to factory settings - you never know if it was connected somewhere before. Take a paper clip or a needle and insert it into this hole:

At the top is an indicator, at the bottom is a reset hole

The light will stop blinking for a while, stay on for a while, and then start again later. After that, you can click on the successful reset in the application, and it will try to find it again.

If something doesn’t work out for you during the setup process, you can safely repeat the reset procedure and start all over again.

Step 6: Network Settings

The application will find the router and existing networks. We find ours among the list, enter the password and connect the repeater to it.

The indicator will change color to permanent blue. And in the application there will be something like this with the inscription “Connected successfully”:

Step 7. Connect to the new network

The repeater worked successfully and created new network with the same name, only with a suffix _ plus. We find this network in our list wireless networks, enter the same password as for the main network - use it and rejoice.

For me, it was strange to create a separate network - other routers create a network with the same name and password without any problems, so you don’t have to re-enter the password. But here it was implemented like this. It will be more convenient when reconnecting.


It would be stupid to test the range for a home on such a small device with one antenna, but it became interesting to test it at the declared transmission speeds. So, the router and repeater are nearby. The distance to them is the same. Let's take a measurement:

At the top, the router showed something like 36 Mbit/s, but the repeater showed about 25 Mbit/s. Honestly, I didn’t expect to see even this from the Chinese. Yes, there is a cut in the channel, but overall, for such a price everything is very good.

OK it's all over Now. I hope it was useful in some way. Be sure to leave your opinion on these models in the comments! If you have problems and can’t set it up, write too, we’ll sort it out.

In this review I would like to talk about Wi-Fi signal amplifiers from Xiaomi Mi WiFi Amplifier versions 1 and 2. Why are they needed? As the name suggests, these devices connect to your Wi-Fi network in places where the signal is weak and act as a repeater. So, thanks to this device, I could connect it, for example, in the kitchen, where my signal is quite weak and use the Internet via full program. I thought...

I bought a signal amplifier Mi WiFi Amplifier 1, at that time it was the only one.

Setup is quite simple. First of all, you need to connect the signal amplifier to the router via the USB port, then, through the special Mi Home application, I saw this device and added it. In the settings, you can set a switch so that the name of the network after the repeater differs from the main one. Adding a “+” symbol at the end of the name. In my case it's not required setting and I turned it off. That's it, the repeater lit up with a blue indicator, telling me: “I am now working as an amplifier and now I will amplify everything.” By the way, the location in the application settings must be: China, otherwise the device will not connect.

In the kitchen I have a TV with a USB connector, so I think: “I’ll power it for you here.” Of course, I assumed that the USB port was not powered in standby mode, but I decided to check. It would be great not to occupy an outlet for such purposes. And, as I thought, the TV did not power it when it was turned off, so he suggested that I break it off and still use a separate outlet and a power adapter with a USB port for such needs.

I connected it, the blue LED came on, I went to the Mi Home application, and it showed me Exclamation point near the amplifier and says it doesn't work. “That’s how it is,” I think, I reboot it to be sure, but no, the same result. I look at the signal level - the device does not work. I bring it back, plug it into the router, and say: “I’m working hard and strengthening everything.” I decide to connect it not in the kitchen, where the network signal is rather weak, but in the corridor. Works! I understand that it, tritely, cannot even connect to the network in my kitchen, where the Internet more or less works with a regular smartphone. Jumping from outlet to outlet in the kitchen and looking for the optimal place to install the repeater, I simply don’t find it, because it doesn’t see the network. In the end, I had to connect it via USB cable extension cord and secure it in the kitchen aisle. Only in this place did the repeater find the network and work, but if it was slightly hidden behind the wall, it immediately stopped working.

I was actually surprised by this fact that for this device to work, it needs an almost ideal signal level, because I don’t have some kind of cottage, but an ordinary panel “kopeck piece”. I used this device for about 3 weeks, and during this time the repeater fell off several times and could not connect to the network, I had to constantly reboot.

And then Mi WiFi Amplifier version 2 comes out, in which it is stated that the power of the receiver/transmitter has been increased by 2 times, and the network speed instead of 150 mb/s will be as much as 300! Then I got excited, because my Internet speed is 60 mb/s J And to hell with Internet speed, the main thing is that it works well in the place where it’s convenient for me. Bought! Connected! What do you think? Did it help? No difference at all previous version! As a result: I connected the repeater in the bathroom, there is a good signal there, and it is located in the middle of the apartment. The signal now covers the kitchen. As an experiment, I decided to try to connect another amplifier in the kitchen, because the signal level is good, but as it turns out, the amplifier cannot connect to the signal from another amplifier, it can only connect to the signal from the router. So, if you need to cover a long distance, it is still better to use an access point that is connected via a UTP cable ( twisted pair) or a device that transmits a signal through power wires, such as, for example, Mi Power Line, which we will definitely test in another review.


Xiaomi produces a large number of useful gadgets for work and leisure. The device, the operation of which we will describe in this manual, can be useful in both the first and second cases. The Wi-Fi signal amplifier Mi WiFi Repeater 2 will help you watch a movie without “loading”, send an important document without failures big size and spend time on the Internet with pleasure. ">

Xiaomi produces a large number of useful gadgets for work and leisure. The device, the operation of which we will describe in this manual, can be useful in both the first and second cases. The Mi WiFi Repeater 2 Wi-Fi signal amplifier will help you watch a movie without loading, send an important large document without failures, and spend time on the Internet with pleasure.

The first step is to install Mi WiFi Repeater 2 in an area with poor Wi-Fi signal reception. The device is installed using USB-A port: select any familiar USB connector that will bring the amplifier into an active state (the connector itself is hidden under a protective clip).

Once connected, the indicator will blink with a yellow “eye”.

All that remains is to synchronize Mi WiFi Repeater 2 with the Wi-Fi network. For this we need a smartphone with operating system Android or iOS (versions 4.4.4 - 8.0) and the pre-installed official “Mi Home” application.

Upon initial startup:

  • after redirect to main screen menu, where all available devices will be displayed, click on the large “+ Add Device” button, after which the search for an amplifier starts;

If the search is unsuccessful, you must add the device manually:

    click on “+”;

    Among the list we find the image of Mi WiFi Repeater 2 and select it;

  • we connect the smartphone to the Internet network (if you have not already done this), determine the Wi-Fi access point, indicating the password for it;

  • After synchronizing Mi WiFi Repeater 2 with your network, click on the “Done” button. The signal will be the color of the indicator: the burning “eye” will change color from yellow to blue;

  • Connecting necessary devices(tablet, smartphone, etc.) to the newly created Wi-Fi networks(signals from the router/amplifier will be displayed as two independent networks);

  • select the new network as the signal source and enter the password from the old Wi-Fi access point;

  • Click on “Connect” and get a stable and clear signal that will allow you to “sit on torrents” all day long!

If something went wrong during synchronization.

-Givi, do you like tomatoes?
-Eat - yes. And so - no.

I have a utilitarian attitude towards Xiaomi products. I feel neither hatred nor love. The repeater in question is already the third device with the Mi brand. There is also a donated battery and a phone bought for my wife. So, I hope my review will be relatively unbiased and useful. But the device left a mixed impression.
The review will be detailed, perhaps redundant. With a bunch of pictures, harpists and iperf. Because I’ve criticized other people’s reviews of network devices too much here, it’s time to give me the opportunity to pick rotten tomatoes at myself :)
IMHO the very name WiFi Amplifier is misleading. This is not an amplifier WiFi signal, this is a repeater. What is a “repeater” in simple words? Imagine that you can’t shout from the bedroom to the kitchen. But you can put a person in the middle, in the corridor, who can hear both. And loudly repeats everything he hears.

The analogy is almost complete. Only radio signal instead of sound. The advantages, limitations and disadvantages are obvious. Very easy to deploy. It is clear that they need to be placed in the middle, where both can be clearly heard. It is clear that the speed will drop by half compared to direct visibility. The repeater must first receive, then send. And taking into account the additional pollution of the ether, it will fall even more. After all, WiFi is like a crowd in one room. Only one can broadcast at any given time. (Well, actually it’s a little more complicated, but at 2.4GHz there are only three independent channels)

So if you have an area of ​​​​uncertain reception in your apartment, I would NOT recommend such a device. You can choose a router with better antennas. Look for another place for it. Install an access point by connecting it to the router with a wire (or powerline at worst). But from my point of view, the device under review is suitable as a temporary and/or mobile solution.

Why do I need such a beast?

I thought of two usage scenarios for it, which are less convenient to execute with a second router in access point mode. Both scenarios, no doubt, are not so vital. But I’m hanging out on my own - I have the right to be funny :)

Firstly, I want there to be normal WiFi on the playground when I’m walking with the children. And my ASUS RT-N56U perfectly covers the apartment and is even visible on the playground on one side of the house. But weakly and not at all. But on the other side the house is not visible at all. Putting two more access points on window sills is unsightly. And so, before going for a walk, I plug the repeater into the power bank, or connect it to the charger, and throw it on the windowsill. It works, the signal on the street is radically better. If you don’t need it, you tear it out of the USB port and that’s it.

Secondly, as a traveling router and at the dacha I use the NEXX WT3220 with alternative firmware. Whose native antennas are weak and at the dacha from the one connected to it hard drive watch cartoons with USB disk not possible from anywhere. The idea is to plug the repeater next to or directly into NEXX, and not bother with soldering external antennas to a small router.

Previously there were reviews on Muska

Both reviews are quite laconic, I personally didn’t have enough details - that’s why I decided to try it.


September 08, 2017 ordered, 13 shipped, 30 received. There was an option for free trackless delivery, but I decided to pay an additional $1.87 for the track. On the 19th I asked where the track information was. Received in response: "Please note that the selected shipping method for this order Post service WITHOUT tracking, which is the most economical method. Sometimes delivery time...". In this case, he offered to return the money for shipping with a track first. The next day, information about the parcel appeared on 17track, which satisfied me.


A gray bag with a pimply inside, inside a commercial translucent bag, it contains a whistle in a rather hard and very light shell. Commercial packaging is respectable, transport packaging is adequate.


The repeater looks very attractive, the designers did a fair job. The plastic is matte, the logo is glossy, the surface of the case is slightly recessed. The connector bends on the hinge in both directions by about 95°. Two holes - for an LED and a Reset button. The LED is yellow until the repeater is configured, blue when everything is in order.


After squeezing out the water, under* my notes
  • Frequency range (MHz) 2.4 / 2400-2483.5mhz *means MHz. The difference between M(ega) and m(illi) is unclear for Chinese marketers
  • Transfer speed: 300 Mbit/s *Highly theoretical - this simply means the presence of 2 built-in antennas. But since both reception and transmission are via WiFi, we divide it in half even before other losses.
  • Transmission delay (μs) ≤0.5 μs * I can’t check half a microsecond, but I confirm that it is negligible. Ping through the router directly is 3 ms, through the repeater - also 3
  • Connector type N-Female *Which is complete nonsense, there are no connectors
  • network connection: only 3G *Nonsense again, 3G just doesn’t smell
  • Special block usb power supply* Power supply not included in delivery, power supply 5B via standard USB 2.0 Type A male connector
  • * current consumption about 0.14A
  • Weight 30 g *25 g
  • *Dimensions length with/without cap for USB 120/119
  • *Width 30.5
  • *Thickness 9
on the manufacturer's website.

Plug and pray

I don’t like any branded non-standard applications. Life is too short to learn a separate interface for each manufacturer. And I especially don’t like people trying to gain access to all the functions of my smartphone. Naturally, this repeater was going to be configured via the web interface. I’m used to the fact that even an ESP8266 device with a brain the size of a poppy seed can create a web server for its setup.

1 act. I turned it on, saw the new network, what IP? Google didn’t help - everyone writes only through the application.

Well, for particularly arrogant applications I have a hardware sandbox - an old Gnusmas tablet. SM-T311, Android 4.2.2. I go to Play - hell, it’s not compatible. Although Android for MiHome seems to need from 4.0, and Samsung seems to be a fairly well-known manufacturer...

Okay, on my Wileyfox Swift 2x Android is fresh, 7.1. I have already learned to ask permission about applications at the time of the first attempt. So I simply won’t allow you to call if anything happens. I install the application from Play. Some kind of crap, half in Chinese, half in English. Well, I choose an American server. I register some kind of MI account, I don’t need it for nothing. I can't configure the repeater. I download the application using the QR code from the packaging. The language is better, Russian appears. I still can’t configure the repeater. I take my wife’s phone, Xiaomi redme 3s - it seems to be racially correct - the same crap. I download the adapted version from 4pda to my phone again - without results.

The application requires you to log into your Mi account, then it sees the repeater, offers to configure it, asks for a name and WiFi password point that will be repeated, spins up to 89%, crashes on timeout

Screenshots of this misery

When you try to add a device manually, it asks you to reset the repeater, then sees it, then the priest had a dog.

That's why I don't like all these magical settings for housewives. Even from Apple.

Act 2 Okay, I'll see what's on the air. It turns out that if you carry out two connection cycles, but at the end of the second the repeater lights up the blue LED, clings to my router and creates an access point with the _plus suffix. Although he tells the application that nothing happened.

I go to the IP repeater - I don’t find any http or https servers to configure. Well, the dog is with him. Works.

By the way, the fact that it creates a separate SSID, and does not spit into the same one, is pleasing. We will see this in the 1st series of tests.

Intermission. I smoked. I’m not the only one, there’s enough screaming that it doesn’t work. The advice boils down to changing your phone, location, gender and age and trying again.

Act 3 I put Mainland China in the same application. The position asks you to re-enter your login password. Then it completely changes the interface. Half-Russian, half-Chinese. I also renamed the hieroglyphs in Reater

But in the Chinese version, the application detects the repeater without any problems

In this mode you can even change the name of the access point

There is even a proposal to enable WiFi roaming (so that the repeater uses the same SSID that the router created). But when I try to turn it on, it doesn't work.

Well, that’s true - Xiaomi software - without any glitches?


Episode 1 - in the room. The airwaves are very polluted, special thanks to MGTS for the unused points in each apartment, but the signal of my router is more than 10dB stronger than any neighbor’s.

Mike24 and MikeGuest - my 2.4GHz networks from the ASUS RT-N56U router, padavan firmware It’s 5 meters away, and the Xiaomi repeater is a meter away.

I run iperf3 as a server on the NAS (connected via gigabit to the router) - iperf3 -s
I'm loading the Magic iperf program on Android (it can handle both versions 2 and 3)
I run iperf3 three times:

  • via repeater (16.9-16.6 Mbit/s)
  • via a router with an active repeater (30.8-30.6 Mbit/s)
  • via a router with the repeater turned off (32.4-32.1 Mbit/s)

That is, upon access through the repeater the speed drops roughly 2 times - as it should be. I was more interested How bad is a repeater if it's not used?, and the smartphone is connected directly to the router. It turns out that he shits, but not much, just a little - less than 5% speed is lost. It's nice. IMHO if the repeater had not created its own SSID, but spat on the same one, the picture would have been much worse.

However, the repeater usage scenario is surfing. Therefore, let's look at the speed test - through the router and through the repeater.

It can be seen that in the speed test the speed drop is noticeable, but in reception it is far from double. I can assume that the developers somehow optimized the reception at the expense of the transmission, well, well done. Once again, I’m happy to note that the repeater does not add ping.

Note As you can see in the picture above, the repeater creates a new SSID on the same channel as the cloned SSID. What happens if you change the channel on the main router after this? It turns out that the repeater immediately switches to a new channel. I was hoping it would be possible to smash it. At least in the case of empty air somewhere in the country, it may make sense.

Episode 2
A repeater on the window sill, behind it a double-glazed window, a loggia, more glazing, but a regular grille, and 40 meters of air.

Additional Information

They have been laying asphalt for the second month now - they waited until the rains came...

Plus the terrible WiFi mess of the Moscow courtyard. (And here is some Matilda... How to live.)

Tomorrow it’s even worse - the phone loses connection, iperf doesn’t see the server.

Note I came home from work - my old two-cell battery marked 5200mAh was completely drained.

Cloudy photos

At 0.14A for 10 hours the claims are clearly not to the repeater, but to my ancient battery

Episode 3
I move the repeater to the windowsill of the loggia - fiberglass is minus. Quite working speeds.

Episode 4
I plug the repeater into the USB port of the NEXX WT3220H microrouter

This is not in the picture, but I connect its LAN port to local network and feed him food. I configure the repeater to copy the SSID of this router.

I think he’ll kill me twice again. But no, the speeds are monstrous

I believe the problem is interference between the closely spaced antennas of the router and repeater. That is, they cannot be placed closely.

Inner world

I didn’t break the repeater,

Visible mt7628kn
This is a whole router on a chip - up to a 5-port 100 Mbit switch and a PCI-E interface

What kind of memory and how much is not clear. The J1 nickels are visible, looking very much like a serial interface. About alternative firmware I didn’t google anything.

Only power comes from USB. So in vain I'm in Linux machine poked and looked at the dmesg exhaust - there was silence. This means that the repeater negotiates with the native router via WiFi.

Back door

I'm not much of a hacker, but I looked at the IP in the router and knocked. There is no SSH, but there is telnet:((

I didn’t google the password online. But telnet, Karl!


1. The animal works as expected, allowing you to quickly expand your WiFi access zone with minimal effort and resources.
2. At the same time, as befits a repeater, the speed is approximately half that of a direct connection.
3. The very presence of the device pollutes the broadcast slightly - the speed when directly connected to the router with the repeater turned on and off is close.
4. The application is not without glitches - but did anyone expect anything different? But the hardware is working and has a very decent design.
5. Using the device as a crutch antenna for a microrouter ended in failure. The repeater should not be placed close to the router.
6. Passage yard from a security point of view - not only is the firmware updated without the owner’s knowledge, but also telnet access from my local network.

Looking from my bell tower, I would not advise buying such a device to solve its main task - providing high-quality and wide WiFi coverage. But for the inexperienced user, the ease of use can easily outweigh the disadvantages. If the main router from Xiaomi with native firmware is so special. Or if you're luckier than I am with application glitches.

I’ll have a hundred other strange little things lying around in my drawer in case I need a quick crutch solution like throwing my home WiFi outside or hooking up in a hotel to a point visible only from one corner of the room.

Well, in a nutshell, excellent hardware and software -

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