
I forgot my mail password. How to recover deleted mail ru Mail. Additional mailbox and e-mail forwarding

Don't worry! If your profile contains an email or phone number, you can easily recover the password yourself. How to recover your password if you have a registered number, you can read here. You can find out how to reset your password if you have an email address in your profile here. If you still cannot recover your password or no data is registered in your profile, please contact the Support Service. Please note that recovery through Help Desk may take some time. Also, the Support Service may request additional data, while with self-recovery you will be in your profile in a minute. It’s a pity, but there are no other recovery methods yet, because it would be sad if the password or login could be easily obtained. Don't worry! If you really are the owner of the profile, then the Support Service will definitely help you. Soon everything will be OK!

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How to recover email

This article talks about how to make an email and how to recover email from Mail.Ru, Yandex or Google.

Actually, why could this happen?

You haven't checked your email for a long time.

The fact is that in order to free up space on servers, as well as email addresses, the Mail.Ru administration decided to delete mailboxes that have never been logged in over the past three months.

In this case, the account is automatically deleted from the servers. You can still restore it for some time. True, this restoration cannot be considered complete, since all your letters and settings will be erased.

Only Mail.Ru allows itself to do this, so if a similar situation may arise in your life, we advise you to move to another postal service.

Unfortunately, it is a very common and unpleasant problem. In such cases, it is possible to restore mail...

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How to restore Odnoklassniki without a phone number

Previously, there were different methods for restoring a page for Odnoklassniki (email, security question and answer, using a phone number). But on this moment the Odnoklassniki administration considered that it was necessary to leave the most reliable recovery method - recovery using mobile number phone number to which the confirmation code is sent. It must be entered on the computer screen. But it happens that the phone is lost, in another country, or for some other reason that there is no access to the phone number indicated on the page. What to do in this case?

Restoring a page without a number mobile phone, which was indicated on the page, is now only possible by contacting the Odnoklassniki support service. There are no other methods. You can even ask Odnoklassniki support about this.

To make an effective appeal, immediately prepare the following information so that it...

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Open the special form to reset your password. This process will begin automatically if your account There is neither a phone number nor a second email address attached that could be used to recover the password. The form you fill out will be checked by a staff member. Google(so you are unlikely to have access to your account immediately). If you make a mistake while filling out the form, you can fill it out several more times.

Enter an email address that you have access to. This is where you will receive a response regarding your completed form, so please make sure you can open this Mailbox. If you don't have another email address, create one.

Please indicate the last time you were able to log into your Google account, access to which you are trying to restore. No need to specify exact time, but the closer you get to the data Google servers, all the better.

Please indicate when...

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How to recover your Odnoklassniki password if you have forgotten or lost it? Agree, quite often you hear from friends and relatives the phrases “forgot the password for my page” or “forgot the password from.” And the site is no exception in this case.

We would like to say right away - this instruction suitable for those who really forgot their password. Those users of the Odnoklassniki social network who simply want to change their Odnoklassniki password can do this by reading our article at the link.

How to recover a forgotten password on Odnoklassniki

You can recover your Odnoklassniki password, as we already wrote in the article about restoring the Odnoklassniki page, in two ways - by indicating your email address or phone number. Accordingly, in the first case, you will receive a letter with a password to your email address that you specified during recovery, and in the second, A temporary password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number...

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Today we decided to talk about how you can recover data from your mailbox on the Mail service. Many users know that Post service Mail is one of the most popular sites in our country. The service appeared relatively long ago; at that time, even connecting to the Internet was made through ancient dial-up modems, and from this it can be revealed that only a small part of the population used the Internet. But today, the majority of users choose this particular mail service, since in reality registering on it is quite simple, and the plus is that after registration the user gets the opportunity to use not only his mail, but also other services that are provided this is a major project. Another important advantage is that provides truly high-quality services for its users. There are many different reasons why you can...

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You will need

Personal Computer; - registration on


A page on may be blocked by the site administration due to spam sent from your account to other users. If you are not a spammer or a hacker of your own profile, then, most likely, attackers have tried here, the main protection against which is to change the password and then resume access to the profile.

The page restoration procedure is simple and takes a few seconds. To start it, you need to click on the link “Forgot?” on the main page of the website in the mailbox next to the “Password” line. (it is located above the “Login” button) and follow the prompts of the wizard that opens in the next window.

Here you will be asked to provide your username. If, of course, you remember him. You can also get to the page for restoring access to e-mail and all site resources by typing the following in the address bar...

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Answer a secret question - enter the correct answer to the question, the code from the picture and click “Recover Password”. If the answer is correct, you will be prompted to enter New Password from this mailbox. If you don't remember the answer to your security question, click "I don't remember the answer" - you will be prompted alternative way recovery; Send a link to recover your password to an additional e-mail address- select the e-mail address to which you want to send the recovery link and click “Recover”. A link will be sent to the selected address, by clicking on which you can change the password for your mailbox. If you don't have...

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The portal offers its users many convenient services that greatly facilitate their virtual existence. One of these convenient functions is email, without which it is impossible to perform any actions on the Internet, be it registration on a website or online purchases. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to restore your mail if it is unavailable or you have deactivated your account yourself.

Recovery after deletion

So, you deleted your mailbox, but then changed your mind and now want to have access to it again. What do I need to do?

The answer is simple: go to the website and enter your username and correct password in the account login field. This way, you will again gain access to your mailbox, but the information that was stored on it will not be restored.

What to do if you forgot your password?

To do this, you will need instructions on how to recover your mail password. Ways to do it...

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How to recover your email password, what to do if you forgot your email password . These questions arise frequently and can be resolved quickly and easily. You will find the answer in the article.

Indeed, we often rely on memory, but sometimes it fails at the most inopportune moment. I always remembered my email password, but when I needed to log in urgently, I forgot.

Friends, there is nothing wrong with this, anyone can forget. To prevent this from happening in the future, we will consider three issues at once.

Where is it convenient to store passwords and how to create them strong password.

We will analyze the first in detail, and the second and third, look at the links below, everything is explained there in detail.

How to recover your email password quickly?

The password recovery process that we will consider is suitable for recovering a password from any email.

But you must remember that when registering your mail, you entered a security question and a secret answer to it, as well as your main phone number.

You must save this data, as it will be needed to restore access.

Please keep this information in a safe place. Where - read HERE.

Let's take my email as an example. [email protected]

Let's say I forgot my login password.

We log into Yandex mail (or another) for which we forgot the password, a window will open as in the picture below:

At the very bottom, click “I can’t log in”, the following window opens as in the picture:

We insert your login or email address to which there is no access, enter the code from the captcha below and click “Next”.

The following window opens, look at the picture:

Here we must enter the phone number that you indicated when registering your mail.

The phone number is entered in the format +3 8 050 111 11 11 (for Ukraine, you enter yours). A code will be sent to this number to confirm that the mail belongs to you. Picture below:

Click “Confirm” and go to a window where we must enter a new password, repeat it below and click “Next”

After that, we get to the last window with a pleasant message - “Password has been successfully changed”:

There are classic mail recovery methods and a few unofficial time-saving hacks. Let's start with them.

How to view your saved password in your browser

It may happen that some browser remembers your password. That is, you forgot your password, but the browser remembers. This is expressed in the fact that when you go to in one of the browsers, you do not need to enter your login and password, since you are already logged in and access your mail from this browser freely. How can I find out this password?

Google Chrome

Go here chrome://settings/passwords (enter this into your browser's address bar as the site address).

Find the line and click the “Show” button.

You will be asked to enter the password that you enter when you turn on your computer or laptop, and after that the Mail password will be displayed.


If you are lucky enough to remain logged in to any Firefox browser on a PC or laptop, then look for the password in the settings.

  • In the settings, on the “Protection” tab, click the “Saved Logins” button.

View saved password in Firefox
  • A window will open with a list of sites, saved logins and passwords.
  • Find the line and click “Display passwords”. You will see the password.

If suddenly you do not understand the instructions, look good video with pictures

  • 0:41 about chrome
  • 1:21 about Mozilla

Classic restoration

If you indicated your phone number or backup email address, you will receive a password, don’t worry. If not, then the result is in question: you will have to fill out a long questionnaire in your mailbox, send the application and wait for the result. Depending on whether you filled out the form correctly, you will either be allowed to reset your password or not. (The questionnaire contains questions about the topics and recipients of your correspondence, time of entry into the mailbox, former passwords, etc.)

By phone number or backup address

This is the simplest and reliable way, so I advise you to indicate your phone number. Using it you will always restore access to your mail if you have forgotten your password.

  • Click the "Forgot your password?" link.

If you indicated an email address, but did not indicate a phone number, then everything is the same, only the code will be sent to the email address.

Pay attention to the small links below: “I don’t see the code”, “I don’t have access to the specified phone number”, etc. If you don't see the code, you will be shown another code. If there is no access to the phone, then you will proceed either to receiving a code using a backup email address or to a questionnaire that is very difficult to fill out. More on this later.

No phone number or backup mailing address

Take a breath and sit back. A difficult quest awaits you. It is better, of course, to recover the password using the above methods, but if there is no way out, then.
You may have asked a security question. For example, what is your dog's name, mother's maiden name, etc. In old accounts, Mile asked for a security question for a long time. Try to answer.
If it doesn’t work out, then you will have to take a questionnaire. It consists of two pages. If you cannot fill out some fields, this does not mean that everything is over, you can submit the form. But it is not a fact that the mail will be restored.

First page – basic information: name, date of birth, when registered:

The second is about the contents of the correspondence:

Try to remember as much as possible. If you remember some other feature confirming that the box is yours, add it to the last field. The result will depend on this questionnaire. Click "Submit" and provide contact details where you can be reached.

How to restore mail if you forgot your login

If your personal email login information is lost, it can be restored. How this can be done and what is required for this will be discussed in this material.

If you have problems accessing e-mail, you will need to perform data recovery. It is worth noting that the algorithm for each individual service is almost identical. The differences will depend on what data was forgotten. For example, if you only forgot your password, then, as a rule, you only need to provide a phone number so that the system will send a message with a confirmation code that the user is the owner of the account. But if all the data was lost, in this case the recovery procedure will be somewhat more complicated. In general, you will need to answer security questions or by feedback.

Important! None of the popular email services can recover your old password. Mailers only offer to reset the old key and replace it with a new one.

Recovery methods

Let's look at the most common email recovery options.

We use a phone number

By phone number. This method is characterized by the fact that to reset the key you will need to enter the phone number that was specified when registering your account. A verification code will be sent to it to verify that the person is the account owner. For example, in Gmail you can specify a main number and an additional number, in case one of them is not accessible.

Backup copy

Through backup mail . When using this method, a backup e-mail is used, where a link to reset the key is sent.

Security Question

Using a security question. The method involves answering the security question that was asked during registration. Typically this is the mother's maiden name, date of birth, pet's name, etc.

Recovery Questionnaire

Using fill recovery questionnaires. Some services offer users to recover data using a questionnaire. This option will be acceptable if you have forgotten your username and password. It requires you to indicate the following information: the approximate time of account registration, the last password with which you successfully logged in, etc.
The system will conduct automatic check entered information, if some of the information matches, then it is proposed to restore access. It is important to know that a profile check can be carried out as in automatic mode, and sent to technical support— it all depends on the specific service.

Technical support

Contact technical support. This option, like the previous one, will be acceptable if you have forgotten your login and password. In this case, you will need to fill out a feedback form with a request to return access to your account. In this case, you need to provide some information: an approximate password (if you remember), phone number, etc. mail recovery - domestic search system, which offers users the mail service “ Mail”. The service offers only two recovery options, let's look at each of them.

  • go to home page search engine;
  • select “Forgot your password”;
  • after on new page enter your email username;
  • provided that you do not remember the password, next to the captcha input field select “ I don't remember the answer»;
  • We fill out a special form where you need to indicate data, an approximate password, an approximate registration date, etc. The questionnaire is sent to technical support for verification. If some information matches, it is proposed to perform a recovery.

Yandex Mail

Another domestic search engine that allows you to create email. Compared to the previous one, there are more options for returning access; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Using a verified phone number:

Using a backup email address:

  • If in the previous option it was not possible to return access, click “ Another recovery method»;
  • enter the additional e-mail address and click “Get code”;
  • A message with the necessary information is sent to the backup mailbox.

Security Question:

  • if the previous option also could not help, select “ Another way»;
  • then a new window will open where the user prompted to enter an answer to the security question specified during registration;
  • after entering, if everything was specified correctly, a form for changing the password will appear.

Contact us technical service:


One of the most popular mailers. It is also the key to access various Google services. It should be noted that when restoring access to this mail, there are some difficulties. This is expressed in the fact that Google requires enough a large number of information and it is advisable to indicate it as accurately as possible.

Gaining access using the standard form:


Another domestic service that invites users to register a mailbox. Next, consider the recovery option:

Contact support:

Recovery if a mailbox is deleted

To restore a deleted mailbox you will need contact support users. To do this, you need to fill out the feedback form and provide information deleted account: username, password, registration date, etc. It is important to know that you can restore your account in this way only if no more than a month has passed since the deletion.

It is worth noting that before contacting support, you can simply try logging into your account. Some services allow you to cancel account deletion within two weeks in this way.

How to remember your email address

Let's look at how to remember your email address:

  1. « Cookies" If your email was recently registered, you can use the Cookies checker. Cookies store entered data on websites. IN Google Chrome You can open these files as follows: click “Settings”, “Show additional settings" and "Personal information". In Opera you can view cookies as follows: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “All cookies”. IN Mozilla browser: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “History”;
  2. Websites, where the user specified mail. Most often, it is indicated when registering on any resources: online stores, social media etc. You can also find out the address by contacting the support of this resource;
  3. Ask friends. Some users can communicate and send files via email. You can ask your friends for their e-mail address;
  4. Using an email program;
  5. If you used e-mail in email programs such as Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, then the address can be found in the application settings.

Problems with access to arise for various reasons - the user has forgotten the password, login, or the mailbox has been hacked and important data has been changed. The question of how to recover your mail password can be solved in several ways, described below. The easiest way to restore your account is to use the number cell phone or the answer to one of the suggested security questions, if the account owner has not forgotten it.

Ways to recover a forgotten password

There are several options for action here. Everything will depend on what data you provided when registering the mailbox. This could be answering a security question, using a mobile phone, mail for forwarding, or contacting the service staff directly for support. Let's consider each of the options.

Answer to security question

You can start restoring directly from the login window. You need to act according to the standard scheme:

Please note that the described credential recovery is only suitable for emails that have not been used in the last three days. Otherwise, you will either have to wait or use another method.

Additional mailbox and e-mail forwarding

When registering with, the user can specify a different email address, which, in case of problems, will allow him to receive a new password. Working with this tool is also very simple:

Forwarding letters from the current mail to another can also be configured. Then, if the account owner has forgotten the password, he will only need to write down the forwarding address in the required field, where he will subsequently receive a letter with a link to change the password.

Here you will be asked to check your current personal data with those available on the server. In the future, in a similar situation, this will help you quickly recover your password. If everything is correct, click “Yes”, then “Continue”, after which you can change your credentials.

Entering a cell phone number

This is a simple and reliable method that can be used if the user has forgotten his credentials, but entered his mobile phone during registration. For this:

This confirmation method is one of the most reliable, so if you did not indicate your phone number during registration, you can correct this at any time by doing the following:

  1. Go to your email settings;
  2. In the personal data section, enter your current number by clicking on the add phone button;
  3. After about 5 minutes or earlier, you will receive a confirmation code, which you immediately enter in the appropriate field.

Using the phone number in, you can not only recover the password if necessary if the owner has forgotten the email, but also link the account to the phone, which will make the mailbox better protected from hacking. If necessary, you can always delete the added number by going to the settings page.

Restoring a forgotten login

This problem does not happen so often - after all, users forget the login much less often than their password. Nevertheless, restore the login somehow in a standard way or even contacting the service administration is usually impossible. This is exactly what employees themselves answer in the help section of the service to the question: “Can I make a request from you to restore my mailbox?”

Therefore, when you need to restore your login from, you will have to rely only on yourself and the friends with whom you corresponded. Contact them in some way and write that, for example, I cannot do the job because of a forgotten email name. Most likely, your colleagues will be able to find the lost mailbox in the correspondence list and tell you the forgotten login.

Contacting support

This method will help you recover your password, and perhaps sometimes your login, when the user not only forgot this information, but did not indicate a phone number during registration, an additional e-mail, and does not remember the answer to the security question. Before contacting the support service, create a new mailbox, the login of which should preferably be selected on in order to have a channel for communication with service specialists.

You can send a request to to reset your password using a special form:

Below, describe in as much detail as possible the data that you can remember:

  • names of folders other than the standard ones that you yourself created for your account;
  • the latest incoming and outgoing letters, the date of their departure and recipients;
  • approximate year or time period from the moment of account registration, etc.

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