
Why do people use the Internet? Why do people use the Internet? Virtual communication has replaced real communication

Today, most people cannot imagine their existence without the Internet. It has entered our lives very firmly and has long ago become not just entertainment, but a necessity, a modern reality that cannot be avoided.

According to statistics:

The benefits of the Internet for humans

Most people, especially netizens, would agree with the statement that the Internet is a great achievement of humanity. It is an inexhaustible source of information, helps to obtain the necessary knowledge and solve complex problems. The World Wide Web will help you become smarter, more erudite, and teach you many interesting things.

In addition, the benefit of the Internet is that it seems to erase the boundaries between countries or even continents. People can communicate without problems, even if they are thousands of kilometers away from each other. The World Wide Web makes it possible to find new friends or even love.

Time on the Internet can be usefully spent watching programs, gaining new knowledge, and mastering foreign languages. Some even manage to use it to get a new profession or get a job. Good work. And the Internet itself can become a stable source of income. Over the past few years, many professions related specifically to the World Wide Web have appeared.

Harm of the Internet to health

Of course, the benefits of the network are enormous and you can’t argue with that. However, the harm of the Internet can be considerable. First of all, when it comes to the harmful effects of the World Wide Web, Internet addiction comes to mind. But this is not just some mythical term.

It has been scientifically proven that about 10% of Internet users are addicted to it, and a third of them consider the Internet to be as important as home, food and water. In South Korea, China and Taiwan, Internet addiction is already regarded as a national problem.

However, this is not the only thing that can harm the Internet. Staying at the monitor for too long does not have the best effect on your vision, and staying in incorrect positions for a long time has a detrimental effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Many teenagers spend most of their time online, and not only their free time. It's no secret that the Internet makes doing homework much easier.

By solving many problems and finding the necessary information using the Internet, children not only learn new things, but also put less and less strain on their brains. Why spend hours racking your brain over a complex example or remembering the right formula or rule if the answer can be found on the World Wide Web.

However, this is not where the harm of the Internet for children manifests itself. The World Wide Web is filled with information (pornography, scenes of violence) that can harm a fragile child’s psyche. In addition, constantly being in the virtual world, children lose the need and ability to communicate with real people. Spinal diseases, visual impairment, lead to neurological problems.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, parents need to monitor their children and clearly define the time they can spend on the Internet. You need to check what exactly they are viewing and reading. Well, you can protect your child from negative information by installing filters or special programs.

Not everyone uses the Internet to the best of its capabilities and does not understand its purpose. Now every second person uses it and this is considered normal. I will consider the main reasons why the Internet is needed by the common man.

To search for information

Searching for information is the most popular way Internet use. Almost everyone needs it for this very reason. To search for it, a browser is used - this is a search engine. You enter a request and get the necessary (or almost) information about it:

It is very convenient and fast, unlike other sources of information. The whole point of creating the Internet is sharing it. If you want to receive the necessary and relevant information, then you need to be able to use the search.

To communicate with people

The Internet has made it possible to communicate without leaving home with all your relatives, colleagues, friends or just strangers. Thanks to this opportunity, many people need it specifically for comfortable communication. It is provided by various platforms:

Forums are a place where a crowd of people discuss a certain topic.

They are usually not answered immediately. You have to wait for someone to read and respond. Example, forum about cats:

Blogs are a place where a person tells others about his passion, hobby, work or life.

Here people with common interests like the one who runs the blog gather and communicate with him. Example, blog about cats:

Chats are instant messaging (Icq).

Usually those who just like to talk communicate in chat rooms. Conversations usually happen quickly. Example, anonymous chat on a website:

This is a combination of the above platforms for communication. It all comes together here. Example, Pavel Durov’s VKontakte page:

The most popular is Skype. People often use it to communicate with relatives with whom they cannot meet for a long time. Example, communication on Skype:

Registration is almost always required to communicate. A lot of people use this.

For fun

The Internet is also used for entertainment. There are many in various ways do it. The main entertainments are:

  1. Computer games - now there are games for every taste. Everyone can find something interesting and exciting for themselves.
  2. Music - millions of people listen to almost any music online every day. It's very convenient and almost always free.
  3. Video is also a popular form of entertainment. Many people watch various films, shows and TV programs.

For profitable purchases

Advanced users use the Internet for profitable purchases. It is very convenient to order a cheap item from abroad and receive it at the nearest post office:

Look at the difference in mouse prices (top in Russia, bottom abroad). From abroad 2 times cheaper + free shipping.

Now almost every store has its own website, from which you can order the same product as in the store itself, but with delivery. However, almost all goods are cheaper to order from abroad, as you can see, and for many people the Internet is needed precisely for such profitable purchases.

For permanent work

The smallest proportion of users use the Internet for work. About 1% of all. Nevertheless, she needs it too.

The most popular profession on the Internet is a web master.

Web master is a person who develops websites or applications, creates his own projects on the Internet. The webmaster's ultimate goal is to earn income from his projects.

There are a lot of professions on the Internet, just like in real life. The main ones:

  1. Administrator - monitors the operation of the site/sites. Responsible for the entire website or other project.
  2. Moderator - most often found on forums, checks user messages and makes sure that the rules of the forum or other project are not violated.
  3. Content manager is a person who searches and publishes information on the site.
  4. A copywriter is a person who writes unique articles for websites. Then he sells them.

And many more. It is worth noting that working on the Internet is no less difficult than in real life.

Of course, each individual person needs the Internet for different purposes, but in general it was created to simplify our lives and make it better.

Look interesting video how a businessman talks about the Internet.

What do you use the Internet for?

July 8, 2016

The Internet is something without which it is now difficult to imagine a modern person and computer. The World Wide Web has become an integral part of everyday life and has attracted the interest of the vast majority of the population. But what is the Internet for? Let's say at work or at home. How can you use it? Is it really necessary for modern people?

"Game Box"

Of course, if some technology has taken root in modern world, it automatically becomes important to the population. But why do you need the Internet? Is it really almost impossible to do without it?

The thing is that a computer without the World Wide Web, according to users, is an empty, useless box of games. And then we are talking about standard toys. After all, without the Internet this moment a small number of applications are functioning. This means that without this component, a computer often turns out to be a useless machine. It gives special capabilities to the user, only to an incomplete extent.

In addition, the World Wide Web, as already mentioned, is part of the life of a modern person. You can do without it, but not for long. And not in all cases. So why do you need the Internet? How are you able to use it at work and at home?

Search for information

In general, the World Wide Web is designed to search for information. And absolutely anyone. This is exactly how you can use the Internet. You just need to open your browser, then enter your request in the address bar and wait.

In principle, on the Internet you can find any data that only interests you: for general development, for work, and for training. It turns out that the World Wide Web is used as a virtual encyclopedia. This option is constantly encountered in practice. It is combined with other methods of application, but is the most common.

Did you need to clarify something while working? The Internet will help! Just “ask a question” in the browser - and here it is, the answer! The World Wide Web is an excellent assistant in any activity: both in work and in learning. Remember this fact!

Communication support

What is the Internet for? Don't forget that users have incredible opportunities on the Internet. They are used to using them to the maximum. One of the uses of the Internet is... communication!

The thing is that there are various programs and sites for virtual correspondence. Very often they are used for work. For example, searching for employees, conducting interviews, webinars with colleagues, negotiations with clients.

You can communicate not only for work purposes, but also for your own pleasure. Help here social media. This is also a common scenario that users practice every day. It is perhaps difficult to imagine a modern person who does not communicate World Wide Web for one reason or another!

Uploading data

That's not all! Why do you need the Internet, in addition to the already listed scenarios? To download data! It doesn't matter which ones. These can be programs, electronic documents, utilities, applications, and so on.

In principle, downloading data from the World Wide Web also happens all the time. Moreover, for work purposes, and for training, and for recreation. This also includes such an item as the exchange of information between users.

Do you need to transfer an electronic file for work purposes? Then simply send it to your client/interlocutor via the Internet. This is done either by email or using so-called instant messengers (communication programs). An alternative option is to use social networks. Now it’s clear why you need the Internet at work. But the use of the World Wide Web does not end there either!

This is my job

Why do you need the Internet? As practice shows, in Lately it helps to work. Moreover, we are not talking about searching for information or exchanging data. The World Wide Web can give you a direct place to work. It is “distance employment” that is now gaining momentum. Home work, the results of which can be transmitted over the Internet, is what interests the population.

Most often, this type of activity is carried out by freelancers. Usually, special labor exchanges are used for this - sites on which people can perform certain work for a fee. For example, translations, writing texts, leaving comments on certain web resources. So the World Wide Web is not always used as entertainment or a large unlimited encyclopedia. Sometimes it is able to provide people with employment and further work activity. The main thing is to know where to start!

Let's have fun

What is it needed for fast internet? Now providers offer enormous speed on the World Wide Web. And users are happy to connect themselves with faster and more profitable offers. But why does this happen?

The Internet is often used as a means of entertainment. And we are talking exclusively about games - you have every right download this or that toy, install it on your computer, and then play. Please note - some applications are purchased (there are electronic copies instead of regular disks). And even in this case, you are often required to have an Internet connection to exchange data with other players, as well as simply for the program to function.

But fast Internet is what is needed when it comes to online games. To run them, an Internet connection is required. And the faster your Internet, the better game will work. And in general, a fast connection to the World Wide Web allows you to instantly download large amounts of information. Just what modern users need!

So we figured out why the Internet is needed in this or that case. To be honest, it’s hard to imagine a modern computer without it. Most of the functions of this technology are lost if there is no connection to the World Wide Web. You can see that the Internet is a huge data warehouse that allows people to communicate virtually and also exchange information!

We spend so much time on the Internet, but we hardly realize that most of it is simply lost. There are many good ways investment of time. This article will provide you with a list of productive things that you can do on the Internet for your benefit.

"The Internet can be a very positive step towards education, self-organization and participation in a meaningful society." - Noam Chomsky.

Thanks to Internet technologies, people from different parts of the world can connect with each other, find out what is happening on the other side globe, within seconds, and access information about any location around the world. Most of us use the Internet for online games, chat with friends, share photos on social networks and download songs, games and movies!

And only very few of us actually use the Internet to our advantage. It's huge information base, there are so many good sites that provide educational and educational content. There are so many ways on the internet that can help us earn money, and there are so many sites where we can learn something new. Let's use the Internet to explore ideas, gain knowledge, and enrich our lives by doing something productive online.

Productive ways to spend time online

✦ Take academic courses and improve your skills. These online courses are convenient because they do not require you to go to class. They can be done from the comfort of your home. So choose courses that interest you and update your skills and knowledge. Online certifications can also be added to your resume when looking for a job.

✦ Download e-books, audio books or read them on the Internet. Reading is one of the most productive ways to spend time online.

✦ Use the Internet to find answers to questions related to everyday life. From interior design and renovation to interpersonal relationships, there are many sources that will give you sound advice.

✦ The Internet is a good source to learn how the world works. How government works, how to grow an economy, how the universe was created and how man plans to explore space, there are many sites that will tell you how the world works.

✦ If you are a person of action, you can find online resources to help you. Similar questions: how to get rid of stains on clothes or how to paint a room, how to solve a problem with a computer or how to repair a broken car engine, answers to all these questions are available on the Internet.

✦ The Internet provides a good platform to learn a new language. Starting from the basics, you can progress to advanced levels by studying online language courses and textbooks.

✦ Participation in online quizzes will test your general knowledge. There are many IQ tests available on the Internet. Plus, there are tests to test your typing speed, language proficiency, general awareness, and even your aptitude and personality type. Take these tests and quizzes; they are a great, productive way to spend time online.

✦ Use social media to do more than just share pictures and messages about what's going on in your life. Use these sites to connect with like-minded people. Join groups, communities or forums of interest and share your knowledge and ideas on these platforms.

✦ Follow the blog or Twitter of people who inspire you, get their opinions on current political and social issues. Use online resources to become more aware of the world around you.

✦ There are sites that allow users to exercise their cognitive abilities. Use these sources to develop your intelligence.

✦ Watch cooking videos on sites like YouTube to learn new recipes and treat yourself to something new and tasty.

✦ Visit self-help sites and those with inspirational content. Read them to motivate yourself after a bad day at work, during a bad time in life, or to help you feel more positive about life. Success stories of ordinary people and inspiring stories of famous people in various fields can give you new hope.

✦ Start blogging and express yourself. Write about what you know and what interests you. Help spread knowledge online by posting informative content. Or use your blog to entertain readers by posting interesting things or something creative.

✦ Online shopping saves the time and effort required when visiting shopping centers or stores, and all purchases can be made while sitting at home. Plus, there's a lot advantageous offers that will help you save money.

✦ Take a virtual tour anywhere in the world using Yandex Street Panorama, or Google Street View. These sources can also help you plan the actual trip.

✦ Do your hobby online. Find information about what you want to do, things that interest you, and participate in fun activities that interest you. There are many good sources on the Internet that will allow you to pursue your hobbies, and even make money from them.

✦ Make a Skype call to a friend you haven't talked to for a long time. Or use email to write to your loved ones.

✦ Meeting new people can help you with your career. Make connections with people whose profiles interest you and who can introduce you to others in their field. Sites like LinkedIn are good for building an online reputation by sharing things related to your professional work.

✦ Sites related to exercise will help you stay in shape. They give you easy exercises, fitness tips, and nutritional advice.

✦ Play educational games such as Sudoku, do crossword puzzles, play math games or solve puzzles.

✦ Use cloud services For Reserve copy important data if necessary. The Internet can be used to save space on your hard drive.

✦ You can sell old things that you don’t need through sites like Avito, eBay and others. Look for people who might be interested in buying these items, compare prices and make profitable sales.

✦ Make payments online. Public utilities, communication services, taxes, fines, all this and much more can be paid without leaving home, this saves you a lot of time and thus leaves you more time for fruitful actions.

✦ Listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite movies, or motivational videos. Songs can help you relax, movies can give you a much-needed break, motivational videos can make you feel better and optimistic about life.

✦ Using the Internet, you can find out about the latest events around the world. Read the news and stay up to date with the latest developments in each field.

What productive things do you do on the Internet? Write in the comments.

The Internet has changed our lives. In fact, people are spending more and more time on the Internet. Why?

We present to your attention the top 10 reasons why people turn to the Internet again and again.

1. Information. The Internet is perhaps one of the most successful and useful tools humanity ever created. This is, in fact, the largest of the libraries, which is replenished every day.

2. Communication. People use the Internet to communicate with each other. Special software allows people around the world to communicate using voice and video with minimal delay, and Email has become the main means of communication for many people in modern society.

3. Work. The Internet provides an alternative of 9-5 business days. More and more people can work from home, i.e. remotely. Besides, everything large quantity people make their living from the Internet itself. For example, providing IT services or web development, as well as specialists in the field of Internet marketing.

4. School. More and more often, schools and universities require the use of the Internet for educational work: essays, reports, projects, messages, etc.

5. Relationships. People use the Internet to find partners for relationships, as well as to maintain or break up those relationships. For friendship and just communication. For this purpose, there are special so-called social networks, in which, probably, the entire new generation is already registered.

6. Market. The Internet is used for buying and selling, as well as for searching for certain services. Essentially, the Internet has become the best way buy or sell goods. Online stores are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

7. Sexuality. This, of course, may surprise you, but it is no secret that the real majority search engines centered around porn. Thus, people use the Internet to watch pornography.

8. Self-expression. People not only search for information on the Internet - they create it themselves. At the same time, users have the opportunity to express themselves politically, artistically, verbally, socially, etc. The Internet is the main forum where you can discuss anything or express your opinion.

9. Help. Due to the confidential and anonymous factor of cyberspace, some people use the Internet to seek help. They ask for help in the form of emotional support, medical assistance, legal advice, and simply listening or reading about other people's problems and their solutions.

10. Entertainment. Many people use the Internet to have fun or engage in personal interests. There are sites with which you can play pranks on your friends, and also use their resources to send funny congratulations to a friend or greeting cards for any occasion. Also available a large number of gaming, video and audio portals.

Be that as it may, you should always use the Internet carefully and wisely, otherwise, from being on the Internet for a very long time, you may develop Internet addiction. Be carefull.

Did you like the news? PRESS!

What types of Internet activities are most common?

Half of the daily Internet audience downloads music on the Internet (among 18–30 year old users – 64%). 44% download or watch videos (among young people – 55%). Less common practices include blogging, listening to the radio, and using instant messaging services.

Which of the following have you had to do on the Internet in the last month?

Card, any number of answers

Which of the following have you had to do on the Internet over the past six months to a year?


Card, any number of answers

Data source: – survey of Russian citizens aged 18 years and older. June 30, 2013. 43 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 100 settlements, 1500 respondents. Interview at the place of residence. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%.

Commissioned by InFOM


71% of Russians learn news from TV shows, 63% on the Internet: on news sites (44%) or on social networks and forums (19%). At the same time, 36% of survey participants trust television (7 percentage points less than six months ago), 20% trust websites, and 11% trust social networks. 27% of Russians do not trust any sources of information

The “rating” of popular sources of information has remained almost unchanged since the last measurement (in April 2018). At the same time, since 2016, indicators of trust in state and non-state media, ideas about the role of journalists in society and some other indicators have changed significantly.

33% of Russians have heard the expression “fake news”. It is understood basically correctly: “untrue, nonsense”, “linden”, “leaving ducks in the air”, “news for propaganda”, “misinformation”. Most often, such news can be seen on TV or on news sites, according to survey participants

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