
Connection via usb ssd disk. Lifehack. Connect the SSD drive to USB. Disassembling a USB drive

You will need an SSD, a piece of wire with a USB connector, and blue electrical tape. Will this set of “ingredients” suit you for assembling an external USB SSD? I’m not here, and I offer you a solution to the problem using improvised means, but the result should be no worse than the factory one. The problem is actually minor and can easily be solved in other ways, but it does require a trip to the store or waiting for delivery.

I found an unclaimed SSD with a SATA III interface and the idea came up to use it as an external high-speed drive. What is it for? You can install a second one on it operating system, you can record project files when processing video or photos, you can use it as a high-speed flash drive if you have to carry it often large files between work and home laptops.

Selecting a connection interface

My laptop doesn't have SATA inputs, but it does have USB 3.0. Their operating speed is approximately the same - 5 Gbit/s on USB3.0 and 6 Gbit/s on SATA 3.0, but USB is much more widespread and universal, there will be no problems with finding a device to connect it to. This determined the choice of connection interface.

The theoretically achievable speed of USB 3.0 is 640Mb/s, which is higher than the declared speed of SSD. For USB 2.0, the throughput does not exceed 60Mb/s; you will not see any difference in operation between an SSD and a regular hard drive, but if necessary, you can use this interface. This is the advantage of USB's versatility and backward compatibility.

Unfortunately, SATA and USB are not compatible with each other; you cannot connect them simply by connecting the pins. An interface converter is required for connection. The speed of operation with such an adapter will be lower than with a direct connection via SATA. In any case, it is much higher than the speed HDD operation, which will never exceed 100Mb/s, and in most operating modes it will be noticeably lower.


Previously, I used Thermaltake to connect external SATA HDDs BlacX Duet 5G HDD Docking Station. It is designed to connect two hard drives 3.5″ or 2.5″ format, the design is rather large, but quite convenient for home. Carrying it with me is not part of my plans; I need to look for another way to connect the SSD.

The easiest way was to buy a USB box for 2.5″ drives, but the solution came unexpectedly. One of the external USB drives died at work, I'll try to use it as a USB box.

Disassembly USB disk

It is better not to use metal tools for disassembly; they can easily damage the case. I use plastic spatulas from a phone repair kit.

Frame external HDD consists of two halves connected to each other with latches. Carefully separate them.

Inside is the 2.5″ HDD itself, covered with protective foil. We pry it off from the side opposite the USB connector, and the disk is easily removed from the case.

We peel off the foil along with the insulating backing, under it there is a small scarf attached to the HDD, this is the converter we need.

SATA 3 to USB 3.0 converter

The board is double-sided, factory soldered, almost perfect. One side of the board houses the main components and a USB 3.0 connector. On the left of the board there is a USB 3.0 to SATA controller – JMICRON JMS577, on the right is a microcircuit responsible for power supply.

The power and SATA 3 connectors are located on the other side.

SSD connection

We connect the converter to the SSD, the contacts match completely.

If you need to connect different drives to your computer, changing them frequently, then you can simply insulate the cardboard (it’s not for everyone, you can use electrical tape or heat shrink) and use it without a case.

Since the SSD dimensions are the same as the 2.5″ HDD, we can use its case. We insert an SSD with a connected converter into it. It stays there quite tightly.

Close the top with a lid. If you were careful and did not break the latches, the lid will close tightly.

Operation speed

All that remains is to check the functionality of the design and test the speed. I copied several video files to the SSD, and then started copying them to another folder on the same disk. The copying speed was at 164Mb/s.

If you still have questions, you can watch the video version of this article.

You can also buy ready-made USB 3.0 converters or USB boxes for 2.5″ drives.


I am quite pleased with the result; when I directly connected this SSD to SATA on the motherboard of another computer, the speed of its operation differed only slightly.

Connection various devices connecting to a computer causes difficulty for many users, especially if the device must be installed inside the system unit. In such cases, the multitude of wires and various connectors is especially intimidating. Today we will talk about how to properly connect an SSD to a computer.

So, you purchased a solid-state drive and now the task is to connect it to your computer or laptop. First, we'll talk about how to connect the drive to a computer, since there are more different nuances here, and then we'll move on to the laptop.

Connecting the SSD to the computer

Before connecting the drive to the computer, you should make sure that there is still room for it and the necessary cables. Otherwise, you will have to disable some of the installed devices– hard drives or disk drives (which work with a SATA interface).

Connecting the disk will take place in several stages:

  • Opening the system unit;
  • Consolidation;
  • Connection.

At the first stage, no difficulties should arise. You just need to unscrew the bolts and remove the side cover. Depending on the housing design, it is sometimes necessary to remove both covers.

For mounting hard drives in system unit there is a special compartment. In most cases, it is located closer to the front panel; it is almost impossible not to notice it. SSDs are usually smaller in size than magnetic disks. That is why they sometimes come with special slides that allow you to secure the SSD. If you don’t have such a sled, you can install it in the card reader compartment or come up with a more clever solution to fix the drive in the case.

Now comes the most difficult stage - directly connecting the disk to the computer. It takes some care to do it right. The fact is that in modern motherboards There are several SATA interfaces that differ in data transfer speed. And if you connect your drive to the wrong SATA, it will not work at full capacity.

In order to use the full potential of solid state drives, they must be connected to SATA interface III, which is capable of providing data transfer speeds of 600 Mbit/s. As a rule, such connectors (interfaces) are highlighted in color. We find such a connector and connect our drive to it.

Next, all that remains is to connect the power and that’s it, the SSD will be ready for use. If you are connecting the device for the first time, then do not be afraid of connecting it incorrectly. All connectors have a special key that will not allow you to insert it incorrectly.

Connecting an SSD to a laptop

Installing a solid state drive in a laptop is somewhat easier than in a computer. The difficulty here is usually to open the laptop lid.

In most models, the hard drive bays have their own cover, so there is no need to completely disassemble the laptop.

We find the required compartment, unscrew the bolts and carefully disconnect the hard drive and insert the SSD in its place. As a rule, all the connectors here are rigidly fixed, so to disconnect the drive, you need to move it a little to the side. To connect, on the contrary, slightly move it towards the connectors. If you feel that the disc is not inserted, then you should not use excessive force; perhaps you are simply inserting it incorrectly.

Ultimately, having installed the drive, all that remains is to securely fix it, and then tighten the laptop case.


Now, guided by these short instructions, you can easily figure out how to connect drives not only to a computer, but also to a laptop. As you can see, this is done quite simply, which means that almost anyone can install a solid-state drive.

Often, when working with a PC, we encounter problems that we did not expect. For example, we don't know how to connect an SSD drive to a computer. It would seem that the matter is not at all difficult, but it requires care and correct actions. Therefore, if you decide to carry components or assemble a PC yourself, then you will need to know everything about such minor difficulties.

For what?

Upgrading your computer is always a responsible matter. Not all users are ready to do this. Firstly, you need to have a good understanding of components and understand compatibility different devices, understand new products. Secondly, in addition to this, significant financial investments are needed, since the better the product, the more expensive it is accordingly.

In this case, everyone will need to learn how to connect an SSD drive to a computer. This is also necessary for those who decided to assemble a PC themselves, or for those whose hard drive “passed away.” There are a lot of instructions on this issue on the Internet, so let’s get started.


Before we begin to understand this issue, we need to tell those who do not know anything about SSDs.

It is a solid state drive, which is a non-mechanical storage device. It is based on a memory chip. The device arrived at HDD replacement. Although it is impossible to say so unequivocally, since many experienced users They prefer to install both HDD and solid state drive in their PC.

As a result, sometimes this device becomes the main one, replacing the place of the hard drive, sometimes auxiliary. In the second case, the system is loaded onto it, and personal information is stored on the hard drive.


Now, not everyone needs to learn how to connect an SSD drive to a SATA computer, since most users still use this device in compact devices: tablets, etc.

However, in desktop computers it can also be installed because it brings additional benefits. Most importantly, it improves system performance. Compared to traditional hard drives, it is smaller in size and weight and has increased performance. Moreover, the speed turned out to be 6-7 times greater. Hence the high price for SSDs.

In addition, solid-state drives have begun to be integrated in pairs with HDDs to form hybrid hard drives. In this case, the flash memory became occupied by a buffer. Although, as mentioned earlier, sometimes it is used as a separate free space.

In addition, noiselessness has been added to the main advantages, since the device is non-mechanical and has no moving elements. Hence the high mechanical resistance. Files are read stably, without interruptions or jumps. Reading speed is close to the throughput of the interfaces.


So, how to connect an SSD to a computer? Installed using approximately the same method. Therefore, if you have ever encountered the work of a hard drive, then there will be no problems with a solid-state drive. The only difference is the dimensions. You will need to fit the smaller device into the correct slot.


To start the procedure, of course, you need to turn off your PC. To be on the safe side, it is better to do it completely unplugged. Don't forget to turn off the power supply as well. Usually the button to turn it off is located on the back, on the case.

Now you need to do the following operation: press and hold the PC power button for several seconds. This is necessary so that all the current that remains on the board and in general in the entire case disappears. This way you will de-energize all circuits and ensure your safety.

Depending on your goals, the next steps may vary. But in general, the connection principle is always the same.

Let's act

To understand where to connect the SSD drive to the computer, you need to get to the case. First you need to open it. Usually it all depends on its design. But there are always small screws to remove the left panel and get to the “insides” of the PC. There are cases that may have access to the ports from the other side, so here you need to act according to the situation.

If you are new to computer chassis design, you may have problems. But if you at least know what a hard drive looks like and can find it in a metal box, then half the battle is done.

Usually HDD placed in a special compartment. There may be several of them in the case. Made specifically for 3.5 inch HDD size. This is where you need to place the SSD.

Because the dimensions are a little different, being 2.5 inches, you'll have to bolt it down pretty well. They usually come with the device. Lately Slots for SSDs are becoming increasingly common in cases. Therefore, perhaps the task will be simplified.

When the drive is secured and well fixed, you will need to figure out how to connect the SSD drive to the computer, to the motherboard. Here the matter is somewhat more complicated, since you will have to google it or figure out the interfaces.


Next you need to take the cable that came with the drive. You will find an L-shaped port on it. This is SATA. In addition to this, you must have a power cable. It usually looks like a bunch of wires.

First you need to connect the power cable to the connector from the power supply. Then we take the SATA cable and look for the right place on the motherboard. Usually there are few options. If the board has SATA III, then it is better to use this port. If this option is not available, connect to SATA II.

Now these two wires will need to be connected directly to the SSD. A power cable is placed in the wider connector, and a SATA cable is placed in the narrow connector.

Other options

Not everyone knows, but they have been releasing SSDs of the M.2 form factor for a couple of years now. Now these models are not uncommon. Many people prefer them. In addition, newfangled motherboard models began to be equipped with a special connector specifically for this form factor.

As a result, the situation led to the fact that we need to know how to connect an SSD M2 drive to a computer. It must be said right away that this model has many variations. Therefore, the connection may be slightly different. But the main point is that, unlike the previous option, we connect the solid-state drive to the motherboard not with wires, but with the device itself.

When you see the M.2 SSD in the photo, you will understand what the point is. It is not presented in a case, like the model described above. It's done small fee, which contains memory chips. This board has special slots for installing them on the motherboard.

It is impossible to describe the connection for all cases, since there are really many options. But when you buy an M.2 SSD drive, you will have instructions that will tell you how to do it correctly.


Once you have assembled and connected everything, you can turn on the PC. While loading it, you need to call up the BIOS. You should search here AHCI mode, which is responsible for the operation of the solid-state drive.

For example, you are going to load an operating system onto an SSD. But in addition to the new drive, you already have connected hard disks. Then you will need to prioritize the devices. To do this, we put the solid-state drive first in the list. We install the ability to boot the OS from a disk or flash drive.

If you need an SSD like additional tool, then it will be enough to check that the existing railway is first in line. Otherwise, the system may simply not boot. You might want to move your OS to an SSD. In this case, after you have learned how to connect an SSD drive to a computer, you will need to perform a very extensive operation. This is a topic for another article.


When you try all the above operations using your own example, you will realize that you even know how to connect 2 SSD drives to a computer. The main thing is that there is enough space on your motherboard.

But speaking about PCs, we need to remember that initially solid-state drives began to be widely used in laptops because they are compact. Therefore, you can additionally learn how to connect an SSD to a laptop.

Of course, it is better to consider this issue with each device model, since the cases are different, and, accordingly, the placement of the disk slot is also different.

However, the main thing is to decide where the hard drive is located in your laptop. Usually, to do this you have to turn off the device and open the bottom cover. Sometimes it is completely removable, sometimes you can unscrew the compartment panels. The railway station is usually located in one of them. If you can't find it, check your laptop's manual.

It must be said right away that HDDs in laptops are the same size as SSDs - 2.5 inches. In order to remove the hard drive, you need to not just pull it out, but first pull it to the side. It is thus attached to the power and SATA connector.

Then it's a small matter - just install the solid-state drive. Don't forget to secure it with screws. Since laptops usually have one place for a hard drive, you will have to think in advance about how you will transfer the operating system: by cloning or a new installation.


You need to find out how to connect an SSD drive to a computer in advance, and not when you have unscrewed, unscrewed and disconnected everything. Sometimes you have to do additional settings, think in advance about the location of the OS.

The easiest way to do this is when you need a solid-state drive only as an auxiliary tool. Then you just need to connect it to another compartment and connector. If you want to make it your main one, then you need to read the instructions for cloning HDDs and SSDs, configure and think through everything in advance.

If you are assembling a PC from scratch and decided to simply instead hard drive install its fast “colleague”, do not forget to configure the connection in the BIOS. It is important to set the special mode and priority of the drives.


Sometimes it happens that a laptop or computer does not turn on, but the information from its disk is needed for work. Well, or you have an old hard drive lying “idle” and which would be quite nice to turn into a portable external drive.

In this short article I want to dwell on special “adapters” that allow you to connect SATA drives to a regular port Computer USB or laptop.

1) This article will only consider modern drives. They all support the SATA interface.

2) “Adapter” for connecting the drive to USB port- correctly called BOX (that’s what it will be called further in the article).

How to connect SATA HDD/ SSD drive laptop to USB (2.5 inch drive)

Disks from laptops are smaller than those from PCs (2.5 inches, on PCs 3.5 inches). As a rule, BOX (translated as “box”) for them comes without external source power supply with 2 ports for connecting to USB (the so-called “pigtail”. It is advisable to connect the drive to two USB ports, despite the fact that it will work if you connect it to only one).

What to look for when purchasing:

1) The BOX itself can have a plastic or metal case (you can choose either one, because in the event of a fall, even if the case itself is not damaged, the disk will be damaged. This means that the case will not save you in all cases...);

2) In addition, when choosing, pay attention to the connection interface: USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 can provide absolutely different speeds. By the way, for example, a BOX with USB 2.0 support when copying (or reading) information will allow you to work at a speed of no more than ~30 MB/s;

3) And one more important point is the thickness for which the BOX is designed. The fact is that 2.5 disks for laptops can have different thicknesses: 9.5 mm, 7 mm, etc. If you buy a BOX for the slim version, then you probably won’t be able to install a 9.5 mm thick disk into it!

BOX is usually disassembled quite quickly and easily. As a rule, it is held in place by 1-2 latches or screws. A typical BOX for connecting SATA drives to USB 2.0 is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Installing the disc in the BOX

When assembled, such a BOX is no different from a regular one. external hard disk. It is also convenient to carry and use for quick information exchange. By the way, it is also convenient to store on such disks backups, which are usually not needed, but if something happens they can save a lot of nerve cells :)

Rice. 2. When assembled, the HDD is no different from a regular external drive

Connecting 3.5 disks (from a computer) to a USB port

These wheels are slightly larger than 2.5 inches. USB power supply It's not enough to connect them, so they come with an additional adapter. The principle of choosing a BOX and its operation is similar to the first type (see above).

By the way, it is worth noting that a 2.5-inch drive can usually be connected to such a BOX (i.e., many of these models are universal).

Also, one more point: often manufacturers do not make any box for such drives at all - that is, you simply connect the drive to the cables, and it works (which is logical in principle - such drives can hardly be called portable, which means the box itself is usually not required).

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