
Access forms. Creation of forms for data entry. How to create a button in Microsoft Access

In Access 2007, there are several ways to create forms: Autoform - automatically creates a form using one of the standard templates. This is the easiest and fastest way to create a form. Form Wizard – create a form using the wizard; Depending on the purpose of the form, the wizard offers a choice of standard templates and design styles. Designer – creating a form from a blank form using the form designer tools.

Form design After creating a form project, you need to make changes to it that will make the form more attractive (add pictures, change the location of individual fields, etc.). The form is designed in Design mode, in which the form has three sections: the form title; data area; form note.

Changing the size of fields Each line of the main form in the data area contains two elements: on the left is the name of the field (element type - Signature), and on the right - the contents of the database field (element type - Field). The length of the form elements corresponds to the size of the fields in the table. Selection handles are used to change the size

Moving fields Moving fields is done by dragging them in the selected state. It is possible to move components of composite fields (for example, label and content) individually. To do this, turn off the Delete mode and drag the resizing handle (top left)

Adding controls To add controls, you must use the Controls area on the Design tab

Icon Name mma Selecting objects Wizards Caption Function Selecting objects (allows you to mark and move fields, as well as change their default sizes) Wizards for creating controls Inserting the name of a new field into the form

Field Displays the contents of some field in a database record or calculated field Group Creates and places switches in a group into which you can enter control switches and selector buttons Switch Switch Checkbox Create a switch, latching button Create a selector switch Create a control switch

Combo box Creating a combo box List Creating a combo box Button Creating a button Picture Embedding statistical illustrations (graphic files in a form) command

Free object frame Creates an object frame that cannot be linked Attached Creates an object frame that will be linked to the source file Break Sets a page to force the end of a form page Set of tabs Creates a form or dialog box with multiple tabs

Subform/report Embedding a subform in the main form and establishing relationships between forms Line Drawing a dividing line in the form Creating a rectangular frame for a group of fields Rectangle Additional Embedding elements of elements not present in the toolbar in the form

Inserting a calculated field Any formula is a combination of operators and field names. A formula must always begin with an equal sign, and field names in the formula must be enclosed in square brackets. Example: =[Salary]* 20%

Report areas in design mode Any report contains several areas, which allows you to automate the process of its design. The functions of each area are most evident in multi-page reports. Below is short review areas of Access reports.

Report Header The report header is located on the first page of the report before the header. By default, the title of the report is taken as its title.

Header A header is placed on every report page by default. You can block its display on pages containing a header or summary. Typically, the header contains column headings, namely the names of the fields.

Group Header The group header consists of the group name and the words Group Header. Data Region Elements of this region are repeated for each record selected from the table. Group Note A group note appears at the end of a group of entries. It is primarily used to indicate the number of records or the sum of values ​​in group fields. The title of this area includes the group name and the word Note.

Footer A footer is present on every page of the report. Most often used to display page numbers. By default, the Report Wizard enters the =Page function in the footer. If a report contains many records and spans several pages, they are automatically numbered. In addition, the Report Wizard enters the expression =Now() in the footer, which is replaced with the current date when the report is generated.

Report Note A report note is inserted at the end of a report and can provide a summary of the entire document. This is the last area of ​​the report project, but when printed, it precedes the footer of the last page.

Macro A macro is a set of one or more macro commands that perform specific operations, such as opening forms or printing reports. Macro is the main component of a macro; a closed instruction that, alone or in combination with other macro instructions, determines the actions performed in the macro. In other macro languages, macros are sometimes simply called commands.

When you create a macro, the macro commands you want to execute are entered in the Macro column. If the specified command requires arguments, then an area for entering them appears at the bottom of the window. The macro arguments specify Additional information, which is required by some macro commands, for example, indicating the object on which the macro command operates, or the special condition under which the macro command is executed.

Access desktop databases can help you store and track just about any kind of information, such as inventory, contacts, or business processes. Let’s take a walk through the paths you can take to create an Access desktop database, add data to it, and then learn about next steps towards customizing and using your new database.

In this article

Choose a template

Access templates have built-in tables, queries, forms, and reports that are ready to use. A choice of templates is the first thing you’ll notice when you start Access, and you can search online for more templates.

    In Access click File > New.

    Select a desktop database template and enter a name for your database under File Name. (If you don't seea template that would work for you, usetheSearch online templatesbox.)

    File Name

    Click Create.

Depending on the template, you might need to do any of the following to get started:

    If Access displays a Login dialog box with an empty list of users:

    1. Click New User.

      Fill in the User Details form.

      Click Save & Close.

      Select the user name you just entered, and then click Login.

    If Access displays a Security Warning message in the message bar, and you trust the source of the template, click Enable Content. If the database requires a login, log in again.

For more, see.

Create a database from scratch

If none of the templates fit your needs, you might start with a blank desktop database.

    From Access, click New > Blank desktop database.

    Type a name for your database in the File Name box.

    You can either use the default location that Access shows below the File Name box or click the folder icon to pick one.

    Click Create.

Add a table

In a database, your information is stored in multiple related tables. To create a table:

    When you open your database for the first time, you’ll see a blank table in Datasheet view where you can add data. To add another table, click the Create tab > Table. You can either start entering data in the empty field (cell) or paste data from another source like an Excel workbook.

    To rename a column (field), double-click the column heading, and then type the new name.

Tip: Meaningful names help you know what each field contains without seeing its contents.

    Click File > Save.

    To add more fields, type in the Click to Add column.

    To move a column, select it by clicking its column heading, and then drag it to where you want it. You can also select contiguous columns and drag them all to a new location.

Copy and paste data

You can copy and paste data from another program like Excel or Word into an Access table. This works best if the data is separated into columns. If the data is in a word processing program, such as Word, either use tags to separate the columns or convert into a table format before copying.

    If the data needs editing, such as separating full names into first and last names, do that first in the source program.

    Open the source and copy (Ctrl + C) the data.

    Open the Access table where you want to add the data in Datasheet view and paste it (Ctrl + V).

    Double-click each column heading and type a meaningful name.

    Click File > Save and give your new table a name.

    Note: Access sets the data type of each field based on the information you paste into the first row of each column, so make sure that the information in the following rows match the first row.

Import or link to data

You can either import data from other sources , or you can link to the data from Access without moving the information from where it is stored. Linking can be a good option if you have multiple users updating the data and you want to make sure that you are seeing the latest version or if you want to save storage space. You can choose whether you want to link to or import data for most formats. See Import or link to data in another Access database for more information.

The process differs slightly depending on the data source, but these instructions will get you started:

    On the External Data tab, click the data format you’ll be importing from or linking to. If you don"t see the right format, click More.

Note: If you still can't find the right format, you might need to export the data first to a file format that Access supports (such as a delimited text file).

    Follow the instructions in the Get External Data dialog box.

When you link, some formats are available as read-only. Here are the external sources that you can import data or link from:


Microsoft Access

ODBC Databases, such as SQL Server

Text or comma-separated value (CSV) files

(add new records only)

In the modern world, we need tools that would allow us to store, organize and process large amounts of information that are difficult to work with in Excel or Word.

Such repositories are used to develop information websites, online stores and accounting add-ons. The main tools that implement this approach are MS SQL and MySQL.

Product from Microsoft Office is a simplified version in functional terms and more understandable for inexperienced users. Let's take a step-by-step look at creating a database in Access 2007.

Description of MS Access

Microsoft Access 2007 is a database management system (DBMS) that implements a full-fledged GUI user, the principle of creating entities and relationships between them, as well as the structural query language SQL. The only disadvantage of this DBMS is the inability to work on an industrial scale. It is not designed to store huge amounts of data. Therefore, MS Access 2007 is used for small projects and for personal, non-commercial purposes.

But before showing step-by-step how to create a database, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of database theory.

Definitions of basic concepts

Without basic knowledge about the controls and objects used when creating and configuring a database, it is impossible to successfully understand the principle and features of setting up a subject area. So now I'll try in simple language explain the essence of all important elements. So, let's begin:

  1. A subject area is a set of created tables in a database that are interconnected using primary and secondary keys.
  2. An entity is a separate database table.
  3. Attribute – the title of a separate column in the table.
  4. A tuple is a string that takes the value of all attributes.
  5. A primary key is a unique value (id) that is assigned to each tuple.
  6. The secondary key of table "B" is a unique value from table "A" that is used in table "B".
  7. An SQL query is a special expression that performs a specific action with the database: adding, editing, deleting fields, creating selections.

Now that we have a general idea of ​​what we will be working with, we can begin creating the database.

Creating a database

For clarity of the whole theory, we will create a training database “Students-Exams”, which will contain 2 tables: “Students” and “Exams”. The main key will be the “Record Number” field, because this parameter is unique for each student. The remaining fields are intended for more complete information about students.

So do the following:

That's it, now all that remains is to create, fill and link tables. Continue to the next point.

Creating and populating tables

After successfully creating the database, an empty table will appear on the screen. To form its structure and fill it out, do the following:

Advice! For fine tuning data format, go to the “Table Mode” tab on the ribbon and pay attention to the “Formatting and Data Type” block. There you can customize the format of the displayed data.

Creating and editing data schemas

Before you start linking two entities, by analogy with the previous paragraph, you need to create and fill out the “Exams” table. It has the following attributes: “Record number”, “Exam1”, “Exam2”, “Exam3”.

To execute queries we need to link our tables. In other words, this is a kind of dependency that is implemented using key fields. To do this you need:

The constructor should automatically create the relationship, depending on the context. If this does not happen, then:

Executing queries

What should we do if we need students who study only in Moscow? Yes, there are only 6 people in our database, but what if there are 6000 of them? Without additional tools it will be difficult to find out.

It is in this situation that SQL queries come to our aid, helping to extract only the necessary information.

Types of requests

SQL syntax implements the CRUD principle (abbreviated from the English create, read, update, delete - “create, read, update, delete”). Those. with queries you can implement all these functions.

For sampling

In this case, the “read” principle comes into play. For example, we need to find all students who study in Kharkov. To do this you need:

What should we do if we are interested in students from Kharkov who have more than 1000 scholarships? Then our query will look like this:

SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Address = “Kharkov” AND Scholarship > 1000;

and the resulting table will look like this:

To create an entity

In addition to adding a table using the built-in constructor, sometimes you may need to perform this operation using an SQL query. In most cases, this is needed during laboratory or course work as part of a university course, because in real life there is no need for this. Unless, of course, you are engaged in professional application development. So, to create a request you need:

  1. Go to the “Creation” tab.
  2. Click the “Query Builder” button in the “Other” block.
  3. In the new window, click on the SQL button, then enter the command in the text field:

(Teacher Code INT PRIMARY KEY,
Last name CHAR(20),
Name CHAR(15),
Middle name CHAR (15),
Gender CHAR (1),
Date of birth DATE,
main_subject CHAR(200));

where "CREATE TABLE" means creating the "Teachers" table, and "CHAR", "DATE" and "INT" are the data types for the corresponding values.

Attention! Each request must have a “;” at the end. Without it, running the script will result in an error.

To add, delete, edit

Everything is much simpler here. Go to the Create a Request field again and enter the following commands:

Creating a Form

With a huge number of fields in the table, filling the database becomes difficult. You may accidentally omit a value, enter an incorrect one, or enter a different type. In this situation, forms come to the rescue, with the help of which you can quickly fill out entities, and the likelihood of making a mistake is minimized. This will require the following steps:

We have already covered all the basic functions of MS Access 2007. There is one last important component left – report generation.

Generating a report

A report is a special MS Access function that allows you to format and prepare data from a database for printing. This is mainly used for creating delivery notes, accounting reports and other office documentation.

If you have never encountered such a function, it is recommended to use the built-in “Report Wizard”. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Creation" tab.
  2. Click on the “Report Wizard” button in the “Reports” block.

  3. Select the table of interest and the fields you need to print.

  4. Add the required grouping level.

  5. Select the sort type for each field.

  6. Customize the layout view for the report.

In the modern world, we need tools that would allow us to store, organize and process large amounts of information that are difficult to work with in Excel or Word.

Such repositories are used to develop information websites, online stores and accounting add-ons. The main tools that implement this approach are MS SQL and MySQL.

The product from Microsoft Office is a simplified version in terms of functionality and is more understandable for inexperienced users. Let's take a step-by-step look at creating a database in Access 2007.

Description of MS Access

Microsoft Access 2007 is a database management system (DBMS) that implements a full-fledged graphical user interface, the principle of creating entities and relationships between them, as well as the structural query language SQL. The only disadvantage of this DBMS is the inability to work on an industrial scale. It is not designed to store huge amounts of data. Therefore, MS Access 2007 is used for small projects and for personal, non-commercial purposes.

But before showing step-by-step how to create a database, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of database theory.

Definitions of basic concepts

Without basic knowledge about the controls and objects used when creating and configuring a database, it is impossible to successfully understand the principle and features of setting up a subject area. Therefore, now I will try to explain in simple language the essence of all the important elements. So, let's begin:

  1. A subject area is a set of created tables in a database that are interconnected using primary and secondary keys.
  2. An entity is a separate database table.
  3. Attribute – the title of a separate column in the table.
  4. A tuple is a string that takes the value of all attributes.
  5. A primary key is a unique value (id) that is assigned to each tuple.
  6. The secondary key of table "B" is a unique value from table "A" that is used in table "B".
  7. An SQL query is a special expression that performs a specific action with the database: adding, editing, deleting fields, creating selections.

Now that we have a general idea of ​​what we will be working with, we can begin creating the database.

Creating a database

For clarity of the whole theory, we will create a training database “Students-Exams”, which will contain 2 tables: “Students” and “Exams”. The main key will be the “Record Number” field, because this parameter is unique for each student. The remaining fields are intended for more complete information about students.

So do the following:

That's it, now all that remains is to create, fill and link tables. Continue to the next point.

Creating and populating tables

After successfully creating the database, an empty table will appear on the screen. To form its structure and fill it out, do the following:

Advice! To fine-tune the data format, go to the “Table Mode” tab on the ribbon and pay attention to the “Formatting and Data Type” block. There you can customize the format of the displayed data.

Creating and editing data schemas

Before you start linking two entities, by analogy with the previous paragraph, you need to create and fill out the “Exams” table. It has the following attributes: “Record number”, “Exam1”, “Exam2”, “Exam3”.

To execute queries we need to link our tables. In other words, this is a kind of dependency that is implemented using key fields. To do this you need:

The constructor should automatically create the relationship, depending on the context. If this does not happen, then:

Executing queries

What should we do if we need students who study only in Moscow? Yes, there are only 6 people in our database, but what if there are 6000 of them? Without additional tools it will be difficult to find out.

It is in this situation that SQL queries come to our aid, helping to extract only the necessary information.

Types of requests

SQL syntax implements the CRUD principle (abbreviated from the English create, read, update, delete - “create, read, update, delete”). Those. with queries you can implement all these functions.

For sampling

In this case, the “read” principle comes into play. For example, we need to find all students who study in Kharkov. To do this you need:

What should we do if we are interested in students from Kharkov who have more than 1000 scholarships? Then our query will look like this:

SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Address = “Kharkov” AND Scholarship > 1000;

and the resulting table will look like this:

To create an entity

In addition to adding a table using the built-in constructor, sometimes you may need to perform this operation using an SQL query. In most cases, this is needed during laboratory or course work as part of a university course, because in real life there is no need for this. Unless, of course, you are engaged in professional application development. So, to create a request you need:

  1. Go to the “Creation” tab.
  2. Click the “Query Builder” button in the “Other” block.
  3. In the new window, click on the SQL button, then enter the command in the text field:

(Teacher Code INT PRIMARY KEY,
Last name CHAR(20),
Name CHAR(15),
Middle name CHAR (15),
Gender CHAR (1),
Date of birth DATE,
main_subject CHAR(200));

where "CREATE TABLE" means creating the "Teachers" table, and "CHAR", "DATE" and "INT" are the data types for the corresponding values.

Attention! Each request must have a “;” at the end. Without it, running the script will result in an error.

To add, delete, edit

Everything is much simpler here. Go to the Create a Request field again and enter the following commands:

Creating a Form

With a huge number of fields in the table, filling the database becomes difficult. You may accidentally omit a value, enter an incorrect one, or enter a different type. In this situation, forms come to the rescue, with the help of which you can quickly fill out entities, and the likelihood of making a mistake is minimized. This will require the following steps:

We have already covered all the basic functions of MS Access 2007. There is one last important component left – report generation.

Generating a report

A report is a special MS Access function that allows you to format and prepare data from a database for printing. This is mainly used for creating delivery notes, accounting reports and other office documentation.

If you have never encountered such a function, it is recommended to use the built-in “Report Wizard”. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Creation" tab.
  2. Click on the “Report Wizard” button in the “Reports” block.

  3. Select the table of interest and the fields you need to print.

  4. Add the required grouping level.

  5. Select the sort type for each field.

  6. Customize the layout view for the report.

Microsoft Access is useful application, because it allows you to create and store data in many related tables, offering greater efficiency and standardization than spreadsheets. Tables are the basis of a database. But, unlike regular Excel spreadsheets, where data entry is a very slow and tedious procedure, creating forms in Access forms is done using convenient, numerous functions.

Simple forms of access

All forms are based on one or more database tables, so before you can create forms, you must first create a primary table. There are many ways to create a form in Access. The program creates a basic form in just one click, so the user can get a fully customized form from scratch.

To select a form, you need to go to the “Create” tab on the menu ribbon and find the “Forms” section. Clicking this button automatically creates a base form based on the source table highlighted in the left navigation bar. This is the simplest option for creating forms in Access, although it provides less flexibility.

The split form actually displays data from two tables. One part looks like the electronic form below. Simple form in Access it shows only one record, but the split one has several rows so that users enter a lot of data on the screen. This form type is useful for entering long lists that don't have many columns.

Creating a project from scratch

After one of the form options is selected, the user begins to create a data entry form in Access from scratch, using additional functions programs. To do this, you need to go to More Forms -> Form Wizard and then click the “More Forms” drop-down arrow, find the option for Form Wizard. Access then guides the user through the steps of creating the form and gives the user a variety of options, creating a balance between letting Access do most of the work and the user creating the form themselves.

There are many options that can be achieved using MS Access form creation. There are two main types of forms you can create:

  1. Related forms.
  2. Unbound forms.

Bound Forms interact with some database, such as an SQL statement, query, or table. This view is used to enter or edit data in the database.

Unbound Forms are independent of the data source. They may be in shape dialog boxes and switching pads used for navigation with the database as a whole. There are many modes for creating forms in Access.

Types of related forms:

  1. The single item form, most popular, is when entries are displayed in one entry at a time.
  2. Multiple items, displays a number of records at a time from a related data source.
  3. Split shape, divided into half, horizontally or vertically. One displays an item or record, and the other provides data from multiple records from the underlying data source.

Access Database

There are several ways to create access forms. To do this, you need to open the database and enter “Create”. In the “Forms” tab, in the right corner, click the “Form Wizard” button. On the first screen, select the fields that will need to be displayed in the form. Action algorithm:

  1. In the form wizard, select tblProjects for tables/queries and several required fields, such as ProjectStart, ProjectName, ProjectID, and ProjectEnd. They will move to the working fields.
  2. Select tblTasks for tables/queries and place by fields.
  3. Click "Next".
  4. Select the type of ordering for creating forms and reports in access. If you need to create a flat form, choose the tblTasks organization, and when creating a hierarchical form, you can organize the data using tblProjects.
  5. Select the form with subforms (s) and then click Next. On the next screen, you can choose a layout for your subform. Datasheet View is selected by default. It is similar to Table View.
  6. Click "Next".
  7. On the next screen you need to provide a name for the form and “Done”.

Creating forms in Microsoft Access through an additional form is done through the “Additional Forms” drop-down menu. Next, you need to create a Multiple Items form, a Datasheet form, a Split form, or a Modal Dialog form. These are usually related forms. Select the object that you want to bind to this form. This does not apply to modal dialog forms. Select an object in the navigation panel, select tblEmployees, the “Multiple Elements” form will appear, which will list all the data.

Application Wizard

Before you create Access forms, you can see them on screen and use them to view data in a table. To do this, there are navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen: first entry, next entry, previous entry, end entry, which allow you to navigate through the table. You can also enter the newest entry by clicking the New button. Algorithm for creating forms in a subdatabase. Access is as follows:

  1. Click the “Create” tab on the ribbon and the “Form Wizard” button.
  2. From the Tables/Queries drop-down list, select Club Members, and click the double chevron (>>) to move all fields to the window on the right.
  3. From the list of layout options, select Columnar and Next.
  4. Name the form and “Done.”
  5. Edit the form and attach an image. You can add a logo or other image to a form by clicking the Home tab > View > Design tab for the form.
  6. Open Form Design Tools > Design and click Insert Image > Browse.
  7. Find the image that will be used in the form, select it, and then drag it to create a window.
  8. To change the image size, click the mouse, select “Properties” and go to the “Format” tab.
  9. Set the size mode to enlarge and align the image in the top left corner, and then use the sizing handles to determine the size.
  10. You can resize some form text fields if they are too large.
  11. When finished, select Home > View > Form to return to using and viewing the form.

Alternative form of access

The way you create forms in Access allows you to make data entry more convenient for users using free alternatives. Microsoft Access is a complex database tool with a steep learning curve. There are more intuitive alternatives with similar features. Before the form can be created, the user will have to import the database. Set of information:

  1. Start by selecting “Empty Database Contents.”
  2. Import data using "External Data" in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select the XML file on the External Data tab.
  4. Go to the folder where you unzipped the file and select where the XML import menu will be provided.
  5. Click OK to import into the new database.
  6. The left column will list the available database objects, and if everything is working properly, the user should see the imported contact_information and member data objects and double-click them to open the item.

Custom Design Objects

Creating a database in Access forms allows you to provide user access and customize design objects. A well-designed form can improve input efficiency and accuracy. The Form Layout Tools tab contains form customization fields. Selecting it will take you to a screen with settings for design shapes and aesthetic options. On the “Home” tab, you need to find the option and view the available types of forms. Design View provides a more detailed view of the form's structure than Layout View. It also allows you to change shape without any interference.

Most tasks can be performed in both Design View and Layout View, but there are some form properties that can only be changed in Design. Layout View provides a more visual layout for form editing. It bears a close resemblance to the actual form.

Most form modifications can be made in Layout view, but in some cases Access tells you that you need to switch to Design View to make certain changes. When the Form Design Tools feature is enabled, the ribbon bar adds three new positions at the top under the Form Design Tools heading:

  1. Design - changing colors and themes. Adds buttons, fields, labels, and other objects to the form.
  2. Arrange - Changes the layout and aligns objects on the form.
  3. Format - change the text, background images and shapes of the drawing.

Rapid development tool

The Access Form Wizard is useful tool forms, which opens up design possibilities by providing options for columns, rows, table sizes, languages, and themes. You can use the Access Form Wizard to quickly decide which form style is appropriate for your database and user preferences. Depending on the data, there are several other formats as well as design controls to assist the user in navigation:

  1. Masters of Forms.
  2. Additional options.

Using the wizard opens new parameters, adds new fields and removes unnecessary ones. This added flexibility provides superior control and time savings. Instead of creating forms from scratch, you can use the Form Wizard and customize it to your liking. This saves time and increases efficiency, allowing you to get started right away. A user-friendly interface allows you to create the required fields by double-clicking.

Shapes in four formats

One of these four formats is available in every Access database configuration that a user encounters. In your work you need to use the properties panel. This is useful side panel, located in the Form Layout Tools tab, contains a wealth of important information about the form and can be used to quickly edit, change and toggle a variety of options with a handy tooltip in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Types of formats:

  1. Single table - one form corresponding to one database table. It is functional, basic and can be used to perform a number of tasks.
  2. Single Table Form with Lookup Field: Uses only one single database setting, lookup allows you to display data from another table or database, or create generalized values ​​for a range of data.
  3. Master/Detail Form - One main form directs many subforms.
  4. Master / subform form - additional search fields in the main or subform.

Locking partitions

Protecting access to the database from other users is needed when the owner does not want anyone to interfere with the finely tuned internal workings of tables and queries, and especially VBA codes. Access provides a number of ways to prevent users from accidentally changing data on forms. One option is to set the control properties to Enable and Locked to prevent data entry. For example, when creating an Access subform that will be used to make changes to customer addresses.

The first control is the search field used to find the customer number. When, for example, a number is selected, the customer's name and address are automatically displayed in the corresponding controls. However, if you don't want other users to make changes to the Customer Name field, you can lock it. Next you should go to the list of properties that need to be edited. Changes will apply to the entire form. About halfway down the list of properties you can see editing options.

The procedure for imposing a ban:

  1. Change each property on the software.
  2. Go to Design View and select Shape from the Sheet Properties drop-down list.
  3. Switch the "Allow layout" mode to "No". This stops all additional users from accessing the layout view where they can directly edit the form.
  4. Now save the form for this to convert the file from .accdb to .accde, limiting any further design changes or field editing.
  5. Save the current database in an important location.
  6. Before converting a file into Access, make sure you make a copy (or two) of the original database file. If it is damaged, it will be the main copy.
  7. Go to File > Save.

Access command buttons

Creating a button form in Access is used to provide access to database functions, such as opening related forms, saving or printing data. They are also used to trigger one or more actions that help other functions access the database. For example, a user might create a command button on a form to open another.

To run a Command Button, users need to write an event procedure or macro in the On Click property. The steps to create a main Access button form are as follows:

  1. Select and open the form in which you want to insert the Command button.
  2. Close all forms running on the system to avoid confusion.
  3. Click on the form and open it in development mode.
  4. Select the Design tab in the Ribbon panel and click the button icon.
  5. Users may notice that their cursor has turned into a plus sign and should use it to draw or create a button structure on their form.

After the user decides to create a new button, the Access Button Form Creation Wizard automatically appears on the screen. Typically a button can call a preset function on a form and be triggered in a Macro or through custom VBA code.

Users commit these changes by selecting Form Action in Windows > Print Current Form from the Actions window, then clicking Next. The user can choose two options: use an image or icon on the Command button, or use a text title. Changes can be made using the Command Wizard, where MS Access also allows users to view images from their system.

To apply changes to the form, you need to click “Finish”. Specify a name using the Command Button Wizard. After making all the necessary changes, you need to save the form. Test the form to make sure it works correctly.

MS Access supports a special procedure for creating a form. The user-friendly form design interface allows you to customize a basic form with just a single click. Built-in program managers are a great way to change the design of forms manually and customize the access form from scratch.

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