
Earning money from CPA affiliate programs: a quick start. CPA for beginners: quick money, how to make money, the best networks

It is difficult to write a decent post on this topic, because... In principle, there is a lot of good information on the Internet, but I’ll try. For now it’s short and only the main points in the work and without cases - but for your reference, I’ll probably write a little later.

Just 3-4 years ago interesting information on arbitration in the public domain was practically non-existent. It was somehow not customary to shoot anything in particular, usually people just worked on the sly, there were no good sources of traffic anywhere, they were somehow afraid of competition and possibly publicity, and in general everything was different...

Today everything has changed, there is a lot of information, all of it is in the public domain, these are some forums and blogs, public pages, and even various diaries of arbitrage traders in the same VK. I think it’s clear why this happened, the topic as a whole has become almost white and fluffy, although there are still moments of some foolishness among users. Some will say that it’s just business, well, I don’t know, business is business...

Even more than open and useful information, there are all sorts of info-businessmen and ordinary crooks who dream and see how to sell their mega-manual for money and profit from gullible customers.

With this, too, as always:

Those who want to get rich can make good money, and those who want to look rich can become millionaires.

Screenshot from one landing page:

Now some explanations for the screenshot:

I didn’t want to scare anyone, nothing is complicated, and I can’t say that everything is easy. I’ll repeat my old phrase: all arbitration lies in plain sight, there is practically nothing hidden here, you just need to search and carefully look at where and where it comes from. Most are slowly pouring down the most simple circuits without any special problems, gets a small plus and enjoys life.

So in arbitration there are two main questions:

  • What to pour on?
  • Where to pour from?

This was the introduction...

Main affiliate programs

I described the very principle of operation of CPA affiliates 2 years ago. There are a lot of affiliate programs themselves; in the wake of the trend, quite a few of them were opened, but with the same success they were closed for various reasons, so in order not to run into trouble, I advise you to register only with the top ones.

Now everything is in order:

Last tips

That's probably all. A lot has been said briefly, but again it is impossible to explain in a couple of paragraphs. I think I will return to many points in more detail, here I tried to convey the main and general points.

Try it, it’s really interesting and addictive, especially when everything goes as planned, i.e. to the fat plus that I wish for you!

We reduce CPA costs at the initial stage

Sometimes they ask questions about CPA affiliates, or more precisely - how to start making money from them without having a website and without any advertising costs.

In general, it’s practically impossible to do this without expenses, especially at the beginning, because... you could spend all your advertising dollars just to find out that this type advertisement selected incorrectly..

How for beginners to reduce the cost of making money on CPA affiliates

I will look at it using an example product offers(advertisers who sell physical goods - either from one-page sites, or in “full-fledged” online stores), because This niche in CPA is more stable, and it’s more interesting to me now.

1. Offer with payment for an application or confirmed order

Among product offers, we can highlight those that count the conversion to the webmaster, only if the order has been paid. For example, this is what the well-known online store does (it is available in almost every more or less large CPA network).

The problem here may be that the buyer you brought to the offer site placed an order, but paid for it a month later - by cash on delivery by mail. All this time your conversion will be “pending”.

Even worse, if he placed an order, the store sent him the package by mail, but he did not pick it up or pay for it. As a result, after a few weeks the conversion from the “pending” state will go into rejected. Well, the webmaster will waste his money.

Therefore, to begin with it is better to choose offers with payment per application— here you will receive payment immediately when the buyer places an order. Or, a slightly worse option - payment for a confirmed order (a conversion is counted if, after the call, the buyer agrees that he was the one who placed the order and wants to receive it).

Among the large online stores represented in CPA networks,, for example, has such conditions.

Among other offers (using the example of the Admitad network):

Applications and confirmed applications in the CPA network (clickable)

From the picture above you can see that, despite the higher payment per conversion for the first offer (420 rubles) than for the second (90 rubles), the average income per click - EPC - for the second offer more than 3 times higher than the first one.

2. Seasonality of traffic

What it is is described in detail in. Those. At different times of the year, on holidays (and in the run-up to them), people on the Internet have different shopping interests.

In summer you buy one thing, in winter you buy something else; in the summer season - the third, under New Year- fourth. And so on.

You can find out when and what people are interested in very simply using the tool. How to use the tool: .

Compare for example:

Seasonality of the request “buy a children’s T-shirt” (clickable)

Seasonality of the request “buy a women’s T-shirt” (clickable)

So if you have chosen, for example, an offer from, and decided to direct traffic specifically to T-shirts, then it is better to direct it to children’s T-shirts in September, and to women’s T-shirts in May.

3. Trends in society

Sometimes surges in demand arise unexpectedly - due to various reasons occurring in society:

  • an interesting film or cartoon came out, which, as they say, caused public response;
  • The original video appeared on Youtube;
  • The long-awaited technical innovation has finally been released - for example, a smartphone has recently started being sold Samsung Galaxy S5 (with the help of CPA affiliates);
  • well and a lot of other things.

Those. a surge in traffic can be predicted if you understand this topic or track certain trends (technological innovations, popular videos, etc.).

If you predict correctly and prepare advertising materials in advance, you can become one of the first webmasters to offer the right offer to a “needy” audience.

In addition, this also includes advertising of goods, who advertise everything anyway. The point is that initially the audience has no interest in the product or service, but... If she sees the same advertisement from month to month (year after year), then some people become curious and want to buy it.

4. The right traffic source

For example, a beginner has 300-400 rubles for advertising. If you buy pay-per-click advertising + banners, then this will be enough for:

Where better to spend this money? Of course, contextual advertising will bring the most, but here you should understand 2 things:

  1. something that people can buy they don't always look;
  2. Many of the offers are very difficult to “push” into contextual advertising services.

Therefore, you should understand what type of traffic the offer you have chosen will best suit - the one that can make impulse conversions, or under the one that will commit target conversions.

Impulse conversions

I think it's clear what this is:

  • purchases based on emotions;
  • unexpected desire like “I just really wanted this thing”;
  • etc. and so on.

They are also associated with the desire to “be like everyone else.”

If, for example, promotional materials (ad, sales page...) carry the message that without this product a person’s life will be very bad, because “In the summer you can’t help but wear sunglasses, because... It's a fashion accessory", A “a successful man should have a Casio G-Shock watch”, then many will almost inevitably buy all this

Target conversions

These are conversions made as a result of a person finding the product/service he needs. Those. He’s just looking for something like “buy a refrigerator”, “where to buy such and such a smartphone cheaper”, etc.

Naturally, the most targeted conversions can be achieved using contextual advertising . And for impulse sales - suitable teaser, social and banner networks. Although, if you buy a banner on a very suitable site, then conversions can be targeted.

Target conversions also differ in that the transaction amount practically does not matter here. If a person wants to buy a house in Spain, then he probably has some million dollars.

However, for impulse sales it is important that the product is inexpensive. In general, no more than 5000 rubles. Ideally - up to 1000 rubles.

Thus, you need to carefully analyze what the profile of the audience is that is suitable for the selected offer. Often there is no need to analyze anything - many offers (especially online stores) themselves post information about their target audience - average income, gender, age, interests, regions.

As a result, for those new to making money with CPA:

  1. We are looking for offers with payment for a simple application
  2. We focus on seasonality of demand
  3. We check whether there are any trends that have caused (can cause) demand for a product, but which is not actively sold (but is about to be sold)
  4. We select the right traffic source for the offer.

I think these simple instructions will help you avoid wasting your advertising budget the first time and will make your earnings from CPA affiliates more stable. To make money, I recommend two CPA networks: Admitad and These are proven and reliable affiliate programs.

Greetings, dear friends!

It's no secret that making money on CPA affiliate programs Today it is becoming increasingly popular. Everyone around is shouting “100,000 per month for CPA!”, “300,000 rubles per month for CPA!” etc.

It’s clear that such numbers make a beginner’s hair stand on end in the most indiscreet places =) And they start looking for information on the Internet about how to start making money on CPA affiliate programs. And there is a wealth of information on the Internet on this topic and it is becoming more and more every day...

But... as often happens, after reading just one e-book or watching a couple of video lessons, beginners rush headlong into CPA marketing. What's the result? Nothing! The usual waste of the budget, disappointment and a couple of swear words addressed to the authors of those videos or books that were read and watched.

TOP 5 mistakes newbies make when making money with CPA

Why is this happening? Why do beginners fail when making money with CPA affiliate programs? Sorry, I asked the question a little wrong. It would be more correct - What mistakes do newbie CPAs make? Let's take a closer look at them.

1) Selecting an offer for luck

Yes, it often happens that a beginner chooses an affiliate offer at random. I just liked the product or service and that’s it. This is at least stupid. The newcomer himself cannot provide any logical explanation for this.

2) Ignoring the description and terms of the offer

Yes, this also happens quite often. A newbie adds an affiliate offer, but does not read the description of this offer, nor the terms of cooperation and its promotion. This is a very serious mistake. Perhaps the rudest.

3) Wrong choice of advertising platform

As I already said, in order not to reduce your making money on CPA affiliate programs to zero, you need to know what types of offers are suitable for advertising on a particular advertising platform. By advertising platform I mean banner, teaser, contextual advertising, your website, targeted advertising on social networks, Cashback, PopUp advertising, doorway traffic, email newsletters, etc.

4) Poor quality landing page

As you know, a landing page is a landing page, that is, a page that a person lands on via your affiliate link. Yes, many offers already provide ready-made and quite good and high-quality landing pages. But not all. If the offer does not have a normal landing page with good traffic conversion, then you need to create it yourself. How? We'll talk about this a little later.

5) Lack of testing

The most important, in my opinion, point when making money on CPA affiliates. Unless, of course, you want to reduce the cost of advertising an offer to a minimum and get a good return in the form of high commissions. Beginners often neglect to analyze their actions and test certain advertising campaigns in order to identify what works better, what works worse, and what can be done to radically change the situation and make advertising campaign more profitable and successful.

“All this is understandable,” you say, but you, Bulat, never revealed the essence. How can you start working with CPA affiliates? I’ll tell you personally about my work scheme.

My scheme for working with CPA affiliate programs

1) Registration in the CPA network

First of all, you need to register in the CPA network. I have already talked about the most popular, profitable and fairly easy to understand CPA aggregators. It could be , or . I work more with I feel more comfortable with him somehow. You can choose any of the presented ones. Or all three CPA networks, but I would not recommend you to spread yourself too thin at the initial stage.

Often I add an advertising platform not as a whole. That is, I don’t write “contextual advertising” or “teaser advertising,” but I try to separate the services. That is, I write, for example, “Advertising in Yandex Direct”, “Advertising in Google Adwords", "Teaser network", "Teaser network Direct Advert", etc. That is, I separate services.

Why add sites at all? It’s very simple - so that when choosing an offer and creating your affiliate link, you can link it to a specific advertising platform. That is, you create an affiliate link for advertising, for example, for advertising in the teaser network and you can use this link to advertise the offer ONLY in the teaser network I hope the idea is clear. If not, I’m waiting for your questions in the comments. Let's move on.

3) Selecting an offer

After registering with the CPA network and adding an advertising platform, I select one offer and add it to my list of offers. Moreover, when choosing, I start from the topic. Often I choose more mainstream topics - Online Games, loans, dating, product offers, etc. That is, offers that are interesting to a fairly large number of people. When choosing, I base my choice on the indicators eCPC, CR, maximum lifetime of cookies and maximum hold time (delay of payment to check the quality of traffic) and other important indicators.

I'll take a closer look:

  • Offer description
  • Terms of cooperation
  • Commission amount
  • Types of allowed traffic
  • Landing pages
  • Deeplink (the ability to redirect to the desired offer page)

Since now I work more with targeted advertising on VKontakte and teaser networks, the offers I choose must allow this type of traffic.

4) High-quality landing page

You can spend less and earn more on CPA affiliate programs only if the offer you choose has a high-quality landing page. As I said earlier, many offers already have good landing pages that convert very well. Again, not all. If the offer does not have a high-quality landing page, you will lose money. But you don’t want this. Right? What to do? You can make a landing page yourself. How? This is described in one of the lessons of my colleague Artur Mustaev.

Another point is a Deeplink tool that allows you to redirect a person to the desired page of the product or service you are advertising. When you choose an offer, you should pay attention to the possibility of using this tool. So here it is. If you are advertising a product from an online store, then the landing page SHOULD NOT BE home page Online store. You MUST direct the person to a specific product. This will increase conversion significantly. I have already told and shown how to use this tool in articles:

As I mentioned earlier, each offer has its own advertising feature and you can’t just take your affiliate link and start advertising it everywhere. Each offer has its own platform. What I mean?

For example, credit offers. They will not go through teaser networks, Cashback, PopUp advertising. But through targeted advertising on VKontakte or through contextual advertising, it’s fine. Again, the setting of targeted advertising on VKontakte must be very accurate and reach the desired audience. Can be used banner advertising, but also carefully - only on high-quality and thematic platforms. Loans are quite a serious topic and there is no need to advertise it to an entertainment audience.

Offers for dating or online games will work well in teaser networks and through targeted networks. These topics are quite light and therefore entertaining traffic will come in very handy here. Again, teaser networks are different. Some are aimed at a more serious audience, others at young people and schoolchildren. For example, I would not advise you to advertise online games in the teaser networks and These are quite serious networks and it is better to focus on product offers.

For offers on women's topics, it is better to choose high-quality teaser networks. This could be or The traffic here is relatively high quality and buying.

For product offers (clothing, shoes, phones, etc.) it is better to use contextual advertising. And as an option, high-quality teaser networks. But again, even in high-quality teaser networks, there is bot traffic, which needs to be identified and partner sites with bot traffic disabled from the list where advertising for your offer is shown.

6) Testing the offer

Testing is a very important element of your advertising campaign. There is no need to neglect them. Even the gurus of making money on CPA affiliate programs cannot launch an initially profitable advertising campaign the first time. But they have experience, so testing and analysis takes them much less time than us.

As a rule, for one offer I create 5-6 ads at once and allocate a certain budget for testing. Often this is no more than 2000-3000 rubles. Next comes the launch. Afterwards, when the ads are already running, I analyze the advertising campaign and see which ads work and which don’t. I exclude the non-working ones and leave the working ones. Next, I am finalizing work ads to increase conversion.

Yes, at the initial stage you may well go into the red, but when you test the ad and it starts working, then after a while you go into profit and then the campaign works for your profit.

You can learn more about many aspects of working with CPA affiliates from Artur Mustaev by clicking on the button below:


Here is a short article that I am sure will help you when working with CPA affiliates. If you have questions or additions, I look forward to your comments under this article.

In the next issue...

Have a nice day and good mood!

Sincerely, your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

Now on the Russian-language Internet, CPA affiliate programs are gaining quite a lot of momentum. Over time, more and more goods and services will appear on the Internet from which you can earn money as partners of CPA networks.

Today we will look at which CPA networks beginners can try to work in and what they should be careful of. Of course, the main problem of this business is fraud. But first things first. In this analysis we will highlight several networks, these are:

  • AdWad;
  • Admitad;
  • M1-shoy.

Which CPA networks are suitable for beginners

If you are a beginner and you do not have starting capital, then most likely you will not get into the first 3 grids. We can recommend that beginners go to with a small budget, or has examples of newcomers coming to these networks and easily making money there. Based on these two networks, we can say that there are not many “frodos” there; if this is the case, then beginners can safely go there to earn money.

In general, we can say that when working with CPA networks, you will not receive a large “walrus”. Standard "walrus" 15-20% maximum. AliExpress online store, for example, pays 8.5%, but there is a high percentage of purchases of affiliate products.

By the way, in this analysis I would also like to say about another very cool service, which is now just at the beginning of its inception in the fight against “fraud”.

That is, the guys collected databases from many sellers. IN this moment there are already more than 40 thousand different fraudsters. Well, not to say that there are all fraudsters there, most likely there are just people who buy parcels in bad faith, including fraudsters.

Who are fraudsters

I would like to clarify who are the fraudsters. In our case, these are fake buyers. They make an application to a fictitious address and person, confirm it, but do not come to pick up the parcel with the goods and, of course, do not pay.

Although, the meaning of the word “fraud” is much broader (here the explanation is only regarding business in CPA networks), but it is always associated with fraud on the Internet or mobile communications. In this case, the “activity” involves deceiving the advertiser into paying for a confirmed order.

The biggest disadvantage of CPA networks is fraud

If we dwell on the pros and cons of CPA networks, I would like to focus on fraud, because this is the main problem and there are businessmen who lose a lot of money on this and even go completely bankrupt. They send the goods, do not include pricing, receive 40-50% returns and go into a big minus, which is not good at all.

I would also like to say that many beginners go looking for arbitrage on forums, VKontakte, etc. This is absolutely not worth doing. Because if you find a person from a forum, he may scam you.

There were examples when newcomers purchased 100 units of a particular product, found an arbitrator through the forum, gave him money and the person simply disappeared. It happened that 100 orders actually came in, money was paid for them, 100 shipments were made, all the people confirmed the orders by phone, and then exactly 100 returns came in, that is, all the traffic from these people was caught up.

So, it is better not to work with specific affiliates. If you want to work with CPA networks, work with them. Our recommendation is to go to to get started. Because the first 3 networks are most likely not for you, although you can try. They all have contacts on the website. Write to them in detail about your offers, about your websites, about your pricing, about your products, they may lead you and some large network may want to work with you.

Some large networks give a large number of orders, accordingly, you need to have a large amount of goods in stock and.

Well, at the end of the analysis, let’s say that the biggest problem of CPA networks is fraud. You need to be careful with him, and then everything will be fine.

Novice webmasters often write to me asking me to recommend a CPA network for work.

Indeed, aggregators of affiliate programs have proliferated on the Internet and in its Russian segment, in particular, and the trend is only growing. How can a beginner in traffic arbitrage not get lost and choose from this abundance a network where it will be convenient and, most importantly, effective to work?

Let's consider a step-by-step algorithm with selection criteria and recommendations of the best affiliate program aggregators, based on our own experience.

CPA networks for beginners.

How do aggregators differ from each other?

  • Launch date - there are established ones, with a history, and young, unpromoted ones.
  • The categories and topics of offers presented on the site are gaming, product, information products, adult, etc.
  • The presence and variety of functionality that simplifies the webmaster’s work and allows him to earn more.
  • The quality of the support service - how well it is delivered Feedback, is there a personal manager, online chat, social network groups for communication, etc.
  • The number of offers on the site - if there are few of them, there is no possibility of choosing according to your preferences.
  • Availability of exclusive offers.

These are only the main differences, there are many of them and each CPA network is unique in its own way, but what is listed in the points significantly affects the comfort and productive work of an arbitrator.

How to choose.

Newly opened or little-known networks are not suitable for beginners for the following reasons:

  • firstly, they have not yet earned a reputation, there are no reviews from other webmasters and it is unknown how things are done here, and you shouldn’t experiment on your budget;
  • secondly, the functionality of the CPA network is unlikely to be fully launched, the process of its implementation and testing is underway, and failures, freezes, incorrect operation of statistics and other jambs are possible;
  • thirdly, as a rule, not only affiliate marketers, but also advertisers are wary of working with unknown aggregators, so it is almost impossible to find good, sought-after offers on such sites.

You need to decide which category of offers you are going to engage in. For beginners in arbitration, I recommend two options: . The former do not require special schemes for attracting traffic and are easier to start with; the latter provide better profit due to higher commissions.

For aggregators of information products - courses, trainings and other educational materials from well-known authors, read the article at the link above.

To receive higher commissions, you can connect to (casinos, gambling) or tourist affiliate programs, which convert well and give good profits, for example, where, among other things, there are many tools and training materials for a quick start and effective work.

Now let’s focus on CPA networks with affiliates.

The most suitable for beginners, where they have everything they need to start and work successfully - , Ad1, M1-shop, KMA, .

I will briefly list what is included in each of the above, and will dwell in more detail on one, where I will clearly show which options and tools are important and help the webmaster.


One of the oldest and most famous networks with a rich history, a wide range of tools and good support from webmasters.

It has on its platform more than 1,000 offers of various categories - from popular stores like M-Video, to banking services, games and dating sites. There are many exclusive offers that you will not find in any other CPA network - due to the reliability and large volumes of traffic going through, many advertisers prefer to work exclusively with it.

The same applies to webmasters - due to the simply huge selection of offers in a wide variety of niches, it is possible to receive sales from any traffic sources by selecting the desired product for the prevailing audience using various filters.

, KMA, Ad1.

You can repeat all of the above about these CPA networks, maybe to some extent more modestly, but still - a large selection of offers in a wide variety of categories, including exclusive ones, many wow products, functionality and joint ventures at the highest level. The difference between them is in some particulars that are not critical for choice.


This is a dropshipping platform with many interesting product offers, various tools for webmasters, round-the-clock operation of its Call Center, and good order confirmation.


An excellent product affiliate specializing in nutra - always up-to-date health and beauty products with good conversion. The affiliate program began its work in 2016 and currently represents:

  • payments up to 2 times a day with withdrawal to webmoney, paypal or traffic sources;
  • 2,200+ nutra offers;
  • 50 popular high-conversion niches;
  • 100+ GEOs with Trial, SS and COD solutions;
  • 10,000+ registered webmasters.

A paid action is a confirmed application with an affiliate commission amount of $4-$70, depending on the offer.

All drugs are accompanied by documents with information about manufacturers and certification checks, which ensures buyer confidence and moderation in traffic sources.

For each offer, you can choose from several options of professionally designed landing pages and pre-landing pages.

The 24/7 support is very good - affiliate managers have experience in arbitration and will always recommend top links and free offers for your traffic sources. And also will suggest a couple of sources with zero competition!

If you haven’t signed up for yet, without interviews and moderation, the process will take less than 1 minute.


Using this grid as an example, I will show which options provide additional convenience for traffic arbitrage.

When you log into your account, you immediately see who you can contact online and through what communication channels.

This is very important, especially for beginners - any issue is resolved in real time, and not through long correspondence in tickets.

Let's open the tab with offers, and in the filters we see the checkbox “Call center M1-shop”.

Another positive point: practice shows that the percentage of confirmed orders is higher when CPA network operators, rather than advertisers, are calling customers.

Let's go to some offer.

The first plus is that several domains are offered to receive an affiliate link. As you understand, if a bunch of webmasters pour on one domain, and many do it poorly, the advertising platform begins to increase the cost of a click for such links, and several domains improve the situation. Certainly, the best option— park your domain and drive traffic to it, but this choice is better than its absence.

The next point is a lot of tested pads and landing pages for the offer, indicating convertibility. Not bad again. In addition, you can divide traffic into mobile and desktop versions of landing pages, or you can use your own landing page and attach a ready-made Iframe form to it.

To increase the conversion of landing pages, there are a bunch of additional features that can be implemented with one click

To track traffic during arbitration, it is necessary to use analytics systems - usually Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics. Incorporating your counter code into the selected landing page of the CPA network is done in M1 in two clicks.

First, you indicate the source of traffic and UTM tags with macros are automatically added to the affiliate link, then you enter the counter ID in the required field and the issue is resolved - conversion statistics will be displayed in your analytics service account.

Very, very convenient. To obtain data on completed applications, we do the following: we receive an affiliate link and execute a test order - we are redirected to the thank you page.

Since the counter is installed on her, we copy her address and visit the page. Now in the statistics we will see all conversions for orders.

Here are such interesting and useful tools It is worth paying attention when choosing a CPA network to work with. They save time and help both novice and more experienced webmasters get better results. And which affiliate aggregator you choose - decide for yourself, the criteria are described.

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