
How to clear the cache in Google Chrome and why is it necessary? How to clear the cache in Google Chrome on different OSes? Where is the google chrome cache located?

The most popular Internet browser among users, Chrome, like any other, has a built-in tool for quickly clearing the cache.

You can easily go to your browser settings and use it to clear data for any period of time you define or for your entire time browsing the Internet.

One small disadvantage of this tool, at first glance, is that in this way it helps the user to get rid of accumulated data from all websites indiscriminately. And if you want to do cleaning for one specific site, then the browser, it would seem, does not have any controls for these purposes.

But this is not true, it is possible to delete the cache for one website selected by the user. The Ctrl + F5 key combination on the keyboard will not work for these purposes; when they are used, the Internet resource page will be hard reloaded, but the local Cache will remain unchanged.

One hack comes to the rescue, the implementation of which will become possible if the Developer Tools are required. Read on to learn more about how you can do this!


Open Chrome, go to the website whose Cache you want to clear and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I to activate the Developer Console or look for the option to enable it in “ Additional tools” “Settings and Google management Chrome.”

After that, right-click on the reboot button located near the address bar, from the three context menu options that appear, select “Clear cache and hard reset” and click it.

All is ready! Please note that this menu will not appear until you launch the Developer Tools. This concludes the instructions!

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Google Chrome uses cache memory to store various temporary information. The browser saves here all the images, website pages, videos and audio tracks that users include while browsing the Internet. Thanks to this system, repeated viewing of content will be much faster. In addition, thanks to cache, the load on the Internet channel is reduced and system resources personal computer. This article describes how to view and clear the cache memory of the Google Chrome browser, as well as how to increase the maximum allowable cache size.

Size this file strictly limited. Therefore, new data is saved instead of the oldest, deleting the previous ones. This process occurs continuously while you work with Google Chrome. However, if during such a replacement some kind of failure occurs on the computer or in Chrome itself, the information may be damaged. This will lead to the fact that the browser may begin to work incorrectly - video and audio will slow down or not load at all, pages will begin to freeze.

To fix this problem, you just need to clear the Google cache. To clear it, you need to go to your browser settings:

Typically, cleaning only takes a few seconds. It will also be useful to clean the Chrome browser in this way every few weeks for more stable operation of the browser.

In the same way, you can clear your browsing history, saved passwords, and data for autofilling text fields, as well as clear cookies from various sites.

View content

Before you start clearing your data, you can find out what files are currently cached in Chrome. The browser has a special interface for viewing. To do this, launch your browser and enter “chrome://cache/” or “about:cache” in the address bar. Press Enter to go to the service page. Here you will see a list of all the information stored on your drive. Unfortunately, it is not possible to clear individual records through this service.

How to increase cache size

Google Chrome does not have built-in tools for adjusting cache size. However, users can increase it in another way - manually through the shortcut settings. To do this you will need to do the following:

To return the settings to their defaults, you simply need to clear the changes you made to the object's properties.

Many sources recommend clearing the cache in Google Chrome to hide illegal activities on the Internet. Believe me, if you are so prepared to bypass organs on turns, this is not an option. More reliable hard disks put the computer under an asphalt roller, cook the result in boiling oil, and then throw it all into different trash cans. If you want to hide from the prying eyes of your boss or family, then clear your browsing history!

What the browser actually uses free space for, and how to clear the cache in Chrome, read this article.

Why clear the cache

Cache is data once downloaded from the network to a computer or mobile device. For example, you are watching a movie on YouTube. To avoid problems with unstable Internet or system lags, the part of the movie that you have not yet seen is loaded into memory. And if there is no Internet for some time, playback will not stop, but what was previously saved will be played. This data goes into the cache. The browser also drops pictures, music and other information there.

The results of intermediate Google Chrome calculations are also stored in the cache. Clearing the cache means deleting all information that the system worked with previously. The browser stores a large amount of data that may never be needed. For example, you visited the website of an online store, but you didn’t like it. You will never go there again, but the data will remain gathering dust on the device.

Another source of a swollen cache is PC crashes when it suddenly turns off. Chrome does not have time to remove what is not needed at all. The next time you launch the browser, it leaves this information and forgets about it. For desktop computers and laptops big size temporary files are not as critical as for mobile devices.

If we consider budget smartphone on Android, the browser storage size can take up to 10-15% of the gadget’s built-in memory. For PCs on mechanical hard drives, it is not the volume of information that is important, but the fact that it is stored in many small files. This increases disk fragmentation and slows down the system.

Another problem that cache causes is difficulties in the operation of the site. When the system has a loaded part of a web page, Chrome will not update it. And if the download fails, or an error occurs during operation, then the site will not execute correctly. And until the data in the cache is updated, the system will not stabilize.

To summarize, the browser cache needs to be cleared. Depends on:

  1. The amount of free space in the system.
  2. Fragmentation of PC disks.
  3. Stability of sites.

The frequency with which cleaning should be carried out depends on the load on the browser. You shouldn’t go to extremes: remove once a day, or once a year. Throw out trash on Mondays every week for an active workstation. Or at the end of the month, if Chrome is not under heavy load. This is quite enough for stable operation of the device.

How to delete cache on PC

There are three ways to clear the cache in Google Chrome:

  1. Through Google browser Chrome.
  2. Clear the cache using PC optimization software.
  3. Manually.

Manual cleaning- the most radical of the proposed methods. You see what is in the cache folder and is guaranteed to delete its contents. At Windows settings By default, the cache is located in the directory: “C:\Users\_User_\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\UserData\Default\Cache>”. Delete the contents of the folder to remove cached files.

Programs to remove cache perform not only the assigned task, but also carry out general preventative maintenance of the PC List of popular optimizers:

  1. CCleaner
  2. Tuneup utilities.
  3. Advanced system care.

These programs start working after installation. In versions from the manufacturer, deleting the cache is immediately set in the settings. An undoubted advantage of such utilities is monitoring the state of the system in real time.

Google Chrome Tools allow you to get rid of the cache without leaving the browser. Go to your browser settings (click on the icon with three dots in the upper corner of the program window and select “Settings”). Enter “Cache” in the search bar and click on “Clear history.” In the window that opens, check the box about clearing the cache, uncheck the other boxes if you do not intend to delete the rest of the information. Click Clear History.

How to clear cache on mobile devices

For smartphones and tablets, you can create the same cleaning instructions, but they will be crafty. Optimizer utilities work on one mobile phone and do nothing on another. I don’t believe in deleting from Chrome - it’s difficult to check the result. Manual cleaning is the easiest and most effective way:

  • Curtain down.
  • Settings.
  • Applications.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Clear cache.

A few swipes across the screen, a couple of taps, and Chrome is guaranteed to be left without a cache. Out of curiosity, you can see how much space is occupied by Chrome before cleaning.

By performing regular system maintenance, in particular clearing the cache in the Google Chrome browser, you increase the stability of the device and free up disk space. This does not require special knowledge, but basic skills are enough.

What could home and browser have in common? Right. Comfort and order. Both in the apartment and in the web browser, everything should be in its place. You come home and immerse yourself in the native element of your living area. Turn on your computer, open your browser and rush into a world known only to you and no one else. At the same time, you want to feel comfortable. After all, it is not very comfortable to live in an uncleaned apartment, and you will have difficulty moving around. And in order to turn the house into a beautiful and free home, you need to put things in order.

The same can be said about your favorite page viewer, which you never part with and surf the Internet every day. It is enough to clear the cache in Chrome or any other browser, and everything will work like clockwork, and your comfortable mood will remain at its best. After all, this is the only program with which you can do everything: visit a boutique abroad fashionable clothes, buy Swiss watches without leaving your computer, relax in peace virtual games and cinema. Tell me, what viewer do you use? For example, here is my favorite browser - It meets all the standards for fast and reliable online work. And now I want to tell you, in Chrome, so that it responds to your requests regularly and carefully. After all, having put things in order there, you will immediately feel the difference before and after.

For example, even a child can use Google Chrome. This action consists of five mouse movements:

  1. The first thing is to go to “Settings”.
  2. Secondly, select the “History” item.
  3. Third, select “Clear history”.
  4. Fourth, in the window that opens, check the box next to “Clear cache.” Here you can choose how long you want to get rid of outdated luggage - for the past hour or for yesterday, for a week or for all time. You can safely delete collection segments for the entire time.
  5. Fifth, click the “Clear history” button.

That's it, you coped with this task perfectly - how to clear the cache in Chrome. The task seems to be simple, but not everyone knows what kind of cache this is and why it needs to be cleared. And here I would like to say that this element in the browser it serves as a kind of container where all information from visited web resources is added and accumulated. Over time, such accumulations become numerous, and instability of work and low speed Internet programs. That is why every user must know how to clear the cache in Chrome.

The instability lies in the fact that when opening pages, the browser draws the latest information from the container’s memory, and therefore sometimes various troubles arise, for example, the page does not update. This often happens to web builders. They make websites, and every time there is a change in the code or design, they have to update the page for viewing. And difficulties in work are manifested in the slow and long opening of the same pages. Sometimes, when opening a web resource, the wheel in the browser tab spins for a long time, and instead of the long-awaited game portal, a white canvas appears with the inscription “ Not Found", which means "Not found". To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly clean your browser cache.

Now that you know how to clear the cache in Chrome, you can do this operation and in any other browser you use.


Cleaning the Google Chrome browser can be done using standard means programs. Open the browser using the appropriate shortcut or item in the Start menu.

Left-click on the icon that calls context menu browser and located in the upper right corner of the program window, to the right of the address bar. In the list that appears, select “Tools” - “Delete browsing data.”

A list of parameters that can be deleted will appear in the window. Mark the items you need by clicking on the data type line to delete.

The “Clear” line will help you delete information about visited pages. As a rule, this section contains the most data. The “Clear download history” item will delete the list of downloaded files.

Clicking on “Clear cookies and other data from sites and plug-ins”, you will delete data about entered forms, settings for automatic login to various sites, etc. The cache contains downloaded pages, a copy of which remains in this section of the browser and is used to load resources faster.

“Clear saved passwords” - deletes the passwords that you have saved for logging in with the browser automatically indicating your login and password. “Clear saved form autofill data” - deletes data containing your name, e-mail, last name, residential address, etc. – the data that you have ever entered into forms on websites.

The “Delete hosted application data” section will help you clear the settings of program plugins installed on your computer. The “Revoke license authorization for content” item will remove the list of verified resources. You can also specify the time period for which you need to erase data.

After the piece required settings Click “Clear history” and wait until the procedure is completed. Restart your browser to apply the changes. File deletion is complete.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers. It is quite easy to use, loads pages quickly, and search queries can be entered directly in the address bar. And, of course, like any other browser, Google Chrome periodically needs to clear its cache.


All browsers, including Chrome, store some information on the hard drive during operation. This allows previously viewed pages to load faster, saving not only time, but also money for users with megabyte plans. Sometimes you may need to clear the cache to free up space on your hard drive and increase the speed of your computer.

Each browser has its own cache clearing system. In order to do this in Google Chrome, you need to perform the following sequence of actions: close the browser by clicking on the cross located in the upper right corner of the program window, and then open it again with one empty tab. Select "Google Chrome Control Settings" from the browser's main menu. Then click “Clear browsing data” (also known as “Clear browsing data”). You can also replace these actions with the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del.

In the window that opens with commands, check the following boxes: clear download history, clear browsing history, clear cache, delete cookies. You can also remove saved passwords and clear form data at your discretion. After that, select the period for which you would like to delete information and click “Clear browsing data.”

There is another way to clear the Google Chrome cache. At the top right of the browser, click on the wrench. In the window that opens, select “Options”, and in the next window, select “Advanced”. Next, you need to click the “Delete browsing data” button, after which the “Clear browsing data” window will open. Then, as in the first method, you can select those items that you would like to delete.

If you decide to cancel the operation, use the Close button to exit the settings menu.

Chrome is a popular browser Google, initially aimed at speed, security and correct display of sites. It has an ascetic interface and simple functionality that can be expanded big amount additions. All this allows you to build a lightweight browser that is maximally adapted to the user’s tasks.

You will need

  • Computer, Google Chrome browser


Clearing the Chrome cache is done using the Clear History window. Open it through the menu by clicking on the small wrench. It is located to the right of the browser's address bar. Point the arrow at the "Tools" item. Click “Delete browsing data.”

Check the data you want to delete. If you only need to delete the cache to free up hard drive space or reload a malfunctioning Flash application, check the "Clear cache" checkbox and uncheck all other items. In this case, html pages, images, videos, flash files and downloaded scripts saved in the Chrome cache will be deleted. But your personal data, such as saved passwords, cookies and pages visited, will remain and continue to work.

Then select a period. To clear the cache completely, click “all time” in the drop-down list. Click the Clear History button and the Chrome cache will be deleted.

When you need to clear the Chrome cache because it grows very large over time, limit it using the launch key. To do this, open the properties of the “Chrome” shortcut and add the key in the “Object” field:

Where, 31457280 is the required cache size in bytes (Here 30 MB. 1 MB = 1048576 ≈ 1000000 bytes). The key must be separated by a space from the Chrome launch path. You cannot specify the cache size through the settings.

You can also set Chrome to automatic cleaning cache while it is being closed. To do this, install the Click&Clean extension. Then click its icon on the “Toolbar”. Click the gear icon - “Settings”. Select "Clean up when you close the browser." Uncheck "Disable". Expand Chrome and check the boxes for the data that you want to delete when you close the browser. Expand the “Advanced” item and configure the removal of flash and silverlight cookies.

The settings are saved automatically and take effect immediately after changes. Close the settings tab and check their operation.


  • how to clear cache in chrome in 2018

The Google Chrome browser is quite easy to use, but any browser eventually begins to slow down and even suddenly stop working or display some sites inadequately. Why is this happening? One of possible reasons– loading the browser cache with data about visited website pages, so as not to download them again each time. This data accumulates over several weeks, or even months, if preventive cleaning is not carried out. You need to periodically remove unnecessary information from the cache.

How to find the settings control panel in Chrome?

To clear the cache memory in the Chrome browser, first of all, you need to close all tabs with loaded website pages. The next step is to find the Google Chrome Settings and Control Panel. This panel opens by clicking on the button with three horizontal stripes, which is located in the upper right corner. Next, you need to select “Tools” and go to “Delete browsing data.”

The browser stores information about how the pages of all sites that were opened in it look. This is necessary to increase the speed of Chrome. But if a lot of pages were opened, the memory becomes overloaded.

An additional window will appear with several items in front of which you need to check or remove them. If you only need to clear the cache, you should check the box only there, and delete the rest by clicking on each one with the mouse.

What settings are associated with the cache clearing procedure?

Next, you need to pay attention to the tab at the top of the window, which prompts you to select the period during which the Chrome browser collected information that filled the cache memory. You can delete only data received during the previous hour, day, week or month, or you can clear the entire browser cache at once by selecting the “All time” operation.

Now all that remains is to click on the button at the bottom of the window that says “Clear history”. The whole procedure will then take a split second, and the window will disappear. You can continue to use your browser as usual.

Clearing the cache will not deprive the user of the necessary information; the result will only be an increase in the speed of the browser.

What else will help speed up your browser?

For security purposes, it is possible that were entered anywhere through the browser, if they are saved (set in the settings).

Download history is a list of files that have ever been saved through the downloader of the Google Chrome browser. This list can also be deleted so as not to overload the browser with unnecessary information. The files themselves will not disappear; they will remain on the computer’s hard drive.

It's also a good idea to periodically delete the cookies that some web resources store on your computer. These files contain information about what language the user prefers to view pages on the Internet in, what he asked in the search, and from what region he usually accesses the Internet. In some ways, these tracking modules are useful, they make browsing the Internet more convenient, but not always, so the cookies also have to be cleared.


  • Video with instructions for clearing the cache in Google Chrome
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