
Start defragmenting Windows 10. Disk defragmenters for Windows computer

Exchanges are constantly taking place on the hard drive. various information. Parts of the same data are distributed over the entire disk area, which leads to its fragmentation. Over time, the device begins to slow down, which affects the overall performance of the computer.

To restore it, it is necessary to regularly carry out the defragmentation procedure. This can be done using standard Windows tools 10, and using various third party programs. Let's take a closer look at the simplest and popular methods How to defragment a disk on Windows 10.

The developers initially took care of users by integrating the defragmentation function into the system itself. You can use it both through the system interface and using the command line.

Application of the standard method

To carry out this procedure without using unofficial means, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open “This PC”, right-click on the desired HDD and go to the “Properties” section.
  1. Go to the “Service” tab and click on “Optimize”.
  1. Check to see if defragmentation is scheduled. If it is enabled, the system independently carries out this procedure. If disabled, select the desired hard drive and click on “Analyze”.
  1. We look at the fragmentation and the overall verdict of the system. If necessary, click on the “Optimize” button.
  1. The process itself is quite lengthy, but during it you can continue to use the computer without any problems.

Let's look at how to do defragmentation using a specialized environment.

Using the command line

You can perform defragmentation, as well as find out all the necessary information about the HDD, using this method. For this:

  1. You need to run the line - click on the search icon next to the Start menu, enter a query, right-click on the result and open as administrator.
  1. We write “defrag /?” and press Enter. This command is aimed at displaying complete help on the defragmentation procedure and provides the user with a choice of various parameters for its implementation.
  1. According to the help, enter “defrag C: /A” in order to check the need to defragment drive “C”. At the end of the analysis, the system will provide the user with recommendations on the presence or absence of a need for the procedure.
  1. If necessary, enter the command “defrag /C /H /V” to start the process of defragmenting the corresponding disk.

Defragmentation can be carried out not only using built-in tools. Let's consider other popular methods.

Using third party solutions

There are a huge number of utilities in Russian that can cope with hard drive defragmentation no worse than the tools built into Windows 10. Let's look at the most popular and effective ones.


  1. We pay attention to fragmentation and, based on the value, click “Defragmentation”. In addition to the usual check, the application allows you to conduct a quick check.

Defraggler is an excellent full-featured replacement for the standard Windows method and allows you to carry out all the necessary procedures with maximum efficiency and convenience.

Auslogics Disk Defrag

  1. Having received information about the degree of fragmentation and the number of files, you can, if necessary, proceed to organize them by clicking on the appropriate button.
  1. We wait for the operation to complete and, if possible, do not use the computer. The program will show all the information (for example, how many passes were made).

Let's move on to the next utility.

Smart Defrag

At its core, this is another free tool that can operate both manually and automatically according to a set schedule. Its main advantage is its automatic operation, because during use the program performs all actions without having any impact on the performance of the PC.

During installation, make sure that no unnecessary components are selected.

This tool is almost as simple to use as the previous programs:

  1. Place the cursor over the arrow next to the “Smart Defragmentation” button and select “Analysis”.
  1. Upon completion of the analysis, all that remains is to select the fragmented disk and click on the “Smart Defragmentation” button.
  2. SSD disk optimization

    Fragmentation does not cause any harm to the SSD disk and does not slow down its operation in any way, since the speed of reading data from any cell in this case is the same. Standard defragmentation will not only not improve the performance of the SSD, but will also cause some harm to it. At SSD installation You should disable automatic scheduled optimization, which is installed by default.


    HDD defragmentation is an extremely simple and straightforward procedure, but at the same time it has a high impact on computer performance. It is recommended to conduct it at least once a week or even enable automatic execution so that the passage occurs regardless of the user. This will ensure that you always maintain the highest possible level of performance.

    Video instruction

    We attach detailed video instructions that discuss the process of working with each of the tools described above.

This process involves optimizing the amount of disk space and increasing device performance. This result is achieved by organizing the location of files on the hard drive. Disk optimization and defragmentation on Windows 10 are combined under the single concept “Disk Optimization”. During this process, file elements are moved to neighboring clusters, making all information more accessible and greatly improving computer performance.

Why is disk defragmentation necessary?

If we explain the purpose of this procedure in more detail in simple words, then we can say that defragmentation helps to collect all the “particles” of the file into one whole. This collection is carried out by recording information about this element to the surface magnetic disk.

Thanks to defragmentation, the system will be able to simplify access to the file, since collecting these “particles” will not be necessary to launch it. This is what improving PC performance is all about.

"Disk Optimization" works with any media. The system will automatically perform those operations that correspond to the existing hard drive.

As a rule, the “C:” drive is subjected to this process, since it contains the lion’s share of files. Actually, if there are partitions whose contents are also often used, you can defragment them too.

According to standard parameters, the optimization process is carried out once every 7 days in automatic mode.

Actually, it can be carried out at other times at the user’s initiative. To do this, you can use one of the methods that we will propose in this article.

We carry out defragmentation through “Disk Optimization”

Let's start with the more common method. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, in latest version operating system Windows processes optimization and defragmentation are combined in a single tool, which will be directly used in this instruction.

So, first, activate “Explorer” (combination Windows keys+ E) and in the left “tree” click on “This computer”. In the process we will use the “C:” drive (as an example). On the last tab, which is called “Management” (see the top of the screen), select “Optimize”. After this, the previously mentioned “Optimize Disks” tool will appear. By the way, it can be called in another way. It involves using the "Properties" option, which is included in context menu. To select this item, you need to select the desired section with the cursor and right-click to call up the drop-down menu in which this option is at the very end.

After this, a dialog box consisting of 7 tabs opens. Among them, find the “Service” tab and click on the “Optimize” button.

Then the system will prompt you to select a disk that should undergo the defragmentation process. After that, activate the “Optimize” button. The duration of the process directly depends on the “weight” of the section, so it can take 3-4 hours.

Before you start defragmentation, you can receive a kind of hint from the tool in order to understand whether this process is even necessary at this stage.

To do this, find the “Analyze” button (located next to the “Optimize” button in the disk selection window) and click on it.

After this, information will appear regarding the degree of disk fragmentation. In the case when this figure is below 8%, then there is no need for the system to deal with this issue.

During optimization there will be no special obstacles when using the computer, but it is still better to free the PC from unnecessary load on your part during this period.

As already mentioned, the process is carried out automatically once a week. You can disable this feature or change the check interval. To do this, in the “Disk Optimization” window, find the “Change settings” button.

Here you can change the frequency of processes and select sections that will be optimized.

Disk defragmentation using the command line

Run the line as administrator via Start. In the window that appears, type the command diskpart and select OK/Enter. After this, activate the list volume command and find the desired partition in the list of disks that appears.

Be sure to make sure that the value of the letter matches the one entered in Explorer. Then type exit and press Enter to confirm.

In the next step, you should select one of the commands, the use of which will display the purpose of launching this process.

Using Commands

1) defrag C: /O – defragmentation of a specific partition. As you may have guessed, the command is written to optimize the “C:” drive;

2) defrag /C /O – defragmentation of all existing partitions. The process is carried out in a way that corresponds to the type of hard drive on your device.

Disk defragmentation programs

Of course special programs allow for more detailed defragmentation, since they deal with a specific process. The most popular tools in this segment are Defraggler and Disk Defrag Free.

Defragmentation with Defraggler

This tool is much more effective than system settings. Using the program, you can see a kind of fragmentation map and the state of the hard drive. Defragmentation is performed in accordance with the settings installed on the device. You can download the utility on the official website

Using Disk Defrag Free to defragment your disk

The application is similar in functionality and interface to Defraggler. The main advantage of the utility is optimization file system, which is carried out through the movement of OS elements. Thus, the speed of the device increases. The application can be downloaded from

That's all. Happy defragmentation!

If you have any questions about the topic "Disk defragmentation on Windows 10 - all methods”, you can ask them in the comments

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Over time, programs on your computer begin to open and work slowly. The reason may be not only because the PC memory is clogged, but also because the percentage of disk fragmentation is very high. In this case, the disk is defragmented. Today we’ll look at what defragmentation is and why it should be done, and we’ll also describe the methods by which you can run it on a PC.

What is disk defragmentation and why is it done?

On the new hard drive, the files are written in order. However, there comes a time when the user begins to erase information. As a result, scattered blank cells appear on the disk into which new data can be written. Windows system configured in such a way that repeated recording of information occurs on free fragments that are closest to the beginning.

If the file is too large, the system itself divides it into parts and fills the empty disk spaces in this way. This process of dividing information is called fragmentation. In this case, the file itself (program, movie, etc.) remains intact.

On a fragmented disk, files are written in parts in cells that are distant from each other

To play a fragmented file, the system has to look for individual pieces on the head hard drive. Naturally, this slows down the computer and affects its performance. To correct the situation, you need to regularly defragment your disks.

During this procedure, all the scattered parts of the files are collected. After this, all programs, movies, etc. will receive their own separate area on the disk, that is, they will be located close to each other. The system will no longer need to search and put together individual fragments. In Windows 10, the defragmentation option has a different name: optimization.

When defragmenting, all file elements are rewritten into cells that follow each other

Moreover, all available information is moved to the beginning of the disk. Free space for future entries will be at the end. This will also speed up the loading of utilities (especially resource-intensive ones), increase the performance of your device and the speed of writing new data to the HDD.

Do I need to defragment my media often? The frequency of the procedure depends on how many files you are transferring, installing, or deleting. It is recommended to carry out optimization at least once a month for normal PC operation if the data on the media changes frequently.

Video: why disk defragmentation is needed

Methods for defragmenting disks on Windows 10

There are several ways to defragment a disk. This can be done either using built-in OS tools or using third-party software. Let's look at all the methods.

Using the OS itself

Windows OS, including version 10, has a built-in service for optimizing and defragmenting media. How to launch it?

  1. Open Windows Explorer: find the “This PC” icon located on the “Desktop” and double-click on it with the left mouse button. Among the available built-in media, select the disk you need to this moment defragment.

    Video: defragmenting a disk using a special tool called Defraggler

    Auslogics Disk Defrag: its own method of defragmentation and optimization of SSD drives

    The peculiarity of the Auslogics Disk Defrag service is that it defragments disks using its own method of optimizing and distributing data. This utility is capable of performing its functions automatically, that is, working with media independently without user intervention.

    What other advantages does this software have?

    1. The user has the right to view information about files on the disk during its analysis.
    2. The utility saves areas on media that are needed both for storing existing data and for recording new ones.
    3. The program is able to combine empty clusters into one block, which helps avoid fragmentation.
    4. Auslogics Disk Defrag finds twice as many fragmented files as standard remedy Windows.
    5. The software has a simple interface, and there is also a Russian version.
    6. The defragmenter has a section for working with SSD drives.

    Auslogics Disk Defrag has a Russian version of the interface

    Video: how to defragment using Smart Defrag

    Puran Defrag: intelligent defragmentation engine

    This one has special software has its own engine for intelligent defragmentation and optimization of data on disks. It's called Puran Intelligent Optimizer. It allows information to be moved to external areas hard drives, which provides higher PC speed. This tool can also defragment separate files and folders directly through the context menu of items in " Windows Explorer».

    The program defragments disks using its intelligent Puran Intelligent Optimizer engine

    What other advantages does this utility have?

    • removes temporary system data before defragmentation;
    • works during PC startup, that is, at the moment when access to files hidden during normal PC operation appears;
    • defragments the disk when ScreenSaver starts;
    • works automatically according to a schedule.

    The software also has a drawback: during installation, Puran Defrag also offers to install other third-party programs on the PC.

    It is better to download the utility installer onto your device from the official resource.

    How to defragment using PowerShell

    PowerShell is an alternative to the Command Line with wider functionality. Various commands are also entered into the window of this service for specific purposes, for example, if you need to automate the execution of tasks in the background or terminate processes of programs that are not responding, etc. Using PowerShell, you can also defragment disks:

    1. Open PowerShell as an administrator using the search bar in Start.

      Run PowerShell as Administrator

    2. Before defragmentation, check to see if the procedure is necessary. To do this, enter the command Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter X -Analyze -Verbose. In this case, X is the disk label. If your drive is labeled D, write D instead of X. If the system says defragmentation is needed, move on to the next command.

      Run defragmentation in PowerShell

    3. Wait for the operation to complete.

    How to set up automatic disk defragmentation in Windows 10

    If you don't want to constantly defragment your drives manually, configure auto mode for this function. The standard service will run the procedure itself in the background. Let's give a step-by-step guide:

    How to disable automatic disk defragmentation in Windows 10

    What needs to be done to prevent disk defragmentation from occurring automatically? You just need to uncheck the “Run on a schedule” option in a small additional window of the built-in “Disk Optimization” service. How to open it is described above in the section on setting up automatic defragmentation.

    SSD disk defragmentation: how it differs from regular defragmentation and how to do it

    Defragmentation of hard HDD different from solid state defragmentation SSD drive. For the latter, it is extremely undesirable to carry out this procedure in the usual sense, since it can damage the disk. However, in Windows 10 this feature is automatically enabled for such drives, but don't worry: for drives SSD Windows 10 does not perform normal defragmentation. Instead, the Retrim command is executed, which clears free cells in memory. They become completely clean: traces of files previously deleted from these cells are removed.

    Thus, when defragmenting solid state Windows drives uses completely different operating algorithms. Disk optimization using the Retrim command is not only useful for SSDs, but also necessary.

    Check to see if automatic optimization is enabled for your SSD drive in the Drive Optimization window. Open it using the method described in the “Using the OS itself” section in this article. Click on the drive in the list with the left mouse button. Make sure it says "On" at the bottom of the window. If not, activate automatic optimization using the “Change settings” button, as described in the previous section of this article.

    Check if automatic optimization is enabled for your SSD drive

    How to manually optimize an SSD? You can use PowerShell just like you would to defragment a regular drive, but you'll need to enter a completely different command. Let's look at what exactly needs to be done:

    Defragmentation is an extremely important procedure for magnetic HDDs. It allows you to increase the speed of reading files that were previously scattered across the entire surface of the disk by collecting them and moving them to one area. After disk optimization, the performance of the computer itself improves. You can perform defragmentation using the built-in Windows service, and due to third party utilities, which are considered more effective than the standard remedy. Optimizing SSD disks differs from defragmenting conventional magnetic disks: the Retrim command is launched, which clears free cells of debris. By default, this optimization is enabled in Windows 10, but you can also enable it manually.

When using a HDD, information is constantly recorded/erased. But the disk surface is not filled sequentially, but in parts, resulting in fragmentation. She is one of the main reasons slow work computer, so you need to know how to defragment a disk on Windows 10 to speed up your PC and increase the speed of data access.

Why is defragmentation needed?

This procedure allows you to collect one file “in a heap” by writing information about it sequentially onto the surface of a magnetic disk. After that operating system you don’t have to first assemble the file piece by piece and only then use it. Therefore, after defragmenting the HDD, the speed of the PC will increase (you will also find the article Setting up maximum Windows 10 performance to speed up your computer to improve the performance of the device useful).

How to start a process on Windows 10?

Defragmentation in Windows 10 is running regular means or programs developed by third parties.

Established funds

In the new OS, as in previous versions, there is a built-in Disk Defragmenter utility.

  1. This computer → RMB on any disk → Properties → Tools tab → Optimize.
  2. In the "Disk Optimization" window, select the one you want to defragment → Analyze.
  3. After the evaluation process, if the fragmentation is more than 5% - 7%, click "Optimize".

    Important! Windows 10 is set to automatically defragment disks by default. You can change the optimization schedule or disable it altogether in the “Optimization by schedule” block by clicking the “Change parameters” button and specifying the desired time.

The time of the procedure depends on the speed of the HDD, fragmentation and how busy the disk is (it needs to have about 10% - 15% of free space).

Third party programs

Third-party programs provide the user with more options for setting up and performing defragmentation.


The program shows the fragmentation map and HDD status, and also prepares a list of “partitioned” files. It carries out the process according to the user's specified parameters. This program is much more effective than the built-in utility.

The tool has a similar interface and functionality to Defragger, and is able to optimize the file system by moving Windows files. This increases the speed of the computer.

The SSD defragmentation process is carried out according to a different principle, so the classic utility harms the solid-state drive (read the article Optimizing Windows 10 settings for SSD drive operation to learn how to configure it correctly). In addition, the speed of reading data from all SSD cells is the same. Therefore, information fragmentation does not slow down your computer. When installing this type of media on your computer, disable automatic disk optimization.


The video describes in detail how to defragment a disk using a standard utility and another third-party program.


Defragmentation increases the speed of your computer. It “assembles” files into one whole after they are split when recording to the HDD. You can perform optimization using the built-in utility or programs from third-party developers. But when using SSD storage, do not run this function because it is harmful to the drive.

Regularly optimizing your disk drives is an important process that will help you keep your computer performing at peak performance. The standard set of Windows 10 tools includes utilities that can help you maintain and defragment your PC's drives. Windows 10 itself automatically performs disk optimization once a week. The HDD is defragmented, and the SSD drives receive commands called TRIM.

Why is disk defragmentation necessary?

During active use of the drive, performance decreases due to file system fragmentation. This causes the system to spend more time gaining access to sectors of the media. SSD drives do not have this problem, since their access time to memory cells is tens of times less. However, the SSD needs the TRIM command to clear unused blocks. When it comes time to write information to these blocks, Windows spends less time executing the procedure.

Modern Windows versions know how to choose the right optimization methods and the right time depending on the specifications and usage of your drive. However, you can manually defragment your disk in Windows 10 at any time.

How to defragment a disk in Windows 10

There are several ways to do this. Windows 10 allows you to defragment drives through a menu in Explorer or using Command Prompt / PowerShell.

Note: All procedures in this instruction are performed on behalf of the Administrator. You must have an account with the appropriate level of access rights, or a password for account Administrator.

Disk Defragmentation via Explorer

Automatic defragmentation in Windows 10

As mentioned above, Windows 10 can automatically maintain installed drives and perform optimization/defragmentation on a schedule. If you wish, you can customize it to your own preferences.

How to disable disk defragmentation in Windows 10

Let us immediately note that it is not recommended to disable automatic defragmentation, since thanks to this function the system is able to maintain its drives in a healthy state without user intervention. If you still think that for some reason you need to disable automatic defragmentation in Windows 10, you can do this in the scheduled disk optimization settings interface.

After this, the system will stop automatically optimizing the drives installed in the computer. To enable the automatic defragmentation function back, follow the same procedure and check the box Run on a schedule (recommended).

Disk Defragmentation via Command Line

Run as administrator. To do this, enter in the search cmd and right-click on the command line. Click Run as Administrator. Alternatively, you can run as administrator for a faster experience. With the arrival of Windows 10 Creators Update, PowerShell took its place.

Enter the command defrag. The command line will display all possible parameters for this command. /A - Analysis of the specified volumes.

  • /C - Perform the operation on all volumes.
  • /D - Standard defragmentation (default).
  • /E - Perform the operation on all volumes except those specified.
  • /G - Optimize storage levels on the specified volumes.
  • /H - Start an operation with normal priority (low by default).
  • /I n - Level optimization will be performed for no more than n seconds on each volume.
  • /K - Optimize memory on selected volumes.
  • /L - Re-optimize selected volumes.
  • /M [n] - Perform an operation on each volume in parallel in the background. A maximum of n threads optimize storage tiers in parallel.
  • /O - Optimize using the method appropriate for the media type.
  • /T - Track an operation that is already in progress on the specified volume.
  • /U - Displays the progress of the operation on the screen.
  • /V - Displays detailed fragmentation statistics.
  • /X - Union free space on the specified volumes.

For example, the command for standard defragmentation of drive D via command line will look like defrag D: /D. You should select a letter for the team based on your own needs. After defragmentation is complete, the system will issue a report on the work done.

Disk defragmentation in PowerShell

Performing these routines regularly will help your computer stay as productive as its drive can.

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