
Selling Instagram header. How to make a beautiful profile on Instagram: secrets and tips. Making a profile on Instagram

The Instagram interface is radically different from the interfaces of other social networks. It automatically opens the profile in “layout” mode, without post texts - the user sees only visuals. Their combination with each other and the general appearance profiles are called the fashionable word layout.

It is important that it is harmonious and thoughtful. A beautiful visual will encourage users to subscribe even without a detailed view of the account, will improve the usability of the profile and reduce the CPA (cost per action), i.e., with the same budget, the number of subscriptions will increase.

What should be the layout on Instagram?

A good layout has two main criteria:

  • compliance with the brand’s identity - corporate style;
  • compliance with certain patterns that work for visual attractiveness and improved perception.

Let's look at each of these criteria in more detail.

Compliance of the profile with the corporate style of the brand

The corporate identity of any brand usually consists of the following elements:

But this does not mean that the Instagram profile should be identical to the website or, for example, POS materials (materials that help promote a brand or product at points of sale). You can modify it, add something new, but you should completely forget about it!

For example, if the site design looks like this:

An Instagram profile identity could be like this:

Compliance with certain patterns

Main rule: no one forbids you to come up with new profile design options, combine them with each other and apply them to any elements - arrange text, colors, certain templates or compositions of your posts according to these schemes.

So, what options are there for profile design?

1. Choosing a single color palette

If all the photos in your profile are completely different and there is no single concept, this option is ideal. The only thing you need to do is think about how the photos will combine with each other and look together. For example, you can design a profile in one color scheme.

However, if you have not just a travel blog, but a sales page, this will not be enough. It is important that the user has something to grab onto. To do this, use standard composition principles that are usually used in product photography.

Any correct composition contains:

  • focus point- the item you want to focus on, for example your product;
  • props- surrounding objects that create a plot and atmosphere and, if positioned correctly, direct the eye to the focal point;
  • negative space- the background on which the gaze rests. On the one hand, it gives the picture “air”, makes the frame less overloaded, and on the other hand, it gives it a plot and atmosphere.

senior strategist ORM Ingate

These same compositional elements can be considered in relation to the profile as a whole. For example, use subject (perhaps even catalog) photos as focal points, lifestyle photos with your product as “props” and thematic/entertainment content as negative space.

The product can be depicted in any photo, but depending on how it is photographed and what role it plays in the frame, the image as a whole in relation to the profile will play one of the above roles: focal point, props, negative space.

You can also focus on the colors. For example, keep the focal points bright and the negative space neutral.

2. Placing content diagonally

This is one of the simplest and most commonly used types of layout. Place text and photos with similar content or composition diagonally, and you will be happy! :-)

3. Placing content in a checkerboard pattern

Everything is simple here too. However, the look is very attractive.

4. Placing content in thematic blocks

You can also add dividing stripes with the title of this block to thematic blocks. This option is perfect for those who use Instagram as a sales tool and rarely update their profile.

senior strategist ORM Ingate

Usually, in response to the proposal to post content in thematic blocks, we hear concerns that when you start posting dividing posts, they will irritate users. But they won't.

Thanks to the archiving feature, this point can be easily circumvented.

How to do it?

1. Post the posts of the dividing block and immediately archive them (perhaps someone will see them in the feed, but these will be only a few).

2. After some time (preferably from several days to a week), return these posts from the archive (they will appear on your profile, but will not appear in the user feed).

3. Then simply post content related to this block.

5. Placing content on lines

With this layout, you can tell your story to users. And they will be able to read it like a book, line by line, from left to right.

By the way, many large brands use this layout. For example, Bentley and Furla:

6. Placing content in vertical lines

Make a contrasting line from your posts and position it vertically in the center or to the side. It will “pull” users along with it, forcing them to dive deeper into your profile. You can also organize all your content along lines.

7. Gradient placement of content

With such a display, all photos should contain bright color accents, which will gradually and smoothly replace each other, flowing into one another. However, in this case there are two options:

1. You can post photos in colored stripes, following the order of colors in the rainbow.

2. Or post a photo in such a way that the ribbon shimmers in different colors like a precious crystal.

The main thing is that all transitions are smooth. For example, in one photo the dominant color is pink, and in the next you want the main color to be green. In this case, make sure that the photo with green also contains pink, but in a small concentration.

8. Posting content in the form of a puzzle

To do this, you need to make a whole picture, and then break it down into details. The option is when you first create individual posts, and then arrange them in a certain sequence - incorrect.

The main thing is that each detail looks like an independent image and carries a certain semantic load.

Let's look at examples.


It is worth saying that this option may also exist. But only if you are going to use the puzzle picture as a dividing block, for example, to distinguish between old and new clothing collections.

In any case, in order not to irritate users with photographs of some body parts and individual details, it is better to archive such posts immediately after posting and retrieve them from the archive a little later.

And finally: don’t be afraid to experiment and mix styles. In this case, the Dolce Gabbana brand is a great example.

Create your own unique layout that will attract attention and be remembered among other similar profiles :-) Remember, Instagram is a place where your company will be judged by its cover.

How to design a profile header on Instagram? How to do beautiful hat yourself and what to write in it? Find out everything about this design option for your page in this article.

Whether to believe in love at first sight or not is a personal matter. But scientists have already proven that the first impression is the strongest. This clearly works on social networks. Therefore, an Instagram profile header made according to all the rules will definitely bring you new subscribers. And many people need an increase in audience not only for pleasure, but also for earning money.

What to write in the Instagram header to attract potential subscribers? A regular profile contains the following information:

    Photo (avatar) of the owner (we'll talk about it later);

    In large font and at the top - nickname (user name);

    Smaller name (can be replaced with a nickname or use a line for business purposes);

Accounts for business or blogging will have more buttons or lines. We'll tell you more about them below. Now let’s look at what to write in the Instagram header literally line by line.

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    The username, or nickname, should be simple and easy to remember. Thanks to this, you will make life easier for both yourself and future subscribers. Sometimes you have to type a nickname in order, for example, to recover the password for a page or return it after hacking. It will be difficult if the username contains 15-20 characters. When you only need to write 5-7 letters, it’s easier to find you through search. So the simpler and shorter the nickname, the better. If this is a personal page, use an abbreviation of your real name or a nickname. For commercial accounts, you can come up with a nickname indicating your occupation. For example, qleanlife is cleaning services.

    You can type up to 30 characters in the “Name” line. Information from here is also taken into account search engine site. Therefore, it is logical to give your real name (if, of course, you want to be found). But, for example, write it not in Latin letters, but in Cyrillic. Or use this line to place a query by which clients will find you. Let’s say it’s “Cosmetologist Tatouage Saratov”.

    For the “About Me” text, you can use 150 characters. This is enough to briefly describe what you do, give keywords. On a commercial page, your company’s slogan, some operating principles, and an offer for clients, for example, a free service in exchange for a subscription, would be appropriate. If there is enough space, give options for communication, address or opening hours.

As already mentioned, an account for business (a blog falls into the same category) allows you to place a little more information in the profile header. A link to the Facebook page will automatically appear there. And in front of the publication feed there are two buttons for communication. One with a phone, the second for email address. At your request, you can write the contacts specified for registration, or others.

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That's all you can fit in your Instagram header. Next we will figure out how to present this information beautifully and give good and not so good examples. If you intend to learn more about social networks, check out the website It offers many life hacks and reveals the secrets of the most popular online communities.

Before continuing the conversation about how to make a header on Instagram, let's think about why we are paying so much attention to this topic. Why is this even needed? Social media promotion specialists assure that if such information is presented correctly, you will be able to promote yourself faster. The reasons are as follows:

    Your page will be the first to be returned by the search engine;

    A well-written and designed text will attract new subscribers;

    Subscribers, having become acquainted with business information, will become customers.

If you're having trouble filling out these required fields, take a look at how others are doing it. experienced users. You don't have to learn from the stars. It’s just not very important for them how to make a header on Instagram and how to decorate it. A photo and a name will be enough from a celestial being. But they don’t neglect the opportunity to write the phone number of their agent or manager. Provide coordinates for potential advertisers.

So, Instagram headers are examples worthy of imitation. Let's consider the option personal profile, but aimed at making money. The artist paints canvases and looks for buyers on social networks. Contact is offered via email.

And this is a page of a public (group), so instead of a name, its name. Age restrictions, contact channels, hashtag and Internet address are indicated. And just below, in the “Current” section, the price list for placing advertising content is posted.

From the screenshots above, it is immediately clear that these users are trying to maintain their account correctly. They want to succeed and have taken care of how to design their Instagram header. Now let’s give an example of a careless attitude towards your page. Or this is a bot account, or maybe a fake one.

It's time to talk about profile photos. This is one of the main questions for those who are thinking about how to design a header on Instagram. You can post comprehensive information about yourself, publish great photos/videos, but subscribers won’t come to you if your avatar (photo) has a bad image. After all, this is exactly what they see when they first meet you, before even going to your page. So the more attractive the picture, the more clicks you will get.

There are only two options for an avatar: on personal pages or blogger pages it is customary to give your own image, on commercial or group pages - the logo of a company, a public page, or a typical product. Choose a high-quality photo where you (or the subject) look most advantageous, “glossy”. You can put on something intriguing and unusual. You can take a photo with the attributes of your craft or business.

The worst thing you can do is leave this circle empty or put a vague, uninformative picture from the Internet there.

Beautiful headers on Instagram also include a non-standard original font in which you write information on your profile. Eat special programs and applications for carrying out such a task. In addition, you can and should dilute the text with cute pictures, emojis and emoticons to match the topic. Just don't go overboard using them and don't replace entire text with them. Otherwise, discrepancies and misunderstandings will arise. You can use a picture to mark each new line in the description.

Another option to increase the attractiveness of your profile is to post stories (we talk about them separately) in the “Relevant” section. These are bright circles that are located immediately below the description and in front of the publication feed. Unlike fleeting Stories, they live forever until you decide to delete them.

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Such albums can not only serve as page decoration, but also perform important functions. You can put a price list in them, give a catalog, show a master class, report the results of a promotion, competition or drawing, tell about yourself and your business, and answer questions from subscribers. If you have been running Instagram for a long time and have accumulated a lot of material, it is very convenient to place a guide to the page among the current stories. Classify publications by hashtag headings and create a rubricator. The links will work inside your account, and subscribers will easily find what they are interested in.

Feedback from clients or customers can also be presented in the form of an eternal story. Collect them together from time to time and add the publication not only to your feed, but also to Stories, and then save it in “Relevant”.

Judge for yourself, it will take very little time to make an Instagram header according to all the rules. You will spend no more than half an hour on this, and you will make your account attractive for at least six months or a year. Experts advise occasionally making changes to this information.

Many users, when creating an Instagram account, want it to be beautiful, memorable and actively attract new subscribers. But for this you need to try, devoting time to the correct design.

There is no single recipe for properly designing an Instagram account, but there are still some tips that you can follow to make your account look really interesting.

When a user visits your Instagram profile, they should immediately have an idea of ​​what this page is about, who its owner is, and how to contact him.

Enter your name

If the profile is personal, then you should indicate your name in the profile. If the profile is impersonal, for example, is a tool for promoting goods and services, then instead of the name you will need to indicate the name of your online store.

Add a description

The description will be visible on home page profile. This is a kind of business card, so the information presented in the description should be short, succinct and vivid.

As a result, the description in the application looks like this:

Place the description in the center

As a result, our name and description look like this in the application:

Add a Contact button

Most likely, you want to make a high-quality profile in order to promote goods and services, which means that potential buyers and customers should easily and quickly reach you. To do this you should add a button "Contact", under which you can place the required information: your location, phone number and email address.

Provide an active link

If you have your own website, be sure to place an active link in your profile so that users can instantly go to it.

An avatar is an integral element of creating a quality profile. The photo placed on the avatar must meet several criteria:

  • Be of good quality. Despite the fact that the Instagram avatar is very small, this photo card is clearly visible, which means it must be of decent quality and taken in good lighting.
  • Do not contain unnecessary elements. The photo installed on the avatar is very small, so users should immediately understand what is shown in it, which means it is desirable for the photo to be minimalistic.
  • You should use a unique image as your avatar. Do not use pictures from the Internet that are set as avatars for thousands of users. Consider that an avatar is your logo, so just from one avatar the user should immediately understand whose page this is.
  • Be in the appropriate format. All avatars on Instagram are round, which means this point must be taken into account. It is advisable if you use any mobile photo editor to first crop the photo, making it square, and then set the modified result as your profile photo.
  • If you have an impersonal profile, then you should use a logo as an avatar. If there is no logo, it is better to draw one or use any suitable photo that matches the theme of your profile as a basis.

Changing the avatar

All Instagram users love not only informative, but also beautiful pages. Look at popular accounts - almost every one of them shows uniform style image processing.

For example, when editing a photo before publishing, you can use the same filter or add interesting frames, for example, making the image round.

To edit photos, try using the following applications:

The problem of writing about yourself on Instagram arises among users who want to convert a page to a blog or create an online business. Owners of personal accounts just need to enter their name and age, as well as some facts about themselves.

Features of the “Description” block

Here are some options for what you can write about yourself on Instagram:

The choice of information for the header depends on the orientation of the page. Suitable for business profiles: name of organization or store, contact methods, short advertisement. Owners of personal blogs should approach the description creatively: use emoticons, interesting titles and links for cooperation.

To block " About Me» contains only 150 characters, but with the help of business profile functions the amount of information can be increased. To use additional space:

  1. Switch from personal to business profile.
  2. Go to " Edit page».
  3. Scroll to section " Address».
  4. Insert pre-prepared text.
  5. Enter the city - confirm with " Ready" And " Save».

The maximum volume of an additional block is about 500 characters. In this case, the address itself will not be specified correctly. The function is suitable for owners of personal blogs and those who promote services on Instagram.

Creating a profile is an important step in gaining greater audience coverage, sales and attracting potential clients. Three reasons why it is important to fill out the page description:

To create an attractive design, we recommend permanent Stories located in the “Current” section. The owner of the page can create subcategories and post any events there, just like in Stories.

Circles with already published photos will appear under the page description. Photos will not disappear after 24 hours.

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  • Powerful upgrade of Instagram account

The description line displays the user's name. These are the first words listed before the information itself, in bold. It is recommended to indicate the profile owner's activities.

How to write a description for an online store

For business accounts there are additional tools: link to site, address. In addition to filling out the description, it is important to indicate the geolocation and URL to the official portal (if there is one).

How to write a description:

  • indicate opening hours and response from the manager: “We will respond within 15 minutes”;
  • distinctive features: “We sell cosmetics from Korea from official manufacturers”;
  • pricing policy: “Our prices are lower than on Aliexpress”;
  • gratitude: “We are glad to every client.”

You must indicate the cost of goods both in publications and in the description. The page visitor will know what prices await him and whether he needs to order. Most buyers leave if they didn’t find the answer about the price in the comments or in the description under the product, you can try connecting shopping tags.

Also, the owner of an Instagram store can indicate the following features:

  • You will find us at the address (put an arrow emoticon or enter a geolocation) and a bright sign at the entrance;
  • In our store you will be offered free coffee;
  • New deliveries: every Tuesday and Thursday.

That is, brief information that will be an additional incentive to order or visit the store at the specified address.

Everyone says that they value people not for their appearance, but their content is much more important. But it is foolish to argue that we mainly form opinions by trusting our first impression. Same with social networks. Instagram is primarily a platform for visual pleasure. This may be the main difference between this platform.

When a user logs into your profile, the first thing he sees is the profile header. It is from these 150 characters that his first impression is formed. Of course, the design of the account in terms of color and harmony is also important, but he will still see the description earlier.

Basic information in the header helps people find you in search engines. This greatly influences a potential client/customer's decision to contact you. The hat should sell you. You need to write something interesting and memorable, something that will set you apart from a million other users. It's like a trailer for a movie, a preview. Here you immediately understand to scroll further or stop and pay attention.

Often, a person either doesn’t bother with a beautiful design, or simply doesn’t know how to do it successfully. By designing your profile header correctly, it will work for you and automatically promote you.

How to make a profile header correctly?

  • Profile name.
    The first thing we see and remember is the name in bold black letters. The information provided here will be indexed by Instagram search. In , you should not write your first and last name (unless you are Buzova, of course). It is unlikely that an ordinary user will look for you by last name, and if you are also Ivanov, how many of them are there on the Internet? Specify the profile name for the query by which they will search for you potential clients and subscribers.
    For example:
    Kids toys; Flowers Moscow; Copywriter.

    We can say that this applies more to those who sell something. If you run a personal blog, you can try to use your name and develop it as your own brand. But remember, you can always come up with a memorable nickname.

  • Profile description.
    Write about yourself. If you run a business account, offer or sell something, then write down exactly what services you provide. Please indicate a specific region/city. Add a link to your website and leave your contact information, whether you deliver, etc. Include only basic information, and include what you additionally need to know.
    For example: price, reviews, check list.

    If you have personal blog, write your name, if you haven’t used it before in your nickname. Determine the main topics of your blog, indicate your feature, the main difference. The description should reflect the essence of your page and the motivation to subscribe. You can place hashtags as navigation through your account and contact information in case of proposals for cooperation.

How to write a profile description?

The posted information should not only be informative, but readable and beautiful. Users often encounter problems with wrapping characters or structuring paragraphs.

Instagram really doesn't allow you to use transfer. In order to insert problems into the page description, you can either copy it () and then paste it into the desired place. Or, as an option, write the text in your phone notes and copy it from there, already formatted. Also, use emoji to separate text.

It would seem simple. Stop pouring water and writing words for the sake of words. It seems like some people just want to fill out all 150 characters. Don't write what others might say about themselves. Happy mother and wife - banal, I write competently and knit with love - but what in the world do others do differently?

Among all the abundance, it is not at all easy to stand out. It’s enough just to show that you are cool and worth following. Use the advice and write wisely!

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