
Prohibiting autorun in Windows 7. Why remove programs from startup. How to remove programs from startup using standard Windows tools

If when you turn on your computer, your operating system takes a very long time to load, then the problem is in those programs that open automatically. A whole bunch of applications are running at the same time. This slows down the computer significantly. Therefore, you need to disable automatic launch of applications. We will consider the most popular methods for various systems.

Autostart programs in Windows 7. MSConfig utility.

This method is very simple. Go to the Start menu. Next in search bar enter msconfig. Open the first (and only) result.

Here you see a huge list of applications. And they all start at boot. Please review the entire list carefully. Uncheck those utilities that you do not need at startup. Then save your changes and be sure to restart your computer. The OS should load much faster.

Tip: If you accidentally disable some essential utility, don't worry! Just go back and check the boxes in the right place.

How to disable autorun through the registry?

This is the most difficult way. It is better not to do anything in the registry, as you can disrupt the operation of the computer if you do something wrong. So, open the Start menu. Below, in the search bar, enter regedit.

Then find the two Run sections. In the screenshot you can see the full paths. One of them is responsible for automatic launch for the current user, and the other for all users.

Go there and simply remove the components of those utilities that you do not need.

Programs to disable autorun

There is a utility called Autoruns, it is quite powerful. In it you can find absolutely all applications that are launched upon boot.

You can download it from this official website:

Then unpack the archive and run the utility. This is what she looks like:

Go to the Everything tab. This means that it contains programs that automatically open on your computer. Afterwards, uncheck the boxes next to those that you want to disable at startup.

CCleaner utility.

This utility is convenient because, in addition to disabling autorun, it can also remove any junk from the computer, making it even more productive.

You can download it from this site:

Select necessary installation. If you don't know which one to choose, then choose the first one.

Disable unnecessary utilities, and they will no longer bother you the next time you start.

This is how you can easily and simply disable any program from startup. The following methods will be discussed for other versions of Windows.

How to disable autorun programs in Windows 8

Through the system partition.

Hold keys such as Win + R.

A window like this will open. Type shell:startup, then click OK.

The current user's applications are stored here.

And if you want to open it for all users, then enter shell:common startup.

Now just click on any of the folders that you don't need on startup and delete it.

Via Task Manager

In the following versions of operating systems, automatic startup is not located in the MSConfig utility, but in the Task Manager. Call up the context menu on the control panel with the mouse and select the item you need.

Select unnecessary application and click on the “Disconnect” button.

How to disable autorun programs in Windows 10

The methods listed for version 8 are suitable for this operating system. Even the location of the folders in the registry is the same.

Advice: use any methods other than the registry. Important data is stored there, which is very easy to damage. If you don't understand the registry well, it's better not to even go there.

So now there are no unnecessary applications will not interfere with booting the computer. Just don’t disable all the utilities in a row. Of these, some are extremely important for the full operation of the computer.

Many programs are created with automatic addition shortcut in the autorun menu. This factor is typical for software that must run in the background. Thus, after turning on the computer, the application starts automatically.

Over time, accumulated programs can affect the performance and performance of the Windows 7 system (it is worth noting that autoloading Steam and Skype applications can significantly increase the download operating system). If, after turning on the system, only one antivirus is running in the processes, then the computer works without loss of performance, but if several applications are running, various problems may arise, including general sluggishness and instability of the PC, which is especially noticeable on ordinary or weak computers.

Removing a program from the startup folder

To get rid of existing problems and improve the overall functionality of the PC, we configure auto Windows startup 7. There are several methods for controlling applications that are integrated into the OS during installation. By default, Windows 7 startup program shortcuts are located in the main menu, which is familiar to every user. To find this section, you need (Fig. 1):
  1. On the desktop, click on the button Start.
  2. Then select the “All Programs” subcategory.
  3. Among the abundance of various application shortcuts and folders, you need to go to the section "Autostart".
Figure 1. Going to the startup folder through the Start menu.
Here, exactly those applications are opened that have been functioning since the OS is loaded. If you delete shortcuts from this folder, they will no longer work in the background the next time you boot. Thus, you can remove applications from startup. But what if the shortcut for the desired program is not in this list, and the program itself is loaded along with the operating system?

To configure autorun for third-party or system software, you can use several different tools. The simplest and clear method- this is the use of standard resources integrated into the OS. There are two methods for configuring applications involved in autorun - the registry and the command line (the command line is only required to launch the utility msconfig). No matter how scary the second method may sound, msconfig- very simple and universal utility, which helps you perform a wide variety of changes in the system with simple commands.

How to disable autorun of an application registered in the Windows registry using a convenient program built into Windows 7

msconfig- this is serious system utility with great capabilities for managing the operating room Windows system 7, but anyone can master it. You can find it in Windows by name through the usual search in the menu Start. You can also press the keyboard shortcut Win+R, then enter its name in the line and press Enter(Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Launching the msсonfig utility through the “Run” window.
Having turned on the application, we go to the startup tab. In this menu, we carefully examine each item to determine its specific purpose. You should not disable all applications, since antivirus and similar programs must be active. Make settings by checking the boxes next to applications. The presence of a checkmark means the program is executed when the operating system boots. Absence, accordingly, deactivates it.

Setting method using msconfig is quite effective and relevant, since it provides fine, effective and most understandable settings for autoloading and other manipulations.

How to view startup applications in the Windows 7 registry

To open the Registry Editor you need to press the keys Win+R, then in the window that opens "Run" write a command regedit and press the key Enter(Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Launching the Registry Editor by pressing Win+R and entering the regedit command.
The Registry Editor window that opens looks scary, but in fact it resembles Windows Explorer.

To change the automatic start of the current session, you need to find in the list (in the left column) a folder called "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" and follow the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run(Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Finding the necessary registry keys to configure application startup.
This way you can easily configure the launch of applications.

List of Windows 7 registry sections where you need to look for applications registered in startup:

What do you need to add a new application to startup?

To implement the solution to this problem, you will need to create a shortcut to the desired software in the startup folder. This is not difficult to do. From the desktop you should copy the shortcut of the required application to the above path, and after the next reboot software will start along with the operating system.

This is how you debug application startup in Windows 7. Don’t forget to save restore points so that if you do something wrong, you can return the system to its original state.

Many of the installed programs during installation write their parameters into startup and try to start along with the operating system. Sometimes this is quite convenient. But often this is completely unnecessary, and the user has to intervene to correct the situation to suit his requirements.

Let's try to briefly describe the main sequence of actions in order to remove a program from startup.

First of all, you need to open the menu “ Start" and among the list of all programs installed on the system, find the folder "". All applications whose shortcuts are in this folder will start with Windows. That is, they are included in autorun. If among them there is a program whose autorun you are trying to disable, then feel free to delete its shortcut from this folder. It is done.

If her icon is not there, then we move on. Launch the program itself and carefully review its settings. Among the options and parameters, try to find something similar to " Run with Windows», « Boot with operating system" and so on. similar in meaning. If you manage to find it, turn it off.

These are the very first, basic steps to remove a program from startup. But with their help it is not always possible to resolve the issue. Only when its developer has provided for such a possibility in the program itself. Therefore, we will consider other, slightly more complex ways to remove programs from startup.

How to remove programs from startup using standard Windows tools

Let's go to the menu " Start", click the mouse on the command " Execute"(you can use a hotkey combination instead) Win+R). In the small window that opens, type the command


A window with settings for system administration will open. We are interested in the “” tab in it. We find our program in it and disable it (just uncheck it). Click “Apply” and close the window with “Ok”. All.

ATTENTION. In the system settings window you need to be extremely careful and careful. Careless actions can render Windows inoperable. Here, as nowhere else, the rule “If you don’t know, if you’re not sure, don’t touch it!” is relevant.

How to remove programs from startup using third-party programs

To facilitate the process of managing system startup, you can use various third party utilities. There are a great variety of them for this purpose, choose the one that is more convenient for you.

As an example, let's look at how to manage startup using a very popular system cleaning program CCleaner .

How to install and configure CCleaner program and how to use it, you can read in the corresponding manuals on our website. Well, a little more about its capabilities.

In the program window we are interested in the “” section. On the " Windows"This lists all the programs that are included in autorun. The status of each of them is visible in the leftmost column. Label " Yes " means that program autoloading is enabled.

To change something, you need to highlight the line with the mouse the desired application. Then the buttons “ Switch off" And " Delete" When you click on the “Turn off” button, the program’s autorun will be disabled, and it will no longer start along with the operating system (which is what we needed). But at the same time, its entry will remain in the autorun parameters, and if necessary, it can always be turned on again. When you click the “Delete” button, the program line is completely removed from autorun. And subsequently, restoring its autoloading using simple means may turn out to be very difficult or even impossible.

Let me remind you once again that in addition to CCleaner, there are a lot of other utilities in which you can also quickly and conveniently manage autorun.

It is also necessary to mention that you can also remove programs from startup using editing system registry. But any work with the registry is intended only for sufficient experienced users who know exactly what they are doing. Since any error in the registry is fraught with serious problems with the operating system.

How to remove a program from startup in system services

There are programs that register their individual modules as system services. This is sometimes the “sin” of, for example, Java programs - all kinds of modules automatic update or quick launch, some applications from Adobe and Apple, etc. This is not always advisable, and the user has to correct the situation.

To do this, you need to go to the system services tab in the management console. This can be done either through Control Panel In chapter Administration, or do it a little easier - find the “Computer” icon (on the Desktop or in the Start menu - it doesn’t matter, the result will be the same), right-click on it and in the window that opens context menu select the line " Control" Here in the management console in the section " Services and applications" and the menu we need is located " Services».

To view in full size, click on the picture

On the right in the large window all system services are listed (including those installed by various third party programs), their state and launch type are indicated. If among them you managed to find the desired program, you should double-click on the line with its entry. A small window that opens will provide us with all the options for managing this service. Buttons " Start" And " Stop»start or stop it in real time. And the section " Startup type» indicates whether there will be this service run simultaneously with the operating system. To change, click on the small triangle on the right and select the one you need from the three options offered. Type " Auto" means that the service will start with Windows, " Disabled" - the service is completely disabled and will not start at all, and the type " Manually" means that the service will be started only when it is needed by some program. This is the safest option if you are not confident in your actions.

All changes made here and saved will take effect after restarting Windows.

It must be remembered that any work in the management console, including with system services, must be carried out very carefully and accurately. Any errors here will certainly lead to various failures in the system or even to its complete inoperability. And any actions here should be taken only if you have the necessary knowledge and experience.

One more necessary note.

When working with programs responsible for various aspects of system security, for example, antiviruses, firewalls, etc., you should remember that you most likely will not be able to control their startup using the methods described above. This class of programs reliably protects its files, settings and parameters to withstand the actions of malware and intruders. Therefore, the only way to disable such a program from startup is to try to find the appropriate option in its settings. If, of course, it is provided for there at all. Which doesn't always happen.

Setting up autorun (downloading programs after the user logs in) account) applications on Windows 7 is a relevant topic for beginners. Many novice users wonder why there are so many programs on their computer if they haven’t installed them, and how to remove unnecessary applications from startup. This is what today's brief review will tell you about.

Before touching on editing the autorun list, let's define this term. Autoloading is an operating system feature that allows you to launch any applications immediately after downloading your own files without the user’s knowledge, but added by him or other programs to the list of those that can be launched automatically. This Windows function 7 allows you not to worry about launching utilities that the user uses constantly (browser, download manager, audio player, file manager).

By the term “setting up startup” we mean deleting (most often), adding, temporarily disabling the launch of programs, or deferring for a specified period of time (ten seconds until Windows starts).

How to open the startup list

You can see the list of programs automatically loaded from Windows 7 using several methods, which boil down to visualizing the contents of several registry branches (this will be discussed below). This:

  • registry editor;
  • "System Configuration" utility;
  • functionality of third-party programs.

Registry Editor

The paths to applications that are loaded with Windows 7 are registered in specially designated registry branches. You can access them using the Registry Editor. Launch the application (regedit command) and open the branches indicated below system base data.

The first contains a list of programs that run for the active account, and the second applies to all users of the computer.

By deleting or adding keys of the REG_SZ type with paths to programs, you can easily add or remove the desired object.

An easier way to edit startup in an active account is the Startup folder located in the Start menu.

system configuration

  • Run the “msconfig” command in the search bar or command interpreter (Win+R) of Windows 7.

  • Uncheck the boxes next to the names of applications that need to be excluded from autorun.
    • Click “Apply” and restart the computer to accept the changes.

    Rebooting Windows 7 right away is not necessary.

    Third party programs

    We have looked at the “Seven” tools that are used to configure the autorun list. Let's move on to utilities from third-party manufacturers that allow you to perform similar actions.


    The best utility for computer maintenance, CCleaner, not only cleans the registry of unnecessary keys and cleans the disk of junk files, but also opens up the ability to edit the startup list.

    • Let's launch the program.
    • Go to the “Service” item, where in turn we go to the “Startup” tab.

    Using the buttons located to the right of the main frame, you can disable and delete elements from autorun. Unfortunately, you won't be able to create new entries in CCleaner.

    Pay attention to the tab bar located at the top. The first, called "Windows", contains applications that are downloaded after the user logs into the account. Below are entries with information about plugins that are activated when the browser is called.

    (Visited 19,330 times, 2 visits today)

    There are several ways, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's start exploring. The easiest way is to find the Startup folder in the Start menu. All shortcuts found here will be loaded with Windows. Depending on the language of the operating system, this folder may be called “Startup” or “Startup”.

    As you can see, I have BingDesktop, Punto Switcher and SpeedFan loaded. To exclude a program from the Startup folder, you just need to right-click and delete the shortcut. But along with loading Windows many more processes and programs are launched than are presented in this folder.

    Built-in utility for managing startup

    This is the easiest and affordable way for Windows 7. To launch the “msconfig” utility, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” and in the window that appears, enter the word “msconfig”

    A window appears in front of us in which we need to go to the “Startup” tab. Here are all the programs in the autorun section registered in Windows registry 7.

    What we see here:

    • The startup item is the name of the program
    • Manufacturer - software developer
    • Command – path to the program with launch keys
    • Location – the registry section or folder where this command is located
    • Disabling date – respectively, the date when this item was disabled by you

    Now we find the application in the list, uncheck it and click “OK”. Msconfig will prompt us to reboot, but we don't have to do this.

    Managing startup in Windows 8/10

    The beauty of this program is that it finds all possible places where something can be downloaded from and allows you to disable hidden programs with one click! And all this is completely free! No installation required, but will require confirmation during first launch license agreement by clicking the “Agree” button.

    You need to run the file “autoruns.exe” or “autoruns64.exe” for 64-bit Windows. The second file “autorunsc.exe” is intended to be launched in command line. The Autoruns window looks like this:

    At the top there are tabs, each of which indicates the location of startup objects. These are not only programs, but also libraries (dlls), toolbars, widgets, drivers, services and much more. The first tab, “Everything,” presents everything in order at once. On the “Logon” tab you will find those programs that we could disable using previous methods.

    In the middle part, in fact, there is a list of programs. To disable a program from autorun, simply uncheck it. If the checkbox to the left of an entry is unchecked, it means it is already disabled. Lines that are listed in startup, but their files have been deleted, are marked in yellow, i.e. they won't load anyway. Programs without a description (the “Description” column) or without a manufacturer (the “Publisher” column) are marked in pink, which seems to hint at a viral origin, but not necessarily that it is a virus.

    By right-clicking on any line and selecting “Search Online...” in the browser, a search line will open with the name of the file to be launched so that you can analyze how safe the object being examined is. More than one is displayed at the bottom of the window detailed information. I told you how to determine the trust level of applications.

    Using the “Save” button on the toolbar, you can save the current startup state, and then compare it after some time to find out what new has been added. By the way, also very useful tool. I noticed that for some reason Autoruns does not check the launch parameters “userinit.exe” and “explorer.exe”, so it is better to check these keys manually, more on that later.

    Editing autorun in the registry

    Now we smoothly move on to manually editing the registry. Press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “regedit” in the line. The registry editor will open in front of you, in which you need to go to the startup section.

    There are two of them:

    • global for the entire system, from which programs are launched under any user: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
    • current user's environment: "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

    We go to both sections of the registry in turn and find in the list on the right the application that needs to be excluded from autorun, and delete the entry using the right mouse button. Just below there is another section called “RunOnce”. These sections can contain commands for one-time execution, for example, to complete the installation of some software package. You can search there, but most likely it will be empty.

    Unlike the “msconfig” utility, in the registry editor we can view more loopholes from where something can start. I'll show you the two most vulnerable spots, both of them are along the way: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"

    Pay attention to these two parameters:

    It should be exactly what you see in the picture (paths may vary). If something else is written after “userinit.exe,” or after “explorer.exe,” it will also automatically start along with Windows. In 99% of cases it is a virus! Simply editing these entries is unlikely to help. After all, if a virus is in memory, it will quickly overwrite the recording again. Therefore, you will need a complete .

    What else can you do?

    If you tried all these methods, but still couldn’t find and disable the program, then look at services and the task scheduler. It is possible that the program is launched from there. Autoruns has corresponding tabs “Services” for services and “Sheduled Tasks” for scheduled tasks.

    Without Autoruns, you can easily view services by pressing “Win ​​+ R” and entering “services.msc” in the window. The “Services” window will open in front of you, in which you need to look for the name of the program you are looking for.

    How to launch the task scheduler and look for scheduled tasks there.

    Another note for you:

    • V safe mode Windows startup does not start most startup objects
    • if a program that has put itself in autoload is launched again, and it considers that it still needs to be in autoload, then it will register itself there again! Therefore, you need to look in its settings where you can disable autorun.

    If you are using any other in an interesting way, then please tell me about it in the comments.

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